Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Haeo

Haeo One Who Listens Deeply

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Day 16 Midday

Two weeks passed far more slowly and safely than Tailpin had thought. While rumors had continued to spread, there really hadn't been much real attention. Switching to night hunting had probably helped with that since there were still very few players choosing to hunt at night. His reputation, therefore, stayed firmly in the realm of tabloid novelty. He was often discussed over tankards but never really sought out. On the other hand, his personal wealth and ability had not remained so impractical. It turns out that very few people in this game had really bothered to pay attention to the relationship between time and reward when it came to quests.

Many of the other players seemed to look for quests exclusively. They find a quest with a reward that looked large, spend half a day completing it, and then rest for a few hours before sauntering out to hunt a little before dinner. They were trying to avoid grinding and gain power without time and effort. Yet, their net result wasn't that impressive. Tailpin was more patient.

In those two weeks he had managed to amass a significant amount of coin as well as a large stockpile of refined materials. He had used a few of the local quests to break the monotony but he hadn't really worried about them much. They simply couldn't deliver coin or experience good enough to justify the time, though the occasional quest limited item could make them worth it as a change of pace. He had done the math.

The time it took to run through the quests, relative to the reward, was actually worth it for most players since they wasted a lot of grinding time running from one place to another. Tailpin didn't have that problem. He simply stood on his hill and kept a steady rhythm all night long. He'd actually gotten used to not eating or resting until after dawn. In this way he had managed to rapidly gain both levels and wealth without accomplishing anything that people would find particularly impressive. Truth be told, the dogs had actually stopped giving him experience after his last level. The problem was that there were too many variables involved in switching his hunting spot. Well, that and the money was still better from the dogs. They dropped materials consistently enough to off-set the low quality quite nicely.

Still, it was fine and dandy to sit in one spot and have this lucrative night job. But, he wasn't getting anywhere. Even in this dangerous game Tailpin couldn't stomach just sitting here when he was clearly strong enough now for more effective hunting grounds. It wasn't sitting well with him that he hadn't gained any point-blank combat skill with the bow. Without that, he really couldn't advance alone. Sure, he could switch to any of the areas that he'd already mapped but scouting an unfamiliar area was out of the question. Though, there was one related rumor that he had heard that piqued his interest.

It seemed that there was someone out there who was asking specific questions about him. From what was being discussed over ale in the morning, while Tailpin was having dinner, it sounded like there was a seriously interested party. The question was what kind of interest they had in him. That was something that he wouldn't learn from rumors. He'd have to let them find him. Yet, it sounded like there weren't enough people moving around at night for them to figure out where he was going. He'd have to make himself a target big enough for them to spot and close enough that they'd want to come after him.

With that in mind, he found himself going through one vendor after another in the middle of the day with players all around. He bought the best arrows that the town had to offer, several dozen of them. He also handled them in public so that the rumors could start flying about him gearing up for something new. In two weeks he hadn't used anything but training arrows. But now, he put that quiver away in his inventory and equipped two hip-quivers. One had arrows that were about level four in quality. The other quiver held the best the town had to offer. Iron Fang Arrows were the best that could be bought and they required level six to use. He was higher level than that now but he wouldn't have bought things on his level even if he could. It didn't pay to show off your level when you played solo. The archer also bought the best set of light armor that he could find to replace his level one gear. He hadn't needed to upgrade his armor all this time but now, now was a different story. He managed to find a complete set that was suitable for a level four but that was the best he could find. It was still leather but it covered a bit more of him and had better protection for the arms and hands. The search really was a bit disappointing though.

The vendors in Bull's Run really didn't have anything great to offer. It was starting to look like further improvement would require player crafting or finding a more advanced town. Unfortunately, while Tailpin had heard smaller hamlets out there on this level, there didn't seem to be a better town than this one on this floor. Somebody would have to beat the boss and unlock the second floor before anyone could get to a better set of vendors.

Still, that was another player's problem. This archer was only concerned with being a bit more visible so that his most interested admirer could find him. With that in mind, he headed north. There wasn't much that could challenge him between town and the forest and his dps had risen to the point where he could reliably bring down a bear before it reached him, if he started the fight at or near his maximum range. Hopefully, this would be a visible enough course of action to let them find him so he could find out who they were and what they wanted.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ikanus pulls off his hood are waking his mask and hair. IN all honesty, he was getting bored. His level was basically too high to gain very much experience from anything now and yet he still refused to join a guild. Making him a bit more known then he would entirely like due to that. Seemingly lost in his thoughts he finally looks up and notices the other player. His blue eyes seem to pierce the other player as he studies him curiously. The stare is broken when his food arrives though.
As he eats he thinks. Tailpin had gained notability through his night runs and probably gained wealth. Ikanus consideres teaming up with him again, but doubts the archer would want to do so. His lack of change of armor was suspicious as well as his mask. His skill of leather working was increased to the point where he basically made identical armor at a higher level. He shakes his head as he keeps eating and thinking.
Maybe this newer player could use help. It could be fun to meet someone new and see how they work. He could contact tailpin later...if he would take him they could probably move quite far. He sips his water and decides that this is the plan he is going with. It seemed rather solid to him, but anything could happen. Well anything and anyone could happen.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zelosse
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Zelosse The Entity

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Day 16 - mid day

Delcastle made the usual run back to town from the forest by foot, the others opted for the quicker way of crystal transportation back to town for expedience sake. Like himself, the crew seemed happy to spend a few days in the forest then return to Bulls run to vendor goods and relax. They had all earned it given their experiences.

