Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Argetlam350
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After speaking awhile longer with Bran, Bran offered one of the rooms for him to stay for the night which Tholo took, the feeling of fatigue finally catching up to him after the plane trip there. A night of rest would do him some good, perhaps make him figure out what he would do next.

-------a few hours later-----------

Tholo opened his eyes slowly, shifting himself to look over at the side table where the buzzing noise was coming from. A dull light came from the phone as well as it clattered against the wood of small table. He huffed in annoyance wondering who in the world texted or called at such an ungodly hour in the night.

"Should of turned the bloody thing off," he mumbled to himself as he reached over to grab the electronic device that had awoken him from his mostly peaceful slumber. The number that appeared on his phone was a new one to him. He figured it probably was some dumb advertisement for some pointless item, but opened it none the less to see what the heck it was. What he found made him sit up and made him nearly fully awake at that moment.

Wish you were here, Wolf.

The image provided with the text showed a rather pleasing morning day, suggesting that where ever she was, she wasn't in the states at that moment of time. He got up now thinking on how to really respond, the thought of sleep put aside. He looked out the window and was greeted with a sight of the cold night sky, clearer then any night sky would ever be in the city of New York, the moon high above waning. He decided the best reply was with a picture of his own as well as a text back.

"You are my moon, Trixy. No matter the distance, we are always together."

Despite how cheesy it sounded he felt it fit and part of that old romantic side crept in him from those centuries ago as he peered into the sky again looking at that spherical object hanging above and smiling as he sent the image with caption back returning to the covers of his bed putting the phone back to the side table, and going to sleep again, though not caring if his phone woke him again.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by TalijaKey
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago


Manu happily helped himself eating up the pizza, especially enjoying the peppers. His tail waved once he was done and he licked his lips clean. He took a deep breath in, too many smells. He picked towards the street and deiced not to go out in that one. It seamed too busy. So he turned around and tried to follow his own smell back.
It was when he was sniffing focused that he noticed a new smell, a bit of familiar in some way but he couldnt place it from where. So Manu stopped directly under the fire escape, looking left and right but yet to look up.

It felt like a really pleasant smell as well, a smell he liked. His curiosity for its origin growing. So manu closed his eyes and tried hard to hear and or smell from where it was coming.


The flat wasnt small, and the bedroom reflected that as well. The moment Adam opened the door to his right was a desk and a arm chair the wall against which they were put was filled with shelves holding all sort of memories and antic things collected over the time. Photos and post cards were placed chaotically, as old and new were sitting beside. Several of them were groups photos. There was a group of young humans all in their early twenties grinning, they looked as a old class group photo. On another Danilo was on the side of the group, hugged by a female in front of a cruse ship, all of them wearing same uniforms. There were a few of Danilo with various magical beings. Elves, other dragons some with wings and horns, ever long tails. There were a few with demons and one with a angel, if the white wings and that white feather that was tucked in the photo frame, said anything.

The shelves ended and a wardrobe was left open showing a mess of clothing, as if someone just couldnt decide what to put on. And had to try everything. All of the clothing looked more on the pricey side, the different shoes were all polished till they could replace the mirror. The window had the drapes pulled on,on the other side was the big white bed, slightly messed up by sitting and not sleeping. The covers were not sitting right, with a bit of attention one could assume they were moved. Under the bed was the precious horde of the dragon. Just like a grim warning above the bed was the big ugly burn mark on the ceiling.

The jewels and other items were kept in a big flat wooden box. It was craved with many symbols and details,most feathering some form of stories relating to the dragon kin itself. But lot of them were magical spells and ancient words of warning. If anyone would even take one coin from it, Danilo would know and the thief would meet a angry dragon. Surviving rate was low.


