Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Evanist
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Evanist The Mewing Mew

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Celina looked at the noibat who landed and started to talk about fairy types, and by the tone of his voice... it did seem like he didn't trust them to say the least. Well, lucky she was a normal type. If she was a fairy type, he would probably have ran from her also.
"Names Celina... and sorry I did not help help that much with those guys. That Keldeo seemed to have really taken care of everything here... although that fairy type seemed to actually want to help." she then says, before starting to mumble something under her breath, although with that noibat's ears, without thinking, he might have heard it.
"Dang next generation typing... if only I would have played the game." she says under her breath in a low tone. She looks at the group.

"I am just glad everyone was alright. If only I was stronger here... I could have helped more instead of just using... charm like that." she then says before looking at the group, giving a small smile. She then look at the Axew a bit sad, letting him recover from all this for a bit, before looking at him.
"Any idea who those guys were... That was just really strange. What did they even want with you?" she says very softly to him, although had a sad tone of voice right now. If he was attacked just like that... what stopped them from attacking her or something. She might end up as the next target of attacks like that or something. This sent a shiver down her spine to say the least. She hoped for god that she was not next.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by AbysmalDemon


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The Axew nodded as the fairy type explained what to do, even though the Axew had no idea what an exploration guild was, he would probably have to ask around. He was about to leave, when he heard a voice behind him. It was a small bat-like Pokemon, and a small Togepi.

"My name is Devin. I'm not from here either. I'm, well, from... Far away." The Axew decided it was too soon to tell the people he just met about how he was from the human world. It was only then that Devin realized that he, too, was weak. He couldn't defend himself from a few muggers, at least he thought they were muggers.

"I wish I was strong too. And it's ok, your right. The Keldeo did have everything under control, as well as the other fairy type. I don't know who they are, but I saw that Scyther at the construction site a few days ago." Devin looked at the construction site, which was now deserted. After the attack they had all left. So his suspicions were right! They did have something weird going on. He then remembered about the fairy type and his mission.

"Do any of you know where the Exploration Guild is? I've only heard of it. They have shelter and food too, so it's somewhere to stay since we're new. What do you guys think?"

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Antarctic Termite
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Antarctic Termite Resident of Mortasheen

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Doc Siward

Still hoping for a restful day, Siward already had heavy thoughts to sort through and interrogate before his rendezvous with Devin nonetheless. Travel always left one out of the loop, but today he had been thrust back into the very same loop sooner than he'd had the chance to fill himself in properly. Fortunately, some aspects of town life never changed, and the Doc knew them well, saw them shuffling in the corner of his eye wherever people were gathered.

Certain corners of Medburn, as many other towns, had with time grown into nooks more distinctive than any building that could replace them. 'The abandoned mill', 'The knotted tree,' 'The corner of Wagon Street'... Places to meet that grew into places to scheme in public privacy, where dealers met their clients to pass on 'candy', where forbidden teenagers could arrange a few hours away from prying parents. Inevitably, these crannies accumulated graffiti, and what passed for vandalism too casually prolific and too out-of-the-way to clean became a code.

The collapsed well that had been Medburn's unofficial message-pole had since been replaced with a construction site, and a particularly shoddy one at that, directly adjacent to the public library. Not that it had stopped anyone. Siward ran his hand over the scratched, scrawled and painted tags and recognised their style, looked over his shoulder and at the library windows to ensure that he was unseen, then took out a stem of fresh mulberries from his coat and crushed them.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

On a forgotten wall in a lonely building that would no doubt never be completed, a new purple scrawl accompanied dozens of others, passing perfectly as the usual illegible name-tags left by the arrogant and reckless. Four mangled symbols connected by a loose underline, one a combination of several angles that indicated the day and month, respectively, and a time; one a backwards, wobbly, looped-up rendition of the name 'Mizu', distorted until only someone used to the method could read it. The third and fourth were a little more legible. 'takos dinah'. Takeo's diner.

Mizu, contact me at Takeo Feuille's restaurant before noon. No identification necessary. Siward liked to think of purple as his signature colour, but he didn't think the Gabite would recognise that, so he left a lingering scent of fairy's feathers at just the right strength to be dissipated on the breeze by the time noon came around. Either he or the Scyther would surely check soon. A good villain was always two steps ahead of any graffiti-news. At any rate, the mulberry juice would wash off whenever it rained, or if Mizu himself read the message and acknowledged the unspoken criminal protocol to remove all relevant evidence. Until then, he meant to meet this draconic rapscallion and find out what was going on.

The idea that they'd actually meet in the restaurant was, of course, absurd. Too public by far. But Mizu or his associates would find some way to safely return a message to him somehow while he waited, and, since loitering was for the unemployed or the drunk in his eyes, the Doc showed himself in, leaving his hat on a window seat to mark a reservation and slowly up to the short morning queue to order. A little thin soup, maybe. Siward tended to eat a sizable dessert before each meal, and often nothing else. Hearty establishments like Takeo's weren't his usual haunts, though some of his patients frequented it, telling much bolder stories of their scars than they did to him when they were fresh and needed stitches.

