Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Silent Whispers
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Silent Whispers ❝𝖰𝗎𝖾𝖾𝗇 𝗈𝖿 𝖶𝗁𝗂𝗌𝗉𝖾𝗋𝗌.❞

Member Seen 1 mo ago

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sugar and Spite
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Sugar and Spite ☣ Hurricane Eyes ☣

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Raven Ryan Regan

"I always knew that I was stubborn. I just never realized that stubbornness was another word for determination"

Name: Raven Ryan Regan

Nickname: Trip.

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Pansexual

Original Faction: Erudite.

Test Results: Inconclusive.

Faction Chosen: Dauntless.

In Depth Appearance: With strikingly dark hair and pale skin, Raven stands at a total of 5 foot, 6 1/2 inches. Full lips and thick lashes, as well as eyebrows, make for an interesting appearance as well. Trip prefers to wear as much dark colors as possible, contrasting with the pale skin of her body. Mascara, eyeliner and gray or silver eyeshadow decorate her face on a daily basis. With a bright smile and dark Hazel eyes, the girl would appear to be the most kind person imaginable. Side Note: A large birth mark runs from her waist to the underside of her arm.

Likes: Books, being a Erudite, that's natural, really.
Sweets- Trip is a Junk-food junkie.
Sports- Trip, despite striving for knowledge, is very athletic and loves to run, as well as an adrenaline rush.
Pranks- Trip will be the one to plan out a elaborate prank, then have a good laugh after it happens.
People- Trip is a people person, usually seen talking or performing some other social action.

Dislikes: Amity- She feels that they are to peaceful. Where is the fun in being overly peaceful?
Stupidity- No question is a dumb question? Please. There is a difference between curiosity and stupidity.
Stuck-up people- There is people who have pride, and that is not a problem to her, though when it comes unbearable and certain people have their noses in the air, that's her breaking point.
Bullies- People do things their way, and have their own beliefs. The way Trip see's it, who are you to judge anyone when you, yourself is not perfect?
Betrayal- Trip trusted you with something, don't go messing that up. If you do, you're pretty much dead to her.

Personality: Raven (Trip) is the type of girl that is social, supper stubborn and athletic. With a perfect body shape, the girl would be one of the ones that is said to take a toll on anyones self esteem by just walking in the room. However, Trip is not one of the stuck-up types. Helping everyone with everything, the girl is very kind, really unless you offend something dear to her or there is a debate on which she will participate. Be prepared to hear lots of random facts spewing from her mouth.

History: Born to Trillian and Eliza Regan. A some-what happy family, Trillian hid the fact that he was a alcoholic behind closed doors. Everyday he would shout and throw things across the room, scaring the family's only child half to death. At the time that she was ten, Trip began house-hold chores. If these were not done, her father would beat her. Pretty over extensive measures, if you ask her. Eliza would say nothing, as she feared for herself and herself only. Almost everyday, Raven would manage to get the chores done, but somehow still make her father angry. At the age of 14, the girl had had enough. Her father came home drinking once more, just as always, the house clean.

"You disgust me," Trillian would say in her direction, his voice full of hate.
With a confused look, Trip would ask: "But why, father? I'm your child. I make good grades in school, prove my worth to everyday and yet you still come home and... do these things." Her fists were balled at her sides, her nails creating marks into the palm on her hands.
"Do not talk to your father like that, Raven."
"Mother....," Trip would say through clenched teeth. "This is no time for your self centered acts'." Her father would come towards her, with fist's of his own. Side stepping, her father would stumble, falling onto the floor in his drunken state. "No more. Not today, not another day for as long as I live in this house, will you ever beat me again, Trillian," she said, her voice shaking.
The man laughed. "And what would you do? A helpless little girl?"
"I would expose you. To the government, the officials, your friends, co-workers, everyone. Try me."

Her voice was convincing enough this time so it seemed. The look on her father's face changed. "Go to your room, Raven."

Raven did as told.

Her 16th birthday getting the test results Inconclusive a few day's before, she would choose Dauntless.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Virani
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Virani The Reclusive Writer

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Kayla Mackenzie

If you don't want to know the answer, don't ask the question

Kayla Louise Mackenzie





Original Faction:

Aptitude Result:

Faction Chosen:

In Depth Appearance:
Long wavy hair (dark brown to black) worn mostly loose or in a braid. Pale skin with a tendency towards redness in the cheeks and frequently dark circles under her eyes. Her eyes (vivid blue) take an otherwise quite ordinary face and make it somewhat less so. She has a slender figure with bust and hips on the smaller side but she is not so thin as to appear skin and bone. She is 5'9 in height and is a healthy weight for her height. She has no scars, tattoos or birthmarks.