While Adam walked towards his bedroom, Dan was blissfully trying to out cook himself, wanting to create the meal from heavens for his soulmate. Wondering what stories about the past they could share, and what plans for the future they could forge.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Abel continues watching his soul mate. noticing now that the maned wolf was waiting for something to indicate where his smell was coming from. Abel stays where he is instead of giving manu the easy answer, wondering how long it will take before he looks up. His cobalt blue eyes fixed on his soulmate. So many conflicting emotions going through him, the want no the need to be with his soulmate, but the knowledge that his soulmate was with someone else. On one side he wants to take his soulmate from whoever the man is....but on the other side, that isn't who he is...he isn't the type to rip apart lovers. He closes his eyes for moment to try to get past the hurt. He hopes that they could at least be friends...something. He opens his eyes and goes back to watching his soulmate below him.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Teddiplier
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Teddiplier Tucker (He/They)

Member Seen 6 yrs ago


Adam was expecting something much worse. But he was surprised to find a bedroom.
"Yeah. Nice going Will. He's so into kinky stuff." Adam giggled softly.
But Will wasn't responding for some odd reason. Adam shrugged and looked down the hall once, cautiously, before entering the bedroom. Why had Dan not wanted him to go in here? His eyes hovered on the burn mark. Why was that there? Nightmares perhaps?He wandered around, and looked at the photos.
It felt like his gut twisted when he saw two of the photos; the one with Dan and a girl in front of cruise ship, and that one of the photo frames had a white feather that seemed to be related to the angel in the photo.
What is this feeling? Oh, yeah. Jealousy. It's been awhile.
Adam suddenly felt like he had been punched in the stomach. He stepped back a bit, and slowly doubled over onto the ground. His eyes widened when his skin started to change colour.
He knew what was happening.
"Will, no. You can't do this to me!"
"Fucking watch me bitch."
Adam's skin became even more pale (like it wasn't pale enough), and his hair turned a dark crimson red and grew only a little bit longer. All of his right eye became the same colour as his hair, and a scar appeared on his neck like a choker. The necklace that Adam usually wore disappeared and reappeared on his ring finger, but as a silver ring. The thing that Will's ring and Adam's necklace had in common was an ancient inscription.
"Alright. I know he has a fucking horde of something. Let's find it." Will thought, standing up. He looked odd in Adam's clothing. It didn't suit him.
William cleared the shelves of photos each with one swipe of his hand, looking for secrets. While doing so, he found a dagger and put it in the helm of his belt.
"William! Stop it this instant!"
"Fuck you lover boy. All you care about is that stupid gay dragon. Gay in both ways." Will responded, as he searched through the drawers to no avail. He knew that the sound of crashing photos might've made it's way down the hall to Danilo's ears. Will looked around frantically, before his eyes stopped and hovered on the bed. He quickly made his way over and fell down next to it.
Adam had fallen silent, and said nothing.
William ignored the writing on the wooden box as he pulled it out and opened it up, taking out one of the gold coins and examining it.
"Damn. Your boyfriend has some good stuff."
"He's not my boyfriend!"
"Then what is he?" Will said, as he then took out a necklace and looked at it. Adam stayed silent once more as Will continued to look at what was stored.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by TalijaKey
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

It took him a bit but in the end Manu managed to follow the smell and looked up. His ears perked up and with out much thinking he raised himself on the back legs being easily the height of a human maybe even taller a bit and barked at the white cat. He was in a playful mood and wouldnt mind trying to chase the big cat. Balancing on the hid legs he bared his teeth the tail sweeping left to right fast.

Manu didnt even stop to think of the possibility of the cat to be a snow leopard, or to think that it was a were. He simple followed his instincts and those in that moment wanted to catch the cat at all cost and keep it close. It felt just like a perfect fit. He barked a second time, leaning his front paws against the wall and tilting his head to the side. He could jump on top of the trash bin and could climb on the fire escape.


A crashing noise made Dan perk away from his careful cooking. Did he imagined it? A follow up crash followed it, making Dan call out worried. "Adam?" A third crashing came nearly as if small object were falling and the dragon took of his apron and looked at his wrist.
"Adam whats...huh... now its again Will?"

He looked confused but knew the name shifted, it did it over the years a few times. He will ask Adam about it, before he believed it was Adams last name. Maybe a secret name? He left the kitchen when he felt all hell break lose.

Someone touch his horde.

The alarm in his mind was screaming and fulling a mad anger.

Blind rage. Thief shall die. No one takes whats his away. No one! His mind was blank same the one fact and need to defend what his. His lungs burned as if they hold liquid fire and not air, maybe they did barely contained the fire. His hair danced out the way of his eyes, which were focused and shined.