And, of course, it's as loud as I remember it. Takeo himself was out and about in the kitchen, exclaiming something insensitive about the smell of a particular customer. The Aromatisse discreetly sampled the air. Ah, he's not wrong. Another in-breath. And that Umbreon isn't what he seems. Ditto, likely. A Pancham was standing around alongside the Umbreon and an Eevee he had brought in, and Siward wondered. Maybe a family member too young to be employed last time I was here. Has it been so long? Two years? Hm.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Antarctic Termite

Mizu wandered through the town once more, this time he was cautious about being seen. It was very likely that he was wanted in this town now, which was very inconvenient for him. As of right now he needed to find a hideout, a base of operations really. Somewhere where nobody would ever go to normally. It was then that he smelt it. The Fairy from earlier.

"What's he doing?" He cautiously approached the building, ready to flee if he felt like this was a setup in any way. A minute passed and Mizu entered, scanning the entire area quickly. He began inspecting everything and saw where the smell was coming from. Things just got a lot more interesting.

Mizu scratched up the message and grinned maliciously. He had never expected a pathetic little fairy to know Graffiti-Speak. Not many criminals knew Graffiti-Speak, the fact that he knew spoke volumes about his character. "So, Takeo huh? I suppose I've been craving soup for a bit now." He chuckled a little and left to head towards Takeo's restaurant. On his way there he thought about how to get his attention.

He arrived outside of the restaurant and saw Siward through the window. Mizu noticed a nearby Caterpie and waltzed up to him with a swagger in his step. "Hey kid. Can ya do me a favor? Tell the Aromatisse in there that Uzim wants to meet up. I would go in but I always start sneezing in there. I think I'm allergic to something." Mizu made up a quick lie and smiled as kindly as he could. He looked terrifying. The Caterpie shook with fear and nodded quickly and vigorously before rushing into the restaurant. She crawled towards Sicard and poked him lightly to get his attention.

"Excuse me sir? Your friend Uzim told me to tell you he wanted to meet." The Caterpie couldn't stop shaking as she spoke. "I-I got to go. Give y-your friend my c-condolences about his allergy." She quickly crawled out of the restaurant and disappeared.

Mizu had left the moment that Caterpie had gone in and headed back to the building. He snatched some Mulberries and left a message on the side of the building near Sicard's original message. 'No tails allowed.' This of course referred to being tailed by someone. If Mizu saw anyone other than Sicard than he was likely going to abandon the meet up and Sicard would have a new enemy.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Bright_Ops
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Bright_Ops The Insane Scholar

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As Belgond approached his childhood friend, those who knew him well would notice that something seemed... off about him. The normally brave and confident Explorer wannabe's ears were wilted as nervousness and doubt at away at him with the thumping of his little heart in his chest.

Thankfully, Gale started the conversation off on a subject that Belgond knew well enough that he could bypass the confusing feelings plaguing him. "Hey Gale. I'm actually going to the guild hall later on to sign up actually. Dad wanted us to have lunch together before I registered."

The nervousness returned as Belgond gulped and looked at the floor nervously. "W-would you like to join us? I know that a strong and..." Belgond mumbled something that the sharp of hearing might have heard as 'beautiful' "Outlaw like yourself would want to come, but I'm not an adventurer yet... And even if I was I'm sure we could work out a ceasefire so you could join me for my birthday lunch.

For a moment, Belgond felt as if someone was watching him. Glancing around, his gaze fell on a strange Pokemon that seemed to be vaguely familiar but he couldn't recall exactly who it was. He offered the man a wave while he nervously awaited Gale's response.

@Antarctic Termite@Ordure
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Shiny Keldeo
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Shiny Keldeo The Resident Shiny Legendary

Member Seen 2 mos ago

It was a couple of hours later when he woke up from his afternoon nap. He felt completely refreshed, but still confused on the strange note he had been left. There was no contest that it was Virizion's footprint, but why just a print? Why no message, why not try and see him directly? Could something be wrong? No, Virizion could easily take care of herself, that couldn't be it. What's the meaning behind this? His thoughts on the matter were quickly interrupted by a new thought originating in his stomach, he'd only had that bowl of ice cream to eat today, he was starving. Time to get something to eat.

He made sure his house was locked up tight, and headed into town. Everything was now in full swing in the afternoon, Exploration Teams and Rescue Teams passing through on their way to jobs, townsmon making their daily rounds. Kel passed by the construction site on his way to a nearby restaurant, noticing it was now completely deserted. It seemed there was something now on the Graffiti Wall but his hunger wouldn't allow him to read it. He continued over towards the towns best restaurant run by Takeo Feuille, a Pangoro. If it was one thing that made this town amazing (Besides the Guild) it was Takeo's cooking.

