Greetings [Insert Name Here]:

"Greetings, [insert name here], you have been selected to represent your country in the good fight, our last stand. Please report to the nearest airport and show the security this note, they will escort you to the jet, the rest will be explained there. Please show up by 1400 hours with one suitcase of your belongings.AND UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHARE THIS INFORMATION! Thank you, your U.N. representative." The U.N. has requested YOUR presence, something unheard of. Ever since the war began the U.N. has been making all decisions for the Armies of the world, and the news coverage has been severely limited, as well as anything relating to the war. The US has gone as far as to set up private servers, and allow no contact to be made with citizens of other countries. To American citizens the only war is in the middle east. Now you have a choice to make, do you show up to the meeting, or should you wait to see if they'll come to you.


No Controlling others' character.
2.) No God Characters.
3.) Try to stay active, and if something comes up try to give me a heads up if possible.
4.) What GM or Co-GM says, goes.
5.) This is a casual RP so try to at least have a paragraph or two per post.
6.) Please don't have all characters as an American, there's a reason it's a U.N. program.
7.) This may be cheesy, but have fun.

Character Sheet:

Any questions, just ask.