Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Subject Zero
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Subject Zero King of the monkeys.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Dani took hold of Derek's hand when he seemed to be having a panic attack. "You're not in trouble" she reassured him. She had no way of actually knowing that but she knew Derek was a goody two shoes so it seemed unlikely. She had taken hold of her friends hand to comfort him but it soon became as much to comfort herself. She felt like she was going insane. Paul was shrinking, Velmont was melting, Tim was falling through Carol, Dave was throwing up and the kid whose name she didn't know set himself on fire.

That last one really set Dani off and before anyone knew it, she was on the other side of room with her back against the wall. She had moved so fast that no one could even see her move. One second she sitting next to Derek and the next she wasn't. She stood with her back to the wall for a second until she was gone again, reappearing in front of the human torch with a fire extinguisher which she quickly sprayed all over him.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by onenote

onenote A wild Neno appeared!

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Despite what Lyra hoped, the day did not get better once she had finished talking with Jeff. Like, it didn't exactly get worse, though, not until around lunch time. By then she was feeling too nauseous to eat, and tired of not knowing exactly what they were, she tried to check some things with the outlines she was still unfortunately seeing. By this point, though, they were defiantly more than outlines and a little bit of color. She could tell what they were. The lower parts of walls and floors mostly. At least, that's why they looked like to Lyra and that's what they felt. Lyra still continued to experiment later that day during her last period, which was a study hall. She had been walking towards the library to start her study hall when she noticed some color coming from a room. When she got closer (despite not being sure if she really wanted to investigate this weirdness further), she noticed the stench of cleaning supplies and figured out that it was the janitors closet and as soon as she opened the door more to get a better view, the color was gone. Confused, Lyra stepped into the room to try and figure out what happened to the color only to have the door close behind her. And then, Lyra could see all around her. The shelves, the products the brooms and mops. She could see it all from their color down to even their print (which she was surprised that she could still read). It was like Lyra had never gone blind...and it freaked her out badly.

Her first instinct was to get out of the room, but when she turned and tried the door, it was locked. Being locked in some place she didn't want to be didn't help her panic and soon she was pounding on the door trying to get her to come get her out. Then suddenly, she fell through the floor into...well it didn't feel like anything. It was just black all around her except for above her, which she could see the janitor's closet. Before her mind could really freak out, she saw the door open and immediately she was flung from wherever the hell she was, back to the room and then everything was dark again.

"Hey! What're you doing in here kid?!" She heard a voice, that she recognized as one of the janitors, ask.

"S-Sorry, I-I went into the wrong room. E-Excuse me..." She stammered him before trying to get by him. That's when she heard her name get called to go to the head office. Well, not just her name but several others. Well, surely going there wouldn't end as badly as what had just happened to her. So Lyra slowly made her way to the office, still quite shaken over what had just happened to her. When she did get there, though, her nose was met with the smell of fire, fire extinguisher, and salt water. Lyra just stood in the entrance, confused as to what was going on. "C-Can someone please explain to me what was happening." She meant about the current situation that was going on in front of her (which was much, much more then she could see at the moment), but if anyone could also explain what was going on with her mind, she would appreciate that as well.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nevix
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Nevix Says "Yello?" When Answering Phone

Member Seen 5 days ago

"Okay, I swear you guys are just screwing with me now." He looked at the pile of clothing that used to be Paul, and at the melted human candle that was Ms. Velmont. He started cackling maniacally. This was comedy fucking gold. Granted, he was most definitely insane, there was no other explanation. Maybe someone had drugged him. He was considering this when his head began to hurt again. "Oh God, no." He dropped to his knees and clutched his head, his eyes glowing once more. The thoughts of the people in the room an undying symphony. "GET OUT OF MY," He screamed. "HEAD!" An explosion of force erupted out from his mind, breaking the glass out of a portrait on the wall. He collapsed, unconscious.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by DrewVonAwesome
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DrewVonAwesome I once got busy in a Burger King bathroom.

