Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Legion-114
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Baxter's Jet, Atlantic Ocean

Baxter, who was in the middle of getting changed from his mission and inspecting any and all wounds that he suffered his brief moment of privacy was interrupted by The Citadel Command Office.

"Sir, sorry to bother you, but the situation is escalating out of control. And now The Purge are demanding our full cooperation in the matter."
"Those bastards."
"But sir, you may want to look at this. Recon pictures moments before the attack."

Baxter looked from behind the wardrobe door at the monitor as pictures of what looked like Purge containers bursting open and starting the mass invasion. Baxter studied these images for a moment.

"Hmm... odd. Can you find out if Purge were holding any super naturals in captivity?"

"Yes sir. And about their demands?"

"Relay this to them: Our priority is in the protection of civilians, not some great sky-daddy."

New York

The soldiers were quickly torn to pieces and their VOX-COM deaths signal in the local area. The gunship then crashed into what was left, creating a fiery blaze.

Knight, hearing the deaths decided that the immediate threat was the main issue here. He would not send any more men into the unknown without him there, but his attention was too focused on his orders.

Adam's Apartment, Kyoto, Japan

Adam sat in his leather chair, glass of wine in hand watching the news reports. Already there were speculations of Purge's involvement with the matter. But what he was more interested in was the vast number casualties that were being placed into hospital and the amounts of blood that had kindly been donated by the Yamada Corporation as emergency aid. Adam just sat there with a smile on his face, slowly sipping.

"Before there can be creation, there must be destruction."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kurai Assassin
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Kurai Assassin Edgelord

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Sean was running a full speed towards the briefing room. he had seen from the TV in his room that Something bad had gone down. as he ran into the room he noticed blood leaning against a wall over to one side "Alaska theres been a change of plan on the mission" he turned to the briefing board and set Delta down on it. A small green man appeared who looked similiar to the Epsilon AI. "Delta, show the clips from the news. then play the voice clips that we got from the purge" *on it York* the Mission board lit up with scenes of graphic violence seeing innocent civilians being torn limb from limb. then the voice clips played. the purge needed help bad. "Look we all know that we want the Purge gone but we cant allow civilians to become casualties because of feud with purge." Sean said as he looked down at the Delta AI *i believe that we can also benefit from this as we can see how the Purge operate in battle situations* Sean picked up the Delta AI and placed it back in his helmet. he then Turned on his Comms "Carolina, Wash, Florida. you guys have got another problem to deal with. Commands getting alot of trouble of a contractor that seems to be taking alot of people down. seen as your team is slightly injured you'll be taking Command Team 1 along for the ride"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by hagroden
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hagroden Atomic Angel

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

He watched closely as the airship smashed down with a fiery explosion, satisfied that their were no more soldiers living or moving, he turned away from the wreak-edge. He walked in the direction he saw the large beast running, as he had a score to settle with her, he wasn't a fan of having his skin punctured, and it wasn't something that happened often. Speaking of which, he thought to himself, ripping off sleeve from his dark green sweater, and tying it tightly around the wound, the pressure slowing the bleeding. Although it would take much more blood-loss to effect him, he preferred safety over sorrow.

He lifted his arm a bit, taking in a deep huff, inhaling the taste and smell of her. He then lifted his face into the air and inhaled deeply once more, searching for her scent. He repeated the process several times, until he caught a very faint trail of her scent. He broke into a sprint, heading straight for her, within a few seconds he was in view of the alley she was crouched in.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shoe Thief
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Shoe Thief The Real Shoe Thief

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Hank grabbed the shotgun. "See you on the other side Mithias." Hank pumped the gun and worked his way into one of the more active areas of the chaos. Hank went in doing the best he could to act as a barrier between the dead and the Humans. This was difficult at times, Humans had a tendency to shoot anything they didn't understand. Several times Hank received a bullet in the back from humans that thought he was a threat. He didn't have time to explain the difference to them.

Tony stood in confusion well Hank and Mithias sorted out what they were doing. After Hank left Mithias Tony ran over to talk to him. "Wait wait wait, You know Hank? Yet... Are you both vampires?" Tony had guessed Hank was, He just wanted to hear someone else say it. "And... Has something like this happened before? Like..." He hinted at the zombies. "I mean, There's rumors through out history but... There is for a lot of things..."

Hank was fighting more then he could deal with, The dead were to far spread out and the humans were all to panicked to do anything right. The shotgun Mithias had given him had run out of ammo and was fairly beaten up from Hank using it as a blunt weapon. Hank went after a few dead hat were trying to force their way into an apartment building, He looked around to see what else was going on. He saw a family run into an ally way with more dead behind them. "Tony! Ally Way! Family of Three!"

Tony turned to face Hank, Then the Ally. "I have to go..." He struggled to remember the vampires name. "Later!" He ran into the ally way after the pack. The group of zombies started beating on the trash container, Tony counted Four. One saw him and worked its way to him. Tony leveled his gun and blew its brains out. The others heard the shot, Two of the last three soon followed.

