Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Akayaofthemoon
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Aquamarine looked to Evenkite and shook her head, "You are only as small as you feel." she answered before talking a pause to take a breath before continuing, "My name is Aquamarine. You may not know me yet or trust me but believe me when I say that those bots are just the beginning. If anything those were sent to investigate, probably thinking we were human like this human here but hope that were all new born gems and easy to capture. The people giving those bots orders will not stop. I know this because I wasn't born here in Kindergarten like you all were but on Home World, where our kind comes from. Home World gems use to make new gems here...I will explain more once we are out of this place, I don't want to chance that they have stronger bots at the ready or worse." She didn't even want to think of the fact that maybe Home World gems might decide to check it out in person. "The only problem is that I am not sure how we can move this one." Aquamarine frowned, patting Emerald's shoulder.
She looked to Sodalite and nodded, "Take what you wish but don't you want to summon your own weapon? It might be hard to get out of here and carry all those."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by HaltingBlooper
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HaltingBlooper Mudkips. I herd u liek dem.

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"If you're talking about the short one pretending to be a spirit," Emerald said sleepily before continuing, "She seems too stupid to plan something like that..heheh.......SNOORRRRRRRRRREEEEEEE." Emerald woke up and opened his eyes, dimming them so not to blind anybody, "What..oh, right. We should probably get out of here, in all seriousness. If we stay here we will just be easy to find and pick off. I mean, we don't have our main muscle and I'm stuck in this statue, and that guy could just send 10 more spider robots. And unless any of you can take care of being outnumbered 2 to one by six-foot spider robots, we should really leave. You can just carry me and put Amber in a place in the statue. I could manage flaking off a small holder." Really though, if they stayed, Emerald thought, they would just be attacked by a ton of spiderbots, and they could potentially kill Amber....forever. He's just a gem now, and all Emerald could do is watch. Watch while everyone gets electrocuted and stolen away. They had to leave. He heard the leader, at least, the person in charge, speak and turned to her. "Don't worry, I might be able to remove a bit of this rock before we move."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by 21308
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Spinel crossed her arms. She didn't appreciate being called stupid or accused of being behind some insidious plan. "I doubt I'll be of much help carrying the loudmouthed green one." she said. She wasn't lying, but it didn't help that she legitimately didn't want to now. She began walking in the direction she saw the loud human , who was presumably still here, come in from. "I'll just scout on ahead, as it's clear I'm not going to get my peace and quiet here. You can all do whatever it is you're doing." Spinel did just that, making note of every large rock or machine she could hide behind if she needed to. She also began focusing energy into her crossbow just in case.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Loony

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Surprised yet again by the comment on her height -this gem was full of them, wasn't she- and confused by her explanation, Evenkite took a moment to let it all sink in. Home World gems? If this was true, than why were they born here, anyways? Why construct a Kindergarten so far away from home? Something wasn't adding up.

"I could buy your words, but your reluctant to explain until we follow you only urges me to do otherwise. Alternatively, I could continue to carry Amber -it is Amber, right-, and as the two of us stay here, the rest of you can follow the sketchy gem's every whim. Again, and I cannot stress this enough for you numskulls to quite understand, I'm tiny. Tiny, tiny, tiny. If you don't quite get it, what I'm saying is that we're both small enough to hide from these bots without any trouble, and once he's back, he can chose whether to follow you guys or not. Maybe it's safer for all of you to follow her, but for us, it's choosing between guaranteed safety to mildly certain safety. And I pic-oh wait." Evenkite's cheeks flushed the yellow-green colour again.

"That's right. Amber's not tiny. Rather, he won't be for too long."


Now she had to chose between either staying with Amber, or leaving him in their care. She did not like either option. Her ears folded down in a manner not unlike that of a saddened or scared animal, and she stared at her feet as she thought of what to do. In one option, Amber was certainly doomed, if this gem was indeed telling the truth, and in the other, Amber could be in danger, but the chances were relatively low in comparison to the probability of the spider bots returning. But the idea of leaving Amber behind, in such a vulnerable state...She wasn't so sure how to feel about that. Evenkite began to pace about slowly, eyes still fixed on her feet. Like this, they could easily kill Amber, but with her around...Who was she kidding, this lady could probably kill all of them this instant if she wanted. But if she wanted that, she would've done so, so clearly she wanted them alive, regardless of her intentions. So that ruled out option a), leaving her to chose whether or not to join Amber or not. You could always try to escape later on, if it does turned out bad. You're tiny, quick, and smarter than these idiots.