Member Seen 5 mos ago

While the teacher and students in the office were collectively having the mother of all freak outs the room had its security systems disabled, and the room was thick enough that no one could see or hear what was going on. Meanwhile calmly from the security room came out a very sharply dressed woman, sighing irritated as he carried with her a messenger bag. “Let them experiment on their own they said, it would be best they said...” She groaned to herself, as the school was cleaned out of student who had left for the day. The woman took her time as she went into the offices, and walked casually into the Principle's office as the group was in the middle of freaking out.

“Alright sorry for the late entrance, I'm sure you are all enjoying yourselves though.” The woman casually stepped over Cia's puddle of her own melted form. Also she pulled out tweezers from her coat pocket and a small container. She stuck the tweezers into the pile of clothes that belonged to Paul and fished him out, carefully putting him into the container. “There we go, just go ahead and relax in there until we're all done. You'll be let out I promise.” She told Paul who only from his small size remarked that the woman was hot, and proposed she might be into younger guys. “Alright, now as for the rest of you, my name isn't important for the time being. All you need to know is the eight of you have been picked to do something very extraordinary.”

The woman was joined by a small group of men, who all carefully helped into a fleet of surprisingly nice cars, three in each as they were driven from school to the city downtown. From there the cars entered a secret entrance and went underground, going through a sleek metal corridor and into a surprisingly vast looking base. Those who were familiar with the city could certainly start putting the pieces together.

“First off let me apologize for the quiet explanation the eight of you have gotten up until now. If it was up to me the eight of you wouldn't have even gone to school today and instead been here. My name is Dr. Maria Stanford, I've been working with the Superhero Legion for the last 15 years.”

Paul was given help growing back to normal, and changing back into his clothes in a bathroom before he rejoined the others at the large metal circular table they were at. “So I'm sure you're all smart enough to understand what's going on, or at least have an idea. For the rest of you, if you've read the news lately you'd know that the Superhero Legion had recently retired, so the city is in need of new heroes to replace them.” Reaching into her bag Maria pulled out eight pieces of paper, sliding them to each of the young men and women. Interestingly, Cia's paper was from when she was in high school herself. “I'm sure you'll each remember these. The personality tests you each took about three months ago. Its been a part of a system to help create and choose superheroes to keep the public at large safe. Basically the eight of you were picked to become the new Superhero Legion.”

The group were given a tour of the base, it was quite remarkable. The base had eight completely furnished and rather amazing looking bedrooms, which they could use if they needed to stay the night for whatever reason, or in Cia's case, as well as the others when they graduate, can use as a permanent resident if they desire. Along with that was a massive training area with various sports equipment in it for recreation, a very fancy kitchen, and the main war room. There the group were shown not only costumes specifically made for each of them, but given paperwork which showed a fake name they were assigned and even a detailed story made for them. “These are basically how the public are going to know you.” Maria told them, “That why each of you can still operate outside of work and not harm your family and friends.”

“Now, your parents were all given information that will let each of you have the night to explore, and most importantly experiment with your powers in peace and quiet. This is all for now on a trail basis to make sure each of you will be capable of handling yourselves when the heavy starts coming in. For now though tonight just relax. Please feel free to stay here the night if you'd like, and I'll see each of you tomorrow at noon. Be suited up and ready.”

After that the group were left in the base by themselves, Paul quickly changed into his suit, seeing as how if he was going to shrink again the suit would stay with him, and he wouldn't be naked again. As their costumes were connected to small changing rooms where they could handle all that in privacy. Personally he was a bit confused by everything that had suddenly happened, but at the same time reading his own papers, learning that on top of shrinking he could grow massively tall. He was admittedly excited to go try it out. “Last one in the training room sucks!” He called to the others as he took off for the room in question.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Subject Zero
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Subject Zero King of the monkeys.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Dani was more than a little annoyed when this mystery woman showed "explaining". She dropped the fire extinguisher on the floor with a loud clatter and was all set to make some smartass remark when more strangers arrived and whisked her and the other students off in cars with blacked out windows like something out of a movie about aliens. Maybe there were aliens. Maybe it was the aliens behind the 'dreams' they all had about medical experiments.

