Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by White Feather
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White Feather Soul of a warrior / Feet of a Coward

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Lucifer had been through enough to tell when he was being teased. And, as befitting of such an occasion, he was not going to back down.

"On the contrary - I'm going to call your bluff. You haven't the nerve." he gave the girl a piercing look, daring her to try something. He had three advantages: One, that he knew he was being teased and thus could call her out without fear of being wrong. Two, They hadn't made this an official bet, so even if she did do something he wasn't obligated to surrender anything or do anything back. Three, he had his phone on him and reaction times faster than a caffeine-addicted flea. Blackmail was not one of the things he was above.

She tried to keep it up, but her belly rumbled and interrupted her, forcing her to drop the facade. Lucifer almost laughed triumphantly, but instead chose simply to smile at the girl.
"Hungry?" he asked innocently, seeing her turn the same color as a pinched peach. "Can't tease on an empty stomach, eh? Oh well. You were getting nowhere anyway."
He seemed to have conveniently forgotten that she had him in a corner until literally ten seconds ago.

"But yeah, you're right. We should probably go get something." he gestured towards the door and walked briskly ahead of the girl, stopped when he realised he was moving too fast and waited for her to catch up.

"So you're an assassin too, I presume? What got you into that business?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mcmolly
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Mcmolly D-List Cryptid

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Mashuka entered the cafeteria and almost immediately lost his roommates among the other people. Wuh-oh, it looked like he'd be eating along this afternoon. Which, really when it came down to it wasn't too much of an issue, given that the smell of the food alone was making his mouth water, he was fairly sure he wouldn't have offered any grand conversations.

So he grabbed a tray, piled it with meats and vegetables, and then found himself a free seat. It was actually kind of nice being in such a crowded place alone. He didn't have to worry about keeping someone's attention, or thinking of topics to talk about, all he had to do was listen to the myriad of conversations going on around him. Mashuka knew he didn't want to spend his life like a recluse, but sometimes it was nice to just be 'that one guy' and relax without any sort of expectations.

Alright, less introspection, more focusing on the delicious food.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

“Dumb blue-head? Oh ho, that sounds just like the boss’s sister!”

Donna hummed to herself as she took out some clean cloth and a container swirling with disinfectant before wetting the material and scrubbing it against Minako’s arm. As sadistic as she thought she was, Donna couldn’t outright torture the other students in response to her fun. Much as she wanted to at least….

“Oh yeah, the Head Director totally has a younger sister. With your mumbling description, it sounds like she was the one to put a bullet in your ass too, oh ho! Though I wouldn’t try any funny things with the Head Director, or her sister. Boss can cut you down faster than you think~”

The nurse-dressed girl left Minako to her thoughts for one last time before returning in a back and orange maid dress. Winking at the other girl, teeth gleaming in the low light, she gently took Minako’s arm and placed a pink bandaid with cracked purple hearts and small blue shark fins over the gaping hole. Then she grasped onto Minako and smirked wider, the area shifting around them in the blink of an eye.

No longer were they in the student infirmary, but now the cafeteria filled with busy, hungry students. Donna stuck her tongue out at Minako before skipping merrily to Kaede’s unmanned position at the lunch line. Now whatever had distracted that girl? Kaede was usually never one to leave her post like that. But that mattered not to Donna in the end. Besides, she was scouting her eyes out for a certain Korean boy she could plunge her jaws into.

Said distraction turned out to be someone of…questionable gender to say the least. Rei’s answer to her companion was an exasperated sigh before she turned on her heels and walked back to the table with cold fire in her eyes. Her annoyance only grew when she saw that it was Addie that had held them up; granted, it wasn’t her fault.

“Hold the line,” she told Sayaka before reaching the trio of girls….er, two girls and one confusing headache. Oh great, and the second girl was one of her sister’s lap dogs too. Rei gave Kaede a sour expression before crossing her arms.

Catching the end of their conversation, it sounded like the newbie had sat down and Addie was doing that kindness thing again. Kaede was probably there to remediate the situation, or piss her off. The final nail in the coffin, so to speak, was the newcomer getting up and flat out leaving, spouting something about spilt conflict.

“Oh no you don’t,” Rei said darkly, latching a hand onto Charlie’s shoulder. “If Addie-san says you’re sitting with us, you’re sitting with us. So sit with us or I’ll kill you.”

She tried to pull Charlie back, only to just barely trip on herself. Rei looked back at the robot with slightly widened eyes. Either this girl…boy….thing weighed a ton, or she really wasn’t human.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WaddleDaisy
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WaddleDaisy School Idol Trash

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Minako watched as the blonde scrubbed her arm with the disinfectant, she tried not to be bothered by it, this was just something that needed to be done out of the way. Younger sister? She's the younger sister of that so called director? Cut me down faster than I think huh? Not if this little sister gets a good torture in you first. Minako giggled to herself from her thoughts, she took another look back at her arm and sighed.

"Onii-chan better take care of my wound and help me heal up~" Minako said to herself before she saw the so called nurse walk back in, but instead wearing a black and orange maid dress. When the bandaid was put over the gaping hole, Minako couldn't help herself but giggle a little at the silly design. But she shrugged before she was grasped, starting to notice how different the area was changing around herself and the blonde.