Tony fired his gun two times into the first ones chest, Wen that didn't work he fired into its head letting it drop. The second of the duo charged him, Tony fired once into its head then a second time when he refused to go down. The last one was focused on him now. "Bring it on." Tony leveled the gun and fired. The gun was out of bullets, Tony had a small piece of metal and wood to defend himself with. He jumped to the side as the zombie went past him. It charged him again and he kicked it in the knee. After he was down Tony turned him around and put him in a head lock, Chocking wasn't working so he repetitively beat the skull into the dumpster until the zombie stopped moving.

Tony knocked on the Dumpster. "Time to get out and run, Here isn't safe." The family got out and kept running. Tony put away his empty gun and grabbed a lead pipe off the ground. "I hate this line of work. So much." He went in to do what ever damage he could.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by 2b3heart

2b3heart Keyblade Master

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Silver looked up at the hybrid. She was in the process of wiping the silver nitrate from her skin. Her skin was already red from the burns. Silver quickly stood up to face him. "What do you want?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by hagroden
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hagroden Atomic Angel

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

He tossed her a small spray bottle, filled with a personal recipe that he used on silver.

"It'll neutralize the nitrate, but maybe if your dumb ass had listened we wouldn't be covered in this shiny poison in the first place."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shoe Thief
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Shoe Thief The Real Shoe Thief

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Florida was pissed off, he hated losing. He hated it with a passion. "Fucker, When I get my hands on him I am going to tear him a new one!" He felt humiliated, like a kid in basic training. He landed his fist into the wall, He refused to be humiliated like that again.

Florida worked his way to the briefing room when he heard the message. "We wont be needing assistance, We can handle what ever job it is. We'll recover." He took the rifle off his back and threw it down on the table when he made it to the briefing room. He was determined to redeem himself. He started a weapons check, either way he had a mission coming up and needed to kick someones ass.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kurai Assassin
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Kurai Assassin Edgelord

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

As Team 2 (which was supposed to contain Agents Carolina, Washington and Florida) were getting set up for their mission, The Epsilon AI Unit Appeared in on Each of their HUD inside their helmet. *Okay, so heres our problem. The Directors been getting reports of a Medium Level Disturbance in Al's Bar in New Jersey. Reports keep getting Delivered that a Contractor is Racking up alot of Kills in that area. Maybe even more than your Current Kill rate Agent Carolina. anyway we Narrowed Her down to Al's bar in New Jersey so good luck. Team 1 was deployed 30minutes ago by truck so they should be there now. the Director has this as a Tier 3 priority which means get it done quick.* Katya began to think. 'She' how many female contractors did she actually know. There was that one Girl from Ohio who had turned into a Contractor, but this girl sounded like a professional. No it couldnt be. She had been Confirmed Dead by SOLDIER last year. could it be Real maybe. just maybe it was HER.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by DiZL ReloadeD
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DiZL ReloadeD unimportant side character #2

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


New Jersey, a city with a crime rate skyrocketing faster than an American Peacekeeper missile.
Murder, Corruption and Drug Wars have become a common thing. You can find almost everything that is illegal there from small drug dealers to worldwide crime organisations. Besides from that it is also a popular place among Mercenarys, due to the high crime rate the job offers are promising and well paid, but also dangerous at the same time. Many have found their graves early, there are only a few Mercenaries hard enough to survive in this city.

After finishing her glass of Whisky Allison slammed her empty glass on the counter and signaled the barkeeper to fill it again.
"Come on Allison, you can't spend everyday at the bar drinking! At this rate I will go bust!" he grumbled.
Knowing that talking to her in this state won't help he refilled her glass and put the bottle of whisky down next to it.
"There you go, another shot."
Allison gulped it down before the barkeeper could even say a thing.
"It's just Alcohol Al, no need to pee yourself. I pay for it anyway..."
"I am not worried about you paying, but everytime you are here, some guys show up and run amok in my bar because you fucked with the wrong people again god damnit!"
While Al complained, Allison grabbed the bottle instead of the glass this time.
"Oh, now that you mention it, Vlad might pay a visit, I destroyed his Fuel and Weapons depot yesterday and he seemed a bit pissed about it so yeah.."
Allison took a sip from the bottle while Al became really nervous.
"What?! Are you serious, you blew up Vlad's depot? Do you have a deathwish? You know that no one who messed with Vlad survived!"
"Yeah yeah..."
Al grumbled again "Your careless style will kill you one day. At least fight outside so I wont have to pay enormous amounts of money again for the repairs."
"I'll do my best."
Another sip followed.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kurai Assassin
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Kurai Assassin Edgelord