Unfortunately for Dani, she wouldn't find proof of aliens today. The truth was no less astounding though. Dani remained uncharacteristically quiet as they were whisked into the mysterious base and informed that they had been chosen to replace the Superhero Legion. Sitting at the large round table listening to the bombardment of information being thrown at her, Dani placed her head in her hands and tried to make sense of it all. She was conflicted. On the one hand, they were asking her to throw herself into danger against all manner of psychopath bad guys and...what...lie to her family about it? But on the other hand, superheroes got to go on all kinds of amazing adventures. And who wouldn't want that? Dani planned to go into space one day and 'Superhero' would certainly look good on her application to NASA.

After being shown their costumes, Dani was somewhat more sold on the idea. The 'Cheetah' costume that was given to her was bad ass. She was more and more ok with all of this insanity and when Maria left them to their own devices and Paul challenged the others to beat him to the training room, she smiled. She could feel the adrenaline coursing through her veins. She was pumped. She wanted to see what these new powers of herse could do. She knew she was fast but how fast?

Almost in the blink of an eye, Dani and the Cheetah costume were gone. She blazed out of the room, creating a gust of air in her wake. She managed to beat even Paul to the training room, despite his head start, which she was proud of. She had gotten dressed in her new costume on the way and as she waited for the others to arrive, she fiddled with her gauntlets. As she experimented with them, a number of metal claws popped from the fingertips, sending Dani's eyes wide. "Well that just seems unsafe." she mused to herself.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by knighthawk
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knighthawk Djinn Jedi

Member Seen 6 mos ago

It was a lot to take in, but he was trying to be open minded so he didn't have a meltdown. From the woman reaching between his legs to take up itty-bitty man to the escort to the limos, he was sitting across from a knocked out Oliver and Paul before his breath started becoming ragged... The injections were real, they were experimented upon, did their parents know? Was that the exchange of looks this morning?

He searched the limo until he found some bottles of water and took a long drink until the bottle was empty. Then another bottle was drained out before he stated to relax. When the city building loomed, the light started to dawn. As they were lead into the new facility, all the lights were going off, he was so excited he accidentally teleported ten feet to the right.

As they were given the tour, his excitement grew but not enough to involuntarily teleport again. After it was all said and done they were given both their old fill-out forms and the new folders for new identities. It seems from their folder aside from his own high caloric teleports, he can also do it by electrical shock... So he gets to taze himself or joy buzzer or a violet wand, that's going to be loads of fun.

"Rashid. Wasn't he the islamic hero from back in 9/11 who could turn himself into sand? I'm a ghost...Tom Fan, Phan-tom. Cute. Let's just hope they never pin the goth kid for being the ghost of an arabic assassin... Problem, I don't know Krav Maga or speak ANY middle-eastern dialect, I only know American, French, Japanese. How am I supposed to be an Arabic ghost?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by DrewVonAwesome
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DrewVonAwesome I once got busy in a Burger King bathroom.

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Paul was running as hard as he could to the training room, his mask grasped in his hand as he was all grins. Though his happiness got momentarily halted by a sudden gust of blur and winds. Which spun him in place before he awkwardly landed on his butt. “Oww... hey no fair!” He called over when he looked back up and saw it was Dani in her own, pretty hot costume. Still Paul still couldn't rid himself of a grin as he got back up. Going into the training room behind Dani where he remembered his powers. “Alright smarty pants, try to out run this!” With that Paul put his focus into getting bigger. Growing tall like a redwood tree.

