Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 12 days ago


"I'm fine, Sayaka-san. I got cut because I'm so useless, I'm sorry." Addie apologized to Sayaka when the burned girl asked her about the wound on her leg. The truth is just that, if she wasn't so useless, she not only have helped Rei and Sayaka, but also avoided any wounds to herself.

Nevertheless, even as Addie's expression darkened with self-imposed guilt, she balled her fists and puffed her chest and declared her will to get better loud enough for anyone in the room to listen "Bu... but you'll see, Sayaka-san, Rei! I'll... get stronger, I promise. I don't want to be a burden to you anymore!"

Though, it seemed that the lavender haired girl's predicaments were going to start way sooner than she thought, since the teacher ordered her to hold a barrel full of water (which she could barely lift off the ground) for the duration of the class, before changing ideas and ordering Rei and Sayaka to torture her. Who could be so hearthless to tell companions to hurt one another? However, the threat of having Rei and Sayaka suffer in her her stead, moved Addie to action, even though the quiverng throughout her body made it clear that she wouldn't be able to deal with painful things.

"Sa... Sayaka-san, Rei, please..." Addie said as she willingly sat on the chair, despite knowing that probably neither the water would have been properly treated, which would mean that it would be full of germs, chlorine, or chlorine and chlorine resistant germs and that if the chair was knocked over, anyone would be able to see her underwear, which would be especially embarrassing snce she was wearing one of her polka dot panties right now. Nevertheless, Addie looked to her friends, with eyes like those of a rabbit that had been cornered by a predator, and asked them again "Ple... please, I don't want you to get hurt because of me again. I promise that I'll be ok... I think?"



As Kaede listened to Kyoko's explanation, her usual frown eased gradually until she was gazing at the marksman with sympathy in her eyes. Who would think that they were so like one another? Even though, Kyoko decided to take the easy way out of whatever problems that she might have, which was impossible to Kaede, for a whole number of reasons.

"I see. However, this still doesn't excuse you from your guilt. Especially when you are one of thebest candidates to join us this year." Kaede said, just as t Head Director came into her office and lectured Kyoko, before asking if there was any reason why she should't punish her.

"Saya-sama," Kaede said right after Kyoko gave her absurd answer to the Head Director, "I believe that she had enough time to think about her misconduct, already. Please, given Akera one more chance. I promise that I'll keep her on line from now on." Kaede said in a very uncharacteristic display of empathy, before she fell silent, waiting for Saya's decision.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Jedly
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Jedly Espresso Drinker

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Zephyr Quix

Main Theme: Psycho Motion
Current Theme: Lost One’s Weeping

As soon as he stepped into the classroom close behind the blonde, the student already picked up an antagonistic vibe drowning everybody in the room. It was, unsurprisingly, their teacher. She also seemed to machine-gun words, albeit monotonously, the teacher who he later found out to be Izumi-sensei didn’t even take a breather between issuing orders and exercising prowess upon her disciples. Zephyr scanned across the room and scrutinized the current state of his classmates. One was currently holding up a keg filled with what he presumed to be water, another sat next to ropes and bindings, while a girl who seemed to be on the younger side of the spectrum. But the last one’s wording definitely caught him by surprise, he instantly attributed her with an archetype and found himself slowly inching behind Amy, then fell into a cower as if to take cover from his imminent demise.


The supposed yandere just added fuel to the fire by suddenly producing a scythe, as if it was a mundane activity for her, which in all honesty probably was. Amy then proceeded to nonchalantly take a seat, but then found herself restrained and blindfolded. ”...Yandere imouto and crazy sensei. I’m not going to make it through this class alive.” Zephyr realized his hand was subconsciously moving towards the pocket inside his shirt, which tightly held the pistol against his chest. He stopped the hand midway and chimed in, ”Zephyr Quix, checking in…” Though his announcement seemed to be drowned out by the teacher’s booming voice. Izumi held out her chest and began to circle around her pupils, much like a shark revolving around its prey, about to strike.

Her justification for their “lesson” was a bit adequate, to be frank. It was an essential for an assassin to have countermeasures in the case he or she is captured. The always ebullient young lad made a scowl for the first time in a while. This was equally unjust as it was warranted. Even though he arrived at the same time as Amy, he barely evaded punishment merely because he entered the room second. The boy was caught between a schism. It was obvious, given the amount of students within the class, that he was the one given the role to torture his recently befriended classmate. He didn’t want to hurt the girl in any way, but at the same time, he didn’t want another person who may let the girl suffer even a second longer to take on the task.