Her pacing slowed to a stop, and with a huff, she spoke once more:

"Due to the present circumstances, I suppose this would be the most safe option for the both of us...But don't think I trust you yet, Blue Gem. And for that matter, I suggest that the rest of you hold at least a small dose of skepticism."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by HaltingBlooper
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HaltingBlooper Mudkips. I herd u liek dem.

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Emerald glanced towards Evenkite. "What about me? I can't MOVE. And unlike you, I'm NOT tiny. You can't just stuff me in a crevice or something. Look, if you're all really that whiny about carrying me so that we can move, we can just stay here and get killed. Or you could leave me, such I'm such an ANNOYANCE, and I'll just fall over and get captured because I actually tried to save Amber the only way anybody actually COULD!" At this point, Emerald might've snapped a little bit. Okay, maybe not that. Maybe a lot. At this point, the beams were glowing at full intensity, if not brighter, as he glared angrily around him. This shouting was a bit....tiring. Emerald just glared at the others before staring down at his rock-feet, refusing to look at them.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pathfinder
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Pathfinder A walking disaster

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With his excitement dying down, Johnny began to calm and see everything a little clearer which really meant one thing. Time for souvenirs. With the agility of a man used to running, Johnny began to flip through the aftermath and began flipping rocks over, looking for anything that spoke to him. There wasn't anything too great, even the mechanical arms of the robo spider were of little interest, too blocky. He was about to give up when he found something poking out of the dirt. It was pretty plain, just one of those white rocks with sparkly flecks in it, but due to how long it had been sitting there one side had been sanded down flat while the other was craggy. giving a small smile Johnny placed it in his pocket before moving towards who he thought was the leader, the big blue lady.

"Uh, pardon me ma'am but it seems you all could use some help...unless you don't since you are Crystal Gems but I do know where a town is not too far from here, maybe the people there could no of somewhere you guys could go. At the very least I can carry the talking statue, I've heard enough about you guys from Beach City to know that its the least I could do for all your help."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

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So it was possible for all of them to summon a weapon of some sort. She was curious about what sort of weapon she had, but still wanted to keep the weapons that she had found in this... Kindergarden, as Aquamarine called it. More of their kind were created here, but it was also the source of much conflict.

Despite how cool it would be to have a personal weapon that could be summoned at will, she still had the desire to keep her newfound weapons. She could learn them and use them if they were to fight again. She scrambled for her weapons again, and walked away from the group wordlessly to get as many more as she possibly could in one trip.

She stopped however upon seeing the new person speak once more. There were even more of their kind wherever they happened to be, and were called crystal gems rather than just gems. Maybe it was to differentiate themselves from the evil gems. He offered to take them to a city. It sounded like a good idea, but instead of speaking the continued on her journey back to her weapons.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by 21308
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Upon hearing Johnny's words, Spinel turned back around, cupped her hands around her mouth and said as loudly as she could (which wasn't that loud but still) "AND I'M NOT A CRYSTAL GEM!" Oh, and her arrow was ready to go at this point. She was glad of that at least, in case more spiders were to show up before she could turn invisible and scram. She turned back in the direction she'd been walking but didn't actually move. Something about this group had started to grow on her, but she wasn't sure what to do or say about it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LizLegend
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LizLegend aka / Liz E.

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Zircon exhaled as she rubbed the back of her head. The little yellow one made some good points. It didn't bother her at all, it's just that there's more to think on now. She was still going to go with her instinct though. But soon she made a quiet sigh of relief when the other blue gem took her side and pretty much decided to trust her just like that. Zircon watched some more words be exchanged, most from Aquamarine, and thought deeply about them. She then looked to Aquamarine "Oh so we can summon our own weapon? I was wondering about that..." Zircon looked downwards putting a hand to her chin as she thought to herself a little bit.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Akayaofthemoon
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"Please be careful!"she called as Spinel walked away from them to scout ahead, weapon in hand and ready which made her feel a bit better about one of them splitting form the group. She listened to Evenkite's doubt, though she was to see that she was thinking of Amber in her equation. At least now they could try and move out of here since they had everyone in agreement."Noted clearly." Aquamarine replied, knowing that it would be hard for some of them to leave this place and most would be hard to trust a clear outsider since she wasn't completely like them or spilling information but it was a long explanation that was best for a safe place. She would share her knowledge with them and protect them as best she could unless they wished against it.

