Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Axel
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Axel Red Haired Coffee King

Member Seen 6 mos ago

"Then I'll mov..."Viole appeared in front of them almost instantly, giving them no time to react for what was coming next. The Captain turned to Kirishin first, activating Sho just by using his eyes alone. The power of Sho wasn't that strong on it's own but coming from a Captain level Shingami transformed it into a devastating spell. The Kido sent him flying and rolling seconds later all the while ripping a his robe before crashing into a nearby wall. "Impressiv....you crushed my glasses!!!!" Kiri's glasses were broken with both of the lens severely cracked which caused him to quickly break free from the wall's grip and launch off in the Captain's direction. "Aim to kill huh? Well you've done it now!!!" He unsheathed his Zanpakuto while still in motion before it at Viole with all his might.

He took no time at all in raising his spare hand up, generating a yellow of Reiatsu with one word coming from out of his mouth soon after. "Okasen!!!" Kiri shouted, firing a large yellow arc right behind his weapon but shorter in comparison to what it would be if he used his Zanpakuto instead of his hand as the catalyst for Kido. Like his Temporary comrade before him, he didn't plan on just stopping with that, it was time to make use of everything. "Byakurai!!!" Kirishin yelled again, firing a concentrated bolt of electricity from his right index finger at where he hoped Viole would be.

His vision began to deteriorate without his glasses revealing the man's only weakness. Yet despite not being able to see, he still knew where the target was at the moment and sensing Reiatsu as an alternative to sight would be very difficult. Looks like all that conserving energy was for nothing and it will surely remain that way if I don't regain my Zanpakuto.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Axel said
"...Woof...woof? Yup, I was trying my best to speak doggy but apparently you all speak a different language. Leaf is good? Leaf is good!!!" Titan shouted in a voice you would imagine a puppy to have if it could talk before leaping onto Minari's shoulder and back onto Aya's continuously happily. While we're on the subject of getting hurt, we probably should get patched up before on...e of us passes out. Plus you don't look so good and I wouldn't be happy if something happened to you for real this time. Also, what do you planning on feeding baby Titan exactly?"

Aya's childlike grins got bigger and bigger upon hearing Titan and could help but prance in place giggling at the cuteness." So when Leaf spoke up Aya stopped moving and listened to her suggest they go get patched up before one of them passes out right then and there, then she asked what she was going to feed Titan so Aya looked at Titan and thought about it. "Well they can eat each other..... so maybe I go every now and then and find a weak hollow cut off its arms and leg and point its head somewhere where it cant bite Titan while Titan is eating said hollow? And I'm fine my body is made of steel!" Aya said thumping her chest which made her spiritual pressure go up a bit from the broken ribs she has.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

(Kaizo Priority post!)