"Bye bye Shark-chan!" Minako giggled and waved at her before looking away from her and gritting her teeth in disgust. She looked over at the long lunch line full of students, she took a look around at all of the students eating, trying to find Onii-chan. Where could Onii-chan be? Onii-chan has to be here, otherwise I'd have to find something entertaining to satisfy me, such as killing~ Minako giggled to herself before making her way over to the lunch line, she's really just hoping that she won't be treated like a pig, she desperately wants to be in that famous Black Class.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Spriggs27
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Spriggs27 Most likely a Synth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

As the students began to eat their lunches and Rei struggled to force someone to eat with them at their table with the threat of death, while others began to crowd the lunch room and Saya's plan to keep the students safe worked in the end, they wouldn't find out that because of Saya's old problems and issues with the Japanese mafia, her issues were swept under the rug and next to no one would know about it besides the almost mindless slave she had attending the school.

The lunch room started to become crowded by the mass amount of students that began to enter the room, and when another student arrived to Kaede with an empty tray arrived it was a girl that was wearing a zebra mask on her head, and when she spoke everyone went silent." Please mum...May I have another ?" she spoke with a heavy British accent through the mask partially muffling her voice.

And she wanted Kaede to answer her instantly and before Kaede could say anything she asked Kaede once again." Pl-Please mum...Can..I..Have..Another?" The girl's arms shook as she held onto the tray as if she was cold and someone just poured a tray of ice cubes down her back, then she let go of the tray and let it fall.

The room oddly was silent enough to hear the tray fall and the girl wearing the zebra mask on her face had a butter knife in her one of her hands and started to yell loudly she raised her hand with the butter knife into the air and she tried to Lunge at Kaede, but at the last second Sayaka stopped the attack by punching girl with the zebra mask on her face and knocked her into a nearby pillar.

" Denied." Sayaka said to the zebra girl, suddenly the doors to the lunch room were kicked open by other people who were wearing a variety of different animal mask over their heads, they almost out numbered the students in the lunch room and rushed the assassins and actually put up a good fight against the assassin students.

A camera on the corner of the lunch room caught the entire act and was still catching it till an assassin threw someone at the camera and knocked out the feed, before Saya could make an order to the guards to attack the animal masked enemies, a couple of guards that were wearing animal mask kicked in the door to the security room and tried to rush Saya just like they were rushing the assassins in the lunch room, more guards with animal mask started to pour in and they started fighting the regular guards rushing them and fighting.

In the hallways Izumi and a number of guards were holding their ground against a large wave of these animal masked enemies, while many of them attacked her and the guards from both ends of the hall way, Izumi pulled up her hologram phone and tried to call the security room while taking down some of the animal masked guys with her off hand while her other hand was held up to show her face to the hologram screen, while she was calling the security room, one of the animal masked guys tried to donkey punch Izumi, only for the woman to punch them and keep looking at the screen.

When one of the animal masked people dropped to the ground in front of Izumi she noticed that the guy was wearing a default uniform of the school here, then she began to notice that the others were wearing different clothes and others wore school uniforms, suddenly the hologram screen came up on voice message and Izumi left a quick message." Mom, some of these people attacking are members of the school." Izumi sent the message to the security room's phone and began to help the guards hold their ground against the large swarm of animal masked men and women that seemed almost endless.

Sayaka jumped back over to the table with Rei and Addie and covered Addie while Rei was probably getting up and trying to get a hold of the situation, Sayaka tried to use her flamethrower but before she could activate the spread fire weapon, one of the guys tried to jump her and Sayaka was forced to punch him, then Sayaka tried to use the weapon again, but she was again jumped and she was forced to punch another masked girl and then elbow another masked man." Rei will you get that tight ass over here and cover me so I can use my flamethrower !" Sayaka yelled at the blue haired assassin.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kimiyosis
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Kimiyosis Poi, poi, poi~!

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Sasha blinked in surprise, before laughing lightly. "Assassin too? So you're an assassin then?" Despite being teased in return and having her bluff called -she will remember that, and make sure to return in with a vengeance- she was still able to poke a little fun at the boy. The boy had asked if she was an assassin 'too', which had revealed that he was an assassin as well. And he had revealed this information, before she had denied or consented with his words.

"I'm just a normal person, who seemed to have entered the wrong school." With a dainty little shrug, she continued to walk with the boy, tilting her head while asking her next question. "Ah, but what do you specialize in? The job of an assassin sounds like it is filled with adventure!" Of course, she knew that this place was meant for assassins, and that just about everybody here had something unusual about them. Probably even the American that had run off somewhere was something unusual. But the boy didn't need to know that she had any kind of experience regarding assassination. Hey, if the boy ended up creating the wrong assumptions, even better.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 10 days ago


Kaede was almost taken off-guard by the masked girl asking her for seconds just as she was returning to her position, since the mask partially interfered with her power (which requires eye contact to work), though she was spared a slash thanks to the mummy-like girl that was part of Saya's sister group. "Thank you, next time you come here I'll give you an extra large portion, on the house" Kaede said quite non-chalantly as she hit an attacker in the gut with the handle of her sword.

Once she had cleared those near her, Kaede moved on to where Donna was standing and said to the shark girl "I'll take the left, you take the right. Don't harm anyone more than necessary, got it?" After that she proceeded to help the students that were being attacked on the left side of the cafeteria "What's happening here? Why are the students attacking us like this?" she asked over the intercom to Izumi and Saya.