"Moje." A growl so low slipped his lips, baring the teeth that appeared a lot more sharper then before, ready to tear, and that was not the only thing appearing sharper then before, the hands looked more like claws than hands of a cook, while the red scales looked more prominent and each one looked razor sharp and bloody red.

He lunged himself down the hallway and stepped into his room. He didnt stop to look at his room. The only thing his tunnel vision noticed was the old necklace in a hand. The green stone in it lured him into lunging over towards the thief holding it. One hand gripped the hand of the offender, claws digging into the flesh under the wrist. The other hand settled on the base of the neck pushing them over to the floor with Dan being on top.

Danilo felt like biting heads off, and it was visible as he bared his teeth hoovering over the offender. "Stealing." The voice had a echo to it, as if fire was cracking in a bonfire. Maybe he will first burn their eyes off then claw them out and then kill them. Yeah that felt right. "from a dragon. " He noticed in the back of his mind, a strong burn on his wrist, just like he first meet Adam, Wills name on his wrist was all but glowing. Danilo didnt focus on it. "Will kill you." He growled the hand holding Wills arm tightened in its grip, feeling the blood wetting his hand.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Abel looks at Manu and starts chittering. With elegance he leaps off the fire escape and lands near to him. His large fluffy tail waves a bit before he purrs at him. Abel then turns, being bigger then the wolf it seems his snow leopard side went for playfulness. With a glance back he critters again before running. He wasn't going to go far just play a bit of tag. Hopefully the other guy wasn't here....that might lead to problems.

He runs into another alleyway and sits in front of the dead end wall. He wants Manu to catch him. With his back to the wall he sits with his tail curled about his feet. He waits patiently resisting the urge to purr more so that his soulmate could have a tad bit harder of a time finding him....just a tad...he is sitting in the open in front of a wall after all.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Teddiplier
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Teddiplier Tucker (He/They)

Member Seen 6 yrs ago


Will barely had time to react when he heard the angry dragon come down the hall. He whipped his head to Danilo, only to be slammed on the floor. There was pain in his wrist that had held the necklace, now on the floor. Claws on his neck he noticed too. Will chuckled, blood trickling from his wrist.
"Holy shit, forgot what pain felt like. Hah." Will didn't seem alarmed that he was in the situation that he was in or that Danilo was one angry dragon. The grip on his wrist tightened, and he let out a painful cry and tears trickled from his eyes. He laughed again, like he loved it.
"Mmmmh, nah it won't. You see, there's a bit of a problem with that, Danilo Suvic."
Will, slyly, with his other hand grabbed the dagger from his belt while still looking up at the fierce dragon.
"Will no!" But Adam watched helplessly.
"We're kind of immortal!" he said, louder, as he made the attempt to stab Dan in the stomach.
If Will succeeded, he would pull out the dagger and roll away, standing up and getting into a fighting stance with the blood dripping dagger in his hand.
If he failed to do so, he would lose his dagger and have an even angrier dragon on his hands.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by TalijaKey
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He leap of the fire escape and Manu watched as the tail waved at him. The motion felt nearly irresistible to him. The sound of purring hitting him directly in the stomach, making him want to sniff and nuzzle the living hell out of the cat. Such a strange reaction. He only mentioned to himself dropping back to all fours.

And off the cat run. He bared his teeth, running, cashing after it was exactly what he wanted. He waited only a second longer before he started following. His long legs easily carrying him around the alleyways. The jokingly called deer legs.He smelled once around on a cross road and found himself much easier picking the smell and following it. And there he was sitting and waiting for him. He stopped a few feet away standing there and observing.

Slowly he stepped closer and closer till he was in front of the snow leopard face and he licked it. Manu took a deep breath as well remembering the sweet smell. Giving out a nuzzle and wondering if he could play some more.


"Mmmmh, nah it won't. You see, there's a bit of a problem with that, Danilo Suvic."

The way the offender spoke his name it hold a tin of something familiar. Something known... It was a instinct, the feel of the muscles of the body moving the smallest bit. A dagger shot up towards his stomach and Danilo shifted his body displaying a great flexibility. He felt the dagger cutting his cloths and leaving a cut on his stomach as he moved out the harms way. And he returned the attack. A steam of fire left his lips and burned the shoulder of the hand that hold the knife. A fire steam hot as molten metal whipped over the shoulder. Learning from the mistake he grabbed the hand that dropped the dagger and now both of them pinned over the thief head.