On the third day in the forest they had encountered not one but 3 elite bears and found they all wanted a piece of the risk. The fight had been a difficult one, likely impossible for a less experienced team, but they had shattered every enemy mob with a great deal of precision. Three elites had almost been the end if Bulwar hadn't saved Delcastles life. A short overextension nearly had him impaled by a random aggro swap as Delcastle had finished off one of the monsters. Their death cry aggroed other bears to their killer for a short time.
Delcastle shook his head at the memory but wasn't shocked by it. Things happened and you either adapted or didn't. For now they had learned what roles everyone would be filling in the group and had even explored a good portion of the upper forest. Over the course of two weeks, Delcastle estimated that every single one of them had earned them all a bit more coin than they might ever need for this floor. Armor had been crafted from materials at cheaper cost, weapons were readily available, not to mention everyone had no need to buy potions anymore. The issue had been camping.
On the second week out to the forest they had been delayed, more specifically Delcastle had been making deals and shaking hands all day for materials to deliver to players, and they had fallen a tad behind schedule for it, but it had forced them to setup camp early in the fields close to the forest and draw up routes to farm quickest.
Perimeter had been set, beds had been setup, and Delcastle had taken second watch.
It was then he had seen the piece of a puzzle he didn't know he was building.
A lone archer a great distance away had setup on a hill overlooking the zone and began his hunt. The dance of a man made for the grind was mesmerizing by itself but the archer was something else. His shots always hit the target and rarely did he ever do anything but turn to find a new target. Efficient, tasteful, and clearly quite strong.
That had been a few days ago and any chance Delcastle got to find the archer he took.

As he walked the path to Bulls run he brought up the message menu and sent a quick message off to Cinera.


He sent the message and glanced up to see if the night hunter was on the hill and nearly stumbled. There on the hill stood an archer. But it was likely it was someone imitating. With a shrug, Delcastle leaned on his Lucerne to watch the show.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Haeo

Haeo One Who Listens Deeply

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Zelosse Day 16 Midday

Tailpin was well on his way. His assessment was correct and the monsters fell quickly, most with a single arrow. He took a moment to review his mapping data and survey the mobs in his path from the top of a hill. There were only a few mobs and the mapping data showed no surprises. He should be able to set up at the edge of the forest fairly quickly.

He drew back a lvl 4 arrow and proceeded to eliminate the mobs in his path. The strongest of them were the boars and only the strongest boars required a second shot. Nothing else had the hitpoints. Six arrows later he had a clear path forward to his next vantage point and at least five minutes before the fastest respawn in the area would trigger. He dealt with the loot windows dismissively. His eyes didn't move from the field in front of him. They didn't need to. He knew where the accept key was without looking after having dealt with so many mobs over the past weeks.

Then, he ran. It wasn't the panicked run of someone in flight nor a charge into battle. It was a very swift traveling run with long strides, taken quickly. His bow was in his hand with an arrow gripped tight against the bow, ready to draw and fire in an instant if the unexpected happened. The distance between the hill and his next point was at least a couple hundred meters but he crossed it easily and stood again on a high point, though lower than the other.

Here he stopped and scanned everything within his vision in all directions. He took note of the monsters between him and his next goal. He took note of the terrain. He took note of the remaining distance he had to cover to reach the forest. He also took note of the player standing still and staring at him from some distance away.

That may well be the persistent inquirer who the rumors had spoken of. Still, if the man wanted to make contact, he'd have to cross the distance between them and the monsters that populated it. Even if he was strong, it would probably take him ten minutes or so to cross that much ground if his physical build was any guide. Add to that the time needed to slaughter the monsters and it could be as much as a half-hour before the man got to him. That is, if he even started trying.

It was while he was staring back at his observer that Tailpin noticed movement in a patch of tall grass behind the man. It was a monster that had wandered farther than usual from its normal range. It was only level three, there wasn't anything in these open fields that was a threat at that level, at least not to him. Tailpin didn't know who the other player was, however, and didn't want to take unnecessary chances.

He turned to align his body with the observer's position, raised his bow and drew back his readied arrow. This time it wasn't a regular shot. He activated one of his recently acquired Attack Skills, Longshot, and the arrow suddenly glimmered brightly with emerald green light. For an instant the arrow cast a prediction line that marked the other player's face. He loosed the shot. The arrow was fast, twice as fast as its normal speed. A line of emerald defined the distance between them on a trajectory only slightly bent by gravity and wind.

The arrow passed the observer's ear and pierced the tall grass half a dozen meters behind him. The line of emerald green that traced the arrow's path was only a few inches distant from the player's head. The sound of a monster shattering broke the silence and sapphire shards drifted toward the sky from the tall grass.

Tailpin accepted the loot from the kill as he lowered his bow. Then he waited. It was time to see exactly what this person wanted and, perhaps, how good they were.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zelosse
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Zelosse The Entity

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Day 16 - mid day

Delcastle watched the archer closely as he made a familiar round now. One hill till there were no enemies then a run to the next then likely return to the first. Night monsters likely respawned faster so it needed to be quick and well planned. Whoever the archer was, he was skilled enough to pick off threats even at a distance.
The prediction line came as no surprise when the bush behind him rustled for just a brief moment. "Long shot maybe?" He mused, familiar to a degree with how some archer classes operated. The arrow flew past his ear to shatter the target in one strike even at a distance. Luck or skill, maybe both, clearly displayed in the shot. Delcastles grin crept on his face as his eyebrow raised in respect. "Long shot." He confirmed to nobody in particular.

Even from a distance it was clear the archer was waiting for Delcastles display. Judging from his stance and the way he scanned the area it was a two-part contest. How quick Delcastle could move, and how clean his kills were on the way.
"game on, pretty boy." Delcastle grinned and rubbed both his hands together before holding his Lucerne in his right hand.
In his mind a countdown began.


