So I finished Go Set a Watchman just about maybe this week or last week.

I felt like the book shared the same issues that TKaMB had, in which it took half of the book to actually get to the point where story and plot was happening. I guess that's just how Harper Lee builds worlds or something? I'm not completely sure. I feel like we could have had some story going on before that point. We didn't really need the story about Jem and Scout and Dill doing a story?

W/e I liked the concept of the story when it got going, I feel like it's something I'm dealing with with my own parents, and I'm starting to see so bias's and some not perfection in them. So it hits pretty close to home for me? I personally like seeing Atticus taken down a notch, and not being such a perfect seeming person.

The issue I really have is I didn't understand anything that went on in maybe the last 6 pages? I think they may have simply said "People are racist, balance it out and it's okay?" I think the book tried to justify racism? I'm completely unsure on any of that though. It feels like it either went miles over my head, or in was incomprehensible garbage.

What are your thoughts on this book?