Kaizo slowly awoke, his eyes slowly flickering opening with his vision still blurred due to his eyes being closed for so long, as his eyes began to focus he tried to make out where he was, his vision turned to his right where he saw his right wrist shackled to a wall, his head then turned left to see his left also shackled to a wall...however these were made of Kido, likely to stop him from using spiritual energy to escape, he then looked to his feet and saw they to were also shackled which caused his eyes to widen as he struggled a little before he stopped. However he was still panicking "W-What the hell is going on!? why am I here!? HEY! Someone tell me why I'm here!!" Kaizo's heart was sent into a racing beat as he heard the door to his cell open, a tall silhouette stood in the door way, however after a few steps the little light within the room cast upon the figures face revealing it to be the Head Captain which caused Kaizo's eyes to further widen "Head Captain! wh-" Before Kaizo could say anymore he was interrupted by the Head Captain "What happened? is that what you are wondering?...Well...that answers one of my questions, you clearly don't recall what happened...well. Let me fill in the blanks. I'll be blunt and straight to the point...you hollowfied, destroyed a fair portion of the Seireitei and nearly killed the 3rd seat of Squad 11! I'd like to defend your case as I'd be willing to help you but there is no case to defend...you will step into Central 46's chambers and they will immediately decide to execute you. There is no possible way I can over rule this. It saddens me that this is the case but there is nothing I can do...I imagine your execution will be quick. I'm sorry it has to be like this Kaizo...if there was anyway to help you, using my power as Head Captain whilst abiding by the rules then I would take it...however, in this case there is nothing I can do...You have my sincerest apologies...I bid you farewell Kaizo" The Head Captain then turned and took a few steps to the open cell door however he stopped when he heard Kaizo speak "I see...so that is what happened...I understand Head Captain...there is no need to apologize. I endangered everyone's lives and even one I consider my friend and Rival...despite not knowing him so much on a friend bases...he is still my Rival...the fact that he is still alive shows how great of a Shinigami he is. I've heard of people hollowfying and killing even Captains when the victim themselves was only a seated Shinigami...I'm sorry Head Captain. Tomorrow...I will plead guilty to this crime, if I am a danger to everyone and even myself then it is best for my life to be taken in order to potentially save many others...Thank you Head Captain...it's been an honor serving within your thirteen court guard Squads...I only wish I could have lived longer to attain my dream of becoming Squad 2 Captain and avenging my clan..." The Head Captain listened to Kaizo and once he had finished speaking he merely walked forward as the cell door shut behind him. Kaizo then felt a tear roll down his left cheek as he cursed the hollow within him and himself for being so weak and letting it take control of him....

(so there ya got it ladies and gents...Kaizo going on trial tomorrow...today if I feel like speeding it up a bit ^.^)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

(Past post for Gio and Kenny)

The Head Captain listened to Kenny speak then nodded, he had noted on the position he held which was good...at least he showed respect, something he'd be requesting more however with a certain person he wouldn't...Ryuu...purely because the guy would likely snap in half if he tried. "I see...well. Let me see what Giovanni has to say and I will then make a decision...I do know why Giovanni is here or at least I think I do but I must be sure, so Giovanni...if you would" The Head Captain gestured for Giovanni to state his reason for being here
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Expllo said
Takeshi watched the fight between the man and Sasha which ended with the man getting a cut to his cheek and ending up in rubble. As he came out of it Takeshi ran forward quickly, he noticed a Hado number four from the left, he knew it was Henry. It was a good opportunity, he slashed sending a large gust of wind towards the man then quickly jumped to the right activating Raitoningu• bādo with five small lightning birds flying towards the man. Now it was a matter of choice on the man's part, dodge to the left taking the Hado right on, dodge to the right taking the birds head on which would result in paralyzation, or take all three of the attacks heading towards him head on. Of course there was a chance of him jumping upwards and possibly dodging all three, but that would result in a close range battle with Takeshi who was now in the air awaiting the man. , he thought.

Sasha remained high in the air as the other two fired off their attacks and watched the man to see what he'd do next. The Shinigami stood still as the attacks flew at him a grin evident on his face as he then spoke "To weak!" The man then stabbed his Zanpakuto into the ground releasing a gust of wind the kicked up dust, the attacks then flew through the dust and kicked up even more, the dust then suddenly dispersed as a very faint dome of wind could be seen around the Shinigami, he then pulled his Zanpakuto out of the ground causing the dome to explode almost or more burst into many arcs of razor sharp wind that went flying in all directions
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Kurisa said
Sasha remained high in the air as the other two fired off their attacks and watched the man to see what he'd do next. The Shinigami stood still as the attacks flew at him a grin evident on his face as he then spoke "" The man then stabbed his Zanpakuto into the ground releasing a gust of wind the kicked up dust, the attacks then flew through the dust and kicked up even more, the dust then suddenly dispersed as a very faint dome of wind could be seen around the Shinigami, he then pulled his Zanpakuto out of the ground causing the dome to explode almost or more burst into many arcs of razor sharp wind that went flying in all directions