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Team 1 burst through the door of Al's bar. "Everyone Down now" Shouted one of the Freelancer Agents firing a shot into the air. "Now which one of you guys is the Contractor known as SOLDIER's BloodHound"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by DiZL ReloadeD
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DiZL ReloadeD unimportant side character #2

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

As the armored soldiers bursted in the bar Al got a bit closer to Allison and whispered "What have you done this time for Christ's sake?"
"Apparently I don't know, I don't recognise their Armor... But you better make a leave when it starts.."
"...Hold yourself back a bit this time and please be carefull, they don't seem like the those guys you beat up everyday..."
Allison didn't make a comment nor moved while the other Costumers just stared at the soldiers. It wasn't unusual that People with guns bursted in bars looking for someone.
On the other end, Allison was sitting at the bar wearing a ripped cloak simply taking another sip from the bottle.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kurai Assassin
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Kurai Assassin Edgelord

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Ok then so your a tough guy eh. well see how tough you are after this. " An Agent grabbed one of the Patrons by their Shirt. Meanwhile on the way to the bar katya was watching the events on her Command pad through the Agents Helmet cam. lets see how this plays out she thought. the Agent drew his pistol. "for every minute you dont stand up i will kill a Civilian." katya looked shocked. she hit the microphone button on her command pad and transmitted her voice through the Speaker in his helmet. "Agent Texas Stand Down." Katya Growled
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shoe Thief
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Shoe Thief The Real Shoe Thief

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Florida hated a lot of things now that he thought about it. One of the big ones was a execution, he always believed that everyone should get a fighting chance. When he saw the threat that the agent made he snapped. "Fuck it, I'm going in." He grabbed his rifle and started walking. "Anyone who gets in my way of stopping this I'll put them down as well."

Florida was already close to the location, he refused to waste time. He pulled up in one of Project freelancers Trucks that he... Borrowed and walked in. "The hell you doing Texas!" Florida raised his rifle to the agent. "We have rules, we have orders. You want to start shooting Civs you gotta go through me first." He kept the rifle leveled ready to fire at any sudden movement.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kurai Assassin
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Kurai Assassin Edgelord

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"God Damnit Florida stop getting in my way" The Agent Bellowed he Pulled his pistol out and Pointed it at the crowd. "ok Bloodhound Get your Ass up here"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by 2b3heart

2b3heart Keyblade Master

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Silver growled, taking the spray bottle. She started using it to clean her wounds. "I can't really control myself in that form, sorry." A hiss released from her lips, the solution stinging. "Anyways, what are you. You smell and taste different."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by hagroden
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hagroden Atomic Angel

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

"Plain and simple? I'm the guy who's going to kill you the day somebody puts a bounty on you, until then I'm the guy who just saved your life."
He lifted a cigarette flipping open a black matte zippo and lighting it, taking a light drag from it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DiZL ReloadeD
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DiZL ReloadeD unimportant side character #2

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

As the situation was getting quite dangerous the customers came to the conclusion that it would be best to leave, everyone stood up and one after one passed the soldiers, not one of them looked close to the bloodhound. When almost everyone was gone Allison whispered "Al, you better close your eyes now..." beneath her cloak she had a flashbang and a grenade. She removed the pins from both but waited a bit before she removed the pin from the grenade. As the flashbang was about to go off she threw it right at the soldiers with closed eyes to avoid being blinded, followed by the grenade after the flashbang did its job. Al took the backdoor to get to safety, Allison on the other hand threw her cloak at the soldiers to make it harder to be hit by anyone who wasnt affected from the flashbang and jumped outside right through a window. With a loud crash she landed in a pile of wooden crates who immediately broke beneath her.
"Shit, mental note, find a new way to escape, these crates are no good."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shoe Thief
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Shoe Thief The Real Shoe Thief

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Florida was able to use Team One to block him self from the flashbang and the cloak. After the Bang Florida ran past Texas hitting the agent with the butt of his rifle as he went. It was time to work.

Ford landed outside the window only a few feet from Allison. As she ran Florida leveled his rifle. "Avoid the kill." He told himself. BANG! The bullet grazed her leg and she went down. Before she was able to get back up he had his side arm on her head. "Good morning. It's nice to meet you."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Kurai Assassin
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Kurai Assassin Edgelord

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Shit well done Flo." The agent Shouted. Katya saw what was happening through the Soldiers head cam. she managed to pause on the Face of the shooter. It was HER. the one she had partnered with back in her SOLDIER days. "Florida, Stick some Cuffs on Tex. hold your Fire ill deal with her" Katya yelled through the comms. she took off towards where Allison had dropped out of the window. an explosion Came from the bar, "ok Scratch that Florida return to the truck ive got the Girl"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by 2b3heart

2b3heart Keyblade Master

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Silver stood up, glaring at him. "Really? Wow. You don't even know what I am or who I came from." She threw the solution back at him and crossed her arms. "You can't kill me. I doubt they would let you." At least, she hoped.
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