Final Fantasy XIII series

Identity Information 

Name: Nora Hagane
Nickname: None. Prefers to be called Nora.
Species: Human
Age: 19-20
Birthday: January 14
Weapon: A white weapon that looks like Femme Fatale, but the roses are red at where you hold the sword at.
Appearance: Long black hair and dark blue-green eyes. She leaves her hair down. At first, she is wearing a black hooded zip up sweater and leggings with black combat boots. Later on she's seen wearing a black sleeveless shirt, and a black short skirt with leggings and combat boots. Part of her hair can be seen covering part of the left side of her face. She isn't very tall, but as tall as Serah Farron.
Occupation: None.
Primary Roles: To protect others.

Psychological Information 

Personality: She's very quiet, cold, and collected at first, but then she has a gentle heart. She also has a sadistic side when fighting monsters and enemies. Towards her love interest, she has a slight tsundere side, and tends to get a bit irritated when he acts like an idiot.
The Positive: She is one of the overprotective ones and will die to protect her family and her loved ones. She doesn't care if she gets killed protecting others.
The Flaws: She is sadistic at times, and sometimes has an urge to kill someone. She also has a post-traumatic disorder after witnessing her brother get murdered in front of her when she was younger.
Likes: Going for walks late at night, fighting gremlins and other monsters.
Dislikes: Idiots, perverts, rude people, Niblets, Annoying people.
Fears: Losing her loved ones, people being killed right in front of her, and completely afraid of niblets
How she deals with fears: Depends on her fears. If she sees a niblet, she backs away, whimpering, as if anyone seeing a mouse and getting scared. Her other fears, she just holds it in and then just breaks down when no one else is around.
Habits: Holding in her negative emotions, humming quietly when no one is around.

Rating (10 highest, 1 the lowest) 
Intelligence: 5
Confidence: 6
Wisdom: 7
Agility: 4
Stamina: 5
Cooperation: 8
Temper: 6
Patients: 8

Relationship Information: 

Family: Her older brother (Deceased), Parents (Deceased), and Younger brother (Missing and yet to be found)
Best Friend: Serah and Lightning
Friends: Yeul, Fang, and Snow.
Neutral: Caius, and Hope.
Enemies: Noel.
Love Interest: Caius Ballad.
Background Information: She was born and raised in Luxerion. Her parents then went off to war and had to be cared for by her older brother. When she was fourteen, a Zomok raided the city. Nora begged her older brother not to go, and that she didn't want him to get hurt or possibly get killed. Her brother then told her that he had to, otherwise everyone else was going to die and he didn't want that. Her older brother then went off to fight it, and he lost. Her brother was killed as she witnessed it. She grabbed her mother's sword, then ran and finished the fight, she then killed the Zomok with the sword that her mother had left. She then passed out in exhaustion. She then woke up in the infirmary about twenty-four hours later. She was then told that her older brother was dead and she just held in her feelings. She was very close to her brothers. She then decided that she will protect her younger brother no matter if she lives or dies from it. When she was eighteen, her younger brother then goes off to do what her older brother used to do. Fight monsters to protect Luxerion. She hasn't heard from him since then.



Identity Information 

Name: Faithalina Night
Nickname: Faith
Species: Human
Age: 18
Birthday: December 1
Weapon: A bow and arrow that can shoot from one of the ends of the bow. Her weapon name is the Dark Moon.
Appearance: She has long black hair that's pulled back only when she's training or in combat. She is 5 feet and three inches tall (5"3) and wears a green tank top, with a black jacket that zips up almost all the way, with a black short skirt with a green stripe near the bottom of her skirt. and boots that go about three inches below her knees, with heels. She is in between slender and average. Her eyes are greenish-blue.
Occupation: Student
Primary Roles: Help fight against Cinder, White Fang, and the Grimm.

Psychological Information 

Personality: She's usually quiet and anti-social towards people she doesn't know, but
The Positive: Very supportive, yet overprotective. She likes to protect her loved ones.
The Flaws: She cannot stand fire at all and she tends to back away. She also has a side to where she is angry and doesn't want to talk to anyone. She also tends to yell at her love interest if he acts stupid.
Likes: Sparring, training
Dislikes: Rude people, Cardin, All Grimm,
Fears: Losing her loved ones
How she deals with fears: She will hold it in until she's by herself and just lets it out when she needs to.
Habits: Swearing/cussing, blinking her eyes, humming

Rating (10 highest, 1 the lowest) 
Intelligence: 5
Confidence: 6
Wisdom: 7
Agility: 4
Stamina: 5
Cooperation: 7
Temper: 6
Patients: 4

Relationship Information: 