Delcastle took off in a sprint, long strides in perfect balance put him on a straight path through the nearby mobs. Now with a weapon like his, you would think he leveled up a lot of strength. More damage.
Delcastle had focused on speed. High mobility and fast attacks were far superior to a heavy stationary hitter.
The first monster that crossed his path served as a stepping stone. A stonetusk boar stepped infront of him but Delcastle leapt, touching down on its back and springing off it. The contact aggroed the monster even as his kickoff stumbled it. On he ran, as he zig-zagged more monsters he gave each of then a slap somewhere on the face or body. With a grin he ran as nearly several monsters stampeded not far behind him.
Pay close attention now. Delcastle thought as the Lucerne took on a deep blue color. As the monsters closed in on his back he struck. Sliding a short distance he turned and grasped the handle in both hands and swung. Cleave did a percentage of damage to every monster hit and sword skills did bonus damage. His first swing shattered the stonetusk boar in the lead to shards as the Lucerne kept sweeping, hitting the last few monsters with the hammer end of the polearm. Of the seven monsters, only one remained after his sweep attack. The single dog leaped forward and exploded on the speartip of Delcastles weapon.
A few minutes and another batch of monsters later he was at the foot of the hill, Lucerne comfortably over his shoulder and hand on hip.

"So who talks first. You? Me?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Haeo

Haeo One Who Listens Deeply

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Day 16 Mid-day

Tailpin was not disappointed. Speed focused and smart with a solid grasp of enemy behavior and the ability to turn the AI's behaviors against it... Good. The observer stopped in front of him, well within the safe distance. If this situation had been likely to turn hostile then the archer would have put multiple arrows through the man before he had gotten this close. Thankfully, that wasn't coming to pass. The thirty year old archer stood quietly as the man demonstrated one of the great fallacies of game design, the discrepancy between physical appearance and physical ability. This guy could run just as fast as he did. The gap between their power was too small to tell without actually trading character sheets.

They looked to be on a similar level when it came to ability within their specialties. It was unlikely that he'd trained his mapping skill or night vision anywhere near as diligently as Tailpin had. But, looking at this man's capability and demeanor, Tailpin still had the feeling that he had come from behind to match someone with far longer experience. It was likely that the archer was actually less advanced in everything but his specialties, and possibly his bankroll. The other man's quip was a sign of a quick mind but his strategy for clearing a path through the monsters had already made that trait obvious. Tailpin didn't hesitate to answer. He had been expecting something of the humorous kind after such a display.

"You just did, but that hardly matters. I'm more interested in who it is that has found me so interesting lately, and why." Tailpin was calm and wore a small smile of courtesy and caution. "Curiosity doesn't often spawn its own rumors in places like this."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zelosse
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Zelosse The Entity

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Day 16 - mid day

His eyebrow rose is curiosity once more at the mention of Delcastle actively seeking out the archer. So this hadn't been a random occurrence at all, and both had begun trying to find the other. Interesting. If this man hadn't found Delcastle that likely meant he was a solo player, which explained him killing the starting minions well after he needed to.
Dedication to a job was another good quality the merchant gatherer quickly noted.
"I'll cut to the heart of it. Names Delcastle, guild leader of world walkers. Gathering guild that's been working in the forest area the last two weeks, looking to move on." Delcastle looked Tailpin up and down while he rubbed his chin with a free hand, recognizing the vendor bought armor and arrows but the man was clearly stronger than those suggested.
"Your gear is trash. Afraid of attention then get yourself the best gear. People who can fight dont get bothered by gankers last I played." He opened up a trade request with a few clicks of his hand and loaded the menu with a similar set of clothes, light armored but bonus effects to movement and attack speed. "on the house. Dont wanna see someone with your skills get hurt." Delcastle turned to leave, having met his target and this accomplished his desires, it was time to focus on something else. "one last thing," the menu came up as Delcastle sent out a friend and guild invitation. "if you're ready to put that bow to use? Come along. Money to be made." He gave a final wave and started back to bulls run. With a little luck, the archer would come to the conclusion that Delcastle had. A team was where profit could really be had.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Tracyarmav
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Tracyarmav Aliit Or'dinii

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ikanus pulls off his hood revealing more of his mask and hair. IN all honesty, he was getting bored. His level was basically too high to gain very much experience from anything now and yet he still refused to join a guild. Making him a bit more known then he would entirely like due to that. Seemingly lost in his thoughts he finally looks up and notices the other player. His blue eyes seem to pierce the other player as he studies him curiously. The stare is broken when his food arrives though.
As he eats he thinks. Tailpin had gained notability through his night runs and probably gained wealth. Ikanus consideres teaming up with him again, but doubts the archer would want to do so. His lack of change of armor was suspicious as well as his mask. His skill of leather working was increased to the point where he basically made identical armor at a higher level. He shakes his head as he keeps eating and thinking.
Maybe this newer player could use help. It could be fun to meet someone new and see how they work. He could contact tailpin later...if he would take him they could probably move quite far. He sips his water and decides that this is the plan he is going with. It seemed rather solid to him, but anything could happen. Well anything and anyone could happen.

Day 16, Afternoon

Edgar_Walther felt someone watching him and looked around, by the time his gaze settled on Ikanus though the man was paying attention only to his food. Edgar looked around some more, but the feeling was gone, so he finished his meal quickly. Standing, he almost left the inn and went about his day; but something about the strange man with a jackal intrigued him, so he walked over to the man's table and sat across from him. He leaned down and scratched the jackal behind the ears, and then under his chin, before turning to and addressing the masked man.