His face leaning into the other face, Danilo chuckled. The cut hurt, but he had much worse. The biting head off vibe still present in full blow.
"I find it quite amusing. " He breathed steaming hot air in the other face. "that you used that weapon. The weapon I got from Hong Kong, it purpose was to cut my dragons heart out its chest and give a rich prick immortality and eternal youth. Dont you find it ironic that now a immortal is using it against me? I find it funny."

He left identical claw marks on the other wrist as he spoke, taking in a deep breath once he was done, wanting to scar that neck even further. It was the smell that made him stop. Smell of soulmate. His rage tunnel vision slightly loosed up. Oh he was angry but he hesitate for a bit to feel the burning on his wrist. Where was Adam?....
Adam was the only other person in his home.

"Are you A...?"

Just before wasnt on his wrist Will?...

"Are you Will, my soulmate?" He growled his question, as if daring the other to lie, soulmate was his. Mine. Belonged to him...

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Abel starts purring at the lick and the nuzzle. With no hesitation he nuzzles Manu back. Then he crouches down, his pupils huge and a feline smile on his face. His butt goes up and his hind feet start moving...the warnings of a pounce. Then he pounces. Once pounced upon abel nuzzles Manu and purrs more. Depending on how Manu landed he should be either on his side or on his back. Either way he is now being nuzzled by the large cat now on top of him.

After a bit more nuzzling and purring he licks manu's nose then gets off of him. With a head tilt and a tail twitch he runs off again. This time going a bit further and sitting once more in front of a different wall. His purring stops as he waits to be found again. Ironically he is heading closer and closer to his own home.....he's not even realizing this yet.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Teddiplier
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Teddiplier Tucker (He/They)

Member Seen 6 yrs ago


After screaming out in agony from being burned severely on his shoulder, Will let out a maniacal laugh. As Danilo spoke and left a cut in the other wrist, Will winced but smiled at the same time.
"Heh...heh heh...hilarious...." He was mainly focusing on his next move, but he only found one solution. The burn mark on his shoulder began to dissapear. It seemed to heal.
Will felt something change within Danilo. And the dragon spoke once more, hesitate, then start over his sentence.
"Am I Will? Well, congratulations and hello. Terrible to meet you." Will said, bearing sharp teeth, and with that he started to change back. Adam's light blue eyes returned, as did his brownish-goldish hair, and his skin became a darker shade of pale. The scar from his neck disappeared, and the name on Dan's wrist would change back to Adam.
Adam began to scream out in pain. Compared to Will, he hated pain and could barely stand it. Tears began to trickle down his cheeks fastly.
"D-Danilo..." Adam stammered out, fear in his eyes as he looked up at his soul mate.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by TalijaKey
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Manu liked being licked by the feminine,his tail waved happily. He was pounced on falling on the side. The nuzzles would have send him in a childlike giggle fit, if he wasnt in his animal form. Instead he tried to playfully turn around and nuzzles back and play bite.

It ended way too soon in his opinion with a lick and the other starting a new round of catch. He gave a few short seconds of running start before he rolled and stood up. Stretching his back and legs and going after. He sniffed and jogged until he once more entered the alleyway. Somehow the other smell he was sure he could easily follow anywhere in the world. It was simple fact. Just as Much as a fact as the moment he saw the snow leopard he jumped on top of the cat and licked it face, nuzzling the face just as much.

He moved away looking quite energized as he jumped in place, awaiting the next round of catch me. The aura of I am really happy now was rolling off his body expression.



This was his soulmate. His soulmate mean Mine.

Mine = treasure = horde.

He watched as the body changed forms, his mind working concluding something.

Soulmate = Mine = treasure = horde.

The following scream was out in pain. It loosened his anger up some more, the fearfully eyes on the other hand were what still hold some hate in Danilo burning. He hated to see fearful eyes looking at him.

"You both are mine." He declared leaning up close to and kissing Adams lips. The kiss claiming in nature, his own lips were still hot to one touch from the fire. The few seconds, of the contact calming him down enough, to properly think. And the first thing he was thinking was. Bravo you succeeded to traumatize you soulmate for life. That worked like a ice bucket and Danilo let go of Adam hands.

