Avery Castle


Co-Owner of a tattoo shop called I Ink Sins

Avery lived in Englewood, New Jersey until she was ten years old, when she moved to New York because her mother wanted a change of scenery (or at least, that's what she said), and had a job offer to be a tattooist. She helped her mother with tattoo ideas, and was allowed to go to her workplace after school. Her mom's boss saw no harm in letting her learn how to be a tattooist, and when she turned sixteen she was allowed to work there.

In 2005, Avery discovered a lifelong favorite band-Panic! At The Disco, when they released their first album, A Fever You Can't Sweat Out. She fell in love with their music and idolized them. She's been a fan for years, observing the ways in which the music matured and developed. When she was younger, she was having a rough time at school, and had thoughts of suicide; the popular girls bullied her everyday. Physically and emotionally, but when she listened to Panic! At The Disco, she could feel herself pulling away from depression. It shaped how she processes things and works through her problems. Not to mention her clothing style-she watched I Write Sins Not Tragedies and The Ballad Of Mona Lisa, and she thought, Hey, that's badass lookin'.

Avery can be fierce and sometimes scary, a trick inherited from her mother, but is usually playful and relaxed. Although some people see her as never taking anything serious, she actually is just trying to laugh because she prefers it to crying. She is creative with how she pulls her pranks, as well as new improvements made to weapons and other items, and is very protective of herself and others when threatened, verbally or physically. She usually has many friends, but only a few are close to her, because she has had issues trusting people in the past.

Avery might look like she's never been the object of someone's hate, but she has-she was bullied in school, and it fucked her head up. She has self esteem issues, and she tend to lash out sometimes, because she feels so bitter and lonely. But she will realize her mistake and try to make up for it, even if there's no possible way she'll ever be able to.

She has a two year old Doberman named Bellezza that she raised from seven weeks old by hand.

Her Theme
Basically, he's singing about the side of him that fucks everything up, and the side that tries to pick up the slack.