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First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—
because I was not a socialist.
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—
because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
- Martin Niemöller .
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𝟚𝟝 | 𝕄𝕒𝕝𝕖 | 𝕎𝕚𝕥𝕔𝕙

It only takes one look at Forrest to determine that he is not a man built for physical labour. Standing tall at 6' even and weighing about 140lbs, he's not exactly underweight, but he could probably stand a few hearty meals. His face is shaped in such a way that it would probably be round if he gained a bit of weight, with cheekbones notable if only for his slightly sunken cheeks. His skin is fair but not quite ghostly, and he sports large hazel eyes and dark brown hair with a penchant for falling into them. He can often be seen with dark circles under his eyes, but don't be concerned; he was probably just up too late reading again.

Forrest's clothing choices depend greatly on the situation. A strong proponent of conducting oneself professionally (and generally uninterested in attracting attention to himself), at his old university he dressed simply yet stylishly, largely in blacks and greens with understated stud earrings. In his off time (and in general at Fairygate) he dresses more loosely, fond of loose-fitting shirts and slacks, though he'd be the first to admit that his style is sometimes inconsistent and often changing. He enjoys asymmetry and long earrings and jewelry in general, as well as feathers and beads. A wide-brimmed hat is always welcome, much to the good-natured teasing of his aunts. One constant, however, is a few long necklaces he wears under his shirt in public and openly in private, bearing a number of charms given to him by various family members for protection and focus.

Reason for Attending Fairygate
Having completed his formal education and worked for a few years as an apprentice pharmacist, Forrest is attending Fairygate to prepare for a sabbatical in Faerie, where he plans to study magic more thoroughly. His hope is to study how human pharmaceutical science and magic may be combined to improve treatments back on Earth.

Mundane Abilities
Magical Abilities
Other (a good place to put additional information the species that would not be obvious from other parts of the form)

*feel free to embellish the form as much as you want, as long as it more or less retains the same general form and the same information*


Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Obscene Symphony
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Obscene Symphony sea wench

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Hagan Ys - Hail, Ice - Blue
Iala Uin - Year, joy (year of joy?) - pink
Beq Sul - birch flower? - green
Eo Daen - star of dawn (sun?) - yellow

Beq Sul
Hagan Ys
Iala Uin

Name: Hagan Ys, Iala Uin, and Beq Sul.
Age: Who keeps track of such silly things as age?
Species: Pixie
Reason for Attending Fairygate:
Mundane Abilities:
Magical Abilities:
Other: (a good place to put additional information the species that would not be obvious from other parts of the form)

*feel free to embellish the form as much as you want, as long as it more or less retains the same general form and the same information*
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Name: How does the world know you? Is it a nom de guerre or real name? Any significant aliases, secret identities, nicknames, or sobriquets?

Inspiration: (optional) If your creature is based on one of the classic Universal monsters, identify them here. Don't worry if it's an OC, though! Original characters are always welcome!

Appearance: A good detailed description and/or a good picture of your character.

Abilities/ Skills: Any special powers you might have or special skills you have learned. Do you have the strength of ten men? Are you a master of hypnosis? Can you speak seven languages? Do you have connections with the Mafia? Here's the place to tell us.

History: Tell us a little about your character's background. Write as much or as little as you like, just so long as we get the general idea of who you are and where you came from.

Goals: What do you wish to accomplish in life? It can be as humble as getting a glass of water or as grandiose as conquering the world.

Notes: Anything extra you might like to add that isn't covered by the above. A theme song, maybe.
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^^ Dead Island 65

^^ Everyday Mayhem 65

^^ Imagination Station 65

^^ Zing Easy 65

^^ Surfing Capital 65

^^ River Drive 65
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Obscene Symphony
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Name: J’torha Tia
Race: Miqo’te - Seeker of the Sun
Age: 25
Class: Dancer
Place of Origin: Fabul Desert

Mitra J'torha
Blaike J'torha
Avaddon J'torha
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Obscene Symphony
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Obscene Symphony sea wench

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J’torha has one gold eye (left) and one red eye (right), a trait his tribe considered lucky. He generally dresses in brightly coloured, loose-fitting clothes that allow for plenty of movement and attractive flourish, and is fond of beads, bells, bangles - really anything that attracts attention to movement. One might notice his matching scars on either cheek, but they’re the one topic J’torha’s more likely to shy away from.

J’torha Tia

Miqo’te - Seeker of the Sun



Place of Origin
Fabul Desert

J’torha knows a little about a lot of things and a lot about little; plainly speaking, he’s not an expert at much outside of singing, dancing, flirting and making merry, unless you also count boring things like tribal hunting tactics or eking out an existence in the harsh Fabul desert. Generally happiest when all eyes are on him - even at his own expense - his airy confidence tends to stray into cockiness, and he doesn’t see much beyond the moment, often blind to the consequences of his hastily-decided actions. Like as not, that can end poorly when his urge to push the envelope overrides his common sense, but he offsets his occasional bad luck with an insufferable ‘could have been worse’ attitude, rarely taking much of anything seriously.