Zephyr narrowed his eyes at the keg suddenly thrust into his hands. The boy let out a sighed as he made his way over to the girl, completely defenseless from unseeable world threw at her. He set down the container and took a knee next to the girl’s desk, getting on ear level with her. ”I think you got all of that… right? Listen. Take a deep breath, like you’re about to go for a long, long, long dive. It may be only twenty seconds, but trust me, it’s going to feel like a millennium, so take in as much air as you can.” One of the black class members proceeded to recline her seat, then leveled her legs to get her into the proper form.

”Now, you’re going to feel like you’re drowning. I really don’t want to do this, but I think this would be a learning experience. Just, promise me when I’m punished, which will probably be a lot, you’ll always be there as my arbiter.” The boy picked up the keg, awaiting for the Izumi-sensei to give the go-ahead.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Rei was silent as Izumi explained the purpose of this class and she had to admit the older student was a bit ruthless. To suddenly change the subject of class like that just because a few students were late? The younger Momoko couldn’t help but admire her senior for such nature. Still, she had to agree with Sayaka in that doing this wasn’t necessarily right, especially with Addie involved.

She walked over to the now bound Addie, noting where her eyes went. The bucket of water was no doubt filled with all sorts of indescribable things and Rei knew full well her roommate couldn’t stand filth of that kind. The poor girl was a cleanliness freak as is. And while although she may have deserved said punishment, Rei felt wrong for doing this to her teammate. And so…

“Untie her Sayaka,” Rei said with a sigh while keeping an eye on Izumi. She waited for a few seconds before putting more of a growl in her command with, “I said untie her. Get her out of the chair now. You’re not going to do this Addie, regardless of anything you say. That’s an order from me. Instead, I’m going to take your place.”


Donna smirked as Izumi gave her the command to go at it. Gliding over to Miles like a shark, she stood by his side and leaned over to watch. She acknowledged the look he had gave to her which was why she wasn’t eating out his innards at the moment. So instead, she watched in silence, not moving to interfere. She did glance at Minako though, twitching as if restraining herself from biting the younger girl.

Really, she was only doing this for Miles. She’d monitor the faux torture and intervene if something went amiss, but otherwise she would watch. Meanwhile, she heard some first years trying to cheat their way out of the given assignment. She looked around to see they were Rei’s group. Well wasn’t that all sorts of interesting?

~Head Director~

Saya listened to Kyoko try to explain herself with a barely a movement, her expression unreadable. A few seconds of silence passed before Kaede spoke aloud now. The Head Director raised her eye at the Black Class member before considering her options.

“Hmm. Well then, I don’t see why another chance isn’t unacceptable. After all, there’s no real harm in the situation. However, I expect you to be in full custody of our friend here, yes Kaede? She’s your responsibility now.”

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 12 days ago


"Now, if it isn't disappointing?" Itsuko said to herself as she finally grew tired of waiting for something to happen in the 'rendezvous' that she was supposed to attend to. "Could this be another of Saya's puzzles?" Itsuko continued her monologue as she paced around the room, wondering if she was being tested in anyway.

"Well, if I were her, where would I hide whatever is it that must be here for me to find?" As Itsuko said so, she paced around the room, trying to spot any irregularities, until she was convinced that there was nothing out of order. However, it was then that Itsuko thought about something and recalled the Black Class's student roster and seat alignments.

"So... that must be it, huh?"

Itsuko moved to a desk that wasn't suppose to be there, actually a desk that should be hers, if she were a member of this class, and reached under it, finding an envelope with a near-blank sheet of paper with only the number 3 written on it inside the envelope.

"Am I being given level 3 carte blanche again? The situation must be grim for this to happen, either that, or Saya just thinks that whatever might be happening isn't worthy of her time. Anyway, it's not like I care..." With that said, Itsuko left the class room, leaving behind a note with 'I got things to do. I'll come back later. See ya!' and disappearing in the school corridors.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DELETED7282737


Member Seen 2 yrs ago


A person had started talking about Amy in which Any turned her head towards the person and tilted it lightly. The girl was talking about Amy taking the place of someone? She gave a confused look towards the girl but dropped the subject and glanced around the classroom for a moment to notice the black class was getting more stuff out of the back of the class. Amy looked up at the boob woman again and wondered what this class was about and what they would be doing. Her question was answered rather quickly as she was pulled back further into the chair and restrained by multiple ropes. Her eyes grew a little wider as she gasped by the sudden action. She looked down at her own body and noticed the rope digging into her skin just slightly. She tried wiggling her body a little and looked around with a deadpan face to what was happening and why she was the only one that was being restraint. The wiggling made her skin hurt from the friction of the rope so she stopped and sat still looking up at the boob woman with the same blank deadpan face as before.