When he came in it appeared something was going on. Young Belgond, a local Eevee, and... he thought it was Draco from the looks of it, disguised as an Umbreon today. Also in the building was Takeo's daughter, Gale, engaging in conversation with Belgond. "Afternoon Takeo, you got time to cook up some of that spicy soup I know you for? And good afternoon to you all as well, Draco, Belgond, Gale..." He laid eyes on Siward, whose name he'd learned from locals, as well as his profession as a doctor. He was sitting at a table a ways down, he had wanted to talk to him since that morning when he'd come off a little rude. He walked over to his table.

"Hey, I wanted to kind of apologize for how I sounded earlier today, I was still a bit tired from my trip that night, as well as my beliefs. And if you had been wondering why I was talking big but acting small, I wouldn't dare attack when there's a hostage like that in the way. Let the enemy attack first and gain an edge by bringing them away from the hostage. I didn't want to risk hurting that Axew by accident. But anyways, if there's any heat between us, let's let bygones be bygones." Kel extended his hoof towards Siward in a gesture of friendship.

@Antarctic Termite @Ordure @Bright_Ops
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Ordure
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Ordure Exposition Extraordinaire

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"Hmph.. join you for birthday lunch?" Gale huffed. "I mean, I guess I can.. before you become a total loser with the rest of those explorers."

Gale gave Belgond a playful punch on the arm - unfortunately for the fox, it would be a particularly strong "playful" punch, especially with her fist like iron. She'd head back to her dad's counter, who, unfortunately for her, would continue blabbing on to Draco about their old adventures back in the days of old, when they Takeo was a young, headstrong pokemon eager for a scrap and Draco was a young, flexible pokemon who often had to drag his teammate out of a fight. The girl would pick up the few bowls, balancing them on her arm as her dad had taught her several long years ago, and walk over to several tables, leaving behind the hot bowls of stew at the tables - crossing upon various odd, mismatched adventurer and criminal combos that the diner would occasionally bring together.

The pokemon would eventually come to Doc. Aromatisse's table, leaving behind the relatively plain, thin bowl of soup, steaming with a light, aromatic smell. She'd look over the soup with a look of boredom on her face. "Wow, real adventurous, aren'tcha?" She asked, looking up at the doctor, barely tall enough to tuck her chin over the table. She'd walk away as Kel came in, cantering up to the doc, and she'd leaving the boring bowl of soup at the doctor's table, and headed over to Belgond and Draco's table, which was a small, round wooden one close to the kitchen, where her dad was still happily chattering his heart out while waiting tables. With some effort, she'd manage to scramble herself up the table to where Belgond and Draco sat, her red banner belt sliding off.

"So, you're gonna be an adventurer, huh?" She asked rowdily, turning to Belgond. She pointed a thumb at Kel the Keldeo, apologizing a few tables away. "If you end up anything like that sickly good dweeb, then I'm not talking with you again. B-but I probably still will sometimes."

@Shiny Keldeo@Bright_Ops@Antarctic Termite
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Antarctic Termite
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Antarctic Termite Resident of Mortasheen

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Doc Siward

Returning to his hat-marked wooden chair, Siward wasn't long in waiting before he received what he had come for, which was not, of course, a meal. For a moment it was hard to notice the prod and tug of the little insect; He rather acknowledge the ruffling of trailing feathers by the Caterpie's shocked tremors. "Why, rest easy," he cooed to her as the simple and critical message was left, but though he picked out another small tip, the green middlewoman skittered off before she could accept.

Allergies. Maybe this Mizu mentioned a warning about my Fairy nature. I don't blame him. Siward regretted having lost the chance to calm down the tiny Caterpie; She seemed remarkably stressed, and he wondered whether the Gabite's methods were crude. Soon, soon. He was quick enough off the mark; He should be able to wait at least until I've politely finished here. The cowed Eevee under the Ditto-Umbreon's shadow waved at him, and he tapped his hat absentmindedly. Elsewhere in his gaze, Kel reappeared for the second time in a day to place his own order, and Siward averted his gaze to an approaching red ribbon.

The small bowl arrived to him borne by the similarly small Pancham at a confident waiter's walk. Definitely an employee of Takeo, came the thought, then, when she'd left her comment and departed, And definitely family, too. Her comment had the same air of brusque bustle, though the words were sour and the Doc did not thank her for them, only shut his beak and eyed her for a moment. Teenagers!

Had that been all he'd received from the brief visit, Siward would be pleased with his stay and leave, but an unwelcome variable presented itself as he drank gently from the bowl, an unstylistically plebeian action that made all the more sense considering how few spoons fit comfortably in his beak. Siward set down his meal and listened amiably, though he was well aware that he didn't want to leave Mizu waiting longer than necessary.