"Wait, don't go" Addie said as Charlie began to leave, she even began to reach a hand meekly before Rei did so in her place "I'd like you to hmm... have lunch with us, if you don't mind it, of course" she finished meekly, sounding like a scared rabbit.

Not a minute later, Addie got momentarily disoriented as Sayaka pulled her behind a flipped table "What's happening?" she said while trying to get back to her feet, though she dropped right back to her knees once tabe knife flew right past her close enough to take a few strands of her hair out. When Addie looked around better, she noticed that there was a lot of weird animal people wreaking havok around the lunch hall. Addie didn't had much time to think things through, anyway as she noticed a girl with an eyepatched bunny head lunging at Sayaka from behind while the mummy was fidgeting with her flamethrowers "Watch out!" Addie shouted as she barelled Sayaka with all of her pityful strength, successfully taking the other girl out of the traitorous knife's path, though she didn't got by without having her own arm slashed

"Aah! That hurts" the lavender girl uttered, though she even forgot about the pain, when she noticed that the bunny girl was pretty much over her holding the knife with both hands, ready for the kill.


Itsuko was about to reach the secret room that she sought for the best part of the previous half hour, dejectedly munching away at a yakisoba bread that would be her only lunch for today when a boy wearing a pig mask tackled her just as she was about to make a turn. Itsuko let her cold, insipid lunch (but still her lunch) drop from her hand and fall into a pool of putrid water ruining it forever, as a result of the collision "Wha!?" she said as she tried to reach for it, just a second before another pig boy holding a baseball bat tried to hit her from behind and ended stepping on the horrible sandwich (but still it was her sandwich).

"You goddamned human in pig clothing" Itsuko shouted enranged just before noticng that three other pig boys had closed in on her, all of them holding different kinds of improvised weapons. The first one tried to chop her with a meat cleaver, just for the rampaging tiger to dodge and hit him on the snout with her knee. "Nobody mess with MY lunch goes home in one piece" Ituko said as she crossed her arms, the thin wisps of light in the tunnel revealing the presence of her weapon of choice...

An asskicking scene later, "The next time you cross my path you'll become ham, do you hear me?" Itsuko shouted as she and the last of the pig boys crashed through the airvent inside one of the school's corridors that lead straight to the cafeteria, not too far away from a certain acquaitance from her past.

Right after taking the time to deliver a swift kick to the head, knocking the lights out of the still groaning pig boy, Itsuko turned her gaze to no one other than Alexandra Mauk, AKA Sasha and said "Ara ara~ The world's short, indeed. In one second you're frying some bacon and in the other meeting an old acquaitance." Then, the blonde assassin drew her pistol and pointed it at Sasha, all the while keeping an eye trained at Lucifer, in case he tried something funny "What do you say about we finishing that thing from Istanbul right here and now? Or... are you too busy with your boyfriend, Calamity Princess?"

@Kimiyosis@Spriggs27@TheWindel@White Feather
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Mcmolly
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Mcmolly D-List Cryptid

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

There would never be a quiet moment at this school, of this Mashuka was now certain. No matter how much he longed to enjoy a meal, or how desperately he prayed to not be violently attacked at every potential turn, it seemed that his pleas would fall forever on deaf ears. Or, more fittingly, the animal-like ears of the masked assassins that so abruptly rushed into the cafeteria.

Around him he saw many of the students mobilize a defense, flipping tables and drawing weapons. He just sat with noodles hanging from his mouth until one of the bastards actually went after him, whereupon he all but flung himself back and onto the floor, before kicking his seat up and tripping the would-be assailant. His hand went to the knife once again, and once again he stayed himself from drawing it.

You draw this blade not in defense, but with intent. Clean it or bloody it, but do not leave it unsated.

He grimaced and pulled his hand away, scanning the environment. The students seemed to be putting up a most formidable counter-attack, and in truth he thought the best idea for him might just be to run. No risk, no hurting anyone, it would work out fine. Yeah.

--"Watch out!"--

The shout grabbed his attention, and Mashuka turned to see an unfamiliar girl shoving another unfamiliar girl out of harm's way. A valiant, admirable deed for anyone, assassin or not. Undeserving, he thought, of the treacherous end the rabbit-masked assailant evidently had planned for her. Mashuka sprinted, and somewhere deep down he might have tried to call upon that stranger side of him that he'd encountered back at the prison, but alas no wind came to aid his movement, and he could only hope his speed was enough.

He barreled into the rabbit-assassin, aiming to take both of them to the ground and away from the girl. While he certainly ended up smacking on the tile, he had to rely on the element of surprise and the weight of his attack to determine whether or not the plan had actually worked.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WaddleDaisy
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WaddleDaisy School Idol Trash

Member Seen 6 yrs ago


Minako took a look around to all of these people with animal masks on just barge into the lunch room, she sighed before she stood out of the lunch line and clicked her fingers in annoyance. "C'mon Onii-chan, I wanted to get some food you scum." Minako said to herself as she looked at all of them attack other students. Could it just be another trick being played out by the school? But if that wasn't the case... fighting them would be hard to due that dumb blue head giving me a gun shot wound Minako thought to herself before looking up to see someone attacking her from above, she lifted an eyebrow as she brought out her scythe, holding it with two hands to clash with the mysterious animal person.