Both Takeshi and Henry's attacks seemed to be ineffective, as the man stabbed his Zanpakuto into the ground causing a gust of wind to kick up dust and Takeshi and Henry's attacks only added more dust. It then vanished and what replaced it was a dome of wind and as the man pulled his Zanpakuto out of the ground the dome burst into many arcs shooting in multiple directions. Henry then dodged most of the arc going anywhere and everywhere. Holding his Zanpakutos behind his back Henry mumbled to himself. "Bring about their end, SosaMujihi." His two Zanpakutos then changed form with one turning into a fancy looking dagger and the other turning into a longer sword. Henry then spun around in the air and sent his own arc of wind at the man however to the naked eye it would seem to be rather slow while it was indeed much faster. And to further the selling point Henry put on an annoyed expression.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Rio Okotaru Darishimo

SMASH!... Rio was currently stood in the doorway of Kaizo's room at the Squad four barracks. She had only left for a few mere minutes to fetch a glass of water and when she returned... There was no sign of Kaizo or his clothes. "Kaizo?" She asked the empty space, obviously receiving no response... Instead, she heard a loud crumbling sound as buildings began to tumble to the floor during Shiro and Kaizo's fight. Sensing the fight, Rio was suddenly stunned when she felt Kaizo's power. It didn't feel right... There was hardly any trace of Kaizo in his own energy, he seemed to of been over-taken by someone or something more... Hollow. Hearing more destruction, she snapped out of her paralysed state and ran out of the room. By the time she had reached the scene, it was already too late...

"..." Rio eyed the scene, the buildings had all been reduced to rubble... she had no words, well none that she would speak. Instead, Rio turned around, a face of stone before returning to the Squad six barracks, heading straight for her room. This was just too much, she felt as if she could bust with emotions but had nothing to say, no words to utter or shout... Until after she had slammed her door. "Selfish...".
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nicias Askani

Nicias Askani

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Giovanni waited to be addressed before speaking. "Sir, I am here to request an opportunity to prove myself capable of seated position, per your instructions. I have prepared myself as best i can to face what you have for me to do. " he tried not to sound to full of himself. He knew better than that. But at the same time he had to be vague. The head captain knew exaclty what he wanted already. He had already been to this office more times that he could count since his graduation and would be visiting it often in the future most likely. That was his hope anyway, provided that he live long enough to get to that point. At the very least Gio had a plan and anything that came next was just a stepon the path toward his goal.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Axel
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Axel Red Haired Coffee King

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Zane620 said
Aya's childlike grins got bigger and bigger upon hearing Titan and could help but prance in place giggling at the cuteness." So when Leaf spoke up Aya stopped moving and listened to her suggest they go get patched up before one of them passes out right then and there, then she asked what she was going to feed Titan so Aya looked at Titan and thought about it. "Well they can eat each other..... so maybe I go every now and then and find a weak hollow cut off its arms and leg and point its head somewhere where it cant bite Titan while Titan is eating said hollow? And I'm fine my body is made of steel!" Aya said thumping her chest which made her spiritual pressure go up a bit from the broken ribs she has.
Minari's facial expression formed into that of a happy one upon seeing Aya giggle and prance around. Once Aya said how she planned to feed it, she couldn't help but chuckle in response. "That's going to be a very weird experience for the Hollow I'd assume. Being eaten by someone as adorable as Titan but I'm sure you'll be able to pull it off. And I'm so sick of going back there too but I'll go as many times as it takes in order to make sure you're absolutely alright. So are you really really really vanilla swirl whipped cream on top really sure that you're okay?" She asked with a concerned look on her face just in case her Aya wasn't about to pass out right then there. "Titan eat Hollow!!! Titan eat Shinigami!!! Titan eat everything!!! Yay!!!" Titan yelled, becoming smaller so that he could swing on each string of Aya's hair in a Tarzan like manner.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DeathstrokeSW


