Original idea:

In an industrially advanced world, there is a new kind of criminal. The kind of criminal the uses science to inject themselves with inhuman abilities, those that reflect supernatural creatures. There new criminals serve as a serious threat to mankind, and when caught, they are thrown into a special prison, as to deter everyone else from following in their footsteps. The prison is an island of exile, filled with animals and nightmares. Its a terrible place, uninhabitable by human beings, and its completely under government control. Worst of all, they drop you into this place with a blank memory, one that retains your name and all your fears, but nothing else.

We are the two most recent inmates of the island. We've been dropped on different sides of the island, with no idea about one another. In some way, we find one another, all the while fighting off the horrors of the forest. We can try to escape, whatever. The plot is ours to figure out as we go. :)