Aquamarine turned to Emerald, speaking seriously and probably would have looked into his eyes if she wasn't afraid of being blinded."I am not leaving you behind. I am not sure I am strong enough to carry you in this state but I would try with all my might and if I couldn't I would stay here alone to protect you."

She spun to look at Johnny, almost forgetting that the human was there until he spoke up. She was glad he offered to help but the more he spoke, the more that confusion etched in her features before she shook her head and smiled. "Please, call me Aquamarine or Aqua for short.Some help would be wonderful but I am not really sure about these Crystal Gems you are speaking of but I like the name. If you could get us away from here that would be much appreciated."

"Yes, all gems have a weapon of their own and unique to their being. I will teach you all to summon them." Aqua replied to Zircon.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by 21308
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Spinel looked behind her for a few seconds and grudgingly walked back to the group for reasons she didn't completely understand. She obviously didn't know any of these people at all and she wasn't sure she liked all of them. In fact, she was pretty certain that she didn't like a few of them. "Uh... I'm sorry. I was a little irritated I suppose, because the first bit of my consciousness was so nice and you guys sort of destroyed the desolation and silence I was enjoying so much. It really wasn't your fault at all though, looking back on it, but I'm going to miss that place. I know I've been acting kind of harsh, but I really don't think I'm that... callous, and I know I'm not cruel. I want to help you if I can, so perhaps some introductions are in order?"

Spinel took a quick glance around. "So then, Knowledgeable Blue Gem- you did say you... or we- were gems, right? I see you, the Obsessive Blue Gem, the Annoying Green Gem, the Unassumaing Black Gem, the Unfriendly Yellow Gem, and the Loud Orange Gem who is now literally just a gem, but what happened to the Obedient Gray Gem?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Akayaofthemoon
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"Aquamarine. Yes, you are all...wait, what?!" She said, not even continuing her answer or pointing out the fact that those names weren't very nice as she scanned over everyone. Spinel was absolutely right, one was missing out of the group. She tried to think back to when the gem disappeared when an idea popped into her head. "Didn't you tell her to blend in and be quiet like a rock in this canyon? You could try asking her to come out and join us. It is a long stretch but it would take awhile to try to find her if she is too well hidden."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pathfinder
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Pathfinder A walking disaster

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a big dumb smile cracked its way across his face when big blue-er, Aquamarine, said he could be of help. Today has just been awesome, really. Quickly bounding over towards the talking statue, Johnny began to take a good look at him and judge how hard it would be to get him to his Van. He was much smaller than him, slightly taller than half of Johnny's height but that rocky skin of his would definitely add some weight to the equation.

"Hmm, I hope you don't have a thing about being touched because there isn't a way to get you out of here without a bit of that my friend."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by 21308
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Spinel nodded. She smiled a little bit at what a good idea that order had turned out to be, as the robots seemed to stay totally clear of Howlite earlier. "I think I remember about where she went to hide. I will be back shortly." She hurried back into the canyon which wasn't exactly far because they were basically still in it and hadn't really moved since the battle. She walked to the gray stones where she'd sent Howlite to hide and scanned them until she saw Howlite. "Obedient Gray Gem! Good work, the canyon spirit is grateful! For your next assignment, please follow me to the other gems. They'll lead you to safety as this place will shortly be swarmed with more of those metal spider things!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LizLegend
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LizLegend aka / Liz E.

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Zircon perked her head almost like a dog when the white gem came back, listening to what she had to say. "Gray gem? Who's..." Zircon had to think a bit from all the quick events that had happened here "...Hoooooooly crap the gray gem! I totally forgot about her!" Zircon said putting a hand to her head but then quickly taking her hand away. She glanced around for a couple seconds before the white gem went to go solve the problem and get her. Zircon took a deep breath, "Alright. Problem solved. Pretty quick, but solved."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by The ghost in black
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Howlite waited quietly through the whole fight being quiet just like the canyon spirit had said to do and had made a sort of Fort around herself using bits of broken boulders and stray pieces of grey metal. The battle had completely slipped from her mind as she sat there behind the rocks trying to blend in but occasionally would hear the shouts of the others in the group being attacked and would stand up to help but then would sit back down worried about what would happen if she disobeyed the spirit. "I don't want to be on its bad side" Howlite would think to herself as she sinks back into the pile of rocks and kept playing. At one point she saw what looked like a lizard sure pasta and began following it out of her little area forgetting what she was staying there for, completely entranced by the small reptile. Howlite followed it around a corner into one of the holes similar to the one she came out of and began to play with it until the fight ended, she could tell it had ended by the fact that there was no more noise. She slinked out of the hole and crawled back over to her pile before the spirit came around and told her to follow her with the other gems, "ok but were they really that bad" she said as she plucked a black and grey lizard off her shoulder and put it on her head then continued "I made a new friend, see". A smile lit up howlite's face as she approached the group, "did I do good at hiding?" She asked when she was within earshot. Howlite was kinda bouncing on the spot as she stood there with the others.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by 21308
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"Yes, a most impressive job." Spinel said. "It looks like the spider monsters didn't notice you at all. Now, please come with me so that you will be out of this dangerous place." Spinel mentally flattered herself with the thought that she really was so good at stealth that simply following her advice should keep people safe. She may have been just a little conceited. She began to lead Howlite to the other gems, and assuming Howlite was following, got her there in a couple of minutes.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by HaltingBlooper
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HaltingBlooper Mudkips. I herd u liek dem.