"The name's Edgar Walther, and I be at yer service sair. My skill with spear and shield are matched only by my skill as a smith. How may be of service to a gent such as yerself this fine day?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Ikanus looks up when the man sits across from him. Anubis seemed to enjoy being pet, and woof appreciatively. Ikons sips some more water then nods. "I am Reaper, I am more curious as to what I can do for you". Having finished his food, he moves the plate to the end of the table and clasps his hands in front of him. "I was hoping you are up to something that I can accompany you on" His voice seems neutral, but he is hoping that Edgar will say that he is doing something that may require a second party. The boredom that he s experiencing is getting to him, and meeting someone else would probably get rid of a bit.
He also hopes that his name isn't very off putting. Not that he thought of that before he said it. His eyes hold hopefulness.
1x Like Like
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Haeo

Haeo One Who Listens Deeply

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Day 16 Mid-day

So, in the end there really wasn't much to be said at all. Tailpin had finally lucked out. This businessman was exactly the type of person that he had been hoping for. He even knew how to get down to business. Though, his philanthropic traits would be something to watch. That kind of thing could be used against him later. Still, for now there was no reason to hesitate. His expedition today had been completely successful.

Tailpin accepted the gift of gear, the friend request and the guild invitation with the same level of hesitation that he demonstrated with a loot window. He had made his decision while Delcastle was still talking. There was no reason to worry at this point. It was time to see more of who he signed on with. He followed, pulling up his inventory and swapping gear as he went. He knew that the respawns would take too long for their path to be obstructed for a little while so specific vigilance seemed excessive. Besides, it only took a couple moments to swap the gear. It was strange. Now he was wearing armor far closer to his actual level. It was level nine. The next problem was that he didn't know anyone who had developed Bow Crafting. The level five bow that he had was probably the best he could expect on this floor outside of the dungeon. If he wanted better then he would need to either craft it himself or find someone who could. Either possibility became more likely with a competent crew.

So Tailpin became a member of World Walkers. It was a suitable name. They would be walking a lot. He was getting tired though. He was no longer used to being awake during the day. It was a good time to head back to town. That was going to be one drawback of working with other people again. They would probably want to operate during the day. He let out a slow breath. There were prices to pay for everything.

"Looking to move on to where?" He spoke up without preamble. "We have a target in mind yet?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Tracyarmav
Avatar of Tracyarmav

Tracyarmav Aliit Or'dinii

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Day 16, Mid-Afternoon

I consider the offer seriously, it was unexpected, more in it's timing than anything else, I suppose I could use him for that one collection run that I've been considering... I weigh my options, I didn't know this guy at all, but I knew he wasn't a red player, so that was a plus. Still didn't mean he wasn't above extortion... I'd just visit the town vault and stash my excess gear there, that'd keep me from loosing to much. Sure, I'll risk it, let's see what this Reaper can do.

"In tha' case Sair, I think have jus'ta job in mind. Meet me at ta east gate in half an hour. Oh, an' be ready ta be gone fer a while."

I rise, open the main menu, offering Reaper a party request, before smiling, and strolling confidently out of the Inn. I had some work to do. I visit the Vault NPC an stash anything I won't be needing for this little expedition. I checked the durability of my gear, it was all at max, and I had the best equipment I could use equipped. Next I make my way to the east gate, where I await Reaper and his pet jackal. This shouldn't take to long, as he mine was just inside the gorge, but then again, we were getting a late start and there was no telling how much fun it would be to work the mines through the night.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by DestinyStar
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

Day 16, Mid-Day.



Gravel sputtered through the air as Cinera skid through the dirt, being thrown hard against a thick tree. It was a nasty attack that left her in this predicament; her thin frame was covered head-to-toe in scratches, and her hand ached like no other. She had obviously been fighting out here for awhile - actually, since early that morning. The rest of the World Walkers had gone off hunting again, but Cinera had told them she wasn't feeling so great so that she could sneak out here. Nobody questioned it after the most recent close call, but she still felt a bit guilty for it. It'll be worth it when I learn this new skill, though... This will open up so many offense opportunities! I can't let them down.

Groaning, she pulled herself onto her feet, leaning on the tree for support. Her HP was still pretty high... Cinera had brought a few potions just in case, but this was a low-level area so the monsters didn't leave much of a mark. In fact, she had only used two potions since she began that morning. It was a good spot to train - too boring for any of the World Walkers to discover her, and monsters weak enough for her to safely practice this new ability of hers. After two weeks, Cinera felt pretty confident with the controls of the game, and she had set her mind on this task of protecting those around her. The World Walkers meant everything to her, and she could see the potential in them. Even if they didn't go on to be a front-running guild (though they could be), she knew that these people just had to live. No matter what.

Shaking out her aching wrist, Cinera glanced to where Severance had been thrown, several feet away from her. Too far... The small boar in front of her was quickly making its rebound, so she had to act fast. Her hands immediately reached for the two daggers strapped to her legs, one on each side. This had been the only piece of new equipment Cinera bothered to obtain in these few weeks - most of her attention had been on keeping herself sane. That talk in the woods had been a turning point, and she really wanted to prove herself to her new companions. However, the panic attacks were a lot harder to overcome than she had anticipated during that moment. They were no longer crippling, as they had been, but she found herself often awaking in the darkness with some kind of nightmare or illusion caused by her fear. Sleep was a luxury to her, even at this stage - she only slept through the whole night when she fell into an exhausted, dreamless unconsciousness.