Suddenly his body began to do just that, he quickly reached double his normal height and was only growing taller and taller. His laughter from the thrill growing bigger and more bass filled. “Oh this is awesome!” Paul proclaimed as he felt the power just surging through his body. He was about 30 feet tall and at this rate he felt like he could pick up a bus no problem. “Oh this is awesome!” Paul was glancing at himself and down to the floor. Though finally he remembered the mask. Slipping it on he felt it clinch to his head comfortably, and oxygen start to be let into his mouth and nose. Paul laughed again, his voice sounding more evil than anything by this rate.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Cia was a bit surprised when she got whisked away into a car with the other students. Once things had been explained she was a bit surprising to see her old personality test paper in front of her. It was from a time when she was more full of energy. She had insomnia back then too sure, but it wasn't as bad as it was now. By the time she was in the car she managed to turn herself from a puddle back into a person again. Tensing up seemed to help with that.

Cia looked at the paper with her new super hero name and back story. "Sleepy whip huh? Fitting." Cia said with mild amusement. Cia headed towards her own costume. She had to admit it wasn't a bad design, though the face mask was a bit confusing to her. When she put the costume on it wasn't something she would sleep in. Sure she could certainly be very limber in this but she couldn't see herself sleeping comfortably in it.

Cia headed towards the training room after getting changed. There was a lot to take in on this base. The beds were certainly she saw as something to try later. Once inside of the Training room with the others Cia decided to try something out. She streched out her arm the snapped it like a whip. "Huh, I can be a human whip." Cia said before turning towards a target. "This is gonna be fun." Cia said with a rather scary grin on her face. She started to hit the target from a distance with her whip arm. To Cia, this was stress release.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

While Eric was annoyed that one of the girls sprayed him with a fire extinguisher even after he said he was okay, he understood she was panicking, Just as he was about to say that her actions were unnecessary, an unknown woman who seemed to know what was going on entered the office.

Before he entered the car assigned to him, one of the men gave him a towel so he could at least dry himself off though we was still shirtless. When they arrived at their still mysterious location Eric was given an orange tunic that he would later learn was part of a fireproof costume made for him personally.

After he and the others were done listening to Dr.Stanford's explanation and the tour was over Eric spent some time reading his new backstory. "A fire elemental from another world? I can work with that" Afterwards he put on the rest of his new uniform. He wasn't too sure how he felt about it. Sure the dragon mask and scaly gloves were cool and the fact that it was fireproof would be very helpful, but he wasn't a fan of contact-lenses or the tunic.

After he was suited up he entered the training room where he saw that some of the others had beaten him there."Say hello to Pyroblazer!"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Subject Zero
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Subject Zero King of the monkeys.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Dani continually popped her claws with a flick of her wrist until Paul came barrelling into the training room behind her like a massive, dopey, freight train. He seemed to go from one extreme to the other. Tiny little fella to colossal giant. She wanted to make some kind of joke about personal growth but he was coming at her too fast, ironically. She smirked as she had an idea and as Paul approached in his giant form, Dani decided to test her speed by zipping around between his feet. She was a confusing blur of motion when she moved but she felt amazing. This speed felt so freeing. She could never go back to being normal after this.

There was another surge of adrenaline pumping through her and she couldn't restrain her smile. She had never felt this much energy in all her life. She felt like she could run for days. That thrill people got when driving at high speeds, when skydiving, when bungee jumping. That was how she felt right now. Her powers did that. She felt like she would never stop moving and she was fine with that.

She moved away from Paul and began sprinting around the entire training room in a circle. She was so oblivious to the outside world at this point that she didn't even realize she was kicking up a small whirlwind of air that was causing things to be lifted off the ground. When she finally caught something out of the corner of her eye moving, she skidded to a halt and everything came crashing down to earth with a thud. "Sorry about that!" she yelled to everyone present. She was completely unaware that she seemed to be blurring. She was so excited that she was actually vibrating.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by onenote

onenote A wild Neno appeared!