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Upon hearing Gio's words, Kenny spoke up again, this time, using even more respect than before, given the precariousness of his decision. He took his Zanpakuto off of his shoulder, and laid it by his side, speaking again in his deep bass. " Sir, I ask that this mission prove my worth to a seated position as well. Though I have joined my squad a short time ago, I wish to prove myself worthy of a ranking in the Gotei 13, and someday a Captain ."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 18 days ago

Zane620 said
Both Takeshi and Henry's attacks seemed to be ineffective, as the man stabbed his Zanpakuto into the ground causing a gust of wind to kick up dust and Takeshi and Henry's attacks only added more dust. It then vanished and what replaced it was a dome of wind and as the man pulled his Zanpakuto out of the ground the dome burst into many arcs shooting in multiple directions. Henry then dodged most of the arc going anywhere and everywhere. Holding his Zanpakutos behind his back Henry mumbled to himself. "Bring about their end, SosaMujihi." His two Zanpakutos then changed form with one turning into a fancy looking dagger and the other turning into a longer sword. Henry then spun around in the air and sent his own arc of wind at the man however to the naked eye it would seem to be rather slow while it was indeed much faster. And to further the selling point Henry put on an annoyed expression.

As the arcs of air flew out, Takeshi jumped back blocking his face getting a couple cuts here and there, nothing he couldn't handle. Blood dripped from his wounds, it would be hard to do anything stealth wise, didn't matter though. Watching Henry attack, he took this time to start activating his ability Kaze no mure. Placing his hand completely over the butt of his sword dirt started floating up in the air. He would trap the man after Henry's attack, or defend someone if they needed it. He hoped the first, but whatever happened happened. He kept his eyes on the man, wanting to speed up the dirt, but he was going to wait until he was distracted.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Axel said
Minari's facial expression formed into that of a happy one upon seeing Aya giggle and prance around. Once Aya said how she planned to feed it, she couldn't help but chuckle in response. "That's going to be a very weird experience for the Hollow I'd assume. Being eaten by someone as adorable as Titan but I'm sure you'll be able to pull it off. And I'm so sick of going back there too but I'll go as many times as it takes in order to make sure you're absolutely alright. So are you really really really vanilla swirl whipped cream on top really sure that you're okay?" She asked with a concerned look on her face just in case her Aya wasn't about to pass out right then there. "Titan eat Hollow!!! Titan eat Shinigami!!! Titan eat everything!!! Yay!!!" Titan yelled, becoming smaller so that he could swing on each string of Aya's hair in a Tarzan like manner.

"Hey if Hollows can go around eating people, then they can handle being eaten by Titan." Aya said pouting which then turned ito an evasive expression when she asked is she was truly okay. Which made Aya sigh. "I guess I can go see how long it takes for Ribs to heal... but if they try to give me a needle Im hitting people." Aya said then watched Titan speak as he shrunk again and started swinging on her hair which made her smile. "Sure everything, but not Shinigami. Only if they are evil and mean to kill people are you allowed. Like you did with whats his name." Aya said trying to remember who the revenge guys name was.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 18 days ago

AbigailTenshi said
Rio eyed the scene, the buildings had all been reduced to rubble... she had no words, well none that she would speak. Instead, Rio turned around, a face of stone before returning to the Squad six barracks, heading straight for her room. This was just too much, she felt as if she could bust with emotions but had nothing to say, no words to utter or shout... Until after she had slammed her door. .

After locking the man up and parting ways with Julia, Kenta decided he'd take some work off the captain. He had a decent stack and spent hours working on it, of course he could have been training, but he had come to a sense of mind. Being stronger was his number one priority, protecting people and the Seireitei, but there were other things he needed to get done first. Paperwork was just the start of it, as hours passed Kenta sensed Rio walk in, then he heard a slam next door him. It angered him a bit, more so annoyed him, plus he knew this place was liked to be kept quiet. Placing his pen down he stood up and walked out of his room, slowly opening Rio's door and stepping in he closed it just as quietly right after. He was quiet with it all, as if he was never there at all. Walking up behind Rio he grabbed her arm and pulled her towards him speaking harshly, less harsh than he would with anyone else, but still harsh, "Why the hell are you slamming doors? You know this place is supposed to b-" he stared at her, looking into her eyes, his face softening and voice, "What's wrong Rio? I see something's wrong..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Rio Okotaru Darishimo