So honestly, it wasn't a lie that she wasn't feeling well - but she did feel fine enough to hunt, which she could not tell them. Cinera had grown accustomed to this world, and she was dealing with the anxiety as it came along. Thanks to Delcastle, life here in Aincrad felt sort of normal and much easier to manage. She couldn't make the problems disappear in two weeks, but she could cope with them and she was strong enough to fight. That was all that mattered to her. A couple bad dreams were nothing compared to the mess that she had been in the beginning. And with her guild mates by her side, she knew that she just needed to stay positive and keep moving forward, no matter what.

Although only the daggers were new, Cinera had enhanced her original clothing and Severance in order to keep her defenses up. Her attacking power increased with every level, and she was actually quite proud of how far she had come already; her level was pretty high at this point, and she could easily defend herself against most of the monsters they had encountered so far on this floor. Now she pulled the sharp edge of her daggers through the boar in the shape of an 'X', not even batting an eye as the single attack dispersed it into pixels. They weren't powerful weapons, but they would defend her when her new ability failed. She only had the strength to get it right about 50% of the time, but it was coming along. It wouldn't be long before she could use this ability as easily on that wolf as she had used the daggers, she was sure.

With a sigh, she quickly replaced the daggers and dusted herself off before going to pick up Severance and replace it to its pitch-black sheath. Another failure... Maybe tomorrow? Suddenly, she noticed an incoming PM and opened her inbox to see Delcastle's note. A light blush crossed her pale cheeks and a bright smile worked its way onto her pink lips.


Cinera closed her menu and stretched, exhausted. One hour, huh? That gave her just enough time to get back and clean up before seeing everyone later. Quickly, she donned her cloak and ran back to their campsite, where nobody had yet returned. Exhausted, she removed the cloak and flopped down on the bed with a sigh. Why am I having so much trouble with this...? An ability like this should be easy in any other game... Cinera didn't really mind the difficult camping situation. Honestly, she was just happy to have somewhere to lay down after a day like this. It wasn't a safe zone, but they took turns keeping watch at least so it was safe enough. Even though she was alone this time though, she found her eyes drifting closed as she slowly dozed off waiting for someone to return.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ikanus smiles and accepts the party invite with a nod. After Edgar leaves he starts whirling through menus with an efficiency that was almost memorizing. Once done, he stands and walks out to an npc vendor. There he sells the unnecessary items and gets a good amount of healing potions and food. Once done there he opens the menus again making sure he didn't miss anything and then equipped his scythe. He braces it against his back with his arms thrown over it.
Once completly satisfied he heads to the east gate and waits. He felt prepared for the mines, even at night. To the point where he is actually excited. Hopefully his level doesn't throw everything off. If nothing else, he would be able to protect Edgar and use Anubis for healing. A plan formed, he nods to himself satisfied again.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lightbox
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Lightbox Box of lights

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Day 16:
More than two weeks had passed since the beginning of the game. Emperor and Ikanus had since parted ways and as he took on quests and farmed he met many people but rarely the same person twice. He teamed with a variety of other players for different quests, not wanting to go it alone if he could help it but even so he had still not managed to find a permanent group or guild to join with. Emperor spent his time training his blade but also training his tailoring skill, making clothes and modifications and selling them to other players however he was no merchant and did not make huge profits but he did it because he enjoyed it. He liked customizing things and seeing his creations and started to gain himself a small reputation as a tailor, though only a handful of people had really heard of him properly.

Emperor had begin to incorporate some of his custom clothing and armour modifications into his own gear, sprucing it up in small ways. Though he took care each time he went outside the walls, he'd heard about player killers starting to become a thing and didn't want to take chances, not when he stuck out like a sore thumb. Though regardless he tried not to let it put him off training.

Emperor had mainly been staying in bulls run though had made the occasional trip back to the town of beginnings to sell wares there and even just mingle with some of the players. For now he had ventured out into the forests, looking for some simple prey to farm. He was wanting to take it easy today but if he got the chance to go big game hunting with some players then he wouldn't turn it down, he was still wanting to try and find some permanent friends in the game.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Tracyarmav
Avatar of Tracyarmav

Tracyarmav Aliit Or'dinii

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Day 16, Mid-Afternoon

Spotting Reaper standing in the gate ahead of me, an easy task with his distinctive mask and pet, I walk up to him and ask to if he's ready to head out.

"Ye ready lad?"

That minor courtesy taken care of I set off at a brisk, but not uncomfortable, pace due east towards the gorge, and the kobold mine that was supposed to be just inside. I'd never been this far east, so I wasn't really sure what to expect from the mobs, though I had talked with several players in town who had been this way before. Having that head knowledge wasn't the same as having experience under your belt. So while I wasn't concerned about the mobs around here, I did wonder just how different they'd be from the dogs I'd been so accustomed to dealing with. I was disappointed to see several groups of players farming the mobs near town, and thus depriving me the chance to find out for myself just how different things were on this side of town. But perhaps a little farther on, there would be plenty of mobs available to test myself against...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zelosse
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Zelosse The Entity

