Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eisenhorn
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Eisenhorn Inquisitor of some Note

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Jerod wiped the blood casually off his blade as the fighting ended with the archer apparently fleeing and everyone consolidated their positions around the Champion and immediate fighting ground. The lad approached him and personally thanked him for his intervention, which got a good natured shrug out of the mercenary and an amused snort when he was told to thank the horseback healer for her intervention since he had to aid the others. Well, wasn't that just dandy? He nodded towards the lad as he turned to do the rounds and help out and turned to Niya, who fixed him with a rather icy glare and spoke before he could get a word in edgewise. "I do this not for thanks, but for my oath. So save your breath, mercenary." And Niya angled her horse over to the other healer who had thankfully intervened and took care of the soldiers while she had focused most of her efforts upon the Champion and spoke briefly to him from her perch on horseback, though her gaze was not nearly as cold as it was towards Jerod, a much more analytical and calm look vice icy disdain, as if she was analyzing his response. "Your intervention was timed well, brother."

Jerod heard the champion doing his rounds, and watched as he took in the situation. Another healer, without a horse, some mounted cavalry had arrived too late to do any real good, and some dark mage that just was outright strange, but hell, long as there was no hexing going on, all the better. The out loud thinking prompted Jerod to rest a hand on his sword hilt as he looked skyward, spotting the sight of a Wyvern. Not a good sign, probably, but he didn't just produce arms and attack as soon as it came into range. When the rider and her comrade, the Wyvern itself, dropped the body off and directed her attention right onto the now no doubt flustered champion, he stood silent for a moment before bursting out into a healthy, loud laugh, before bringing it down with an easy grin appearing as he left his arms at his sides. "Ach, talk about makin' an entrance, eh lass? Ah 'avent seen a Wyvern and 'er rider in quite a few years, rare sight these days."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Apollosarcher
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Apollosarcher Knight with the Rowan Shield

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Things happened rather quickly. First he was offered an eyeball by a strange dark mage in an eye patch, gods that sounded like the beginning to some cheap novel. Then the wyvern he'd spotted landed and young women stated she planned to join him. Getting up he first looked to the dark mage. "You hold on to the eye, it obvious you have much more interest in the item than I do. Beside's I can't expect people to just give things because of who I am." He patted the little mages head then promptly walked over to the wyvern.

"You've got a wonderful wyvern, she's a good mount. Smarter than average Pegasus, less likely to kick you as well." He sighed and looked up at the girl after admiring the mount. "Your welcome to join, you all are actually. I can't promise I'm some great hero or something but I'll try to win this war. However I need to head the castle and speak with the Exalt. Any of you are welcome to join or meet me back by the gates later." He threw off the tattered remains of his cloak. Pulled a purple tunic from his bag pulling it over his head covered the damaged shirt below. He then turned and walked on towards the castle.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

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“Hmm? Oh, no one got hurt at all Mister Healer,” Marianne said brightly, answering Konrad’s question, blood still running loose on her hands. “You see, the person whose blood this comes from was already dead! I took the liberty of holding onto the parts they won’t be need anymore. I must say, it’s very nice to meet you sir. When you eventually die, can I have your eyes too? They look absolutely wonderful...”

She waited for the Healer’s response before turning her attention fully back on Jacob now.

“My, my, you’re just as noble as the stories make you out to be,” Marianne said kindly, putting the bloodied body part back into her dress pocket. “But I’m sure you’ll change your mind eventually. As for your offer to war…sure, why not? There’s really nothing for me to do these days, and all my other friends are buried six feet under. It’s settled then.”

She bowed one more time before saying, “Carry us forward my fearless leader. Oh, and consider this act a display of my affection for you; I’m giving you my utmost and undivided trust and respect. There weren’t a lot of corpses lying around here so I hope there’ll be some more wherever you’re going. Ooh, and I’ll be so, so, so, very tempted to study them! Ah, but you take first priority.”

Marianne moved back as Jacob went to greet the Wyvern Rider, keeping a close eye on each of his actions. He was just so…he was everything she had imagined and then some. Yes, she wanted to be by his side and tear apart any who threatened her newly beloved…ah, she was daydreaming again. Her fearless leader was already on the move once more.

Rushing to his side, Marianne gently reached out and clung to Jacob’s left arm, fingers holding on with a little grip. Sighing, she rested her hand on his arm to savor the moment before looking up at him curiously.

“Ah, there was something else I wanted to inquire you about fearless leader. You see, two abhorrent men that quickly became my henchmen have been captured by Ylisstol guards. They’re probably being dragged to the castle even now as we speak. Perhaps setting them free is a better option? I believe they also have a woman with them and it would make me so much happier if I could be the tone to pick apart their entrails!”