"All is well, Kel," he responded simply, but not dismissively. "Your grasp of tactics is clearer than mine. I'm just unduly frustrated by boldness of the injustice, I suppose. I still have every respect for the Exploration Society's persistence even when times seem grim." That was true. The Guild and its like had been around for a long time, and no matter what catastrophe it and its members suffered, it pleased Siward to see that it always bounced back into life. Even after the Stargate. Especially after the Stargate. Siward took another deep sip.

I can't shake him off by suggesting that he goes somewhere else, nor that I have a meeting, without raising curiousity. In other words, he couldn't excuse himself immediately, even if it had been polite to do so. "And you can call me Doc, if it suits you. I'm well used to it. I've been in the profession for most of my life now, and much of that as a traveller, so people grow used to thinking of me by my trade. Speaking of which, it's been long seasons since I've seen my patients here. I hope they aren't anxious."

If Kel's nature was as altruistic as Siward suspected and hoped, there was a sizable chance that he would express some good wishes or polite comment that he shouldn't be keeping the doctor longer than necessary, and Siward, his small meal nearly drained, could leave on that. Good-natured and polite Explorers tended to be predictable. Although, I've never seen this particular Explorer before...

@Shiny Keldeo
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Shiny Keldeo
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Shiny Keldeo The Resident Shiny Legendary

Member Seen 2 mos ago

It seemed Siward, who he'd been asked to be called Doc, was in a bit of a hurry. Some patients to see or something. "I get ya, you've got stuff to do. I'd ask to join you, but I haven't had anything to eat since this morning. I'm thinking after that I might head up to the guild and see if there's any outlaws or criminals that need that certain touch, maybe i'll see you around sometime, Doc." Kel gave a little wave, then headed over to the counter where Takeo and Draco were still talking about some old adventure the twosome had gone on in the old days.

Takeo and Draco almost predated Kel and the Swords of Justice, but they were still an active team when Kel's team came to the scene. He remembered a lot of good things he'd heard about their team, then after their "Explorers Retirement" Takeo started up his little restaurant here, famous for his Moltres Brand Spicy Soup. "Make sure to go heavy on the Tomato Berry, and I'll take an Oran Berry Juice with that." That was Kel's usual order when he came here, Oran Berry Juice was a good pain reliever for the Tomato Berry Spice.

He happened to look over at Gale and Belgond, that twosome went way back in a lot of ways, but went separate paths in life. Belgond, from what Kel knew, wanted to be an adventurer for the Medburn Guild. Gale, on the other hand... she had a habit of getting mixed up in trouble, once he remembered she got caught up in a gang war which a Rescue Team had to end. She still tended to get into little bits of trouble, none too major these days.

While he was waiting, Kel decided to start thinking about that strange note again. "No words, just a green hoofprint that was unmistakably Virizion's. Maybe she didn't have anything to say, and just wanted Kel to know she was still kicking. She did tend to be one of those Pokemon of few words, as was Cobalion. Terrakion was definitely the talker of the group, as well as the jokester. Kel, even though he eventually became leader, was the youngest of the group, but grew to become the strongest, even though he was only level 25.

Most think that Pokemon need high levels to gain a lot of power, but that's not always true. His teammates outleveled him greatly, but he was still able to hold his own against, and even defeat, all of his teammates. Power isn't everything, Kel had learned from that. Strategy is key in everything, as good strategy can overcome just about any power. Still wouldn't be bad to be a bit higher level though..."

His thoughts had gone way off track now, back to the matter at hand. The note was most likely just Virizion saying she was alright, but in a way where she didn't want to see Kel for some reason. There was another thing on Kel's mind, the attempted mugging he had helped prevent earlier that day. "A lot of things didn't add up, like how they stood their ground against him. Had it been just a mugging, they would have fled at the sight of him. No, and the way they acted, they were trained professionals (at least maybe that Gabite, that Scyther ruined everything for them)."

Once again his thoughts were interrupted by a familiar smell, that good old Spicy Soup was almost done it smelled like. He could probably think better on a full stomach anyways, so he put the thoughts behind him for now and waited patiently for his food.

@Antarctic Termite @Ordure
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lugia
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Lugia Legendary Bird