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Emerald turned to Johnny, smiling a little bit. "It's okay. I can't feel anything through this rock." He then glanced down at himself. "Er...if this is rock." Emerald wondered what a "van" was. Maybe some sort of vehicle. "But seriously, we really should move as fast as we can, before more of those things come back." It was only after he had said this that he realized how short he is. Amber was almost twice as tall as him, and this human was also twice as tall. Sort of strange, how most of the Gems were so much shorter than the three tallest people, who were around the same height.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

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In the distance, an intense clanging and ringing could be heard from the massive pile of weaponry that Sodalite pushed towards the group. She wanted to bring as many as possible, and the realization came to her that she could just as easily push them instead of carry them. That way she could bring many more of her weapons with her, and not have to worry about leaving the less important ones behind.

Just as she approached the group, Sodalite stopped. All of this was silly, and if she hid her weapons, then she could come back and get them any time she wanted to. The Gem-being proceeded to push her weapons next to a rather large and oddly shaped rock, to which she would remember when she came back to this strange place.

She left all of her weapons at that rock, and rejoined the group just as silently as she left. Her eyes focused on the large speaking rock, glancing about the other Gem=beings. "Aquamarine seems big enough to pick him up on her own, but it'd be a lot easier if we all did. Everyone pulling the same weight moves it faster than just one."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Loony

Loony Moved. Ask for my new account.

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In all honesty, Evenkite would've loved to make some remarks in regards to Emerald's previous outburst, but she simply was already fed up with all the ruckus from before, fed up with the previous outburst, fed up with feeling useless, and most importantly, upset with the prospect of having to leave. Besides, Aquamarine, as she now learned this blue gem was named, seemed to deal with him fine. Feeling the need to be away -there were already enough people looking for the gray gem for her to be of any help- she began to make her way towards the hole she had emerged from quite a while ago. There wasn't anything in the hole that was of importance; she just wanted to stay there one last time. Would she leave? She didn't want to, but with Amber...

"You've caused quite some trouble for me, haven't you?" Evenkite gave an awkward chuckle, "First with the noise, and now like this..." Could he hear him in there? Either way, it felt weird talking to a gemstone, but she continued on nonetheless.

"Well, you did a lot for us, a lot more than I did or could've. We'd probably all be dead without your help. Well, I wouldn't, but everyone else, probably."

She sat in silence with her back pressed against the wall, like she had so many times before. It was strange, even scary, to think that she would have to leave. To think that might not come back here again at all.

"Sorry I snapped at you earlier."

Nothing else was said after that. Though she intended on staying a little longer, the clanging not unlike that from before jarred her back to the present, and with a defeated sigh, she rose back up on her toes, and with quick wave of goodbye to the hole in which she emerged, she made her way back to the group, given Sodalite a quick glare for the noise that she caused, but bothered not to react much more. She gave a small smile to Howlite, whom the others had now found, and then spoke once more.

"The green gem is right; if we are to leave, we best get on with it. And, blue gem of incompetent handling of weaponry, I'm quite sorry, but I'm not sure I can help with that, because, you know, you guys lifting him up will probably be higher than I can actually reach. Unless...Well, it only happened once before, but if I could do it again, I could help, but I'm not even sure if I can do it again. That is, levitate objects. Who even knows if it can work on gems? Or...Or whatever this guy is..."
she trailed off, pointing at the man who was blabbering about some 'Crystal Gems' thing.
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