As she conversed, Marianne looked over their group once more. Studying them over, a brief frown crossed her features. The more time they spent trying to get to know each other, the more time they also wasted on winning this supposed war so they mustn’t dally. Oh well, she thought with a warm smile. If they did die early, maybe she could bribe Death with a couple of her friend’s spare body parts. That’d prove amusing no doubt.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by AquaAzura
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Konrad and his silent watching of the Wyvern Rider and the Champion quick exchange and the young Dark Mage affectionate towards the Champion, worried him, was she in love with him or if it was more sinister. While deep in thought the Dark Mage spoke up, and she was quite off putting and made him more nervous of her but she seems to be on their side so he shouldn't worry about her too much, until he dies anyways."Oh, heh... that's good to hear." Konrad spoke awkwardly trying not to think too much of how she got her bloodied hand so covered up. "I-It's nice to meet you as well...and I don't see any problems with that idea not like I need them...heh heh..." Konrad replied with a nervous smile trying to hide his obvious discomfort about the implications of his possible death and eye gouging.

To his relief another feminine voice spoke towards him and he sees that it originated from a woman on horseback carrying a staff. He smiles timidly and scratch the back of his head. Thankful to get his mind away from the dark mage's comment. "I did what I could, and I'm glad I could be of use." He responded modestly. "People always need help somewhere, and with the war coming I can't let people get hurt while I do nothing." Konrad prattled on. He seriously can't get that comment imagery out of his head. "I'm Konrad by the way, and from one healer to another may I ask for your name?" He asked respectfully, to the Horse Rider.

Melody couldn't help but like the champion, he was adorable and honest. Also his girlfriend that hanging off his arm like a kitten was also adorable, and she could tell that Pearly was getting prideful being called smart and wonderful. "You should slow down with he compliments Champion, for Pearly might get a big head; well bigger than it already is." Melody snidely said ending with a giggle, Pearly grunted in disapproval. "I think I join you to the castle, I always wanted to see what's it like inside and I think Pearly would love to as well." Melody replied with a smirk, with Pearly roaring in approval. As she finished talking to the Champion another man talked to her, after he laugh heartily, and said she had quite the entrance. Melody grinned from ear to ear. "Yep, Pearly here always love to be the center of attention, and we're not that common on this side of the pond, but what we lack in quantity we make up for in kicking people arses." Melody said with prideful jest.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eisenhorn
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Eisenhorn Inquisitor of some Note

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Niya silently heard the healer out as he spoke on doing just what he could do in the given situation. His rational that people always needed help and his thinking for not remaining idle in the war was respectable, if nothing else. The troubadour nodded briefly in agreement with the man, her own actions being driven by a similar idea, though her oath currently bound her to a single cause vice her manouverings around the world to aid any who were injured and left destitute from the oncoming storm. But the healer, Konrad as he introduced himself, requested her name and she nodded briefly, resting her staff across her lap as she remained sitting upright on the horse, which seemed to emulate the troubadour's own posture, head held high and formal. "Niya, of Regna Ferox. A pleasure, brother. We should not let the Champion get too far ahead of us." She turned her head briefly to the champion as he asked any of them willing to fight and stand with him to do so and she nodded briefly and made her support known, without mention of the oath over her head right now, however and would move the horse to follow, giving Konrad chance to keep up. "I will aid you, Champion. Lead the way."

Jerod didn't pay his rather cold companion any mind while she was conversing with the unmounted healer. The champion's blanket offer to take them on got a shrug and nod out of the mercenary, having gotten his attention further for now. "Ah wouldn' 'ave gutted all yer enemies 'ere already if ah wasn' intendin' on 'elpin ye lad. Ye got my blade, fer it's worth." Jerod was looking over the wyvern rider and her mount, Pearly, as they responded as well. The approving roar didn't shake the mercenary as one might expect, implying he had seen such beasts before, or was good at bluffing. Jerod wasn't a fan of mounted combat period, but he could never argue their effectiveness upon the field of battle, whether on horseback such as his Feroxian ally Niya, or a pegasus rider or this lady and her wyvern Pearly. Her comment on loving to be the center of attention got an amused snort out of the mercenary as the woman finished with a boastful jest. "Ach, 'owever ye see fit lass, kickin' arse an' takin' names is all part o' the job. And ye'll be gettin' plenty o' attention in parts 'round 'ere, savvy? Call m' Jerod, mercenary fer 'ire, at yer service."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dedonus
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Dedonus Kai su teknon;

Member Seen 14 days ago

Marius | Aloysius

“We would have been waiting for you at the city gates, Sir Jacob, if you had only sent word of your arrive ahead of time.” Marius chided the young tactician, refusing to believe that it was his and Aloysius’ fault for being ‘late’. You cannot be on time if you are not aware of the necessity of being somewhere else. “But it looks you had plenty of help defending yourself against these brigands.