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

All Lyra asked for was an explanation for what the hell was going on, and all she got at first was a scream, the sound of shattering glass, and a thud, like someone had just fallen to the floor. Lyra jumped, unsure of what had just happened and no one was talking to her. And then another voice spoke up. Lyra immediately recognized it from her dream last night, but this time she could hear the words that were being spoken…and she sounded annoyed. Before Lyra could answer any questions though, she and the others were lead out of the room and into cars, being driven away to…well Lyra wasn’t sure where. Lyra stayed quiet for the whole trip, trying to take in all that was happening, especially what had been going on with her sight and that weird thing that had happened to her in the janitor’s closet.

Finally they got to wherever it was that mysterious woman wanted to take them and once they were at seated, they finally got an explanation. Lyra listened carefully as this woman, Maria Stanford, told them all that she worked for the Superhero Legion and that all of them in the room had been drafted to be superheroes based on how they had answered a personality test, and Lyra was given hers back. What had she put on here to make them think she was superhero martial? Lyra continued to listen as they were all lead around the base, from bedrooms to training rooms to a kitchen and etc. They were finally lead to where their costumes would be and handed another piece of paper with their powers on them and their secret identities. Lyra couldn’t help but to wonder how she was going to tell her mother that she was going to become a superhero…But she would cross that road when she got there.

Once Maria had dismissed them, Lyra was quick to catch her. “Excuse me Dr. Stanford. Um, could you read my paper to me?” Maria obliged and Lyra learned that her powers had…only been theorized? They weren’t sure she would develop powers with the serum they gave to her? Well, at least the powers she did get were what were listed. And this meant that she could see. All those outlines and colors, those had been real! She could finally see again! Well, kind of. But being able to see in the dark only was better than not being able to see at all! “Okay then, I guess I’ll just get into my costume then and-“ But Maria interrupted her to tell her that she didn’t actually have a costume yet because they weren’t sure she would have any powers. Oh…well that would have to wait then. “Then I guess I’ll go train then…” Lyra said with a shrug.

Lyra decided it would be best to walk with someone, get to know her new teammates and all. That’s when she heard a familiar voice.

"Rashid. Wasn't he the islamic hero from back in 9/11 who could turn himself into sand? I'm a ghost...Tom Fan, Phan-tom. Cute. Let's just hope they never pin the goth kid for being the ghost of an arabic assassin... Problem, I don't know Krav Maga or speak ANY middle-eastern dialect, I only know American, French, Japanese. How am I supposed to be an Arabic ghost?"

“It’s never too late to learn a language Thomas.” She told the leader of the Misfits as she walked over to him. “Especially when you already know three. I’m sure you can do it.” She added, giving him a encouraging smile. “Anyways, want to go practice?”

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by knighthawk
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knighthawk Djinn Jedi

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Thomas was a bit surprised to find three of their group in the meeting hall, it was one of those details that sank in after the storm. Had he been so focused on Carol that he hadn't noticed Lyra? That was not only against the code of the misfits, it also creeped himself out a bit.

“It’s never too late to learn a language Thomas. Especially when you already know three. I’m sure you can do it. Anyways, want to go practice?”

Noting to fix that now, he looked to carol with a smile and approached Lyra. He took her hand and put it to his arm as a guide to try and lead her to the training area after the speedster and the giant man. He did not change into his costume as she did not have one either but stopped short as she was literally running circles around the towering teen.

"You know, I think our powers aren't as... physical as theirs, We could probably do meditation or mental exercises instead... But if you really want to go at it, can I recommend staff or batons to use your stick skills?"

Something on his paperwork he really didn't feel like sharing right now was ten years of ninjutsu under his belt. He saw Paul bunion over there and could see the achilles tendon tense up as he moved nd thought about a single strike would being him down. Cheeta was too fast for melee, best taken out at ranged or a trap she couldn't outrun like a glass pane in a doorframe.

Lyra did bring up an interesting second point on accident, he already knew two languages with no similar syntax like french does to spanish. He could learn Farsi, he could also learn Krav Maga and his ninjutsu would onl strengthen what he was going to learn.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Eric was wondering about the best way for him to train his new powers, since he didn't know how much control he had and he didn't want to harm anyone by accident. The fact that fire extinguisher girl was running around the entire room also made it impossible to simply throw small fireballs in the direction of the metal walls, because he might hit her.