"Onii-chan, why do you insist on fighting with me?" Minako smiled at the mysterious animal person with a smirk, before pushing them off as they held a short assassin knife in their hand. Minako then charged at the mysterious animal person and sliced all the way up their body, making a huge gaping wound, her smirk got larger as they fell to the ground. Minako started to laugh to herself as she saw the blood on the ground. "You just weren't CUT to be my Onii-chan eh?!" Minako continuously laughed to herself. She then turned around to take a look at the girl known as the crybaby, being saved by a male with white hair and blue eyes and tan skin.



Of course there has to be one character who drinks booze right? Then welcome to none other than Kyoko Akera. Kyoko took around the lunchroom before all of this chaos occurred, all she wanted to do was eat some food and drink some of her top of the notch booze. But I guess this wouldn't be the case for her. Her table had been flipped by another student, ending in her booze bottle nearly being dropped to the floor, which would have ended tragically for Kyoko. On Kyoko's back is where she had her rifle, she decided to pull it over her shoulder, she took a look through the lens.

"Am I drunk or what? Animal people?" Kyoko said as she put her bottle of booze down her shirt, don't ask how, she just somehow seems to do that. Kyoko then stood up as she noticed knifes flying everywhere, she grit her teeth and took a look around to see if anybody needed help. She ducked back down before loading up the ammo into her rifle in case she needed to do any head shots (if she's allowed to that is). Do these people have a purpose? What do they even want to do? Hopefully Izumi, Kaede and Shark-chan are handling the situation...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by White Feather
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White Feather Soul of a warrior / Feet of a Coward

Member Seen 1 mo ago

"There are three reasons, miss, that I don't believe you're not an Assassin." Lucifer responded with a chuckle. Did she really just try that old trick? How stupid did she think he was? " One, you only registered dull surprise when I told you, rather than, say, running away screaming or being shocked to the core. Secondly, you're at this school. This school only accepts Assassins and it needs references, either from family or an organisation. Ergo, you can't be here and not have some kind of assassination history. And thirdly..."

At this point Lucifer was cut off rather brusquely by what initially seemed to be the air vents exploding. Immediately, Luci brushed Alexandra behind him, although he couldn't totally cover the taller girl, and his hands went for the sharpened pieces of metal he kept as throwing knives.

As it happened, it was not a detonating air vent, but rather someone being forced through it at high speed. Lucifer - quite accurately - guessed that there had been some kind of fight, though why the person was wearing a pig mask was beyond him. His suspicions were confirmed when shortly after when a girl emerged to punt the pig-boy in the head, knocking the lights out of him

"Ara ara~ The world's short, indeed. In one second you're frying some bacon and in the other meeting an old acquaintance." the mysterious girl said, looking at Alexandra. Lucifer had just enough time to pull his hood up with his free hand. Nothing he could do about the mask, though, so he kept his head lowered, obscuring his face with the peaked hood.

"And three, that" he finished, gesturing vaguely at the scene in front of him.

"What do you say about we finishing that thing from Istanbul right here and now? Or... are you too busy with your boyfriend, Calamity Princess?"

Oh, so she had a nickname? Lucifer pondered over what kind of organization Alexandra had joined. Mafia, maybe? Either which way, he didn't want there to be any bloodshed quite yet, so he did what he could to placate the situation.

"Salaam to you too, miss." he began drily "Before you do anything rash, I'd like to point out three things. Firstly, Istanbul should really still be called Constantinople, or better yet, Byzantium. Konstantiniyye, if you want to be Turkish. Secondly, I just want you to know we have nothing to do with piggy over there and whatever... erm, Calamity Princess has to do with you has nothing to do with me. And I'd really appreciate if you didn't shoot her. And the third thing: I am not her boyfriend!"

No-one had to die here. They both just had to make the right moves and it would be a-okay. If any blood was spilled outside of a mission that he could stop, that would go against everything the Fedayeen stood for.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Saya sighed. Really now, on the first day no less? Though she figured that someone would try to do something like this, given how most of the crime underworld loathed her. But still, animal masks? Really? Even though they put up a decent fight, Saya’s staff were still leagues ahead of them in terms of actual combat. After all, what use was a teacher here if they weren’t able to kill in a heartbeat at a moment’s notice?

The Head Director’s left eye gleamed just once before she understood the situation. These people had been drugged, no doubt rendered comatose by some kind of hypnotism. Saya didn’t have to give her orders aloud, knowing that her staff knew to fight only to disable and not to kill. Some of their attackers could be easily swayed to their side, what with the many tricks and tools the Red-Eyed Ghost had up her sleeve.

“Don’t you think this is a bit much?” she suddenly called out, sensing a greater presence then these average mooks could muster. “There’s no use in hiding from me as you know. And I doubt your soldiers here can kill a single staff member. So please, do the honors first and introduce yourself.”

As the battles raged on around her, Saya strolled up casually to the center of the control room. She crossed her arms, waiting for the response she knew would be returned to her. Though something about this presence seemed too familiar…and that made Saya all the more deadly.

Back in the lunchroom, Rei cursed to herself darkly as all hell broke loose. She should have figured that someone was all too eager to get a hold of her older sister’s head. Giving Addie a brief glance, telling her to stay put, Rei rushed over to Sayaka’s side and revealed her two pistols. It seemed that her prowess was inherited through family blood because she was quick to realize that a majority of their masked assailants were in fact school students.