When Jacob had finished giving Marius and Aloysius their orders, Marius’ brother sighed. Whenever these two brothers were not sent out together as a team, Marius was always preferred over his brother, Aloysius, for some strange reason. Even though in this situation it seemed like Aloysius was actually give an important role, Aloysius still felt that he was getting the shaft because Marius was not ordered to leave the Champion’s side. For all Aloysius knows, they’re going to send Marius to help protect the Champion of Naga while Aloysius has to remain behind at Ylisstol.

Once Marius and Aloysius had gathered up the troops and sent them back to the barracks with Aloysius, Marius realized that several warriors were suddenly coming out of the woodwork, just to pledge their service to Jacob! The personalities in this group were quite diverse. The biggest question was whether this ragtag group could perform like a time. Unlike in individual competitions, such as archery or horse racing, an army required teamwork from all of its parts, working in unison just like the delicate pieces of a clock that allowed it to keep track of the time.

“Quite the assemblage of ‘talent’ you have here, Sir Jacob.” Marius said to the young tactician, giving a chuckle as he spoke again. "Maybe we should put them to work on inventory duty."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Apollosarcher
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Apollosarcher Knight with the Rowan Shield

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Jacob looked at the Dark Mage hanging on his arm. He sighed trying to think of the right words to make her release him, when Marius spoke up. He shrugged at the knight then sighed as he walked along the streets, they were now in the shadow of palace. As they walked up he looked at Marianne deciding on the words he spoke. "Marianne, we've only just met and does seem a bit strange to have you hanging on my arm. It is also quite informal for meeting an Exalt, perhaps you stand with the other's I'm sure your eager to make the acquaintance of the other people present. As for your henchmen I'll go down if it's nothing major I'll be able to get them let out."

Eight pegasus Knights flew down flanking them, four on each side as they were lead directly into the throne room. The Exalt sat on her throne waiting, beside leaning against a Silver sword was the Grand Master Andres himself. He smiled as his apprentice entered, it had been an interesting now with him back it would be time for them learn what had happened in Rosanne. He broke protocol and spoke before the Exalt. "So tell me boy, is it true you collapsed the statue of Duke Virion?"

Jacob groaned and sighed. "Yes, they had just rolled out ballista's and first one fired. I threw a fire at it, in mid-air exploded beside the statue and it collapsed then rolled into the sea." He finished looking at the old man with a growing frown. "Happy? Now can we get to the important stuff."

The Exalt spoke up. "Of course Jacob, tell how the meeting went and of what happened to cause all this." She twirled Falchion at her side. If anyone could get close enough they would see the marble had been worn just under the armrest where three generations of Chroms descendants had spun the blade making a dip in the floor.

Jacob spoke again. "When I attended the meeting they laid out there plans there was much protest and even more arguments. The backing groups argued over money, honor, and glory. While everyone not agreeing asked why this was happening." He shuddered slightly. "The Grand Cleric did not speak instead she left the room and Jacklyn the Grand Master of the Churches forces stepped forward. She said that all non-believers were a pox on the land and would cause the return of Grima."

Jacob paused to let that sink in. "The envoys and I were preparing to leave, we feared they might try to hold us. That's Lady Tiki burst in, I was nearly knocked over as two guards were trying to stop her." He sighed and spoke the last part a quieter voice. "She looked at Jacklyn and yelled this was not the will of Naga, Naga's Champion would stop her and then... She pointed at me and said, 'run Champion you have your purpose!" The envoys and I dashed out as quickly as we could returning to the ship under heavy pursuit.

The Exalt and the Grand Master looked between each other and nodded. The Exalt spoke. "Then it is settled, I will inform the Knight Commander and the Captain of the Pegasus Knights. We prepare for war with the Church."

Then the Grand Master stepped forward. "We also discussed at length before you arrived, the reformation of the Shepherds. You will lead them, not as an apprentice Tactician but as a full Tactician. Jacob, you have graduated as has the rest of your class." The old man stepped forward opening a small black box, a Tacticians emblem. Tacticians had no definite armor or markings they wore so these emblems let others know who they were facing and served as markers for common troops to identify commanders.

Andres continued speaking as he pinned it on Jacob's shirt. "Your first mission will be to lead the Shepherds to secure treaties with Ferox and Plegia as neither supports the Church. I have packed the wagons with food and standard army supplies for thirty men, though it seems you already selected your Shepherds. Marius, I asked for you and your brother to accompany Jacob however the Knight Commander is adamant one of you remain. As such your brother is staying, he'll be joining the Knight Commanders personal Cavaliers. You will accompany Jacob and serve as his second in command Marius." With that the old man stepped back.