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Today was the day. Ember was finally strong enough to fight this KEL... this thing that made his life even worse and somehow wormed his way out of his traps without even noticing them! Ember was there when he brought in that staraptor, no doubt ruining that thing's hopes and dreams, he tried to be there when he brought the thing in to officer magnezone, someone else that Ember held some hatred for, if only due to him anticipating the law robots getting in the way, but the guild didn't let him in, so Ember had to make due with just watching him through the window as he got his rewards for his 'good' work. The fact that he was getting rewarded for his deeds almost made Ember sick to his stomach, but, thankfully, he was only in there for a brief moment of time. Then he headed to some meadow. Smart move, making sure his enemies won't attack him since he's surrounded by water. In fact, it made Ember bored enough to try another trap... which he didn't get to finish, unfortunately for him. Ember waited for what seemed like hours for Kel to finally stop being in his element, and eventually, he took off to some restaurant in the bad part of town. This place was more suitable for a battle, if anything, the local criminals would HELP Ember in his endeavors of stopping this watery menace once and for all! Not only that, but from the sound of things, he was busy talking. Ember took this as his opportunity to barge into the restaurant, which seemed to be serving some sort of hot soup, and shout "YOU! HORSE THINGY! You will PAY for what you have done to me! I, Ember, will FINALLY get my revenge!" after he shouted, he tried using his new move, fire spin on the legendary pokemon... however, he was too far away, and only managed to attack the restaurant's floor.

"Eh? It missed? WHAT IS THIS NONSENSE!? That should have hit you! Why did it miss?" all that waiting, all that planning was down the drain thanks to his own move's stupidity, and his own move's disobedience. All eyes were on him, now... the idiot who tried to attack a legendary pokemon in a public place. He didn't have time to flee, let alone try to use any other moves, and worse, the fact that they were in a building blocked the all-important sun's rays, meaning that he effectively had no ability... not that he actually knew that at this time. "Uh... can you just give me more time? I'll have my revenge ready then, okay?" Ember commented as his eyes darted between all the pokemon in the restaurant who could very well either attack him, or attack Kel... then again, none of these pokemon looked like criminals, except for the cook, but... somehow, he figured that the pangoro wouldn't attack his own customer, a customer loyal enough to have a 'regular' order at this place... and then there was him. Ember just stood there, awaiting some sort of attack from Kel, or at least some sort of insulting words... he was probably strong enough to take one attack from him, right? After all, he trained in the toughest area known to pokemon, and he did so until the local pokemon started to run from him. He SHOULD be alright, and then he'd have his revenge... next turn, or whatever it was.


"I wish I knew... but, maybe it stands out among the buildings. I can fly, so, I'll look on ahead, and if I see any weird-looking buildings, I'll tell you about them," I offered to my new friends. Celina the togepi, and Devin the Axew... I kinda wondered just what kind of team name we'd have. Most of our team, so far, either evolves into a flying type, or already IS a flying type, however, then Devin would feel left out in that... most of our team consisted of dragon types... but if we chose a name around that, then Celina would feel left out. Of course, I could always ask Celina and or Devin once we got there. After thinking for a moment, I decided to actually finally fly up and ahead of the rest of the group, just to make sure we knew where we were going. Of course, if we could find that Keldeo, again, that would be nice, too, but I had even LESS of an idea of where to find him. I mean, for all I knew, he could be in the middle of a cave or a forest, somewhere. The town looked amazing, as usual from above, though, apparently some of the local pokemon didn't take too kindly to having someone flying over them for some reason. Maybe they were just as nervous as I was? Nah... that didn't make any sense. Eventually, I found a building that stood out among the rest, not just because it was sort of in the outskirts of town, but also due to its... unique design. I flew back, and relocated my teammates. "Found one! Just keep heading this-a-way, and you'll find it. It's actually kinda hard to miss," I then flew a bit slower so I'd be behind the rest of my probably soon-to-be team, and off to the left of Devin, who was now at the front and center... somehow, keeping him ahead of myself and Celina seemed normal. I then remembered something that she seemed to say under her breath. Wait... played the games? Does this mean that she's from my universe, too? Odd... I'll have to ask her about it when we're not surrounded by other pokemon. I think as I continue flying.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Evanist
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Evanist The Mewing Mew

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Celina smiled at what Devin said about the guild. That was actually a good idea. She nod before seeing Trevor say he was going to find it. She waited for him a bit, looking around.
Well, I guess if I am gonna be with Pokemon like these, I might want to try to help out... I would probably asked to work. Won't be too bad. Might find this place to be... alright. Still, I wish I could go back home. she though to herself. She waited and looked as Trevor came back and told her that the building was towards a certain direction.

"Good, lets go and head there. I do hope we will be accepted there at least." she says, although worried a bit right now. Especially with how small she was and how... well.... weak. Sure, she could pray her... metronome ability works and saves her.... but would that really work? That she was unsure about.

"Think we will be accepted there? I mean... some of us are rather... weak to start off with unfortunately...." she says, looking sad a bit. Well.... she was a normal type. Nothing special about her. Why would the guild even accept someone like her? Well... she would need to train. She tried to remember how Togepi evolves... happiness... but right now she was not happy at all. Unfortunately.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Antarctic Termite
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Antarctic Termite Resident of Mortasheen

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Doc Siward

Siward nodded slowly, in time with Kel's words, paused long enough to skip a beat at 'I'd ask to join you-', and smoothly picked up the mark again after that. "Take care of yourself, Kel," he remarked, and meant it. Then Siward drained his bowl and stepped away. I wonder if the man really would have come along, given the chance. I'll keep an eye open. At any rate, the Keldeo was attending his other companions now.