"I am so sorry." He looked as guilty as a one who by mistake killed his best friends kitten, the hair fall back over his eyes, even so his hands moved to Adams pocket and pulling the few items that Will pocketed. "I am so sorry. Let me get you a first aid kit. " He said once more putting the items in his pocket, his body moving on auto pilot to stand off Adam and grab the knife placing it behind on his belt. "I am so sorry Adam. I ...I can understand if you dont want to see me ever again." He walked towards his wardrobe pulling the first aid kit, seeing how he left red hand prints on the white box. His soulmate red blood.

"I am so sor-... What happened to my room?" He stopped mid sentence as it was just then he actually saw the damage to his room, all the broken frames and what not all over the floor. He shock his head. He had to focus at the task on hand, which was his soulmate. He slowly approached Adam, as one would a rabbit. A rabbit ready to run off for good. "I am so sorry for what I did to you, that I hurt you. I...I ...you could have asked me about it. Would have showed it to you...but it surprised me caught me off guard..I am so sorry." He blabbed unsure if Adam would even allow him to come any closer but two steps away he was on now. Would he allow him to threat the wounds?...

He ruined everything. And he put so much care to show how nice he was and not at all possessive...possessive... Oh no, he kissed him just because he felt he belonged to him! He seriously messed this up...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Abel wasn't expecting to get jumped on, but he found himself purring more..happy to be playing with his soulmate. He nuzzles him back then watches him jump in place a look of feline amusement appearing. H then stands pads over to the wolf and puts his head under Manu's proceeding in rubbing on him, ending with his tail sliding under Manu's jaw. With a look back and a head tilt he runs off again. This time headed toward home. His run replaced by a happy bound, as he finds himself enjoying this game quite a lot.

Once he reaches his home, he leaps through the first floor open window and hides behind a couch, crouched down. His snow leopard half turning this into a combination of hide and seek and catch me. With his scent everywhere, he was sure it would give the wolf a harder time. At this moment of happiness all the hurt and heartbroken feelings are pushed out of mind. Instead focusing on the game, the fun, and the happiness he is feeling right now. His snow leopard half already identifying Manu as his...even though the human side remembered that Manu had someone already. Apparently his snow leopard side doesn't give a damn.

As he waits, he finds himself hoping that the wolf will stay and snuggle....that he won't just leave. He shakes his head and rubs his face with a paw. Focus on now, think about the rest as it happens.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Teddiplier
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Teddiplier Tucker (He/They)

Member Seen 6 yrs ago


There was moment where nothing happened. Adam was changed back, and staring up at his soulmate terrified. Then a gap was closed and Danilo's lips were against his. He didn't tense up, but he didn't kiss back. The heat from Dan's lips was pleasant, and Adam was still as if he had been paralyzed. When it was over and Danilo took his treasure back from Adam's pocket and stood up, Adam sat up as well. He watched as his soulmate rambled, and went to get a first aid kit.
At least he cares for me.
"D-Danilo. Stop it. I-It's fine. Its really my fault don't worry about it. I'm fine, I don't need healing look."
It was true. Adam showed him his shoulder that had been burnt and his wrists. It was as if he'd never been hurt. They were completely gone.
"I-I'd never leave you, Danilo we all have our dark sides."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by TalijaKey
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago


Manu shivered after the feline rubbed along him, the tail flicking under his nose in its passing. Everything was just somehow a perfect fit. There was simple no room for thinking just simple reacting. And the reactions were all of 'this is perfect' nature. His fur stood up as he turned his head back to see another invitation of try catch me.

He roar barked, and this time it sounded just perfect, before manu made his way to run after the cat he couldnt get enough off. It was now really easy to follow along with the smell, coming in front of a window. He could tell it was coming from inside. He was shying away only for a few moments as his mind perked up asking if this is considering breaking in... It didnt matter actually. Looking at the ground floor window ((ooc: I will assume with first floor you mean ground floor?)) Many once more leaned on his back legs easily placing his front legs on the open window frame. He was not graceful at all when he stumbled head first in a heap of legs onto the floor.