Eventually he got an idea, he would try and see if he could combust again like he did back at school, only entirely and on purpose this time. It was a lot harder than he though it would be. But after five minutes of focus so intense he didn't even notice the small whirlwind, he managed to cover his his arm in flames. When he got that far for some reason it became a lot easier and before he knew it his entire body was on fire.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by twave
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Member Seen 2 days ago

Carol did not enjoy being whisked away or learning that they had been part of some procedure to make new heroes. Not without consent anyway. The explanation was not enough to dissuade the feeling either. Maybe she was being unreasoable. Everyone else seemed to take the news in stride. Don't get it wrong, she was greatful that the process had given her use of her legs back. It would also be extremely cool to be a superhero. But she still couldn't shake the feeling.

Having lost the wheelchair she walked with the rest through the tour. It was a lot to take in at once. For sure she was going to have to sleep on this. Assuming she wasn't already and this was just some fantastical dream. Eventually she was given a sheet with an overview of her new hero persona and what what to expect with her powers. Seemed that the serum she was given had some variation from one person to another. Mostly in the degree of strength and speed at which they could fly.

The cover they picked for her was interesting though. They must have been watching her checkout list from the library. Definitely based on mythologies she'd done some reading on. Probably a good idea to brush up on them to. Thomas probably could help with that. Deciding to pass on suiting up it seemed that the others were heading to the training room. Figuring it was as good an idea as any she went with them, catching up to Thomas. It was weird standing next to him rather than in the wheelchair. "I dont think all of this has sunk in yet. I'm not sure I'm ready for this job."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by DrewVonAwesome
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DrewVonAwesome I once got busy in a Burger King bathroom.

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Paul still couldn't wipe the smile off of his face, the power, the mass, the fact that he was literally bigger than life! Sure the grin was hidden behind his mask, and the mask made it all the more surreal. Like he was a space traveler journeying to some planet of little people. Every step he took made the ground shake, and he had a feeling him strolling around and doing things like he was could be making everything ground level above quiver a bit. But hey they have earthquake provisions in the city for a reason right?

Still he took a knee as he glanced down and watched the others doing things. It was admittedly cool seeing the other powers (Plus Eric's costume, which was kind of cool in that dorky kind of way.) in action did leave him a little jealous of some of the other powers. Ms. Velmont's was one, as being able to stretch like that did seem like a great way to be exceptionally lazy. Plus when he was little he did enjoy reading the trade stories for StretchTastic. Who worked in Capitol City for a long time, and was quite the looker. Well for a guy at least. But Paul when he was growing up looked up to the guy, even got his autograph when he visited Capitol City one summer. When StretchTastic though opened up to the public that he was gay, the then less than open minded people shunned him and he hasn't been seen since. That always stayed stuck in Paul's mind. On the one hand it sucked and wasn't fair, on the other, the guy brought it on himself.

Still Paul had an idea and started to reach out for Ms. Velmont. “Hey teach I have an idea!” Paul exclaimed as he grabbed his rubbery math teacher. When he squeezed her body her head swelled up like a balloon before shrinking back down when he loosened his grip. Then he stood back up, positioning her in his hand as he reeled his arm back and slung it forward. Cia's entire body flew forward and made an amazing snapping noise when she just hit the floor a very good many feet away. “This would be a great way to take down bad guys! Just whip them to death!”
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

When Cia was grabbed all she could think of was that she was just a toy to Paul. After he finished his little fun of whipping Cia though she turned into a balloon and got out of his hand. "WHAT THE HELL!?!" Cia said not enjoying being grabbed like that. "Ask permission before you do that! And don't use my head as the whip!" Cia said furious of what had just happened. "That really hurts when you use my head like that." Cia added holding a hand to her head as she went back down to normal human form. "Use my leg or something instead, NEVER use someone's head like that. I may be able to stretch but I'm not immune from a concussion. My brain doesn't exactly stretch you know." Cia said angry at Paul.