J’torha had a relatively normal upbringing, as Fabul Seekers are concerned. Born into an average-sized nomadic tribe with a strong and level-headed nunh, J’torha spent his childhood roaming a long-established migratory path through the rough of the Fabul desert, stopping off at small outposts and settlements every now and then and hunting for food and other valuable trading materials in between.

As soon as he could walk, he was difficult to keep still; among other antics, he was notorious for running off in the direction of anything that caught his eye, danger or obstacles be damned. The letting-off of rambunctious energy that his mother prayed for as he grew never quite arrived, and even as a teen when he became as proficient a hunter as any of his sisters, his penchant for getting himself into trouble was a regular headache - both for his mother, and the nunh himself. Stopping off at outposts did nothing to curb his appetite for adventure, either; in fact, the only habit of his that changed with time was that he eventually stopped chasing mice and butterflies and started chasing comely maidens instead.

In the rare moments when he wasn’t letting his lower head do all the thinking, J’torha found himself entranced by performing. Whether it be watching a busker in a town they’d stopped off at, listening to a well-told story in a pub, or even regaling his own mother and sisters with stories and songs, J’torha couldn’t get enough. The eyes of spectators focused on him, the excited questions, the clapping, the showmanship - it was all intoxicating, enough to turn a teenaged Miqo’te into an insufferable showboat, eager to show anyone and everyone anything that might possibly draw out a reaction. Granted, it did have the side effect of turning an already devil-may-care teen into an outright daredevil, but in J’torha’s eyes, the risk was always worth the reward of a striking tale to tell.

Things changed quickly for him when he came of age. Striking out on his own shortly after his nameday with the ever-original goal of amassing his own harem and starting a new tribe, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that J’torha’s gotten a little… side-tracked. Filled as he is with wanderlust and finally free to pursue a life outside of hunting, he’s clamoured to every destination he could beg, borrow, or steal to get to and tried his hand at every skill, profession, and strange-look-attracting hobby that’s crossed his path. About a year into his wandering he was fortunate enough to cross paths with a dancing troupe, and after some negotiating, some flirting, and a little begging, he managed to convince them to take him on as an apprentice. He traveled with them for a while, quickly moving up the ranks from assistant to instrumentalist to dancer in his own right, and attracted spectators and coin alike with his performances (and if he could line his pockets a little thicker by obliging the wealthy lady eyeing him up from the back, all the better). But of course, once he’d acquired his skills and begun to sharpen them, his wanderlust could no longer be sated by routine troupe touring, and he struck out on his own again as a solo act, doing his best to learn new songs and dances to add to his repertoire in every locale he passed through.

Today he finds himself in Alexandria, chafing under the pressure of the newly-closed borders. Out of options to entertain himself stuck in one place and unwilling to give crossing out of the city illegally another go (as it turns out, that garrison’s a lot quicker than they look) he’s turned to the Hunter’s Guild as a last resort, hopeful he can shake a few hands and slay a few shrews and be out of the city by the end of the fortnight.

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Tokyo ghoul

- chewing gum for ghouls (gum base is latex so it shouldn't be repulsive like human food, other ingredients in normal gum are just sugar and flavouring which can be replaced with human-based substitutes) helps them blend in cause who would think a ghoul would chew gum, and helps them curb their appetite à la Keneki's sugar cubes
- could also make a sugar free coffee flavour (either with or without human components)
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Dates: November 9th - December 6th

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All things considered, the group’s reaction was actually better than Aaron was expecting. Awkward silence and discomfort was something he was intimately familiar with, so the expected hush and strange looks actually relaxed him rather than set him on edge. Given the stigma against the Mental faculty, he’d half-expected them to ask him to leave (or worse) as soon as the admission left his mouth, so as far as he was concerned, he was in the good.

He chuckled at Diego’s comment, taking a sip of his tea. “A whole fuck ton of trouble” was certainly one way of putting it. His decision alone had caused him enough trouble with Varis already, and if Hannah was to be believed, that was just the merest tip of the iceberg. “No, no, he’s not wrong,” he commented to Lilith, setting down his glass with a friendly grin.

“I’ve heard… something like that,” he continued, directing his attention to Alexander. He put on a pensive face, considering his answer. He certainly wasn’t about to spill his actual reasons to a group of perfect strangers, but he didn’t expect them to believe he did it for the hell of it either—unless he wanted to start up a new rumour of him as some sort of devil-may-care thrill seeker like Hannah. Ha.

Luckily, being a Sinnenodel had its perks. “It seemed like the best option to me,” he answered cooly, flicking his earring for emphasis. “We all know the Sinnenodels like their mind games, so Mental magic was the next logical step. It never hurts to get an edge.”

His reasoning was received well enough; Hilda was still a little squeamish, but Lilith apparently appreciated Aaron’s forward thinking and the rest of the group didn’t have much negative to say. In fact, despite his major choice, they continued to receive him well, doing their best to include him in their banter and even going so far as to invite him to a group chat. Aaron was a little apprehensive, but luckily it was just a regular old digital chat, no brain-connecting involved. He’d probably keep it muted and just check in from time to time, but he had to admit it was kind of nice to be included.