He hailed Takeo briefly from across the counter on his way to the door. A faint, rapid patter of a run registered in his mind as he approached. It did little to alert him of the coming shock.

In a moment, the slow, poised stride of the Aromatisse found itself blocked at the entry by an explosive apparition of red fur and hot air. Neither the shape of the newcomer nor his voice quite registered in Siward's mind until his shouting was almost done. "-I, Ember, will finally get my revenge!"

The heat wave that had accompanied the Vulpix through the door gusted further, flickering into a whirl of thin streaks of cinders and tongues of flame from the wooden floor, which singed and smouldered. Some kind of... Spontaneous theatre? buzzed Siward's mind as his feathers whipped in the hot wind. It didn't occur to him that the Vulpix intended to hurt someone; He'd neither capitalised on the shock of appearance nor stopped talking. Ember seemed to be making some kind of elaborate visual pun on the phrase 'hot air'.

A glance around confirmed that neither laughs nor applause had followed Ember's début. The Doc pointed to the fiery vulpine next to him with his cane, using his other hand to point open-palmed at Kel, then the Ditto-Umbreon, then Takeo, then back at Ember, beseeching somebody in the silence to do something about this... Sassy, lost child.

Then he murmured "Good luck, tyke," sidelong at the Vulpix, adjusted his hat, and left the absurd situation while he had the chance.

There had been plenty of drama today already.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

It was unseasonably torrid outside. Ember had clearly tried to carry the weather inside with him. Siward recognised the telltale fading of the heat as he left the site of the restaurant; This was no naturally sunny day.

The Caterpie had turned this way, and, given that it held the only somewhat view-sheltered side route on the street, it was clear why. This would be where Mizu had found her and left his message. It was only a short step towards the library and its associated message-place, too. An experienced fire-wielder would have ignited a fireball early, to bring the simulated sunlight inside with them, he mused as he strode off. Siward's head still spun from the inexplicable actions of the rogue Vulpix. Perhaps he wanted to avoid a fire risk.

The site was empty. Siward eyed the wall.

Well, he scraped off the markings with some sand- It was in his colour, meant for none other- At least Ember's little debacle ensured no chance of that. He looked over his shoulder anyway, and into the sky. No tails allowed. All clear. The scent he'd left was safely gone.

The message implied that Mizu wanted the Doc to follow, and though he had yet to see the Gabite, he did so, slowly ambling further from the town centre, further away from safety, following the same kind of routes that Devin had first been accosted for straying too near to. Mizu would be watching, or waiting, somewhere nearby, quiet and secluded, and the Doc kept his eyes open for a sign.

@Lugia@Shiny Keldeo@floodtalon
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Mizu stepped out of a shadowy alleyway right behind the doctor and began following slightly to the left of him, not looking at Siward directly. "Why did you contact me? I'm sure that a man of nobility like yourself didn't learn Graffiti-Speak just so he could apologize to criminals he's wronged." Mizu wanted to sneer at Siward but instead kept a neutral expression. It would do neither of them any good if Mizu alerted nearby authorities.

'I can practically smell the money on this guy. I really want to rob him... No, The Boss would kill me if I brought this much attention to myself twice in one day. Mizu mentally shook his head and He scanned the street. Nobody important. That's good. That's very good when meeting a potential contact.

@Antarctic Termite
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Bright_Ops
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@Ordure@Antarctic Termite@Lugia@Shiny Keldeo

The punch was a lot more painful then Belgond was expecting but he didn't shout out; That would imply that he was a whimp. Gritting his teeth against the pain, Belgond managed to force out "Wonderful." before limping back over to join his father and Gale's.

While Gale had lost interest in the tales of their fathers, Belgond still liked to listen in from time to time, if only to give him some lesions to take with him on the road when he started to travel around.

Soon enough Gale finished with her waitressing duties and rejoined hi- them. He actually smiled rather warmly at her as he listened to her... Or at least at hearing what she softly muttered so that only he would hear her. While he was happy to play along with the whole 'Outlaw' thing that Gale tried to pretend to be, it was moments like this that showed him that she was still the girl that he liked... And that his dad liked to tease him about.

Looking over at who Gale was pointing towards, Belgond recognised the former leader of the Swords of Justice. The smile that was on Belgond's face twisted a little as if he had just bite into a lemon; a sign that he was thinking sour thoughts. "While I can respect him and the things he has done, I have to agree with you Gale. I don't want to be like him... I don't want to be as alone as he has become."