Shaking it off, he stood up and stretched, smelling. Now everything smelled like the sweet kitty cat. His ears perked up and he tilted his head. He started to strode around the room, peeking under the table, no there. Moving the sofa and pushing the pillow off, not under the pillow either. He went to peek under the commode, nope not there either. He looked up and along the walls as if awaiting to see him perched on top of a wardrobe or shelf, but alas not there either. He went to walks around the sofa, and seeing the slightest white hint of fur he all too happily roar barked. Laying just beside and letting a yawn out.

This everything felt so nice and so perfect. It was so simple, his animal side knew he belonged right there beside the other. He gave a nuzzle before he rested his head against the others fur. The maned wolf simple wanted to stay and keep it simple. Maybe they could stay like this for ever? He closed his eyes, as his breathing got deeper.


Danilo was relived on the inside to see the wounds gone, as if someone just destroyed a dirty secret. Well nearly the clothing was having a visible burn hole on the shoulder. It nearly appeared to Dans eyes as if it was taunting at him.
The dragon slowly sat down on the floor still two steps away. He opened the kit and took a piece of cloth to clean the blood off his hands.

"I-I'd never leave you, Danilo we all have our dark sides."

"You dont have to say that to please me." Danilo responded, more disappointed sounded then anything else, raising his blood stained shirt and looking at the cut on his belly. He healed fast but not nearly as fast as Adam apparently. The cut done with a ritual dagger enchanted to pierce dragon skin. The cut itself was somewhat deeper that Danilo firstly assumed.

"... " He tried to say something but found his words gone. So instead he pulled the cloth over the wound, it stopped bleeding, and it would heal fully in a hour or so. Danilo let his shirt drop and looked at Adam. "I am clam, I will not harm you... anymore..." Well he wouldnt harm him because he was clam, but because he was thinking of Adam... of both of them, as his belongings. Which he knew was not a healthy thing for any normal relationship, at least that what all websites he read told him too... Danilo took a breath and sat silently trying to not appear in any form or way threatening to allow the other to sum up the courage to run away from him. He wanted to ask so much, talk about so many things. Nothing of that mattered, no words could fix this now, now that his soulamte was just scared and fearful of him.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

((ooc: you are correct...apologies for not specifying a tad bit more))

Abel heard Manu tumble through the window. He sat up a bit worried, until Manu started looking for him. He settled back down and kept waiting. He heard the wolf going through his home looking for him...and somehow that made him feel quite happy. Knowing that his soulmate is actively looking for him made this day...well...night the best night of his life. He takes some pleasure in knowing that he made this a little bit more challenging for the wolf. He briefly wonders if his soulmate is hungry...if he would like a steak.

All of these thoughts were shattered when he gets roar-barked at. It startled him somewhat causing his fur to go up on his tail, but he settles down when he sees his soulmate. He goes on his side and gets played on and nuzzled. With happy purring coming from him he nuzzles the wolf back and lies down feeling himself fall asleep. His feline side completely content with his mate. The thought goes through his mind...mate. He forces his sleep blurry eyes to take in the wolf a bit more, the thought shoots through his mind again. My mate....he would probably have to earn that for it to be true. Slowly his head lowers again.

His last thoughts before completely succumbing to sleep is the hope that the wolf will stay all night. That he won't wake up alone. And that hopefully his animal form will stay...it usually does, but occasionally he falls asleep as a cat and wakes up as a man...that could be awkward. His mind sleepily goes through different thoughts before working itself to sleep. His purring continues for a bit more before it slowly slows down until it stops. Replaced instead by their deep breathing.

Abel slowly wakes up, luckily still in his snow leopard form. With a stretch and a yawn he slowly slips out from under Manu. He pads off to his room and shifts to his human form. Once humanized, he pulls on a plain white shirt and jeans before padding downstairs. He quietly pulls out some steaks and eggs from his fridge and starts cooking.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Teddiplier
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Teddiplier Tucker (He/They)