After her door had slammed, Rio gripped her head. A chocked sob left her lips as a few tears rolled down her face but quickly she wiped them away, focusing more on her anger than on being upset. "H-how could he be so selfish! Why did he leave without saying a bloody word to me..." She clenched her fists, unable to notice her door opening behind her due to it being so quiet. She was too focused on her feelings to notice Kenta's presence which caused her to jump when her arm was suddenly grabbed and tugged. With her eyes widening a little, she looked up at Kenta in surprise. Her eyes drifted downwards as he spoke harshly to her, not really feeling like talking back.... She felt a little more upset that after all this time, the first time she had finally seen Kenta-kun again, he was angry at her. Looking back up to apologise, she had noticed Kenta staring into her eyes, causing her to keep her mouth shut. Gulping, he asked her what was wrong.... "U-um.... It's nothing.... Sorry for slamming the door Kenta...." Rio pulled her arm out of Kenta's grip and walked over to her kitchen to pour herself a glass of water. "Well, since you're here... How have you been?" She took a drink, facing away from Kenta as she didn't want him to notice her sadness.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Kaizo remained in the prison chained up, his head hanging low. Darkness had descended upon the cell and there was nothing but black, he felt alone and cold...however there was always something there, something that made him angry without even knowing it...it sat within his soul playing games with him. He didn't even want to go fight Shiro it was because of this feeling that he did and look where it got him.

At that point Kaizo was thinking of everything he heard the door to his cell clink then the door slowly swung open as he saw a large silhouette in the door way, the presence of this person couldn't even be felt, he could only see them...he felt nothing from them which caused his eyes to widen. Was this man the one to kill him? as the man to steps closer to Kaizo he moved back and closer to the wall, a bead of sweat dripped down his left cheek as the mans left palm appeared infront of his face...literally...appeared, it was immensely fast he then saw a little glow and everything went black.

-30 minutes later-

Kaizo awoke and clutched his head then rubbed it "What happened? was that all a dream?" Kaizo continued to rub his head when he heard another voice which made him jump "You're not dreaming, everything happened and this is your chance to go free...you can run around aimlessly hoping things work out or you can try find a man called Juki...he can help you with your problem and then it is just a simple case of trying to prove you are still useful to the Gotei 13...you wont find this man easily and you can expect trouble, now go...they will notice you're gone anytime soon and the alarms will sound" Before Kaizo could even utter a word the man disappeared, he had no clue who he was...but he was given a chance to fix this problem and return to what he loved. Kaizo looked down at the shackles still on his wrists, the chains broken, the same for his ankles. Kaizo took a deep breath then stood to his feet and looked around, he had to first run from the Seireitei...this wasn't a game anymore, he was fighting for his life. "this could very well be my end...but at least I get to fight for it..." Kaizo then turned and burst into a sprint away from the Seireitei, occasionally using Shunpo to navigate his way through the tree's of a nearby forest "Juki...so I have to find you...if you can help me then I wont stop fighting until I find you, I will crawl there if I have to...I'm not letting this thing beat me...I'm not leaving everything I worked for behind to be destroyed by something so minuscule...It may be to late already, I may have lost everything...and you...but...I'll come back stronger and in control...I will come back!" Kaizo continued to shunpo, his speed growing faster as he moved through the forest towards some rather large mountains