The woman began explaining what the class was about. Amy looked over towards the others and felt quite offended for no one helping her. She pouted a little and impatiently stared at the boob woman. Izumi got behind Amy and suddenly lowered the back of the chair towards the ground. Amy sense of balance kicked in and felt quite strange when she wasn't able to get herself upright again. Her hair slowly touched the ground and the chair short after. She looked down at her skirt that had of course dropped down displaying her red with white striped underwear. Her face reddened as her underwear was shown to the class but the worst thing was when she couldn't do anything about it herself. The chair was to heavy to turn and she couldn't untie herself. Luckily Izumi helped her and placed her skirt so that it wouldn't drop again. She gave a sharp look at the boob woman and her eyes turned to an alarming blank look that if anyone even tried to get close they would get bitten to death by her personally. A rag was put over Amy's head, Amy growled at the black class member that came close to her but she couldn't do anything about him. A dark sand color was obstructing her eyes.

This was the worst, she couldn't see any more and she wasn't able to move. Amy kept her head still and seemed to be frozen a little. If she listened carefully she could maybe fend off the person whoever was gonna torture her. The boy who had sitten close to the chair had come closer to her face. She growled a little at him but kept quiet when he apologised about the mistake he made "Don't mind." The boy left again to be restrained himself. After that Zephyr also came to pay a visit. She turned quiet and listened carefully. Apparently he was chosen to torture her this time. She gave a small smile through the rags and gave a nod with a confirming sound. She was quite happy he at least was gonna do it instead of some black class member. She steadily breathed and was ready for what was gonna come.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WaddleDaisy
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WaddleDaisy School Idol Trash

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Kyoko Akera


Kyoko was still sweating somewhat from her excuse earlier, she just didn't want to leave this school and disappoint her younger sister. She isn't the person to let the closest person to her die, unlike her father who let his wife die in battle right beside himself. A silence fell in the room as she could hear her heart beating incredibly fast, this shows how fearful and scary the head director truly can be. Then she heard the Black Class Member speak up, who seems to be saving her suspension from the head director. What is she doing? She's trying to get me out of a suspension? But I bet I'll have to be her personal maid or something. Kyoko had thought to herself before the Head Director had replied back to the Black Class Member.

Kyoko's eyes widened as her heart beating had slowly calmed down back to normal, the head director just approved of the idea that Kaede had inputted. She may have to wait a while for the alcohol due to Kaede having full responsibility of her, but she was hoping to still be able to head to her sister in the hospital. Kyoko then stood up from her seat and did a traditional Japanese bow to the head director.

"Thank you very much!" Kyoko said with her hands at her side, continuing to bow.

Minako Tsukahara


The Black Class student had talked back to her, making her smirk only get bigger as she listened to her. "You students trying to act cool, how about you get that sad face off the ground and we can all start a little game together! How about I cut your fingers off and see the look of pain on your faces? They'll surely change!" Minako said to the other students of the class, her smirk turning into a creepy smile as her head tilted to the side slightly. She then pouted as Miles still had to be punished, but something exciting was about to happen so the two of them could get closer together.

"I-I'm going to torture Onii-chan?" Minako hesitated to speak for a second with wide eyes, but a grin of excitement and laughing was starting to be heard from the girl. "Perfect!" Minako said as she saw Miles sit down in a chair, she almost instantly tied him up in rope. She's already done so much torturing to her fake brothers, so she knows how to do all this without hesitation. She put the back of the chair onto the ground and went down to Miles level, holding a cloth in one hand with the water jug besides her.

"Onii-chan, if you can deal with this I'll give you a reward later~" Minako said with somewhat of a seduction tone, then she saw the person that she hates the most. Shark-chan. She grit her teeth in anger slightly before she put the rag over Miles mouth tightly, and picking up the jug before looking into her older brothers face. She sighed in boredom before starting to pour the water over her older brothers face.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by McFazzer
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Miles Lockwood

Miles was quite surprised when Minako expertly bound him to the chair, looking at her curiously he was even more surprised when she unhesitatingly lowered the chair back to the ground, hating the feeling of out of control weightlessness.

Raising his eyebrow at Minako’s promise Miles couldn’t help but be surprised by the tone of his little sister. Really? The little sister will reward the big brother? Isn’t that an interesting reversal. Well it’s pretty good as far as motivation goes. Still she is really too good at this...

"I’ll look forward to it little sister” with a grin Miles gestured with his head for Minako to begin as she placed the rag on his face. It honestly shocked him when the water hit his face, making his throat and lungs burn as he felt close to drowning. His first time brought tears to his eyes, that were quickly washed away by the water. Still he did not yell, or scream, he simply gripped the chair’s arm rests so hard they turned to splinters in his hands. The only outward sign that he was affected by the torture.