“First off, keep your eyes off my body pervert. Second, these masked freaks seem to be students so don’t go trigger happy. Aim to disable.”

As much as she hated going the pacifist route of her sister, she knew that Saya’s punishment for breaking that code was infinitely worse than anything these fools could do. With a frown, she aimed at the charging masked grunts and fired off shots into their arms and thighs. Sure it would hurt like hell, even with their controlled state, but it would be better in the long run.

Nearby, Donna grinned with a little too much enthusiasm, giggling to herself as Kaede gave out her orders. Gripping her kendo stick in hand, she was going to have fun bashing some skulls in. Not to kill of course, but they would get one hell of a coma later.

“Sure, sure Kaede. Oh ho, let’s go~”

Zipping around, her appearance phasing in and out of sight, she began smashing her stick against anyone with a mask. The force behind her blows was sometimes enough to even shatter them, revealing hazed eyes behind their visage before they got a face full of stick.

“They’re being controlled,” was all Saya had to say suddenly over the communicator to her Black Class students, knowing the trio of assassins would know what to do from there.

Donna smirked, about to respond to her boss before she noticed Squid-san in the corner of her eye. She noted the shorter girl’s knife hacks as students fell forward in pools of blood. As much as she enjoyed the sight of good beatings, those were still against the rules.

“Hey, hey Squid-san,” she said cheerily, bouncing up to Minako while keeping an eye on the downed students; thankfully they weren’t dead, just seriously injured. “Oh ho, it’s not fair you know if you end up taking all the cute older brother types in the school. And if you start killing people, I’ll have to bash your pretty skull in too cutie~”
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Spriggs27
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Spriggs27 Most likely a Synth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

In an instant out of nowhere a set of gun shots were heard and a single bullet grazed Saya, the other gun shots dropped the security guards, out of the blue a man wearing full body armor and mask of the god Anubis descended from the ceiling and fired two desert eagles at Saya when she asked him to show himself, the bullets from his gun injured the rest of the guards, when he landed to the floor he landed on his hands and knees looking to the ground then quickly looked up to Saya.

The second he stood up he noticed Saya was surrounded by his drugged up masked people, they circled around the single red-eyed assassin, and the guy holstered his desert eagles into thigh holsters before strolling towards Saya." Damn this is the only effort that your men could do against these people ?." He motioned his arm to the droves of masked men and women, his voice sounded like it was going through a voice changer to hide his identity." They barely stood a chance, you gotta get better meat shields Saya." He said to her. Then he pulled out one of desert eagles and aimed for Saya's head." Then again you won't need to hire anymore where your going." Then a gunshot rang out.

-Meanwhile in the Lunchroom of solitude-

When Kaede told Sayaka that she would get seconds on the house, the mummy girl just glared at her." What that's all I get for probably saving you ? No I want a better reward than just food, I get that anywhere I want to see more than just your cleavage after this ! I want your nudes !" The Mummy girl told Kaede in a demanding tone. Right as she let her guard down that second to yell at Kaede for the lame reward, a woman wearing the goddess mask of Baset gut punched Sayaka with a giant powered fist, the fist electrified it's self and sent Sayaka flying across the room.

Sayaka flew past several others who were in fights of their own and slammed into the wall making a fine mark in the wall, Sayaka was still alive and well, but she was gonna be feeling the pain of being flung across the room, electrocuted, and slamming into the hard concrete wall, the woman looked at Addie and then to Rei." You lavender haired girl, out of the way, your not needed here, your not even an assassin, you have no particular skills to be one, you might as well drop out and leave while your still in one piece." She told Addie.

" My fight here is just with little Rei here." She pointed her armor covered fist at Rei." Your Saya's sister, just for that you get to fight me." The lioness masked woman told Rei before she slammed her fist together and both crackled to life with electricity, the woman then took up a boxer fighting stance." Show me what the lesser sister can do besides just shoot a gun."

Earlier in the hallway, as the fight seemed to drag on Izumi soon became the only person standing among the masked people, she was using all the moves she knew on them knocking them out only and breaking their arms or legs to stop them from getting back up and trying to continue their attack, then suddenly they began to slow down where she was, as she continued to knock out more and more of them with her hands and feet, in the middle of the fight a guy with the mask of the god Horus appeared and tried to hit Izumi with a baton, when the blunt weapon got close to her face she blocked the weapon and countered by flipping him onto his back and stunning him.

Then just like that the others seemed to have vanished, Izumi brought a fist down onto the bird masked man's head and presumably knocked him out, she then his mask and unmasked him, she didn't have a clue who he was and stole his mask from his head to avoid any fights with the other masked men and women, she then stole his hoodie and spotted another group running somewhere, she followed behind them acting as one of them and when they all stopped they ended up in the security room with another man that was wielding was were, he killed the rest of the guards and then tried to tell Saya to get better guard.

Izumi pushed her way past the others and slowly made her way to behind the man with the jackal mask, the second he pointed his gun at Saya, the stoic woman acted and grabbed his arm with the gun making him fire into the ceiling, when the Anubis masked guy noticed who grabbed him he quickly looked at the mask." Horus what the hell are doing ? " Then he realized that it wasn't Horus and noticed Izumi's breast." Your not Horus !" The man punched Izumi in the face then flipped her onto the floor face up and quickly unmasked her, he then put a gun to her forehead and used his thumb to pull back on the hammer of the large gun.