Before he had the chance to explain why he would say such a thing, a vulpix of all things burst through the door, shouted out a challenge to Kel and then proceeded to flame wheel the floor before starting to panic that his 'master plan' had failed."... I would make you promise not to become an outlaw like that, but but I trust that you won't already."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Shiny Keldeo
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The smell of burnt wood and the yelling from the young Pokemon brought his attention to the new arrival. He seemed familiar, as if he'd seen him around a lot, but couldn't put his hoof on it. One thing he could, however, was the small patch of now smoldering wood in the restaurant that used to be the floor. "Hey! What do you think you're doing kid, someone could get hurt!" He quickly doused the fire with his Bubblebeam, looking curiously at the Pokemon he knew was a Vulpix. "And what beef do you have with me?"

The Vulpix was obviously taken aback by the failure of his attack, and backed himself into a corner. "What is this kid think he's doing? He could have burned this place down like that... wait, I think I remember this guy, I saved him from drowning a while back I'm pretty sure." Kel thought for a bit, and remembered the day he'd rescued a drowning Vulpix from a nearby lake. Ember, that was his name, but why would he be so mad? "Your name is Ember, right? You seemed like such a good kid back at that school, what has your tails in a twist?"

The Vulpix wasn't exactly scared yet, more surprised and shocked that his "Plan" had backfired on him. He was backed into a corner (A corner he backed into himself instead of running out the door), and now cornered by not only Kel, but Takeo and Draco who were, to say the least, upset that this kid could have burned the place to the ground. "Hey, I know this kid, his parents live here in town i'm pretty sure, I'll go find them. They'll probably have you grounded for weeks for this, Ember. Mind keeping him under wraps till I get back Takeo?"

@Lugia @Ordure @Bright_Ops
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Ordure
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Ordure Exposition Extraordinaire

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"An outlaw like that loser?" She snorted, the idea almost laughable - the bumbling incompetence against her mighty depravity - it was ridiculous to compare the two. "Uh, yeah - right."

It was at this time, of course, that she might be reminded of the time she attempted to steal a single pouch of salt from her father's kitchen, of which he had almost forty - and came back an hour later sobbing, after which her father comforted her with ice cream. Or, the time when she attempted to attack an innocent pokemon, and ended up finding out they both enjoyed the same book from the local library, and then becoming close friends with him throughout her years. Or, even the time when she beat up a kid in school, only to find that he severely bullied the pokemon too young or weak to fend for themselves - no, she was a far more competent and evil villain than the lost little fox that had wandered into her dad's restaurant with an aim to fight and had ended up completely missing.

In the corner, Takeo would make for quite the menacing sight from Ember's perspective - an angered, chef with a gaze that seemed to stun - or a massive, brutish past, roughhouse of an explorer that actually seemed tower over the little, revenge hungry fox. His thick forearms crossed over his chest as he stared at the fox - his eyes seemed to be shooting daggers. In reality, Takeo Feuille wasn't all that angry - he could easily get the scorch marks off with a little bit of work, and the little scene he made would be quickly forgotten once some criminal tried to attack an explorer in his diner - which was commonplace - but he decided he'd try to terrify the little one - after all, it probably would make things easier for his parents.

"You trying to start trouble in my restaurant, little girl?" He demanded, his voice booming with strength. "It's been a real long time since I've gotten to show an outlaw whatfor."

Gale looked on, watching as Takeo stood over and intimidated the fox locked into the corner. As she looked a little closer, she'd notice that she actually knew the supposed "villain" that her dad was trying to keep on hold until his parents came by to pick him up - she'd gone to school with the pokemon, and had watched him fall into the pond to be saved by that sickeningly good explorer. "D-dad! You don't have to scare him that much, he's just a kid." She'd say, watching her dad tower over the little fox. "He's just a kid." She trailed off, shutting her mouth as she realized who she had been working so hard to be. Her dad shrugged, ignoring his daughter's suggestion - after all, the little fox had just almost burned down his restaurant, and he might as well keep him there so he couldn't run until his parents arrived.

"Oh, Arceus.. I did it again, didn't I?.." Gale said, her voice small and soft, her face coloring red despite the white fur. "Did I just say something good?"

@Shiny Keldeo@Bright_Ops@Lugia
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Bright_Ops
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Say what you would about Gale's father, but when he wanted to he could be incredibly intimidating. But Takeo had nothing on Draco when he wanted to be scary.

One moment, Draco was just another happy patron of Takeo's shop. The next his eyes were glowing a very intimidating red that sent shivers down the spine and telling all instincts that running would end in dying; Standing still would also result in dying, but you would get to live longer by standing still. And his gaze was locked on the Vulpix before him without a word.

Belgond had not been looking towards his father as he gave the fire Pokemon a mean look; His attention was completely focused on Gale. Without fear, shyness or doubt and walked up to her and nuzzled her softly (he would have given a hug, but a lack of arms tended to get in the way). Whispering to her gently as if he was afraid speaking to loudly would end badly, he asked "Do you want to go for a walk? I think our dad's have this under control."