He placed a pipe in his mouth lighting it. "Your transport leaves in five hours. Until then you can mingle, shop for supplies, or train in the courtyard. I'll be outside the throne room if you need me. Jacob go see Caroline she will take you to meet with an important diplomat. You are to go alone, the Shepherds stay here. Orders of the Exalt. Oh and did I mention boy?" He blew smoke in the Champions face. "I'm coming along to supervise, so try not to make look bad." He laughed and walked out of the room.

Jacob stood there a moment then headed towards a door. "Thank you all, I'll be back shortly. Your all free to due as you will, I must attend to thi-" An arm shot out and pulled Jacob down the corridor, Princess Caroline no doubt impatient as usual.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Amaterasu
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Amaterasu Love Pillar

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THUMP. A Chon'sin seal was stamped upon the lid of the envelope resting atop a wooden desk. Mei'lin had written a letter addressing her men to situate themselves at the barracks of the palace if desired, as suggested by the Exalt and that perhaps, she will be able to negotiate the important matters with the Champion of Naga soon. Momentarily leaving her room to find a servant who seemed to be free of duties, she handed over the envelope to a maid and requested it to be delivered to one of her Chon'sin soldiers. After briefly describing how unique the armors they wore were like, the general sent the maid off to her assigned task and retreated back to her quarters, waiting for the champion.

Having much free time to herself, the myrmidon lay on the bed with eyes shut, contemplating on how to go about her discussion with the famed champion. If she were not to choose her words wisely, the negotiations may go sour, resulting into Chon'sin inevitably falling into a forced alliance with Rosanne, their neighbor. Mei'lin honestly didn't mind which side the nation would fall under as long as the allied forces were to keep her nation safe as possible from enemy attacks. Strategically speaking, Ylisse has a larger mass of land and a military force to be reckoned with, Shepherds. And if Regna Ferox, the nation of fierce warriors, which Ylisse had good relations with in the past years were to join their forces, all the more encouraging.

A knock upon her door interrupted the swordsman's thoughts, to which she rose back on her feet to check who was behind the door. Pulling the doorknob effortlessly to reveal who they were, Lei'min carefully inspected the two for a moment. One was the familiar azure haired princess and this was...? Going by an assumption for now, 'he' assumed it was the person everyone has been looking after, the Champion. Taking a respectful bow to the princess and the new guest, the Chon'sin general moved out of the way and pointed an arm towards the depth of 'his' room as 'he' spoke with a thin smile, "Greetings once again, milady and sir whom I have yet to take the pleasure of being acquainted to. Please, do come in, we can speak in private inside."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Apollosarcher
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Apollosarcher Knight with the Rowan Shield

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Caroline bowed. "I was just bringing the Champion to your room General. Sadly I have duties to attend to, he will answer your questions and speak with you. Afterwords you may see the Exalt, the Champion will be busy attending to the Shepherds." She gracefully turned and walked away.

Jacob stepped into the room quietly, this General was most assuredly lying about one thing or another. He had learned much of how individuals carried themselves, how to tell man from a women by how they walked, vocal patterns, sentence structure, and build. The General was not a man, at least not from what he'd seen. He waited a moment until Caroline was gone and no servants remained in the hall before he spoke. "I'm Jacob, the proclaimed Champion of Naga and you General are not a man are you?" He asked in confident voice.


Grand Cathedral, Rosanne.

Jacklyn looked over reports on possible commanders to send to Ylisse, she needed someone expandable and willing to die to achieve the goal. Someone who was glory hungry enough so she could send them with a force across the sea to begin preparations for the Crusade. Finally she made her choice, a young noble boy sent to them to make a name for his family. Varrus, perfect for what she need, she would assign him the failures from day at the port. Then they could set sail for Plegia and rally supporters and fantics. The point of this was to cause chaos and destabilize the area before the Crusade arrived in force. If the boy could do that then she would bring him home if not then she'd send his father a flower or something.

A servant arrived with a glass of wine and fresh cheese for her, she looked at the young boy whom had brought her the treats. "Find the young Lord Varrus and tell him the Grand Master requests his presence. He is to be given an important mission." the boy left the tray beside her as the women poured her wine she smiled, soon the Champion would lay dead and she could sleep easy.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AquaAzura
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Konrad read the woman's reactions when he spoke, her expressions were underplayed and hard to read, but the her small actions convoyed enough for Konrad to understand her if only a tiny bit of who she is as a person. The silent woman introduced herself as Niya of Regna Ferox, Konrad replied with "Nice to meet you Niya." Konrad replied to her as she said they should move on or else the Champion will move on without the healers. Konrad looked over the champion and he sees that he was already a distances away, Konrad blushed embarrassed that the champion was so far now without his noticed, but he quickly ran after the slowly galloping Niya and the Champion to the castle of Ylisstol.