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

day 16 - midday

"Real simple. First things first." The invite had been accepted almost immediately which was a good sign that this guy, as the name that came up on the guild roster as 'tailpin' flashed across his screen, was bored and looking for something more challenging to do. Delcastle could provide something like that. The business over the last few weeks was getting enough supplies from the forest to forego a return trip for quite some time. A business venture that had been wildly successful, as even now Bulwar was likely delivering the goods to up and coming street vendors in need of fresh materials. Maybe the fox-tailed vendor would be buying.
Delcastle swiped the guild tab to the friend list and re-sent a previous PM that had been distributed to his other guildmates about items needing to be found. A basic list for materials that sold well with vendor AND player both.
Leather, ore, potions, cooking materials, anything a player could use to make themselves stronger or more likely to survive an attack was being purchased with abandon. Cooking was especially profitable interestingly, as more and more players chose to have cooking players make their food for them at a discounted rate. Good food was a luxury.
"World Walkers acts as a provider for players looking to make coin without leaving the town. Standard principles of supply and demand, we sell at a specific rate to vendors who place an order with one of our members. Sooner or later I intend to find someone to make us an identifying piece of equipment so we can be pointed out in a crowd. Moves things along faster." Delcastle went through the different facets of the plan, bringing up a very well detailed map with a labeled route through the forest and back to the mountain range near the north before porting back to town to sell loot. Few quests had ever been done by the group that hadn't been on their free time so that knowledge was lacking though easily fixed via a short trade with the newly created Info Brokers that were cropping up.
Delcastle and Tailpin chatted about tactics as they approached Bulls Run, deciding on a roll and strategy for the new addition. Forward scout for new areas was left to Tailpin and Delcastle, both being speed based fighters, Tailpin taking lead role in further scouting thanks to his familiarity with night hunting and long range tactics.
"So we're in agreement then. I should mention, Tailpin, that the tactics mid-battle can and often WILL change depending on the surrounding area until we are familiar with monster pathing and aggro ranges. Cinera, swordsman, leads our squad with rapid response so pay attention to her calls and react accordingly. New monsters are slowed and kited while we finish the first. As an archer, you can help with that greatly." Delcastle ended his sentence by firing off another PM.


He left unsaid that he knew Cinera was up to something, rarely did anybody see her in town and that had peeked his interest. Couldn't protect someone you didn't know where to find. Eventually he came to the conclusion that she was likely taking care of her own private business, whatever that may be, and as far as Delcastle was concerned it didn't involve him. Respect of someones privacy was important to trust and all of them needed that if they were to work together.
Delcastle stopped and rubbed his chin for a moment before sending out a new PM to everyone in the guild.



Delcastle turned back to Tailpin and gave him another look up and down as he considered his options. "Your bow is out of date. I don't have anything like that in my inventory so how do you feel about a trade?" The menu popped up and 4 full stacks of light leather (50/stack) were traded over to Tailpin. "There is a trader in the square named Marco. Uses a glaive, runs a stall near the east entrance. He's a woodsman, strangely enough. Give him those leathers and ask for a bow instead of the agreed on trade. Fast deal, in and out. While you're taking care of that, I need to finish up my own business with various marketers. Maybe get myself a new weapon." Delcastle looked fondly at his Lucerne and thought of all the battles won with such a prize, even though by now it was well out of date. Another thing to replace. Maybe a spear this time?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by DestinyStar
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

Day 16, Mid-Day.


Cinera was awoken from her short nap by a quiet ringing in her ear - a new PM. She yawned and sat up to read the message. An archer...? This news was so sudden. For these couple of weeks, it had only been the four of them; it seemed strange for a new member to show up, now. She immediately began to draft a very similar group formation in her mind as Delcastle. An archer gives us a lot more protection from long-range fighters and magic wielders... but that would mean his stats are probably built around speed. That makes at least three of us with speed-based skills... Cinera frowned at this thought. Our attacks won't be very effective if we can't hit them hard... And having just Mai'lo may not be enough.

Her eyes flickered over to where Severance lay, safe in its hilt. The black metal gleamed in the afternoon sun that shimmered through the trees. I'm in front, as well... My weapon is too lightweight to do as much damage as Mai'lo's sword, but I may be able to build up some strength stats to give us a little extra power. She suddenly leapt to her feet and stretched, feeling content in such a beautiful location. The sun glistened through the leaves around her, and all she could hear was the whisper of the trees as the wind blew through their branches. Even the sun felt hot against her cheeks... It was all so realistic. Some days, she felt like she was actually back in reality, strolling through the forest near her home. It was a comforting feeling.

Another PM surprised her, and she opened it to see a message to the entire guild, this time. Guess it's time to move, then... Something about that made her a bit sad - this area was pretty similar to her home. But she knew they couldn't stay here, forever, and in time this floor would be nothing but a distant memory. Besides, it's not like living out here had been easy; there were monsters and wandering players and all sorts of dangers. It was nothing they couldn't handle, of course, but it wasn't as pleasant as home and she reminded herself of that. She quickly sent Delcastle a private PM.


Cinera hesitated, unsure if she should write this last part of her message. Something about it made her stomach feel fluttery, and her cheeks became hot. But she gained the courage and wrote it, anyway.


Sighing, she quickly closed her inbox, feeling a bit embarrassed. Why, she had no idea. It had been a long day of training on her own... and since she had been out here so frequently lately, they hadn't seen each other much. The events from the first few days had given them a pretty valuable friendship, and she found herself trusting him with her life. They worked well together, and things seemed to be going well. So of course she was sad to be away from her new friend so much these past few days. Why is that embarrassing to say? It would be good to touch base and go over information for the guild... and, of course, meet this new archer he had found.

Quickly, she strapped Severance to her hip and began to run back toward the town. It was full of players, as she had expected, and many with happy looks on their faces. Hunting must have been good for everyone today, I suppose... Over the course of the last couple of weeks, the people around her had taken on a much more cheerful aura. Many had, just like her, finally overcome a lot of the initial shock of the game. It was nice to see people bragging about armor and excitedly sharing about their favorite quests. In a way, it was starting to feel more like a normal game. I won't let myself get swept up in it all, though...