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Antarctic Termite
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Antarctic Termite Resident of Mortasheen

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Doc Siward

S-iward kept walking, neither changing his pace to put distance between himself and the familiar voice of Mizu nor positioning himself to face him. While his chances of being noticed were low, standing still in an abandoned nook attracted more eyes than someone just passing through. The new set of footsteps following behind him rang in his ears.

"Not nobility, dear. Just wealth. Wealth of which, you may be interested in knowing, more than enough remains banked to offer a... Saucy bounty." The usual and necessary tensions that came before even the faintest trust. The reality of the set of claws lurking out of eyeshot didn't do much to alleviate the Doc's feeling that thusfar their exchange had been little more than spoken terms-and-conditions. You stab my back, I'll stab yours. "That kind of banter tires me, though. I prefer to be simple. My name is Doc. Yours is Mizu- For now, anyway. I won't ask what your real name is. It doesn't matter. You feel as if you've been wronged. Well, I won't apologise for stopping the violent kidnapping of a young immigrant. Funny, isn't it. His motives are the same as mine."

Siward turned a corner, taking them further into the outskirts. Houses became poorer, often makeshift. Here Pokemon had their own problems to deal with, and the wilderness loomed surprisingly close. "I reached out to you for the same reason that many penniless wanderers do. For the same reason they go to the Guild, really. I'm looking for opportunity. Places to ply my trade. For that I need to know the shape of the market." He slowed, just enough to take a sip from a small gourd of water, just enough to look sidelong at the Gabite. "What do you want from the Axew, Devin? Or, maybe, who paid you to make a move on a target so useless?"

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

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@Antarctic Termite

Mizu nodded and continued to follow Siward. As they entered the seediest part of town he looked at Siward for the first time in the conversation and smiled viciously. "You're looking for an employment opportunity? The Boss would love to have you aboard I'm sure. We've been needing a good Fairy type for a while, and I'm sure you'll fit in well." Mizu nodded to himself and looked out towards the forest. This was a very successful business adventure if he said so himself. "Head to the River Plateau. The boss will meet you there. I have to stick around here for a bit though, the Axew kid is important." Mizu turned around and began to head back into town, but suddenly stopped. He turned his head towards Siward and his smile was gone, replaced by a face of pure neutrality. "And if you value your life, don't be tell anyone anything. I'll be the least of your worries if The Boss finds out you rattled on him." If Siward looked at Mizu, he would see nothing, but his eyes betrayed his true feelings. Mizu was afraid of The Boss. He was very afraid of Him.

Mizu turned back towards Medburn and ambled off to his hideout. The wheels of fate were turning... and nobody would be ready for what lay next.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by AbysmalDemon


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"I'm sure we'll be accepted there, I mean, what else would they have the supplies that weaker Pokemon would need. Plus, that person, sorry, Pokemon who saved me seemed nice." A light smile spread across Devin's face, as if though trying to cover up his mistake of using the word person.

He was glad Medburn was a small town. Athleticism wasn't really Devin's thing, and to him, long walks was an athletic thing. Trevor was right, the building was kind of hard to miss, especially with the large flag on it. It was white, and Latias and Latios formed a circle around a star. From the outside it looked rather grand ad impressive, but when they walked inside they found it crammed, but in a cozy sort of way. It was quaint, but talkative, and while the outside made the right inside seem like it would be hollow, it was rather alive, and gave off a warm vibe. Most of the people there were friendly, and smiled to the little trio.

Devin smiled back, but half heartedly, as talking and large groups of people was t really his idea of a great time. He took the lead of the other two, and made his way to a small desk, that somehow upheld authority, even though it didn't look impressive. On a small, swiveling chair, sat an Espurr. She was filing through papers, and noticed the top of the Axew's head.

"Hello, Welcome to the Medburn Exploration Guild. what can I do for you today?" The Espurr offered a warm smile to Devin, who was clearly nervous.

"Well, um, we're new here, and don't have a place to stay. Permanently that I-is. W-we were hoping that y-you would have place for us." Devin was starting to shake.

"Of course, there are three of you, so a large room will do. Room seventeen, third on your right."

"T-thank you. Also, another asked if I could reserve a room for him. It would be under Doc S-Siward." The Espurr's smile turned into a straight line, she, like many of the other townsfolk knew who Siward was, and to some, it wasn't a very pleasant name. But she removed her emotions from the picture.

"Of course we'll Reserve the Room."


The room was humongous, well, for the small Axew at least. Three separate beds were propped up againts the wall, each about three feet away from each other. On the wall adjacent to it, there was nothing but a window. The other walls and the rest of the room was blank, except for a blue rug in the sender, and a trunk in one of the corners. To some it wasn't much, but for Devin, he was just glad he had a place to stay.

"It's not very much, but we can make it work. I mean, we can put curtains on the window, add some chairs, a desk, oh and a bookshelf for me. What do you guys think?"
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