Whatever can go wrong, will go wrong. That's the definition, right? Murphy's Law? You make one good thing to replace the bad thing, and a new bad thing takes the old one's place. It's like a cycle that never really ends, it only begins and continues to exist until it can be broken. I honestly like to think of it as a garden; you plant beautiful flowers to fill your home with life, you're surrounded with vibrant colors and pleasant aromas, and everything seems ok until one day a weed starts to grow.

I was that weed...

At least, I would've believed it was me. I didn't generally feel thrilled about my place in the world. I was a young adult, in and out of juvenile facilities, building a record about as tall as Goliath. My life was little more than a troubled child acting out because he was confused; my life was merely my delinquency. My neglect for my own life, and duty. I was heading for trouble fast.

That's when I met Jarek. He was a bounty hunter, and he offered me a chance to better myself. "I think i can help you boy...You look like a good kid, so lets get you back into shape." What he really meant was whip me back into shape. Intense training, military grade stuff. In the end, Jarek had taught me everything he knew. He became the father I never had. Next thing I knew, I was on my way to being the greatest bounty hunter my side of the universe,

But when you make a good thing from a bad thing, another bad thing takes the old one's place,

Murphy's Law.

~ January 13th, 2773. красный город (Red City), Mars.~

Xyro looked at his watch, checking the time. Twenty-one hundred hours. He shook his head as he realized how late he'd been at the bar now. As much as his body told him he should call it quits, his mind told him otherwise. He had been having nightmares; terrible flashbacks of memories he didn't think he had were keeping him up at night. Lately, the bar was the only thing keeping him alive. Listening to the live music and flirting with women helped him to get his mind off the nightmares, even if it was only a temporary consolation.

"Another round, friend?" The bartender asked from behind the counter. Xyro didn't even have to speak, as the tall four armed alien behind the bar poured him another drink. In the corner, a man played on a strange looking pipe instrument. It sounded almost like a soft organ, at least that's what Xyro thought it sounded like. He couldn't tell through the buzz he was getting from the alcohol.

"This is what I've become...A lonely drunk...So much for best bounty hunter in the galaxy..."