With that outburst Cia walked right out of training room fuming. "Communication is the most important part of team work. If we are going to be doing this, then you have to learn to tell people what your doing before you do it so they can prepare." Cia added before leaving the training room with an eerie quietness about it. This was more than one of Cia's normal outbursts, that was for sure.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by DrewVonAwesome
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DrewVonAwesome I once got busy in a Burger King bathroom.

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Paul was too busy giggling like a school girl to realize that Ms. Velmont was royally pissed at him for what he did. So suddenly feeling a lot of outward pressure in his hand he glanced over realizing she was puffing up like a balloon in his grasp. Even with his enhanced strength she freed herself and laid into him in a way she never had before. Sure he had goofed off in her class more than once and gotten an ear full for it. This one was different though, it was the kind of one his mom would give him when he did something REALLY stupid.

“But I...” He tried to say before she cut him off.

“Well no but I me...” Again Paul couldn't get it out in time.

“But...” Ms. Velmont was easily not going to let him say it.

As she went back to normal, standing on his open palm and chewing him out he kept suddenly growing smaller and smaller with each point of the finger, and accusing tone she hurled at him with force. Getting yelled at like this in front of the others was leaving him blood red in the face from embarrassment and shame. Shrinking more and more until he was basically ankle high to her. He knew everyone was looking at him after that, and shrinking more to a very small height he just quickly got out of the room, seemingly beating Ms. Velmont out as he was running full speed. Somehow his speed even small was matching his normal running speed which he would of noticed if he wasn't feeling so humiliated. His face was hot, and he did have a tear going down his face.

He slipped into one of the bedrooms, where he stayed small for a while, just taking a seat against one of the posts of the bed against the floor as he peeled off the mask and threw it as it grew back to normal before hitting the ground. As much as he wanted to get mad at her for yelling at him like that for something he didn't mean to do. Plus honestly he was pretty sure if her brain wasn't elastic that would make slipping into thin spaces technically possible. Still he knew she was right, he was being stupid, and if he was going to do this like he knew he wanted too he had to pay attention. He sighed, clunking his head against the wood he leaned on as he just tried to relax.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Heathen
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Heathen Astrologist Know-It-All

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Derek Quintanilla

It took awhile before everything began to process with Derek. He started to look around and noticed things were exactly right. Someone was melting into a puddle, Paul was shrinking, and other outrageous things were happening. The hispanic boy just sat there dumbfounded unable to form words or even think clearly. What in the hell was going on, he thought to himself. He finally was able to muster up the effort to start talking. "What is going on he-" and before Derek could even finish his sentence, he noticed Dani sprint to the other side of the room within a blink of an eye. "Wh-Wha..." He looked around and could see everyone was just as confused as he was. "What's wrong with everyone?! Why is this happening?!"

As if someone from above answered his question, a nicely dressed woman came out and appeared before the students. She didn't even bother to introduce herself before insisting they all go with her and some other dressed up men. Derek tried to object, but was swept away along with the other teenagers into some nice expensive vehicles. "My dad is a lawyer! He'll know that I'm gone!" His dramatics didn't seem to do anything as they carried on wayward to some remote underground base in downtown. By now, he didn't even bother to yell or cry. He didn't know where he was and the other teens, plus a teacher, didn't even seem to object to what was going on.

It wasn't too long before everything was explained to them by the mysterious woman who now introduced herself as Dr. Maria Stanford. He tried to think back that test he was told to take and always wondered what it was for. Apparently he was handpicked to save the city. Who would have thunk it. "But I think you have a mistake. I don't have any powers. I don't think whatever you gave me worked." But as usual he was ignored and the lady went on to give them the tour of the area which was actually pretty nice considered they were prisoners in his eyes. They didn't have a choice in the matter for one and now they were thrown into a situation they couldn't get out of. At least his costume was cute. Black and red which were his favorite color. He still didn't know what he could do. Meanwhile his best friend could go from here to the other side of the building in seconds.

