Welcome to Mako!

The short, lithe figure wandered into the village of Mako, slender fingers holding the edge of the kasa that he wore. A long tail of snow white hair danced behind the swordsman, as did the loose cloth of the green changshan that fluttered beneath the oppression of the yellow obi around his waist. It was a sunny day, with scarcely a cloud in the heavens; many people wandered the streets and the occasional horse-and-carriage, and even the rarer hovercrafts from the major cities, rode on by. The village of Mako was renowned for its reservoir of mana deposits and its bountiful mines in the mountains behind it, full of magical crystals used in enchanting and even as a source of energy. The wanderer, however, seemed not to pay mind to any of it. Only walking mattered.

Many people laughed and jeered at the wanderer, finding his appearance as a swordsman laughable due to his size, structure, and youth. Sess did not mind; after all, the people were enjoying a time of peace and anyone carrying a sword into their village was probably a troublemaker or a child trying to make a name for himself. The dearmadta wished, however, that there was a pond or lake close by that he could rest; after all, being a wanderer did little to fill a person's purse. He sighed and nearly slouched, pulling his hat further down.

It wouldn't help if they call me a girl, either... he thought, knowing full and well that the jeering could only be worse if they saw what he looked like beneath the hat. Especially if they know what I am. Sess added, slumping further. Dearmadta were only creatures of legends; and in some parts of history, they were renowned as conquerors and monsters, even gods. However, most villagers cling to the legends of his race, unlike the major cities that focused solely on studying them and even wanting them for their own... if they found out the Dearmadta truly exist. It had been over a thousand years since his race went into exile, living in far away places; even his tribe came from a place no one would expect.

He came from the sky.

(OOC: Begin!)