When the first jug was emptied, Miles did his best to breathe as he coughed and spluttered through the rag. Miles could just imagine the sadistic grin on Donna's face... oddly enough he could imagine the same grin on Minako's... pushing the image of the two girls from his mind, Miles tried to focus on the matter at hand I can see how this is a highly effective method. Today is just getting more and more painful... His eyes widening under the rag as Miles came to a conclusion oh God, what fresh disaster will await me after this?

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Spriggs27
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Spriggs27 Most likely a Synth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Izumi Kaede

After watching the students actually get to the point where they were gonna water board their roommates, and after seeing Minako being overly eager to torture the one she called big brother, Izumi stepped in the middle of everyone and spoke up." Stop !" She Ordered them all.

" This class wasn't made today to torture your classmates and have them be in pain, this class today was a trust class, in order to work together you need to build trust with others, no matter who they are, because one day you may need them. Now put the kegs down." Izumi told the students. The Black class students began releasing the students that were tied up and in the chairs.

Izumi went back to the front of the classroom with her back turned to the class, she had her arms crossed and felt a bit angry for what happened earlier in the class with many people coming late." Today was your first day, it wasn't a good day, whenever you have a class with me don't be late to the classroom, don't sit down on the floor if there aren't chairs, don't bring weapons to my class, or come messy. Your dismissed." Izumi told them still feeling angry about how late they were.

Before the students could leave Izumi turned around and pointed directly at Rei, Addie, and Sayaka." You three stay after class, I gotta talk to you three." She stared at the three giving them sort of a death glare as she waited for the others to go to lunch.

Sayaka Homura

After hearing Rei tell Sayaka and Addie say she was gonna be the one, Sayaka was still hesitant on actually doing it, she didn't want to water board either of them, well if Addie stop being OCD then she heavily lean to not wanting to hurt Addie at all, she specially didn't want to hurt Rei feeling as if Rei would do something even worse to her even later.

Which would probably hurt her even more than what Sayaka could do to Rei." This still isn't right though, even if your gonna take Addie's place, and plus I don't want to be on your bad side really Rei." Sayaka told the blue haired girl not wanting to torture her.

She also had a feeling that if she did it, then she might get on Saya's bad side as well, and her thoughts of the silver haired, red eyed, sexy woman would have to be burned liked the outer surface of her skin. When Izumi told them to stop and Sayaka turned to see her, Sayaka focused on the teacher woman.

Sayaka only got half of what the woman said and started at her backside, she heard the voluptuous woman berate them and anything after that she didn't focus on she stared at the woman's thighs, and bottom not really caring about what she said till Izumi turned around and pointed at the three of them and said they had to stay behind.

Sayaka was startled by the fact they had to stay behind and looked to both Addie and Rei." Oh no, what do you think shes gonna do to us ? " She asked the other two." Is this gonna be like one of those novels where the teacher punishes us with various fetishes ? Or is it gonna be like " If you want to pass today's class you gotta work for your A on your knees." Do you think ?" She asked Rei Specifically even thought she said it to both Addie and Rei.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Rei gave Sayaka a sharp gaze. Really, she was worried about that? She should have just followed her word and did the action since both of them knew that Addie was too weak-willed to endure such a torture. But alas, fate was not on their side as the teacher called it a day and soon everyone was dismissed towards respective lunch periods. Everyone except Rei, Sayaka, and Addie.

“How am I supposed to know?” Rei asked back, rolling her eyes at Sayaka. “We wouldn’t even be here if you had just followed my command and switched us out. But no, you had to question it. And now look where we are.”

Sure, she may have been a little harsh to the other First Year, but frankly Rei had been looking forward to lunch. Between having to deal with Sayaka’s lewd endeavors and Addie’s overall, general uselessness, it was starting to become a struggle in juggling both their personalities. Sighing, she only continued to glare up at Izumi, wondering just what exactly they were supposed to be doing under her watchful gaze.


“Oh ho, and what are you doing here?”

The question came from beside Itsuko as none other than Donna sprang up from her side, skipping along beside the other blonde girl with a toothy grin. Once Izumi had called it quits on her little class time, Donna had ran it out of there. But not before winking at Miles of course.

“Man, this place really reeks! I keep telling Kaede to put in some air fresheners but she always thinks I mean the fishy ones. The fishy ones! Oh ho, but that’s enough about me. Whatcha up to?”

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 12 days ago


"Rei, Sayaka-san, you shouldn't have done that. I... I would try my best to endure it." Addie said to her team mates, once they untied her. However, when Rei offered herself to assume Addie's place, the small lavender haired girl almost stepped in front of their teacher, to protest about her sadism, even if she feared that Izumi could snap her like a dry twig without a second thought.