The hallways still had stragglers hanging around them and, some of those stragglers found Lucifer's group, these ones were different than the rest they were all armed with pipes, baseball bats, knives, and one even had a chain in his hands. As Sasha thought he was fine in the hallway, a large man wearing a bear mask grabbed him with both hands while a couple average sized people wearing bear mask appeared from behind him with baseball bats ready to use Sasha as a pinata
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kimiyosis
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Kimiyosis Poi, poi, poi~!

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"But you forgot to factor in eccentrics and air-headed traits of a person! Perhaps I just fail to understand the dangers of the word 'assassin'." Of course her little deception would fail. If it did not, she would be quite at a loss for the level of assassins nowadays. However, their conversation seemed t have been cut short, as someone came flying out of the vents with the force of a shaped charge. Shifting her grip on her umbrella, Sasha almost burst out laughing, as she beheld the sight of Lucifer trying to shield her from harm, despite the difference in height. It was almost cute, in a desperate sort of way.

Although, what came out of the hole where the vent used to be, or more accurately, who came out, Sasha immediately sighed in exasperation. Why was she here as well? Just what was with her luck? Watching as her rival oh so easily knock out the masked person, before turning her attention towards the Russian. "Too small of a world, if I'm seeing you again so soon." A casual, yet bored response was all Itsuko received, before another sigh punctuated her sentence.

Quickly though, her expression changed into one of amusement, as she pretended to think. "Istanbul? Ah, I left you in the wake of the accidental detonation of flammable cargo onboard that train." While speaking, she had lifted the umbrella, and was prepared to fire, if it were not for the fact that she was grabbed. "Oh my."

With such a lackluster reaction to the dangers unfolding around her, Sasha couldn't help but to smile. While she wasn't permitted to kill without orders, she was allowed to fight, especially in the so called 'self-defence'. Loosening the grip on her umbrella, she allowed the tip to swing down, before tightening her grip when the tip was pointed at the foot of the one holding her. With a click, and a gunshot, a clear cylinder was fired, impacting against the crease where the foot connected with the leg. A second later, the man convulsed, letting go of Sasha before collapsing on the ground in a twitching heap.

Quickly raising the umbrella, she opened the parasol, the armored shell glancing off the pipes and blunt weapons with ease. Taking a quick leap backwards, her gaze shifted between the combatants holding makeshift weapons, as well as Itsuko with her handgun.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by White Feather
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White Feather Soul of a warrior / Feet of a Coward

Member Seen 1 mo ago

As the strangers approached, Lucifer quickly lost interest in the new girl. He whirled around just in time to see Alexandra getting grabbed by a man in a bear mask whilst two of his cronies circled round.

"Kess Ikhtak! Today is just getting more and more interesting as it goes on. First the 'bomb' and now this..." he hissed, pulling his mask up. All that was exposed were his eyes. "Let's do this."

Using the shards he was holding, he threw them at the attackers coming in at the side. He aimed low and three of them dropped, hitting the ground hard as their kneecaps suddenly became dysfunctional. He drew his dagger and pulled another couple of shards, before moving to engage the foes on the other side. They saw him coming and swung, but he was too fast. He ducked and weaved around the sluggish attacks like a dancer going through an intricate routine, quickly swiping with his blade when he was close enough. Nothing was fatal, but he felled another two and injured three more before he lept out of active combat range.

He looked back at Alexandra, who had got herself out of her clinch, and moved to secure her from the back. "I expected nothing less, Calamity Princess. If we make it out of this, you'll have to tell me who trained you."

The new girl was still isolated, which could be fatal. He traded the metal shards for a smoke bomb, ready to drop it if things went belly up. She had a handgun, but against hordes even the best weapons in the world could fail. And Lucifer didn't want any deaths if he could help it.

"Ara!" he called, giving the stranger a nickname "Gun down, fists up!" He kicked one of the masked men away from him and lifted his dagger to deflect another attack. These guys were nothing compared to what he had taken on before, which begged the question - where did they come from?
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 10 days ago


Kaede sighed as Donna went on her blind rampage, at least she wouldn't be killing any of the students, so in the end all would be according to Saya's orders. What Kaede had to do now was take her own part of the foes.

A couple minutes later, just as Kaede finished with a group of three, she found something that she couldn't believe. A girl, Kyoko, if Kaede wasn't wrong, wasn't not only ignoring the chaos around her, but also drinking actual alcohol inside the school premises... that was something that Kaede couldn't tolerate. "Kyouko-san, right?" Kaede asked as she approached the girl iwth a serious expression in her face "I bet you do know that drinking inside the school premisses is prohibited by Riddle Academy's code of morals, right? If so, I'd like to ask you to get rid of this beverage, lest I take you to the Head Director." As she waited for the other girl's reply, Kaede continued to down any would be attackers that tried to come to her .


Addie was relieved when someone jumped in and rescued her from impending death and would have gone and thanked her savior, but then a strange figure came in and berated her for not being a real assassin, just before pummeling Sayaka into a wall.