-3 minutes later-

The alarms within the Seireitei sounded as a womens voice could be heard " Attention! Attention! The former Shinigami Kaizo has escaped from his cell! A warrant has been put in place for his capture and if not that then his death will be almost as good. Take caution when approaching the man in question, he has been known to come under the process known as hollowfication which is a danger to even our own Captains so take extreme caution. The mans current location is unknown at this time however he is not long gone...if you want to claim a handsome reward for his capture or his death then you may go do so. " After that the voice cut off and the alarms soon stopped afterwards, a few Shinigami already rose up and began making their way out of the Seireitei to find Kaizo, he had a head start in the race but there was one of him...there was an army of them...the chances of survival were slim but he wouldn't let that knock his faith...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 18 days ago

"Well, since you're here... How have you been?" Rio had asked, he was going to reply until sirens wailed. Attention! Attention! The former Shinigami Kaizo has escaped from his cell! A warrant has been put in place for his capture and if not that then his death will be almost as good. Take caution when approaching the man in question, he has been known to come under the process known as hollowfication which is a danger to even our own Captains so take extreme caution. The mans current location is unknown at this time however he is not long gone...if you want to claim a handsome reward for his capture or his death then you may go do so.

Kenta sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose closing his eyes, he remembered Kaizo from when Rio introduced him to him. He let his hand drop and opened his eyes. "So is that what you're so down about?" Kenta took another sigh, turning around he began walking towards the door. He didn't know why the man was locked up, he assumed for Hollowfication, Soul Society didn't like that very much. He didn't agree with locking those people up, if it was something they didn't do to themselves, but he had to follow through with the rules. Once he got to the door he opened it and walked out before looking back at Rio, "I know he's your friend Rio.....But you have a job to do, especially being in Squad Six, it's your job to bring him back. You're his friend right? You can bring him back with your words. But if I find him, sadly I can't be that nice." And with that Kenta shut the door and walked off, he sighed adjusting his headphones. I need to find Hikari, he thought.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Rio Okotaru Darishimo

As sirens went off, Rio placed the glass she was drinking from down onto the counter, still holding onto it. She squeezed her eyes shut as her teeth gradually grit while listening to Kenta. He was right, she was still the seventh seat of Squad six and her job was to catch criminals. As Kenta began walking out and continued to talk, Rio didn't say a word, she only listened as he left and closed the door. Cr-Crack! The glass she was holding smashed in her hand. Sharp pain enveloped her right hand as pieces of it impaled her flesh. However, the pain didn't bother her, she was just too torn between anger and sadness. Clenching her left hand, she banged it onto the counter. "Why must this happen! Why! After everything! It was all going so well!" She clutched her hair with her left hand, hating the pain shooting through her heart. Rio just honestly couldn't deal with this right now... Blood from her right hand dripped onto the floor, creating a small puddle. She lifted it and took a look at it, picking out the pieces of bloody glass and throwing them into the bin. Once that was done, she wrapped a bandage around it, deciding not to go to Squad four to get it healed. It was a wound she caused herself so she'd leave it to heal by itself. Grabbing her Zanpakuto's, she left her room, focused and bent on finding Kaizo. She'd drag him back and settle this, then she would leave him to do as he pleased with his life.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

After Fumio went to clean himself up, Chie got dressed herself and heard pounding on the door with Fumio telling Souta to go away, Chie's face then pouted as the moment was kind of ruined by this guy, so she walked to the door and pulled it open and glared at him. "What is it porn boy." Chie said as she went over and picked up her Zanpakuto and contemplated using a hado on the man.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Rio Okotaru Darishimo

Rio took a seat on the floor, her back against a thick tree. She was currently outside the Seireitei within a forest. With her senses focused and eyes closed, her body was soon pulled into her Zanpakuto's inner world through Jinzen.

~ Inside the Inner World ~

Her eyes soon shot open as a pinky-coral petal drifted onto her face. "-Nice to see that you've finally decided to come back.-" "+Oh Rio! I hope you're Okay! How's your hand?+" Kan strolled casually towards Rio, arms crossed and eyes stern whilst Hana ran to Rio and hugged her, cradling her right hand softly while looking up at Rio with concern. "I'm fine Hana, don't worry" Rio gave her a quick, soft smile before taking her hand back and turning to look at the both of them.