However, as soon as Addie stepped forward and opened her mouth in a "Ahh... ple..." Izumi said that everyone but the three of them was released form the torture and could move to have lunch.

Still not knowing what was it about, but fearing that Sayaka's delusions might actually be true, Addie summoned all the resolve within herself and stood before Izumi. "I... I don't know what you plan to do, but... you can't do it to Rei and Sayaka-san. I... I... I won't let you!" Addie looked as pissed off, and as threatening as, a grade schooler who had favorite doll stolen by a bully as she tried to stand against Izumi, but even this small gesture was a long way down the path that Addie set for herself from now on.


Kaede stood up and bowed respectfully once Saya had delivered her judgment upon Kyoko "Thank you, Saya-sama, I'll be sure to get her back on the line before the tournament. After all, Kyoko Akera is the most qualified candidate to join the Black Class this year."

As soon as she said that, Kaede turned to Kyouko with a steely expression in her face, before replying to the thoughts that the other girl never voiced "I did that because I believe that you can do better. We are not unlike each other, so to say." However her eyes narrowed almost threateningly (or was it suggestively?), when Kyoko thought about what kind of compensation Kaede would like, specially the maid part.

"If you had said it before, I would already have asked for Saya-sama's permission. Come with me..." Kaede said without giving much context, before bowing to Saya again and turning to leave the Head Director's office while gesturing Kyoko to do the same as well as follow her.


Itsuko made a small detour through Saya's room to take a more throughout shower, put on some new clothes and eat a quick lunch, before she continued her roaming through the hallways, now feeling completely refresh and ready to fight an army if need be. "Now, I wonder where should I begin? Well, I think I have a good idea..." Itsuko said to herself when she heard a low rumbling coming from the boys toilet that she just slipped by.

However, before the reckless blonde could storm the place with little regard of the gender barrier, Donna appeared behind her out of nowhere, causing Itsuko to jump to the side and clutch her chest to try to calm her beating heart. "Whe... where the hell did you come from? You can creep on people like that, what if I had a weaker heart?" Itsuko said as the surprise washed off past her.

Anyway, once Itsuko had regained her composure she moved in closer to Donna and pointed to the boys' restroom "Yeah, I get you, this place smells worse than that kidnapper camp on Vietnam... man, I'll never forget that damn pig smell. Erm, anyway, I get that you're from the Black Class, right, Fish Sticks?" Itsuko waited a little for Donna's confirmation, before continuing "I think that I could use your help on that one. Saya tasked me with discovering what's up around the Academy and I think that this place is a good bet to dig some smelly stuff."

"What do you say of we going in and breaking some noses until they start to spill the truth?" Itsuko asked Donna as she punched her right hand with her left.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ChaoticFox
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ChaoticFox The Fabulous Fox

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Safira walked up the lonely path to Riddle Academy, her duffle bag of clothing and gear hung heavily from her shoulder. At first glance, most would consider her a normal teenage girl, her clothing was fairly civilian looking and nothing about her screamed assassin. Not until you took a closer look at the back of her neck. Here, the insignia of the Garra Vermelho gang lay burnt into the back of her neck, a circle surrounding the shape of a claw.

The resonating click of her combat boots on the stone walkway seemed very loud in the dead silent exterior of the Academy. Safira looked at her watch. Damn it, she was going to be late, and on the first day too. It wasn't her fault that it took her forever to navigate her way here. She pulled on her black leather jacket, concealing the two throwing knives strapped to her arm as she entered the school. The sound of her heart beating seemed deafening as she looked around, before making her way to the Head Director's office, wherever that may have been.'

After what seemed like hours of walking the empty halls she finally stumbled upon it, taking a deep breath before approaching the door and knocking three times, the sound echoing loudly through the halls. She drew in a breath, slowing her heart-rate down to just above resting rate and waited for an answer.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Unfortunately
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Unfortunately smug

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Somewhere in the halls, someone was watching a newcomer wander. While she nervously walked around confused and astray, the observer watched intently as she was starting to get closer to the director's office, assuming that was her destination. For a few moments, the bystander leaned enigmatically still and, from afar, scrutinized her appearance. If something was to be said about the stranger, it was that if the marking peeking out of her back was to be ignored, she looked nothing like an assassin, and probably even someone out of place that could deserve a killing. That mark might have very well saved her from trouble, and even her life.

Nuo stepped forward with a loud thump and slowly approached the newcomer. As she inched closer, her footsteps became louder and more ominous by the second, and an unsettling atmosphere loomed. At any given moment, something unexpected could happen.

Nuo stopped right behind the stranger.

"Pal," she spoke, albeit so soft it was barely audible. "You don't know anything about manners here, do you? Give a proper greeting and shake my hand." she said, reaching out an arm.