The outdoors, running, drawing, Food, Brain puzzles

Deceit, Being cooped up, Arrogance, Criticism, Failure

♦ Direct ♦ Passionate ♦ Sarcastic ♦ Distant

Unsurprisingly Kayla is direct when she speaks, pulling no punches and saying it how it is, having been raised to be so in Candor. She doesn't see a problem with this and often struggles to understand why others around her are not the same. Though she doesn't lie outright lie she has become very good at evasion. She will usually either make a sarcastic comment and avoid the question or she will deflect it back at you. She's not anti social as such, being more than happy to talk to others, but she does so whilst ensuring she gives away as little as possible about herself.

She has intense emotions, whether it be anger or love etc, she feels things passionately and is always struggling to reign in this side of her nature. She doesn't trust easily and though she is often well liked for her sarcastic humour she has few close friends. The ones she has she trusts implicitly but if any broke her trust they would not get it back. She is quite lonely and wishes she had a closer family, or friends but has spent so long keeping everyone at a distance that she doesn't know how to open up anymore. She has a deep need to succeed and will push herself to the brink to do so. She takes rejection or losing very badly and sees it as her weakness for not succeeding.

Kayla was born into Candor faction to David and Anna Mackenzie, her father was a prominent figure in their faction and as such had high expectations of his daughter. Her mother was a quiet woman who preferred not to be noticed whenever possible, this is due to Kayla's father. Throughout her life he has been a looming, overwhelming presence in her life, his harsh discipline and unreasonable expectations ruling her life. An extremely controlling man, he had his wife cowed, and constantly sought to mold his daughter into what he saw as the perfect child of a Mackenzie man. This included trying to make Kayla lose her passionate nature and become more cool and collected, as well as stamp out anything he saw as flawed. Kayla grew up in an environment of constant criticism, demands and abuse(verbal) taking the brunt of his frustrations at not having any more children (particularly a son) to succeed where Kayla had failed.

Though she does not specifically know she is Divergent, she knows she is different and understands this is why she struggles to fit into the mold of Candor. She has tried for years to be the same as everyone else but there has always been something off... She imagines being in Erudite and finds what they do fascinating, she admires Amity's gentle ways and finds Dauntless exciting. Kayla doesn't know where she is meant to be or where she can fit in but all she knows is that she is determined to get away from her father. She is terrified that if she doesn't then she will become like her mother. A once vibrant woman whose sparkle has been worn away.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by CLIW
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CLIW ( ರ Ĺ̯ ರೃ )

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Rudy Gill Sutton


17, nearly 18



Original Faction:

Aptitude Result:

Faction Chosen:

In Depth Appearance:
Rudy is short but strong, standing at 5’4. (Don’t mention his height to him. He probably tried to sneak growth hormone while in Erudite.) He wears contacts because, unlike a lot of Erudites, actually had eye problems, but ditched the glasses after joining Dauntless. He wears a lot of the stuff you’d see on today’s punks: black leather, small dainty spikes, and so on. He has black skin and very dark eyes, with a buzzcut hair style. Has a fondness for fingerless gloves and combat boots, although if the weather gets hot you’re more likely to see him in a tank or completely shirtless, with some worn pair of denim jeans. He is surprisingly clear of tattoos, something that may change IC, and also clear of piercings, something that will never change as long as he lives. Generally, he looks pretty beefy, but thinks he needs to give his abs more work. (Could not find pictures, I hope that’s okay!)

Stargazing! Rudy is a whiz at naming his constellations, and at naming the stars in them. He finds it sublime to just lay down outside Dauntless headquarters and gaze up and wonder.

Adrenaline! Though much of Rudy’s personality will make the average person wonder why in the hell he chose Dauntless, his love of danger or simulated danger is something that most of his new faction can relate to. You know the part in the book when they’re playing capture the flag with projectiles that hurt like bullets? He’d absolutely love that.

Food! This doesn’t need much elaboration. He’s a teenage boy.

Pain--wait, what? No, he’s not a masochist. He just feels that the endorphins resulting from physical pain are good for him, in small healthy doses.

Common sense! Eventually, there’s probably going to be some edgy kid like Peter joining Dauntless and thinking that it’s about mindless brutality. Rudy very much enjoys the company of people who know what they’re doing.