"I need you two to teach me more... You two know what's happening right now and I need to get stronger if I-" "-Rio we can't.-" Rio's sentence was cut off by Kan's authoritative voice. This caused Rio to look at her in slight shock before becoming serious. "But Kan, you know the situation! I need more power!" Her tone was borderline desperate as she looked at Kan with deadly serious eyes. Hana frowned and kept quiet as she watched the two talk, wishing that Kan were a little more softer when telling Rio, however it was probably better to cut to the chase rather than sugar-coat the truth. "-Rio, we've taught you all you can know. You're as powerful as you're ever going to be. You've reached your limit.-" Kan held eye-contact, her voice sounded cold, void of emotion. Rio just looked at her and Hana in disbelief. "Reached my limit?! Wh-what?!" She yelled as anger boiled in her blood. "You can't be serious Kan!!" "+I-I'm sorry Rio... Kan is right... You've reached your limit, there is nothing more me and Kan can do to help you.... You already know everything you're able to handle... There is... nothing more we can do...+" Hana spoke up with a saddened voice while looking down. Rio just looked at her in shock mixed with extreme angry. She looked down and grit her teeth. "... I see" She pushed out before closing her eyes and forcing herself out of her inner world.

Once Rio had disappeared, Hana turned to Kan. "+You didn't have to be so harsh about it Kan!+" "-I'm not going to beat around the bush. It's better to just tell her as it is... Besides, you know for a fact that I wasn't entirely telling the truth. Most likely what I've said will give her the push she needs to move past this.-" Kan walked over to the edge of the lake, looking down at her blurred reflection. "+Yeah, I know...+" Hana looked down and sighed. "-Heh, exactly.-" Kan smirked and closed her eyes for a second before opening them again, looking at the trees, more specifically the black leaves on the tree absent-mindedly. "-Although it is true that we can't help her, she hasn't reached her limit, far from it. She has merely hit a barrier in her power... I don't think there is a way to surpass this barrier but I trust that Rio will find a way... She always finds a way.-" A small smile found it's way onto Kan's face while Hana walked next to her and looked out, smiling herself. "+Indeed she does~ hehe+".

~ Back to the Soul Society~

Rio opened her eyes, absolutely fuming. "Dammit!" She slammed her clenched fists into the ground before getting back onto her feet. "Well if they can't help me, I'll just have to help myself..." Turning, she set her course back to the Seireitei.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Souta Fushimaru & Fumio Hari Kouineji

Souta waited outside the door, foot tapping on the floor impatiently and arms crossed, looking annoyed when a woman finally opened the door. "Porn boy?" He asked, a little confused until he saw one of his magazines on the floor. "...Forgot about that" He walked in, closing the door behind him before picking up the magazine and placing it onto the counter. "So you were looking through my porn magazine? Well then. I'm guessing you are the Chie woman I've been hearing too much about... You're the sister of that demon girl Aya aren't you?" He chuckled to himself just as Fumio walked out of his bathroom in a fresh pair of boxers, walking over to his wardrobe to get changed. "What do you want Souta?" He asked in a bored tone, annoyed at the fact that Souta interrupted his and Chie's moment. "What's with the tone of voice? Did I ruin your fuck session? My bad, you were getting too loud anyway so I was doing you two a favour. It's better that I interrupt than your precious Captain" Souta smirked, looking at Chie. "Soooo Kazuhiko lost his virginity to you? Wow, now that's unexpected, I thought he was gay" Fumio gave Souta a death glare. "You know more than anyone that I'm not bloody gay! Stop trying to put thoughts in her mind Souta before I throw you out!" "N'aaawww, did I hit a nerve guard dog?" Souta fake pouted dramatically to purposely piss Fumio off. The latter narrowed his eyes at him. "Don't start that shit. Not now, not ever." His tone turned into a dangerously serious one so Souta backed off as he could tell that Fumio wasn't playing around... "Fine then Priiince".
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