That's right. She needed to remember that this was more than just a game she was playing with friends - this was a battle for their lives. Cinera couldn't let herself get swept up in the fun like she was so accustomed to; it could mean death, here. Once in the center of the town, she glanced around her to see if she could spot Delcastle. There were so many players around, it was hard to see much of anyone, but this game didn't let you see where your guild mates were on the map, and they weren't currently in a party since they had separated for the day. Where were Mai'lo and Bulwar, too? Would they be coming to dinner or was everyone just taking a few days off individually? If that was the case, she might have more time to sneak off and practice...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Haeo

Haeo One Who Listens Deeply

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Day 16 Mid-Day

Tailpin read the PMs as they came. He kept up with Delcastle as he read but said nothing for a little while. This wasn't just another player he was dealing with now. It was his boss. Decorum mattered and the boss's time was always in high demand. It wouldn't do to waste it with chit-chat when there might be something valuable to say instead.

The conversation began with World Walkers' objectives and business model then moved into planned routes and marketing. It seemed well thought out. It also looked like the Guild might be likely to grow quickly once their value to the trapped community became more widely established. They moved quickly from one topic to another. Each was covered clearly but in no greater detail than necessary. Then the topic became combat formations and, Tailpin supposed, job title. It would seem that his job would be primarily acting as a forward scout for the guild with Delcastle himself, covering lots of ground and mapping it for the hunters who would follow after a good route was established. The bulk of the conversation wound to a close with a caution regarding the variables of combat and the name of his immediate superior, Cinera.

A feminine name and female pronouns with swordsman stated in the singular, that last raised an eyebrow for a second or two. For a guild in Sword Art Online to form with only one person actually using a sword was definitely a little unusual. Also, if she was involved in the rapid response portion of the formation then she was probably speed focused as well. They didn't have a true heavy sword. Still, that didn't mean that much at this level. They could start having trouble with armored monsters later though. Fast attacks had to be able to either damage or cripple in order to kite effectively. This archer would need to spend some time with his 'immediate supervisor' sooner rather than later, ideally in combat. With high speed battle, instinct was better than planning. Plans couldn't keep up the pace. He had to know that she trusted him and knew how he fought and he had to trust and know the same about her. Still, time would teach all of that.

The caution had more value to Tailpin as a mark of how much Delcastle valued his people. As this was as real as death could make a world become, it was critical to understand whether or not the boss thought of his people as expendible. Clearly, he did not. Though, there was something in his manner that hinted to Tailpin that he had already tried to come to grips with the probability of losing at least a couple guildmates along the way. It could simply be unavoidable as the risks of doing business increased. Yet, Tailpin felt that such a tragedy would hit his new Guild Leader far too hard.

If that did happen, then he would have to cover Delcastle in combat in case grief caused moments of weakness or slips in timing. Those two things were almost guaranteed with a person grieving. Tailpin knew that much from personal experience gained long before this game began. They were part of healing and he would never hold them against someone. All he would do is try to make sure that they didn't get anyone killed.

The PMs didn't require too much thought. They could be referred to later if he lost track of a detail or forgot part of the plan. There were a couple things that did bear a little closer examination.

The list, for example, was both simple and deceptive. In the end, almost all items within a game are designed to either increase the character's ability to survive or their ability to defeat enemies. However, this list seemed to focus on the former. Also, it wasn't just the completed items that were listed but the components required for players to craft them as well. There were two such items that Tailpin had in abundance, though they were very low level. If nothing else, they might be able to help out those who never gained the courage to leave the Town of Beginnings. Still, it wasn't up to him to decide if they were valuable enough to make items from.

He had a boss now, and the business to consider. If Delcastle had the connections and the business sense to really carry World Walkers forward through floor after floor of danger and profit then he would be the best person to find a use for the items that Tailpin had been holding on to. He had amassed a large stockpile of two items, "Poisoned Flesh" and "Dirty Dog Hide". He actually had a little over 900 of the hide and about 450 of the flesh. If there was value there above what vendors offered then Delcastle should be able to find it. Though it might not be easy. Neither of these items actually seemed to drop from monsters. Both of these items were the products of his Refining skill. He had never seen either of them drop as is and he hadn't actually sold any yet. In fact, it seemed unlikely that even the Information Brokers would know about them.

Tailpin's musing was cut short when he received a freshly minted guildwide message. So, he wouldn't be going along the mapped forest route but would be preparing to head into that gorge to the east of town. He hadn't gone on that side of town in two weeks, not since he mapped the immediate perimeter with Reaper and Emperor. He knew that Reaper would be fine but he did have a little concern about Emperor. Speed focused combat was sudden death. You had to have the reactions for it, not just the stats. Still, he had his own path to walk. He would need to gather supplies before heading out that far.

Yet, it seemed that the keen eye of his Guild Leader had discerned a higher priority for this archer. Yep, the bow was level five, an issue that he was already familiar with. Tailpin was more pleased by the fact that Delcastle had a ready solution to that problem than he was likely to admit. This boss seemed to be on top of things. It was a good sign.

"Understood, I'll get it done." He said simply. But, he modified the trade before accepting his end, adding one of his Poisoned Flesh and a Dirty Dog Hide. "Maybe you can find a use for these. I've amassed a bit of a stockpile in the past two weeks."

With that done, Tailpin headed toward the market's eastern most area. He kept his eyes open not only for a glaive but also for a stall that carried items that would mark the shopkeeper as a woodsman. This Marco might not carry his weapon while running his business since a large shafted weapon would probably get in the way.

There were a few stalls that visibly carried drop items that looked to be from forest creatures in the area near the eastern gate. But, there was only one that showed crafted items based on those drops. In fact, the reason why Delcastle sent him to this man to make the alternate deal was clear immediately.