Deep down, Addie knew that the masked person was right. This wasn't a place for someone like her, a completely useless individual who can't even fend for herself. Yet, if it wasn't for she coming here, Addie would never have met Rei or Sayaka-san and even if she didn't knew them for long, Addie already felt that they were like family to her.

That's why Addie's body moved before she could think when she noticed the masked woman moving in for Rei and stepped in between they, before saying with a shaking voice "Ple... no... Stay away from Rei! If you hurt her, I'll... I'll..." even if Addie couldn't find the words to finish her rather pathetic threat, she held her ground and did her best to protect Rei from the masked woman.


Itsuko was a loss of words as how to reply to the senseless crap that Sasha's boyfriend told her. Why would she care for how they name a city? For all that she knew, they would be much better served naming that place Itsukoville.

However, the Black Widow didn't had much time to reply, or even to enjoy her reunion with her rival when a group of more strange men in animal masks came and tried to get them.

"Ok, so who wanna be the 11th or such bacon of today?" Itsuko said as she holstered her pistol and crossed her arms before her body, readying her secret, nigh invisible weapon as she waited the enemies to come to the trap she had prepared, just like flies falling into a spider web.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mcmolly
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Mcmolly D-List Cryptid

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Well, he managed to tackle the assassin out of the way, but when he looked back the girl had just gone and stepped back in between another fight. Shit, maybe she hadn't needed help after all. Based on his encounters with some of the others at the school, it wouldn't surprise him if he got berated later for intervening.

Regardless, for the time being there was more to worry about. As the battle in the cafeteria raged on, Mashuka slunk beneath a few of the tables that had not been over turned. Some of the individual fights taking place looked brutal, and he knew that he wouldn't last long against most of the opponents there. Even if he could manage to distract someone long enough for one of the other students to take advantage of it, he felt deep down he'd be more useful in the long-term if he just didn't die.

Didn't seem too hard, if there was one thing Mashuka was good at, it was blending into the chaos. Amidst the sea of people fighting, preparing to fight, or declaring their ever-burning will to fight, he slunk away out of sight, traveling from table-bottom to table-bottom until he reached the exit of the cafeteria. With significantly less ruckus outside, Mashuka made a b-line back for his dorm. He didn't know where his roommates were, or if they'd even survived, but dammit he'd nearly gotten a psychotic-girl-induced concussion for that room so he wasn't about to die before getting to use it a few times. Waiting out an assault on the school from behind the bed-sheet door seemed like a good enough use to start with.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Saya watched as her words of challenge were finally answered, the one in charge finally making himself known. With a sigh, the Head Director only shook her head at his vague attempts to be intimidating. Yes, now it was all becoming clear to her. The Anubis mask was a tell-tale sign and it only served to make Saya all the more prone to end his life here and now.

“Big words for someone who continues to hide their face behind a mask,” she commented drily, senses picking up on the presence of Izumi even as the man fired off a round. It all happened so quickly. Izumi knocked the gun away, leaving herself open as the very same gun was soon turned on her. And in that moment, Saya held her own knife near the man’s thick throat.

“Well, well Anubis. Looks like we’re at a deadlock here. How about you withdraw yourselves from my school before I cut your fat throat into a sausage, hmm? And if not, then perhaps you’d like to join us all in hell then.”

The Red-Eyed Ghost smirked as she gave a ghost of a glance to Izumi, her gaze unreadable. No…she wasn’t being serious, was she? The Head Director was known for being prideful but to go to these extents and lengths? It seemed Saya was quite willing to die for her school if need be.

“As you know from personal experience Anubis, I am a woman who is ready to do anything to win. So I suggest you leave now before I detonate the numerous explosives I have placed around this room. As a safety measure against trash like you of course.”

One of her staff members held a remote in his hand, sweat beading on his face as he stood firm. Regardless of his own life, he had faith in the Head Director. If she was in charge, then surely they would all survive this precarious situation.

In the lunchroom, things were only becoming more heated as Rei ducked to avoid a flying Sayaka who soon collided with the wall. Before she could rush over to make sure her comrade was still alive and well, she was confronted by the very one who had flung Sayaka in the first place. Narrowing her crimson eyes, she pointed her guns at the cat masked assailant. No sooner did she do that did Addie step in the way, acting as a human shield of sorts.

“Addie-san, please back away,” Rei said in a tone that told her she was not to be questioned. “Make no mistake. This enemy will kill you without thought. As for you, Baset, how do you know who I am? Are you an enemy of my sisters’s?”

If Baset here thought she was going to discard her guns and fight with honor or something like that, she would be sadly mistaken. Rei was an assassin, and knew that once one’s weapon was taken away, their chances of survival were almost ensured to plummet. So she twirled her guns and fired off some testing shots instead.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kimiyosis
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Kimiyosis Poi, poi, poi~!

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Sasha frowned as Lucifer spoke. It was still disturbing and unusual to hear anyone outside of that organization to call her 'Calamity Princess'. Itsuko was probably the only exception, but that was most definitely due to connections between those that back the Black Widow to those that back the Fallen Angel. "Please don't call me that. If you prefer titles, Fallen Angel is enough." Even in a fight, the Russian's words were still smooth. It was as if she constantly spoke with a sultry tone constantly, which might not be too far from the truth.