He didn't say it but he was excited to go into the castle of Ylisstol, he has never been in here before. It was a marvelous palace with guards guarding the halls and servants tending to the building and royales. Konrad has decided to follow the Champion until he was right outside the throne room, Konrad has decided not to go in, not wanting to cause trouble since his mannerisms must be rusty when talking to royalty. He has decided to look out the nearest window. His fast thoughts are again bringing up all the terrible things that could happen and what he may caused by being here. He sighed. Now he has no choice but to stay.

Melody couldn't help but grin at the gruff mercenary, Jerod. "Pleased to meet you Jerod, hopefully we kick a ton of arse together." Melody replied with a cocky wave of her hand. "We better get going or else the Champion will be going without us." She said bluntly as she looked towards the hooded figure slowly walking towards the castle of Ylisstol. Melody pulled at the reins on Pearly to tell her to fly to the castle. "I see you over there Jerod." She said as she flew off towards the castle.

The red haired wyvern rider and her mount were relaxing in the castle's stable, Melody was snacking on an apple while Pearly was eating Wyvern food which luckily the castle's stables carried. Melody was used to sleeping in the stables, since most small towns didn't trust Pearly enough to stay calm by herself. But it's no matter, the Stable was an oddly comforting place and she didn't have to be far from Pearly. But for now it's the waiting game on what the champion will do with them, but she hopes they will leave soon and kick some Church arse.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Leolycan
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Leolycan Toward an empty white throne

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Grand Cathedral, Varrus

"You wanted to see, Grand Master?" A humble yet defiant tone rang out from the entrance to the Lady's quarters. Without waiting for greeting, a well armored youth could be seen entering the chambers and shutting the door behind himself. It had been only a short while since her missive had reached him in the courtyard; the young lord set on seeing his troops drilled by his second in command, Roark. Though chosen by his farther, Varrus had a great respect for the man's military prowess and his ability to inspire fear in those who looked upon him as an enemy. It was this same man that now stood on the other side of the door, ensuring that no one was able to interrupt the meeting.

"I take it you've found another use for my soldiers, aside from using them as token body guards," One would think Varrus was speaking to an equal by the tone of voice he used, cutting all forms of pleasantries while diving into the heart of the matter, "I'm ready to serve the church in whatever manner it sees fit, my Lady." With that, the man now stood at attention, his arms folded behind his back and head bowed in a show of humility... Or at least the facade of humility. 'I didn't volunteer to have my men simply dawdle about the cathedral,' the silent thought echoing within the man's mind as his eyes opened and his gaze set upon the woman.

"Hmph... Seems the boy is agitated. Fool's going to get himself shipped back home at this rate," Roark stated under his breath, rolling his massive shoulders before returning his hands to the haft of his axe. The guards at the entrance to the cathedral attempted to take it from it... Or at least tried to work up enough nerve to attempt to. Instead, they merely cut their eyes to the mountain of a man and remained silent as he passed. It was humorous to see the peons before him cower at the sight of him, but he'd stay his hand... For now at least. If things didn't get rolling soon however, he might just have to cause a scene. A dark and bloody scene. Still, the boy was summoned to the Grand Master's chambers for a reason. Perhaps he'd see his axe quenched soon enough.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

“Anything for you fearless leader.”

Hearing Jacob ask for her to release his arm, Marianne did just that. She still kept her eye on him though, even as she was directed to stand next with the rest of her comrades. At long last, here they were in the grand capital, Ylisstol, itself. Marianne stood prim and proper with a polite expression on her face, listening in to Jacob’s story carefully.

And truthfully, it was an interesting story. So the famous Voice of Naga, Lady Tiki herself had chosen Jacob to be her herald only out of a quick decision on her part? It was no wonder the fires of war were quickly being thrown out everywhere and so rapidly too. The part about anyone who didn’t side with the Church being a cohort of Grima was especially noteworthy, the Dark Mage’s single seen eye narrowing in curiosity.