Member Seen 6 yrs ago


Adam watched as Danilo sat down a little bit from him and began to clean himself up.
"I-I'm not just s-saying it to you. I-It's true. Y-you kinda just w-witnessed my dark side."
That's what Will was to Adam; his dark side. Adam continued to look at Danilo after he had said he was calm. After a few moments of silence between them, a small smile appeared on Adam's face before he spoke. "Y-You know Danilo, w-when we first m-met, properly i-in the park, I l-looked over at you a-and thought to m-myself two things. 'H-How fast am I g-gonna fall in l-love with him?' and I-I wonder how I'm g-gonna loose him this t-time'."
Adam was quiet once more for a moment, still looking at Danilo with that small smile. "I-I've, uh, figured out t-the first o-one."
He scooted closer to Danilo. "I-I don't c-care about if y-you're a dragon o-or anything e-else. I-I don't care i-if you cause m-me pain. I, uh, I'm r-really fond of y-you, Danilo. I-I love you."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by TalijaKey
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Jose was not a happy man. He was holding a little notice, it read in a messy writing, Gonna stretch my legs around the block be back in less then half a hour. Kissy.
Jose was awake for over two hours, and the writer of the note was not yet back. That would not worry him too much if Jose was at home. It was eight in the morning when Jose gave up on waiting and started searching himself. His worried if Manu got lost, got stuck somewhere, or worse end up with the wrong people and in trouble. He all but feared to get a call from the police at any moment. Or a call from the pound, about a stray. It wouldnt be the first time, Jose remembered just a few mounts ago Manu would constantly end up stuck in his animal form, nearly forgetting how to morph back to his human self.

Jose was a were as long as he could remember, as he left the hotel it was no problem for him to pick up the pup of a were smell. He followed it, a set of cloths and other things Jose carried in a bag with him. "Next time I am making him wear a collar, or a cellphone or something..." He followed the smell all the way to a hallway. Then he stopped, his nose while still human could pick a second smell that started to overlap with Manus. He sighed, he had a idea what happened to his stubborn friend, now.


Morning was nice, Manu opened his eyes lazily seeing the room a lot lighter then last time. He waved his tail and tried to snuggle closer to where once was the warm body beside him. The lack of it made him sad, stretching his front legs he stood up and still being a maned wolf he slowly and silently made his way around in search where his cat went. He followed the smell and found a human cooking. Yes that was still the cat he liked so much... He walked and bumped his head against Abels leg, and nuzzled him for a few moments before jumping away and climbing on his back legs reaching his head towards a apple that was there and starting to eat it tail happily waving happily away away.
Manu didnt get to finish the apple when a doorbell chimed thought the flat. Manu picked his head up and roar barked at it. Not pleased that someone interrupted his breakfast. It chimed again and again more rapidly. Who ever was pressing it wasnt the most patient person alive.

The were looked to Abel for what to do.


At the door Jose was rapidly pressing the button ready to speak the moment the door opens. Preparing ahead what he would say. It would be something like: "Good morning I believe my best friend is here. You dont happen to have seen a Chrysocyon brachyurus, around this height, has a unhealthy appetite for apples and peppers?"
Yes that what he will say just someone to open this door.


Danilo listened and carefully peeked up at his soulmate, wondering. The dark side the paler person with the scar around their neck... He found him amusing and as beautiful as Adam.

"Y-You know Danilo, w-when we first m-met, properly i-in the park, I l-looked over at you a-and thought to m-myself two things. 'H-How fast am I g-gonna fall in l-love with him?' and I-I wonder how I'm g-gonna loose him this t-time'."

The pain of losing one soulmate...for him this was his first name, his first soulmate. He was aware he couldn't even guess how scaring and scary it would be losing Adam...and Will. Two sides of one gold coin of his soulmate.
Then the words that followed, he wanted to believe them, so much, but there was doubt. Untill Adams body scoed closer to him, breaking away all and any doubt he had. The body moved with out fear closer to him. With out any hint of manipulation. The smile was directed at him and Adam spoke words that made Danilo feel heat up his beating heart.

"I-I don't c-care about if y-you're a dragon o-or anything e-else. I-I don't care i-if you cause m-me pain. I, uh, I'm r-really fond of y-you, Danilo. I-I love you."

Dabilo face melted into a smile of his own. He reached out slowly but with out hesitation towards Adams face, caressing the side of it as lovingly as one would a shining wonder. "I loved you even before I meet you." He spoke leaning their foreheads together. Savoring the moment in the mess they were sitting in.