It took him some time to read over his backstory which seemed a bit too cliche in the superhero sense. But at least his family were kept out of it. Or so he thought. Apparently they knew about all of this and were given permission to kidnap their children. Just great. He let out a deep sigh as everyone went their separate ways to get "suited up" and head to the training room. He happened to glance over at one of the forms that was left on the table and noticed it belonged to Paul. He didn't get a chance to read it thoroughly but it said something about being gay. Paul, the hot womanizer, gay? If that's true, then what a plot twist. After he got into his costume that fit his body quite well and complimented his cheerleader figure, Derek continued to wonder what his power was. It was probably super paranoia. Honestly, the only exciting thing he's done to today was hand out flyers to a pep rally they obviously weren't going to attend, and held Rodney the class hamster. Rodney. It seemed as though his thought of the hamster triggered his power as he began to sprout brown and white fur, shrinking down to size. His two front teeth grew out and before he could scream out, a small squeak escaped his mouth as he was now Rodney. Derek squeaked and freaked out as he looked through the eyes of a hamster. He had his human thoughts but they seemed to be fighting with animal instincts. But one thing for sure is he was confused and scared as hell.

All Derek did was start scurrying out of the room in a panic trying to find the others. Out of his peripherals, he saw a mini Paul run into one of the rooms. Derek immediately started to chase after him trying to get his attention. However his animal mind had other plans for him. Like wanting to nibble at him like a piece of lettuce.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Right after Eric had managed to completely set himself on fire he noticed Ms. Velmont yelling at a shrinking Paul, or at least he though that was the name of the sizechanger, until he became so small Eric lost sight of him. He also managed to catch the boy who gave him the flyer covered in fur and for a few second thought his powers were that he was a werewolf. The fact that they guy ended up turning into a hamster quickly disproved that theory.

Part of him wanted to go see if he could help the tow, but not only had he no idea on what to he also didn't know how close he could get to either of them without putting them in danger due to the heat he produced. Wondering about that though did make him realize another way he could practice his powers or at least how he could figure out how to avoid accidentally hurting someone.

He walked in the direction of one of the others who also didn't seem to know what to."Wanna help me out a bit and tell me how close I can get before the heat of my flames becomes too much?" He asked from quite a bit away, slowly getting closer after they agreed.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nevix
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Nevix Says "Yello?" When Answering Phone

Member Seen 5 days ago

Oliver was still blinking away the shock. He had woken up that morning expecting monotony, instead, he got arguably the most interesting day of his existence. They told him he was going to be a hero. A hero! He was finally someone important, someone who mattered. Oliver was loving every second of it.
He went into the bathroom to change into his costume, he came out, pulling on his helmet, right as Paul had declared his race to the training room. Everyone moved towards the training room, resigning himself that he was going to be the last one there. Looks like he sucked. He read his sheet, his name was "Jester", which he had to admit, was pretty badass. His powers were telekinesis and telepathy. It was as though everything clicked when he read it. Well, the telepathy did at any rate. He practiced reading the minds of a few scientists on his way to the training room, finding their heads full of boring equations and old song lyrics. Trying to read the mind of the woman who took them here was like trying to read a brick wall. He decided not to read the minds of anyone else from his group. He had limits. Instead he focused his attention on throwing tennis balls telekinetically. It was more difficult than it seemed. Eventually, he found a set of throwing knives, and tried throwing them telekinetically. He very narrowly avoided getting skewered. He decided to stick to tennis balls for a bit. After a while chucking the green balls around, he moved towards Carol and Thomas.

"Hey, you gotta admit. This whole thing is pretty goddamned cool, right?" He laughed, his first real laugh in awhile. He pulled off his mask and smiled a goofy smile. "I mean, this is by default the best day of my life. Like, anything else can never compare to the fact THAT I GOT FUCKING SUPER POWERS!" He laughed once more. For the first time in a very long time, Oliver was completely and totally happy.
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