Again, at any given moment, something unexpected could happen.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WaddleDaisy
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WaddleDaisy School Idol Trash

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Minako Tsukahara


Minako had been blushing from the waterboarding that she had done to her older brother, also still having that grin on her face. She was then yelled at to stop the waterboarding, she looked towards Izumi still waterboarding Miles, when the jug emptied she threw the jug to the ground shrugging. "You shouldn't lie to me old lady, because I can go through with anything like this. As we can see, big brother trusts me and is willing to be the victim of my spectacular torturing." Minako had back chatted Izumi, still having that sadistic grin on her face as she was ordered to release her brother. "Really? Fine..." Minako sighed in boredom as she used her scythe to cut the rope, releasing Miles from the chair.

"Onii-chan, let's go eat." Minako did a cute smile to Miles, pulling him up from the ground and holding his hand, eventually hugging his arm. She started to pull him along out of the classroom, maybe she could even hand feed her older brother if she wanted to? Hand feed... Onii-chan?! Oh I know what's even better than that! Mouth feeding!

Kyoko Akera


Most qualified into the black class... I have to admit that would be pretty cool to end up in that, but I have to be the winner of that tournament. Kyoko had thought to herself before she got a gaze from Kaede, who was starting to talk to her. She listened to what Kaede had to say, but most notably a couple of words in the sentence surprised her a little. 'We are not unlike each other, so to say.' Then she got a threatening glare from Kaede, it didn't take long for Kyoko to learn that this person must have been a mind reader or something. But who knows right?

Eventually the two of them left the room, Kyoko bowed back to the headmaster once again in appreciation for this opportunity. But she was going to have to give up alcohol most likely the rest of the year ヽ(;▽;)ノ. She continued to follow Kaede, the two of them most likely heading to lunch like any other students at the academy. She then decided to bring something person up to Kaede, since she's stuck with her for a while. "I've been at this school for a bit, and finally I managed to hang out with someone who won't run away from me. Especially a member of the Black Class at that." Kyoko brought up while walking with Kaede, she usually scares everyone off when she's drunk. Most of the time she was drunk, but when she wasn't she could actually be caring, and know what personal space is.

Maybe when I get some food in me I'll start feeling a little better.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shikaru

Shikaru So many RP's, So little time.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Natalie Snow


Natalie walked up to the massive building that would be her new school and for a while where she would live, Riddle Academy, a school for assassins. Outwardly, Natalie didn't look like she could harm anything, much less kill a person, nor had she killed a person before.

It was clear she needed to learn how to defend herself, how to kill, ever since her parents were murdered. Checking her phone she was sure she was late, very, very late. She sighed and hoped she wouldn't get expelled so quickly, especially after it took her so long to reach the academy.

Nervously she entered the seemingly near empty building, at most waving at the people passing by her, trying not to draw much attention. After wandering for a while she eventually reached the Headmasters office, much to her dismay she was instantly met with two people she had never seen before.

One of the girls seemed almost normal like Natalie did, the other was scary, almost as if she could simply kill you by staring at you. Nervously Natalie spoke "U-Um...that's the Headmasters office, right?" She asked, clearly nervous about speaking to people, especially people in a school for assassins.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Spriggs27
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Spriggs27 Most likely a Synth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Izumi Kaede

Izumi watched as the others began to leave and the second that the classroom was just filled with Izumi, Rei, and Sayaka, Izumi went back over to the closet without showing her face to the three, she listened to Addie try to stand up to her, she didn't care for what Minako told her since she was testing them, she almost felt a little sorry for the boy that was with her, the one that Minako called big brother or big bro, she made sure it was just them before she would act on her plan, she overheard Rei speak." You would've been here either way."

The stoic woman opened the closet revealing several dozens of weapons and torture devices that would intimidate most others, Izumi disappeared into the closet looking for something, and when she returned, she returned with something surprising, she came back with a picnic basket and small cooler, she set the cooler and picnic basket down into the class room and returned to the closet and returned to the three with a small blanket.

Izumi put the blanket onto the floor and set the basket down into the middle of the blanket." Sit." She patted the blanket on the floor to motion for them to sit onto the floor." So you didn't want me to give you all free food or drinks ? Or you won't let me feed you or your room mates with free food ? " Izumi told them.

" Don't feel as if you failed today, but you've gotten lucky today due to time constraints, I honor what you were willing to do Rei I really do." She spoke of what Rei was attempting to do earlier." If you didn't know I was watching you and your little team earlier, and heard you said, that you wanted to take Addie's place, and I respect Addie for trying to be strong." Izumi told them while opening up the basket and taking out various sandwiches and snacks for them to eat." Be ready for other teachers to give you test." Izumi informed them


Sayaka Homura

The bandaged mummy girl watched as that creepy girl Minako left out with Miles, knowing that he was gonna get tortured even more by just being fed by a girl smaller than him, but since that was his little sister than he was forced to live with that then.