Her gaze only became more intense as she witnessed an arm reach about and grab Jacob, stealing him away into the darkness. The Dark Mage blinked once before turning away from the scene. Yes, things were getting to be oh so interesting so far. Especially with her beloved fearless leader…

With nothing else better to do, she figured that she might as well make some friends. And so her eye lay on the first person she spotted and she skipped merrily over to the man calling himself Jerod.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Crimson Raven
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Crimson Raven *Rolls a Nat 1*

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As the soldiers marched them off, Jonathan was separated, but Sanctus ended up in front of Lilith. "So, miss-knight-in-shiny-armor, what brought you here to this fabulous city?" He said over his shoulder with a grin and a grandiose gesture. "That is none of your business." She replied angrily. "If I had know I would have gotten in this mess I would have left you to die there." "Oh, come on, don't be like that. Maybe this was unavoidable, call it fate or destiny or Naga's will or whatever." A soldier, overhearing him, shouted "Keep quiet!" And cuffed him on the head. "Urk," grunted Sanctus. "Thanks for that, mate, you are just too kind." He muttered, his voice dripping with sarcasm. Lilith couldn't help herself, she waited until he moved away, "If you keep up annoying people like that, your going to end up getting yourself killed." She cautioned him. Sanctus grinned again, "I literally can't help it, once I start shooting of at the mouth, it is impossible for me to stop." Unfortunately, the same solider heard him "I said no talking!" He shouted as he smacked Sanctus with his spear. Sanctus just took it. "Anyway, as I was saying--" Sanctus started to say. "Don't bother, I have nothing more to say to you." Lilith interrupted. Sanctus sighed and said, "At least keep up the banter. It helps me keep my mind of the pain, and it irritates these grim-faced basterds." He nodded to the soldiers all around them. That same soldier overheard him again, "Enough!" He shouted and swung his spear at the back of Sanctus's head. Quick as a snake, he ducked, and kicked low, tripping the soldier and sending him sprawling. "You idiot." Lilith muttered. Sanctus straitened up, and put his still-shackled hands up in a nonthreatening position as the rest of the squad surrounded him and leveled their spears. "I guess you can add assaulting a soldier to what ever list of charges you have against me." He drawled. The soldiers came at him in a wave, and Sanctus was beat him to the ground for the second time in as many hours. Eventually the leader broke them up. He roughly drew Sanctus to his feet. He look him up and down at the bruises that were already showing up. He shook his head and chuckled, "You have balls kid, I'll give you that much." His expression turned angry, "Keep your damn trap shut!" He shouted in Sanctus's face. The troop re-organized themselves and continued marching. "Well, do you hurt less now?" Lilith teased. Surprisingly, Sanctus gave his same grin "Yes actually." He said cheerfully, but woozily. Lilith just shook her head at him. They continued marching on in silence.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eisenhorn
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Eisenhorn Inquisitor of some Note

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Jerod watched as the wyvern rider flew off, getting in a word in edgewise as she turned to follow the champion off to the castle. "Aye lass, ah'll catch ye at th' castle then, sure a' sure." With that, the mercenary turned to march after the Champion and his lot of followers, newly found, and yawned as he walked after the group. In due time, they were flanked by pegasus riders and they found themselves within the throne room itself, and the tale of what the Church planned and how the lad himself escaped. Well, that was quite the tale, the mercenary thought as the boy wrapped up his tale and there was more discussion on his graduation and such but that was of little consequence to Jerod. He was now one of the new Shepards, descendents of the old order that had went and saved the world. Not bad for a mercenary, sure as sure. When hauled off, Jerod intended to go track down something to eat when the black mage looking lass waltzed over, the one who had been clinging to the lad, and he didn't just walk off yet since he had this lass skipping up to him. "Yer t'e one tha' was hangin' off th' lad's arm, aye lass?"

Niya quietly rode after the group and relinquished her mount to the stables when the time most appropriate came along, and stood with her arms at her sides, staff resting on her side as she heard the Champion's tale out. A Crusade, Holy War, stupid power grab, whatever one wished to call it, it was unwelcome none the less. The healer watched as the brief ended and they were given a five hour deadline before marching to their next destination, and she approached this second in command, since there was work to be done. She approached the knight and calmly addressed him, wasting no time with pleasantries or idle banter. "Ser Knight, I am one of the healers accompanying these new Shepards, a Troubadour to be specific. Where would you have me in formation, when the need arise, to best suit your Commander's, or your, tactics?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TentacleLord
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TentacleLord Your Friendly Neighbourhood Eldritch Abomination

