Alexia has it rough in her hometown, her mother passed away and her father turned into a drunken ass and would usually harm her until she blacks out. Everyone at school also picks on her because of the dried blood on her which looks like dirt to others. Everyday after school, she quietly walks inside her home to not awake up her Father and falls asleep as soon as she reaches her bed and wakes at night by the sound of her dad's stomping to her room and gets ready to get beaten up all over again.

One day, Alexia opens the door to her house and was about to shut it but the strong wind outside slams the door shuts which causes her father to wake up with a horrible mood "ALEXIA!!!!" Her eyes widen "Oh Sh-" she then opens the door and rushes outside as fast as she can but could hear her father right behind her "GET BACK HERE THIS INSTANT!!!" but that made her ran faster. She ran so fast that she didn't notice that she ran into the forest and started getting scratches from the trees but didn't care, She could still hear her father chasing and yelling at her "GO AWAY!! LEAVE ME ALONE!!" "DON'T SPEAK TO ME LIKE THAT YOUNG LADY!!" Alexia accidentally trips but she quickly got up and started running but this time with a sore ankle which made her slow down.

Her Father then finally catches up to her and tackles her to the ground then beats her up badly and once she was blacked out,he carried her to the nearest cliff/river and threw her off the edge and watch her land in the busy water then walks away thinking she was dead. But the water took her away to another place far away from her home town.

Alexia opens her eyes with a deep gasp for air and cough up the water, she looks around and saw a completely different place, she could see the shore and tries to swim but her body was in pain so she tried her best and then passed out