Divergents (for now). Rudy has been brainwashed into thinking that Divergents are dangerous to society. However, being an open-minded little smarty-pants, he’ll warm up IC given the chance.

His brother, Gary. (He dislikes him in the way we all dislike our siblings.) He joined Candor, which didn’t at all surprise Rudy because he was always a complete asshat to Rudy growing up. Gary may be divergent, but Rudy is unaware of that.

Herd behavior. Rudy hates it when a large group of people believe in a lie or a number of lies, and act because the rest of their group is acting. Yes, he understands that humans are social creatures, but it wouldn’t kill anyone to think for themselves! Irony?

Piercings. Though he doesn’t care much if other Dauntless folk get pierced, the thought of having it done makes him shudder and feel nauseous.

Physical contact from people he doesn’t know well. This is a big one. Don’t hug Rudy if you’re a stranger to him; you might just get a deck in the jaw. It’s pretty impulsive too. Someone could be calling for an icepack before he even knows he wigged out.

Simulations, especially Dauntless’ fear simulations. He may have gotten the hang of them eventually (that’s why he’s still here!) but he always comes out of them feeling sick, shaky and, of course, anxious.

♦ Curious ♦ Enthusiastic ♦ Sensitive ♦ Fussy

Rudy is a real math nerd, which I won’t go into because I suck at math. He also has a real tendency to just geek out and talk endlessly about things he likes: how the brain works, why people go stiff post-mortem, different classifications of stars… And so on. Crazy-hard math like calculus, biology and neuroscience are his favorite topics.

He, being a former Erudite, loves to learn, so he asks a lot of questions and during training spent many portions of his free time doing extra training, especially if he couldn’t pick up the skill as fast as he would’ve liked. He can be hard on himself for not picking something up in a snap, which of course, most people don’t- so he naturally can get frustrated pretty easily. Rudy also has a little bit of trouble staying still when he should; something has to be moving: he’ll swing his leg, twiddle his thumbs and things like that often without realizing. He is sensitive to prolonged loud noise which might just be a bit of an issue in Dauntless, and though he is perfectly capable and fine with it, social interaction can burn him out. He may be on the autism spectrum, but he feels that it doesn’t really matter because he’s enough of a smartie.

Rudy can, when he makes friends, fret excessively over their health and general well-being. This can naturally be annoying, but at least it’s well-intentioned.

Everyone thought Rudy was destined to stay in Erudite since he was very little. He learned to read and write early, learned new concepts surprisingly quickly, and appeared to have such a love of knowledge that it was generally assumed by those that knew him that he would grow up to be an affluent scientist or mathematician one day. However, most people were unaware that since he was around nine years old, Rudy had depression. Though he had a perfectly sheltered and uneventful childhood, with no space for life-altering traumas, he’d begun to feel as if he didn’t belong, as if he was living his life in a cage, as if he wasn’t really living up to what he really could be. Basically, he felt really pent-up, as if he couldn’t do anything except learn- which, of course, he did enjoy, but he wanted to do other things... Dauntless things. He wanted to learn things in muscle memory. He wanted to go stretch his legs and do something!

He’d naturally admired and sometimes envied the Dauntless kids at school, who arrived by jumping off of a train. At one point, he had a small crush on an older Dauntless boy, too, though he never acted on it and certainly never told anyone- not so much because he had a crush on a boy, but more because he was this nerdy spaghetti-arms and he was a handsome beefcake with some “damn nice ink.” Of course, nothing came of this, and the time came for his aptitude test, which everyone, including him, expected to be Erudite. Nope. It was Dauntless. So, both excited and terrified, he joined the faction, making his parents really sad and otherwise surprising the hell out of everyone in Erudite who’d known him. He found during initiation he got a lot of the mental stimulation that he’d longed for in Erudite. He has a job now patrolling the perimeter of the city, and is fairly happy with it, although he still hasn’t gotten any tattoos despite people pressuring him to, and is very much considering it.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Silent Whispers
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Silent Whispers ❝𝖰𝗎𝖾𝖾𝗇 𝗈𝖿 𝖶𝗁𝗂𝗌𝗉𝖾𝗋𝗌.❞

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Ransom Getty

Faction before blood.

Ransom Adam Getty.

Ransom isn't too fond of having nicknames thrown his way unless he knows you really well.



Bisexual. Doesn't like either gender more than the other.

Original Faction:

Aptitude Result:

Faction Chosen:

In Depth Appearance:
At least one full paragraph of your character’s appearance.

A minimum of five

A minimum of five

♦ Trait ♦ Trait ♦ Trait ♦ Trait

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