Sayaka soon turned her attention back to Izumi who went rummaging through the closet, Sayaka began staring at her backside as she went off into the closet, then that's when the bandaged girl's firey red eyes noticed the tools and torture equipment that hung on the walls of the deep closet.

When Izumi returned, Sayaka was expecting the worse to happen to them for what they done and what they were trying to do, they never gotten a chance to water board their team mate and in the end it happened to be a test, while the others went along and did it, their team decided to just talk about what they would and wouldn't do really and if it seemed wrong, well Sayaka was anyways.

She was expecting a punishment for what they were doing, but the second that Izumi showed a picnic basket and cooler the bandaged mummy girl was confused, she thought they would be staying behind for their actions, not for a free meal.

The moment Izumi asked them to sit Sayaka immediately did so, and quickly, she didn't want to get on the large chested woman's badside or get on the side of one of the various torture tools in the closet. Izumi began to speak about how they gotten lucky since time wasn't on Izumi's side at the moment and how they weren't in trouble, she commended Rei for being noble and trying to take Addie's spot since Addie wouldn't be able to handle the water torture.

" Uhh Teacher I also didn't want to go through with it or anything, I'm not trying to get any sympathy points or anything just, wanted to point it out." Sayaka tried to tell Izumi trying to seem like she did something too besides just stand around.

" I know." Izumi just replied coldy to the bandaged girl. Sayaka than went quiet not really trying to speak again, she reached for one of the sandwiches that Izumi put out onto the picnic blanket, and brought the small sandwich up to her mouth, she moved the bandages from around her mouth and took a small bite from the sandwich as Izumi opened up the cooler to reveal that it had water, juices, and even some soda in the ice, Sayaka resisted the urge to grab anything inside of the cooler feeling the urge she'd get her bandages wet and have to change them later.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by ChaoticFox
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ChaoticFox The Fabulous Fox

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@Shikaru and @Unfortunately

Safira spun around and faced the girl, examining to stranger with skeptical, stern eyes. She held back the urge to respond to the girl's rather rude and arrogant comment with a blade, but rather respond calmly and continue to wait for the Director "One may want to take more care when approaching a stranger with such words." She refrained from shaking the stranger's hand, preferring to acknowledge her with a simple nod.

And then yet another voice came from behind her and Safira turned to meet what looked to be another newcomer, much like herself. "Yes, I believe this it." she spoke quietly with a twinge of her Portuguese accent coming out in the English statement.

She muttered quickly in Portuguese, mostly under her breath "Meu Deus, por que é este chamando diretor demorando tanto..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Unfortunately
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Unfortunately smug

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"So, you refuse. This is how it is, then..." Nuo spoke once again, an even colder touch blended in her speech. Slowly, she reached out for something in her pocket... and returned the snacks she was handing out back in the pouch?

...just as things were looking grim here?

"Welp. Looks like you don't want any. Guess it's all mine," she said with a marked shift in tone, as she took out a piece of something that looked like a tiny fruit. Bright red and long, while it still looked appetizing enough, one might question if it's edible at first glance. Well, since Nuo isn't dead by the time she ate it, it is. It's just that, from the view of someone who knows her personally, she might have a different digestive system that can handle many things other people can't.

"Alright," Nuo said, still chewing her snack before swallowing it down a moment later. "I'm just kidding, you can take one if you ask. Name's Nuo. Anyways, you two are looking for the Director, right? Well, she's away for now, I think. And by 'for now', I mean most of the time. Now, some of the teachers here... bet you won't like them very much. Or at all. Some of them REALLY like chiding people to the verge of breaking in tears, but that's what you would expect from Riddle Academy. It's basically boot camp."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by McFazzer
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Miles Lockwood

Miles was annoyed. Not that Izumi told Minako to stop, that was fine, he was very glad to not have to be waterboarded. The problem was that she only said stop after it had begun! Now all his clothes were soaked! Eyes closed he tried to calm down, It's only water, it will dry out. You were only WATERBOARDED because the teacher was too slow. It's not a problem, you can't get mad at a lady. Even if she happened to be incompetent at that moment

Fury lurking behind his eyes Miles opened them but forced it to not show as Minako released him with her scythe and pulled him up.

"Sure, Minako, let's go eat together" Now on his feet with Minako on his arm Miles was first led out of the classroom before he started to lead Minako in a different direction from the lunchroom.