There was a set of crafted bows on display. One was a shortbow, probably speed focused but it also looked lower level than what he had already. One was a crossbow and looked to be a heavy one at that. There were a few others in the range between them but a bow that looked to be composite with a stave almost long enough to be a longbow caught his eye and held it for a long moment. That might well be close to his level. It would definitely be an upgrade.

That was the last thing Tailpin contemplated before noticing that he had been standing there, staring, for several minutes while the shopkeeper attempted to get his attention. Man, he was tired. At least the job itself was a simple one.

"Sorry about that. Are you Marco?" He asked.

"That's me." Marco replied affably enough, though he seemed a little intrigued.

"I'm here for World Walkers with a delivery of leather for you." Tailpin continued, "But, Delcastle said to change the promised payment to a bow."

"Hmm? You must be new to that guild, not that anybody could really be an old hand at this point." Marco pursed his lips for a moment while looking over the gear Tailpin was wearing. "I see, so he's moving you guys on from the forest then and wants you up to spec. Alright, I have a bow that should suit you. In fact, you've got a good eye." He reached up onto his display and took down the composit bow. "This is the one. It should do nicely for you. But, you should know that this bow is less expensive to me than the original deal. Delcastle just did you a favor."

Tailpin smiled thinly as he opened the trade window and set up his end. "I had a feeling that he was. I'll just have to make it worthwhile for him."

"You do that, he's good business." Marco said with a subtle note of warning as he finished his end of the trade. "Thank him for the prompt delivery, would you?"

"Will do. Thank you for your business." Tailpin finished with a good stage smile, bowed slightly, and walked away.

He waited until he was out of sight of the merchant to drop the smile, switch to his new bow, and test the draw. It was closer to his strength limit but he should still be able to draw and fire quickly enough. With the quality of the bow confirmed, he pulled up his menu and sent a PM to Delcastle.



Tailpin headed to the area of the market with the greatest potion selection, yawning all the way. He still had a lot of extra coin by this market's standard. He actually had an idle thought about donating a chunk to the guild purse but decided against it. It would be of more benefit to the guild if he simply equipped himself with some extras for other party members, just in case. JIC supplies could save lots of lives.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ikanus nods and walks with Edgar. He easily matches the pace. with his hooded cape billowing, Anubis trotting beside him and his scythe he looked quite intemidating. When the other players come into view, he pulls his hood up. It's as if others made him uncomfortable when he wasn't looking for a party. His eyes seem focused on the players as he walks with Edgar. His grip tightens on his scythe, he wouldn't attack them unless they attacked either himself or Edgar.
In reality, he is much the same as he is here. A loner who has few friends, but is smart. His intelligence making him an outsider there, here it is how he looks along with his name.
Luckily, his mask hides much of his thoughts. Making him seem more mysterious then he is.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Sif
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Sif The Beard Wizard

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

[Day 16]

The last two weeks had been very profitable for his brother's guild, and Bulwar was more than happy to have been a part of it. The hunting was fun and the loot had wound up being very profitable. On his downtime from the excursions, Bulwar had taken it upon himself to get his name out there as a cook. Part of the benefit of the guild had been getting first dibs on uncommon and rare cooking ingredients, so setting up a small stall in the marketplace had been a cinch. First priority was always to making sure the members of the guild were well fed with good food, and he was more than happy to comply. However, at this particular moment he was doing a standard market run to deal with all the excess loot that noone in the guild needed, as well as to deliver any of the orders that the merchants had placed.

As he finished up his first deliveries, he decided to take a break and eat a quick lunch. He sat down at a bench in the park, pulling up his inventory and scrolling through to the food, pulling out one of his custom sandwiches called [Walker Deluxe]. He unwrapped it and began eating it with one hand, the other pulling up the message tab and quickly rattling off replies, some confirming new orders, some informing that their order would be arriving soon, and so on. The guildwide message from Delcastle popped up and he quickly scanned it before closing it, already knowing the situation as he had discussed it with his brother the night before. He stood up with a sigh, crinkling up the wrapper and throwing it in the trash.

As he was proceeding to deliver the rest of the days orders the guild tab flashed. He quickly pulled it up to see the name "Tailpin" had been added to the roster. "Oh." He said, mildy surprised. "Looks like Delcaslte finally got a hold of him. About time. He recognised the name because he happed to run into the archer when he got up early one day. They shared a meal and a small conversation, then parted ways. He had not told his brother because, well, where would the fun be in that?

As he was delivering the orders, he stooped by his preferred blacksmith Zachary. Afternoon, Zachary. How's business?

Zachary was an older man, Bulwar estimated late thirties, early fourties, with a strong build, almost as it he was a blacksmith in real life, too. "Afternoon lad, running errands for your guild again? To what do I owe the pleasure?" He said with a grin.

"Aye, and I figured I'd come by to see if you've got any tower shields for me. Mine are getting a bit underpowered for the upcoming work.

"Ah, fair enough lad. As a matter of fact I do have a pair of shields for you, give me a moment." He pulled up his inventory and pulled out a matching pair of tower shields, laying them down on the counter. They were a polished steel, emblazoned with a literal tower on the center of the shield, the details trimmed with a deep red.

Bulwar checked the stats and they were only a couple levels lower than him, so he decided to buy them. "Sold, what's the price on them?" He asked, knowing full well it was not that huge of a matter.

The old man smiled slyly. "How about we call it a pre-payment for my next order?"

"Fair enough, pleasure doing business with you Zachary."

"Likewise lad."

After the transaction, Bulwar finished his rounds and then decided to see if he could find Delcastle and discuss business.
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