Glancing at Itsuko, and temporarily deeming her at a lower threat level compared to the masked individuals, Sasha smiled. Taking out another taser round, she quickly reloaded her umbrella, before firing it in the chest of one of the masked people. Not even bothering to check if her shot hit, she dashed towards the side, before swinging around the umbrella, the armored parasol slamming into the side of the head of another individual.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Spriggs27
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Spriggs27 Most likely a Synth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"Funny, I'm hiding who ever said I was trying to hide ? " Anubis told the white haired woman while he kept his massive gun on the stoic woman's forehead and felt the knife at the side of his throat, he didn't move as they had a type of standoff." Not exactly, my guys still have you surrounded, and even if I fall here my revenge could still be carried out by my second in command you pink eyed whore." He insulted her back.

Anubis knew that the woman wasn't serious and when she said " Join us all in hell." he knew that she wasn't going to go to the extent of killing them all, when she said she had numerous explosives placed around the room Anubis didn't believe her, even when one of the staff members actually pulled out a remote." I doubt you'd be willing to kill one of your students, bluffing it is one of the things we learned, and knowing you like I do, I can tell you just full of bull shit."

-Back in the Lunchroom-

Baset strolled forward and simply just pushed Addie out of her way." Don't be stupid and get your self killed, this is my last warning my issues are with Saya and Rei, and if you keep standing in my way I'll rip you in half before taking down Rei." The lioness told Addie before trying to close the gap with herself and Rei." A Lioness uses all of her strength even when hunting Rabbits like yourself." Baset told the blue haired teen.

Electricity began to crackle around Baset's power gloves as she strolled towards Rei, she was wary of the blue haired girl's weapons and was ready to block her bullets with her gloves or better yet dodge the rounds before they could hit her, in the matter of a second Baset broke into a sprint and put her arms in front of her to block any bullets that Rei would shoot at her.

But right when Baset made it to Rei's personal space she flipped backwards away from Rei as the people wearing animal mask began to stop fighting and start asking for the students to stop attacking them some of them even broke down to their knees and begged for them to stop.

" Momoko ! The day may be lost and the fight over, but what's between us is not over yet, the revenge for what your sister has done to me will effect you as well." Baset told the blue haired girl, Baset kicked the door to the lunchroom open and back flipped out of the lunchroom flawlessly.

-Back inside of the security room-

When Anubis noticed that the masked people began to fumble around and look around as if they didn't know where they were he mutter something under his mask, he then hit Izumi across her face with the handle of the gun and hit Saya before she could react and stab him, he stood up and lifted Izumi and threw her into Saya, he then disappeared, almost as if he just disappeared from room.

" This isn't over yet Saya, I will get my revenge for everything I've lost because of you, when I'm finished with you, you'll be begging for me to kill you." Anubis' voice spoke right in the red eyed woman's ears." If you still want to fight me, or at least want to save one of your student's come to the roof."

The masked people around the school, or the masked people who joined in later began trying to crawl away from their assault while others were merely wounded from the assassins, while some of the masked students just laid on the ground in pain from the beating that their cohorts gave them they were trying to kill them.

On the roof there was the loud sound of a helicopter's engine, Anubis was on the roof and had a student on their knees with their hands tied behind their back and a black hood over their head, next to Anubis was Baset and in the helicopter was Horus piloting the chopper, this was to show Saya that her school wasn't going to be safe with him around and that he wasn't afraid to kill any one of Saya's students.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by McFazzer
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

The sheer cacophony of noise and action in the lunchroom made it extremely difficult for Miles to enjoy his meal and was glad when the guests started calming down. Cutting off a piece of his steak Miles took a bite before looking up and across the table at his sparrow masked lunch companion.
She didn't have the curves that Miles usually looked for in a companion, but she seemed very eager to join him at the time the way she went at him with a knife, so felt obliged to let her. The sparrow lady was currently tied to the chair by Miles' neck tie and was pinned to the table by her lapel with a fork going through it, an untouched meal waiting in front of her.
Seeing that her and all the other masked students were breaking out of what ever trance they were in Miles gently removed the fork, placing in beside the plate and untied the sparrow from the chair.

"I am dreadfully sorry about all this, you simply wouldn't sit still to enjoy the meal and I really didn't want to hurt a maiden as lovely as yourself, sparrows are actually in my top 5 favourite animals after all. So I sat you down so we could enjoy having lunch together, oh let me get that for you," gently taking off the mask Miles was suitably impressed, lovely blue eyes staring back and wavy blonde hair going down to her neck. With a sigh Miles took her hand and wrote down his number on it.
"If you ever wish to continue this, just call this number. Don't worry about paying for lunch, it's on me." taking his plate Miles stepped in between all of the bodies that littered the floor, doing his best to avoid getting blood on his shoes before placing it by the kitchen.

Turning around Miles saw the mess that was left after the masked party. People on the ground bleeding, the masked being the majority, "Well I imagine a masked ball would induce PTSD in some students." looking about he spied Donna across the room having words with what looked like an second year holding a scythe. Calling out Miles gracefully stepped between the bodies on the floor, trying his best to keep his clothes clean.

"Miss Donna! Good to see you again, I do hope that the year has treated you well!" a brief image of Donna's neck snapping in his hands flashed through his mind before he shook his head I am a gentleman and a gentleman does not go snapping a young lady's neck! Or punching her teeth out or throwing her out windows!
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