"Since I am a bit damp at the moment I hope you won't oppose to eating outside today little sis. Please wait just a moment~" gently removing Minako from his arm he grabs some chairs and a table and carries them outside, setting them up. Ducking quickly up to the Lunchroom he grabbed a few assorted meals and came back down and set them up. Heading back inside he walked to Minako and took her by the hand giving it a gentle peck before leading her outside.

"Come, Minako. Take a seat~" pulling out a chair for her and sitting her down Miles sat opposite her and reached across the table to hold her hand. "So how shall we enjoy our meal together little sister?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

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“Addie you idiot,” Rei sighed as she watched the other girl try to defend her two teammates. Honestly, it was probably just going to further provoke Izumi even more. But much to the young Momoko’s surprise, the black-haired girl didn’t reveal some kind of sadistic punishment game that they would all have to partake in. Instead, what was presented was a fairly reasonable lunch set up for all of them.

Eyes still widened in surprise, Rei took a seat beside Addie and Sayaka before listening in silence to what Izumi had to say. Really now? This was all just some kind of test? While she was sure the older girl had her reasons for doing so, Rei doubted the other classmates felt the same level of fairness in regards to the bait and switch method in proving a point.

“We’re flattered,” Rei said dryly before taking a sandwich for herself along with a can of juice. “Do you always make it your goal to scare away First Years? Or are you just generally a jerk?”

Rei stared Izumi down, still feeling a little cheated at what this girl had made her teammates go through. Sayaka may have been cowed in silence, but the red-eyed girl wouldn’t back down. Seeing as the other two wouldn’t get in her way, Rei was fairly confident this wouldn’t be a repeat Itsuko. That is, if Izumi felt like bothering herself with her “imouto”.


“Oh ho, if you had any weaker of a heart I don’t think I could contain myself from biting it whole,” Donna said cheerily in response, bouncing beside Itsuko like some kind of kid. “Fish Sticks? That’s a new one. Yeah, I’m from the Black Class. Weren’t you supposed to meet up with us or something?”

Her nose wrinkled in disgust at the growing smell as they approached the boy’s bathroom. She did grin in interest to Itsuko’s words, revealing her wide array of shark-like teeth. Well she was the Hall Monitor, wasn’t she? Breaking and entering did technically fall under her jurisdiction after all. And it wasn’t like Kaede or Izumi had anything else better to do. Which reminded her.

“Hey Kaede! I know you read minds so read this. The Boss said we’re supposed to get some new recruits later today and they might be looking for her. Go deal with them since Izumi is too busy handling her imouto fetish and I’m stuck with Thunder Thighs, oh ho!”

With that little message mentally sent, Donna casually walked beside Itsuko. A little fun and adventure never hurt anyone, right? Or at least, it never had any harm to Donna.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by ChaoticFox
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ChaoticFox The Fabulous Fox

Member Seen 1 yr ago

The repetitive whooping of a sleek silver helicopter could be heard from the edges of the Academy as it neared. The chopper was unmarked and the windows were tinted, leaving its occupants a complete mystery to any onlookers. As it approached, the landing gears lowered and it set down gently on the stone walkway up to the school, three men in suits hopping out before it's main passenger made an appearance. A young girl stepped down from the helicopter, her eyes dark as night and her skin as pale as snow. It was her face however, that would attract the most attention. A mask, covering her nose and mouth, adorned with a rather large jaw bone. A rather odd looking coat hung from her shoulders, sleek and black, conforming to her slim body. She walked with a certain...caution to her, her movements were planned and meticulously executed, her knee high boots clicking gently on the stone.

An equally slim man flanked her as they approached the building, inserting a new Cyanothane cartridge into a slot embedded into her left wrist, to which she responded to with a quick gasp and a cough, before her breathing returned to normal. Then, he removed two syringes filled with clear solutions and proceeded to inject them into either side of her neck, to which she reacted to with nothing more than a slight wince. The man then took a large case from a guard and waved him off as they finally reached the building.

Inside, it was rather quiet. The muffled sound of many teenagers talking as if in a high school cafeteria was all that was heard. Maven stood motionless, the quiet and rhythmic hiss of her breather resonating through the halls. The man spoke up quietly to her, almost as if he was scared of her "I do hope someone is to come greet us my lady..."

Maven looked to him with her emotionless eyes before giving him a slight nod. She waited patiently for a good fifteen minutes, before finally taking the case from her partner, waving him off and walking into the school. The man remained placed at the door, as if glued to the ground. Maven wouldn't hesitate to kill him if he left her without a command to do so, even if she had waved him off. He knew that she would not dismiss him without giving him the nod. Maven was a rather cruel individual even by Prophet standards, though only as cruel as what was done to her. She walked alone down the hallways before entering Izumi's classroom, attracted by the voices of what seemed to be a teacher. She stood in the doorway silently, watching the occupants of the class.
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