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Jonathan was awoken from his blood-loss induced slumber by a pair of arguing voices. Making certain to keep completely still, the fighter listened with uncharacteristic care in hopes that he'd find out at least one reason as to why he was now on a course bedspread with cold metal shackles around his wrists. The first voice was a deep, growling drawl that was insisting that the latter voice, a smooth and controlled female, carefully tried to explain about aftercare of prisoners. They had evidently been at the same point in the argument for several minutes, noted by the constant raising of the deeper voice as the man seemed to be struggling to contain his temper. After yet another round of the same few words being exchanged, the man seemed to have enough of the healer's explanations. The deeper voice, a guard by the sound of his chainmail clinking as heavy footfalls paced back and forth, growled out an order to follow as his patience snapped. The door creaked open, and after another complaint about the irresponsibility of leaving a patient, lighter footfalls and the smooth voice retreated out of the room. Moments later, another angry snort of derision came from the deep-voiced male and the door slammed shut. Jonathan quietly sat up, gripping the chains around his wrist close to prevent the telltale clank of metal on metal. After a quick scan of the room to confirm that he was alone(Revealing a room with a row of beds, all of them empty save for his), he swung his legs over the side of the bed and looked down to check his own status.

The alcoholic fighter bit back a curse as he realized that sometime during his half-conscious stumbling and eventual collapse he'd been stripped. That was bad. He had no armor, no weapons, no tricks, and his worn undergarments were doing nothing to keep out the chill of the stone room from soaking into his bones. He'd been taken prisoner without knowing who or what had nearly killed him outright and that only spoke badly of his chances. Ylisse wasn't Plegia, or Naga-forbid, Regna Ferox, but such prisoners had a funny way of being executed no matter what country they were captured by. On the bright side, the healer had sealed the dangerously large wound that removed most of Jonathan's skin on his left leg. Dying by blood loss would have been a bitter way to go out.

Dismissing thoughts of his imminent demise, Jonathan stood up quickly and darted forward across the well-lit room, making his way past the leftover beds to a door on the opposite side of the room from where the healer and guardsman had left. He pressed against the doorframe, unsure of what his next move should be.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Apollosarcher
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Apollosarcher Knight with the Rowan Shield

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Carolyn spoke softly occasionally taking a sip of her wine. "Yes, you dear boy will be taking your men and Church assigned reinforcements across the sea. You are to rally followers of Naga and hunt the Heretical Champion after you establish a base of operations for the coming Crusade. You my pick and choose commanders from among the men under you and assign them as you see fit. You will have full command and expect results, now be a good child and run along." She paused a moment then added. "Should you ever talk to me in such a manner again you will be deemed a Heretic, I don't ask for your respect. I demand it. Now go little boy and do as you are ordered." She chuckled slightly and ate a bite of cheese. She could have killed him for his attitude but the Champion would see to that or she would later, it mattered little.

Varrus would be the challenge, if the Champion could over come him then she would take him as serious threat. Until then he was only a rallying cry and voice against her, something she could not allow. Still it would be weeks before they had enough troops, ships, weapons, and food stores to begin the campaign across their sister continent. Once that was done then they would return home flush out all here, then they would have power over all. The Grand Cleric was her puppet and now she had only to wait for the show to end.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Marianne nodded to Jerod’s words, smiling brightly that he had recognized her actions. In hindsight, it was hard not to notice the way she clung onto the Champion but that thought didn’t exactly cross into her mind. So for now the Dark Mage followed Jacob’s advice and was dead set on becoming this mercenary’s friend.

“Greetings new comrade. We’ll be working together from now on so let’s make sure to cover each other’s backs, alright? Also, you don’t have to worry about your bodies after your inevitable demise. I’ll be sure to make them into beautiful art to help fundraise our cause.”
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Leolycan
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Leolycan Toward an empty white throne

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Though not one to give in at the gesture of threats -even those that can be easily fulfilled- Varrus bowed his head humbly, "I thank you for the honor, Grand Master. I'll begin preparations immediately," and with that, the young man would give a final bow before taking his leave. As he opened the door, Roark stirred from his position on a flanking wall.

"That went well," though ever stoic in tone, not even Roark could hide the underlying sarcasm to his words. Choosing to pay this no mind, Varrus turned from his 'bodyguard' and began to make his exit out of the cathderal, "So what's the plan? We can't just go marching over across the globe trying to find one man, and by now he's probably gathering a force."

"I know all that, Roark. Which is why we'll discredit him," Varrus spoke plainly, his eyes never wavering from the path before him as the exit to the ornate building drew ever closer, "Send out a missive to all the nations; claiming that the man is wanted for heresy, conspiracy to murder the Grand Cleric, overthrow the Chruch, and has actively attacked members of the faithful." Now standing before the door, the man would press upon it, while his escort raised a brow in curiosity.

"You know that they won't believe you. Those are rather harsh claims."

"Which is why we're not sending it to the nations' leaders," this revelation made Roark arch a brow, though remaining silent as Varrus continued to speak, "We appeal to the people and the faithful. We paint the church as the victim, and place a bounty on any information leading to his capture or death. The people will petition their leaders to support our cause, and do our work garnering allies for us."