The evening continued at its lively pace, and to his complete surprise, by the time his curfew alarm went off Aaron was actually a little sad to leave. The group was also sad to see him go, earning him a few indignant “boos” when he stood to leave, but one mention of Varis was all it took for them to let him go unmolested. He left them with a friendly wave and a promise to keep in touch, setting off for his dorm with a new spring in his step.

He had to smile. Somehow, the visit he’d one-hundred percent expected to end in utter humiliation had somehow managed to elevate his mood even beyond his little tussle with Ralph: so much so that once again, he even caught himself humming. Twice in one night, that was unheard of! So much so, in fact, that he started to wonder what on earth was so stuck in his head that he was compelled to hum it.

Now that he was conscious of it, it took a moment for the exact melody to come back to him, but he got it after a few tries, listening carefully to his own song for anything recognizable. It was painfully familiar—or was it nostalgic?—but the name continued to elude him, forcing him to wrack his brain for several more minutes before it finally occurred to him. It was the music that was playing from Dawn in his trial with Max!

No, wait, that wasn’t right; at least, not completely. It sounded like it, sure—a tune Ryner often hummed as she worked—but it was too complex. Ryner’s tune was a very simple melody, nothing much complicated going on, but whatever he was humming had more to it than that. Stranger still, he could pick out bits and pieces of Ryner’s tune in the one he was humming. In fact, the more he listened, the more it sounded like a harmony of Ryner’s tune and… something else.

It was a small thing, and probably stupid, but it stuck in Aaron’s mind all the way back to the dorm, and even after Varis dismissed him for the evening. With nothing else to do and a bit of time to kill, he pulled out his cello and a notebook and quietly plucked the tune, drawing out a quick set of staff marks to record the notes. Once the melody was complete on paper, he scratched out the notes he knew to belong to Ryner’s tune, leaving only the harmony line.

The first time he plucked it, it sounded strange. But the more he tried it, tweaking the tempo a bit, the more and more familiar it became. Or, maybe familiar wasn’t the right word; it was more like it struck him with the strangest sense of deja vu, carrying a weird and eclectic atmosphere along with it. It felt like a memory at the edge of his mind, on the tip of his tongue, and if he closed his eyes he could just barely picture the scene it came from…

When he opened his eyes he was in another room, warmly lit with stone walls and low ceilings. Lined up were fourteen blank sarcophagi—wait, he hadn’t counted—but for some reason, he was not alarmed. The soft notes of a distant piano did wonders to calm him.

The music ground to a halt as Aaron’s hand gripped the neck of his cello, eyes flying open in shocked realization. That was it! It had been hazy before, but now it was clear as day: the harmony of whatever he was humming was the piano music from that strange room he’d seen at the end of Lady Sinnenodel’s little jaunt inside his head. But that tune harmonized with Ryner’s? That was strange; had the piano from his ordeal with his Lady been a construction of his own mind? He’d never been much good at composing, but it was simple enough; maybe Lady Sinnenodel had pulled the harmony out of some deep recess of his mind where he’d constructed it from the song he was so used to hearing Ryner sing.

Either way, with his curiosity sated—and a little more thoroughly than he would have liked—he decided to put the cello away and call it a day. He’d had more than enough strangeness for one night.
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Obscene Symphony sea wench

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Aaron shared Maddie’s laugh, shaking his head at her nigh-unbelievable story. “Your old professors didn’t find out, did they?” he joked, giving her a sly look. It would be a miracle for a practice like juggling flaming knives to get a pass if anyone working for a Sinnenodel-run institution caught wind of it.

He just caught the end of something Lilie said when he looked up, catching her look. He followed her gesture to the couch, eyes trailing back up her arm to the elegant drape of the sleeve of her dress and her maddeningly tempting smile. But while he’d have loved nothing more than to take the seat next to her and spend his next few free moments extolling the virtues of her performance, he couldn’t; it was bad form for attendants to sit down during an event, and even more so when he was the only one around to press the buttons and pull the strings.

Before he had the chance to voice as much, he was subjected to Salem, launching into a soliloquy consisting of some lame attempt at a psych evaluation and a poor understanding of the role of noble mages at gatherings. His owning family’s rationale was certainly showing; Count Julian must not have gotten to parties with him yet. Of course, that much was clear from the fact he was sitting down—if Count Julian saw him sitting while his master was just feet away in the other room, he’d make sure he couldn’t sit again for a week.

Giving Lilie an apologetic smile, he looked between her and Salem, shrugging. “You’re close,” he offered, though it was hard to tell if he was addressing the room as a whole or Salem in particular. “I can’t speak for wealthy civilian gatherings, but the role of mages at noble events is a little more involved. Usually, the host’s servants would run everything behind the scenes and the attendees would bring a show mage or two. Their job would be to socialize, charm, and generally steer every possible situation in their master’s favour whether they’re at their side or not. It’s a fair sight more demanding than being ‘seen and not heard,’ but believe me, some mages live for it.”

He placed a reassuring hand on Lilie’s shoulder, hoping to ease her discomfort. “Take it as a blessing. Instead of playing politics tonight, you guys get to leave the dancing to the vampires and relax. It’s not often mages in our position get the chance to do nothing.”
All the mages
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