"But now, I am sure I wouldnt be able to exist with out you." Danilo whispered, slowly moving away but still staying close. "Well, you need a new shirt, darling. Not letting you walk in that burn one. I think I have just the right one , or maybe not. Well I can make you some later to your taste." Danilo stood up and walked up to his wardrobe, searching thought his cloths throwing them in a mess on his bed. Dan pulled two shirts out and nodded to himself before offering them to Adam to try on or pick which one he liked better. One was white and the other black both were made from silk. There was a shine to the dragon showing he enjoyed this. He didnt even try to turn his back to give the other some privacy on the changing. MOre like it didnt even come to his mind.
"We have so much to talk~" He hummed, then Danilo hinted with his head to the broken photos and frames all over the floor. "What exactly happened here?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Abel feels the bunp and nuzzle and can't help but beam as he finishes cooking. He puts the food on two plates and puts one on the floor near Manu along with two apples. He then seems to notice the bell...a small hiss escapes him as he straightens and looks down at his souls mate and shrugs. "You eat...I'll see what the impatient person wants." He tilts his head somewhat. "If you feel the need to change my room has clothes" he winks at the wolf then turns with a much louder and irritated tone of voice "coming...the bell doesn't change sounds no matter how many times you ring it" he looks back at the wolf and winks again before walking to the door. He takes a whiff and feels his good mood plummet. The same scent from the guy that Manu ran to.

He feels a small growl grumble out of his throat before he takes a deep breath. He opens the door a crack, the chain lock preventing it from opening more, his arm with manu's name on the door frame above his head...the name visible. His eyes, which are more visible now from the lack of hat, are full of possisiveness, irritation, nervousness, and a touch of anger. The guy smelled like a wolf....and his cat side was not happy about having a wolf that wasn't its mate on its front step. He was tempted to bare his teeth at the guy.

As his stands there he hopes Manu doesn't leave...he hopes he stays. His cat side lets some satisfaction in from knowing that he successfully rubbed all of his mate and mingled their scents....but that doesn't mean the wolf will stay. Things were complex...complexity is irritating.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by TalijaKey
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Jose said what he wanted to say and waited. The person who opened the door was the same he saw Manu talk with yesterday. He knew it then, thought he didnt admit it to either himself or Manu. That was his friends soulmate. In a different setting and probably in a situation when he was less worried he would have been more welcome and friendly.

He gave a glare of his own towards the other weres glare. Jose looked at the name displayed towards him, as if the guy was telling him off. All sorts of mixed feelings raised up inside him. Anger, sadness, annoyance, even greater worry. The guy didnt get it that he was glaring at the wrong person, Jose thought for himself.

"I will assume that glare means yes you have seen him." His voice was giving of a annoyed vibe, because of that were he was getting more problems to deal with. He cannot wait to leave back home, at least then the routine will be there to relay on.

"He is my responsibility and my best friend, I suggest you drop the glare, simply to the fact you will need me. And I sure hope you didnt let him sleep in his animal form. "

He sniffed the air, crossing his hands over his chest still holding the bag in one hand. Awaiting to see if he was dealing with a responsible were, or another of the usual bunch of stubborn.
Meanwhile Manu was finishing his breakfast. He could smell another smell he know. He all proudly roar barked, showing off he learn it. Trotting slowly into the hallway and looking down to where Abel stood on the door. Ears perked up and on a alert.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Abel tilts his head. "The glare is more because you a wolf are standing in my territory. I figure the wolf pack didn't tell you about me...most likely because we don't bother each other much, so i am attempting to ignore it." He then leans forward a bit. "Give me a good reason as to why I would need you...wolf" He hears the roar bark and looks back at Manu. To him he gives a friendly smile and a shrug before turning back to Jose...his glare not returning...but curiosity showing up. Truly if he isn't given a good enough reason he will probably shut the door in Jose's face and go to Manu. With the way this guy is phrasing everything he has a feeling Manu is a newer were, which means he will have to help Manu change to human. Something he has never done, but feels he can do.

The words his responsibility did irk Abel a tad, those words make Manu sound like a little kid...or a dog. Which was something that he certainly did not feel Manu is. His stare remain piercing and curious even while several different thoughts shoot through his mind. His feline side still irritated that this uninvited wolf is standing in its territory...even more irritated that the wolf was doing it so easily. It wanted him to just slam the door and go back to his mate...ignoring the other wolf completely, but he seems to be ignoring that side for now.
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