"And Tiki's proclamation?"

"We dismiss it as a rumor. A lie spread by the tactician who was the true cause of the interruption of the assembly, and harmed several guards in his attempt to flee the scene. When asked about the lack of coverage of the incident, we merely state the church didn't want to alarm the populace." It was then that Varrus stood over the courtyard of where his troops now stood at attention.

"You've given this a lot of thought, kid." Roark chuckled, standing beside the boy before bellowing out to a nearby messenger to approach.

"Volkanon will be a renowned name. I'll see to that," Varrus muttered to the man to his left once more before stepping forth, the volume of his voice carrying over the courtyard, "Men and women of the Volkanon guard! It is on this day, we are given a most holy task for the sake of our world! There is- as you know- a tactician that seeks to discredit the church and lead it's followers into dissent! We are to rid the world of this evil, for the sake of the people, and of the peace we've come to enjoy so much. Onward, we go, we fight, and achieve victory in the name of righteousness!" This rousing cheers and affirmations from his men all but solidified Varrus's resolve as he turned to Roark once more, having finished divulging the information he had recieved not but moments before.

"So, what's the plan, boss?" Roark said, hoisting his axe over his shoulder as his eyes lingered on Varrus's proud form.

"We go to the Ferox/Ylissian border. The people of Ylisse and the Exalt have always had a soft spot for tactians. We'll see to it that the ports and border are scouted, and collapse on him once he shows himself. Hopefully, the bounty hunters and those seeking glory will flush him out for us."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eisenhorn
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Eisenhorn Inquisitor of some Note

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Jerod nodded as the dark mage spoke through the first half of her statement, mentioning watching each other's backs and all the typical verb age that seemed to go between a newly founded group of soldiers, mercenaries, and other such individuals before marching off to war. What was unusual was what she said afterwords, that his remains would be used as a means of fund raising as a form of art, for when he falls in battle? Well, the mercenary had no intention of dying lightly enough that his remains were worth anything in that regard, he would not sell his life that cheaply, they would pay in magnitudes of lives to his single one. But there was a response needed right now, and he decided to not sweat the small stuff, in this case, and let the dark mage act however she saw fit in that regard. Besides, if he was dead, why should he care what happened to his carcass afterwords? He had this feeling thing wouldn't be that easy, in the coming months, but he would torch those bridges once they got there.

"Ach, ah don' really care w'at 'appens to ma' body once ah am well and rig'tly dead, so 'ave a field day t'en, savvy? An t'e names Jerod, a pleasure t' meet ye. But aye, ye watc' ma' back an' ah'll watc' yers, sure a' sure."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AquaAzura
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Konrad has been spacing out for the last minutes his mind busy with thoughts of the upcoming war and all that will entail, he has only read about wars and the very idea that he will be involved in one has him sick with worry and doubts. Mostly Self-doubt, he is worried if his help will be enough to keep this group alive to help the Champion, and he honestly is worried about the champions skills and if he's able to go do what Tiki needs of him, but only time will tell if his worries are for naught. He sighed again. But his thoughts were interrupted honestly for the best, by the voices of two people, Konrad looked towards and he sees two people from the earlier incident. Marianne who honestly unnerves him with her macabre topics, and the other was the bearded sword wielder, he didn't get to talk to him yet but if Konrad thinks back to the incident he and Niya were exchanging dialogue and glances. He listened to the tail end of their in which he caught the name of the Sword user, Jerod, and he has a noticeable accent. Konrad wondered if he should walk up to them in introduced himself to Jerod. But he shrugs his shoulders and decided it's best to talk them and form allegiances within this group.

Konrad walked to the pair and politely waved at the pair, "Hey Marianne, and guy I seen earlier." Konrad tried to politely insert himself to the conversation which honestly seemed more awkward and maybe intrusive. But he didn't heed it and just kept talking, "I hope your both doing well, I just wanted to make sure everybody is okay since that last fight."

Melody after saying goodbye to Pearly at the Stable has decided to look around the castle, might as well look around and see all the stuff and here, she thought. Melody has heard some knights and shiny armor speak of the rise of the new Shepherds, Melody simply grinned, she part of a newly resurrected order, if the tiny Champion is the same champion their talking about. Melody has went to one of the rooms of the castle and she seen the healer with the Stiff upper lip from earlier talking to one of the riders during the 'fight' if you want to call it that. Melody walked up to with no care for subtlety, " I'm Melody, a Wyvern Rider, and member of these 'shepherds' and I will tell you now that I belong to the front so you should have me there." Melody bluntly spoke with a hint of pride ringing though her voice.
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