Family: Mother (Deceased), Father (Deceased), Grandmother (Alive)
Best Friend: Ruby, Yang, and Sun
Friends: Team RWBY, Team JNPR, Neptune
Neutral: Mercury, Emerald, Neo, Adam
Enemies: Cinder, Cardin
Love Interest: Mercury Black, Lie Ren, Adam Taurus, Blake Belladona, or Pyhrra Niko.
Background Information: Her mother died after giving birth to her. She never met her own mother. She was more than lucky to have been born. She had always wanted to know what her mother was like. She lived with her father until she was fifteen, in which her father went to fight off against the Grimm and lost the fight, which killed him. She was near where the fight was, and she saw her father get killed by a Grimm. In other words, he was killed in front of her. She then picked up her father's weapon, which was now her's, and tried fighting the Grimm herself, but then passed out. She then woke up in the infirmary and her grandmother had told her what happened and that her father was a huntsman. She had always looked up to her father, yet she never knew that he was a huntsman. She then decided that she would want to become a huntsman like him so her grandmother suggested that she should attend Beacon Academy in order to train to become a huntsman.


Devil May Cry

Identity Information 

Name: Kiko
Nickname: None. Prefers to be called Kiko.
Species: Human
Age: 26
Birthday: September 30
Weapon: Dual SMG
Appearance: Long black hair and brownish red eyes. She leaves her hair down. she is wearing a black hooded zip up sweater and leggings with black combat boots. Her hair partially covers the right side of her face. She has bandages on both of her hands.
Occupation: Demon Hunter
Primary Roles: To kill demons that threaten everything.

Psychological Information 

Personality: She is very quiet most of the time, and very sadistic when it comes to fighting. She is most likely to tease her love interest.
The Positive: She is one of the overprotective ones and will die to protect those she cares about. She doesn't care if she gets killed protecting others.
The Flaws: She is sadistic at times, and sometimes has an urge to go on a killing spree. She's also the jealous type, and has an urge to kill anyone that flirts with her love interest.
Likes: Going for walks late at night, fighting demons, going on killing sprees.
Dislikes: Idiots, perverts, rude people, Annoying people.
Fears: People bringing up her past, losing her loved ones.
How she deals with fears: She just holds it all in, and just takes her anger out on a random demon, as if attempting to go on a killing spree.
Habits: Holding in her negative emotions, and cussing/swearing.

Rating (10 highest, 1 the lowest) 
Intelligence: 5
Confidence: 6
Wisdom: 7
Agility: 4
Stamina: 5
Cooperation: 8
Temper: 6
Patients: 8

Relationship Information: 

Family: All of her family is deceased.
Best Friend: Lady
Friends: Dante
Neutral: None
Enemies: Vergil
Love Interest: Lady or Dante
Background Information: She was born and raised by her family. When she was about eight or nine, she had lost her mother. Her father then went off to war against the demons and she had her older sister to take care of her. Her sister was then killed by a demon, and she had completely lost it, at around age sixteen. She had her very first killing spree, shooting every single demon, after being fed up with losing her family. Afterwards, she had decided to be on her own, living on her own. She was capable of taking care of herself.


Soul Eater

Identity Information 

Name: Amaya Tsuki
Nickname: Maya by Spirit and Eruka.
Species: Witch
Age: Centuries old but looks 25
Birthday: October 31
Weapon: None. She is a monarch themed witch.
Appearance: Long black hair and blue eyes. She is seen in a black, long-sleeved dress, and black boots. She is also seen in dark navy blue leggings. She also has a part on the back of her dress that looks like butterfly wings. She is almost as tall as Eruka, but a couple inches shorter. She is slightly slender but close to average. She has absolutely no birth marks, but a couple of scars on her back from fighting off the kishins.
Occupation: None.
Primary Roles: Help the DWMA fight against Medusa.

Psychological Information 

Personality: She is very quiet and pretty shy when you first meet her. She is most likely a cross between a kuudere and a tsundere. She can be cold at times towards people she doesn't know but when it comes to her love interest, she can get irritated when her love interest starts acting like an idiot.
The Positive: Very supportive, yet overprotective. She likes to protect her loved ones.
The Flaws: She has a short temper and enjoys killing kishins. She is one of the rebellious witches that are against Medusa.
Likes: Fighting kishins, spending time with others.
Dislikes: Idiots like Black Star,
Fears: Spiders.
How she deals with fears: She backs away and tries her best not to scream or whimper in fear.
Habits: Swearing/cussing, blinking her eyes, humming

Rating (10 highest, 1 the lowest) 
Intelligence: 5
Confidence: 6
Wisdom: 7
Agility: 4
Stamina: 5
Cooperation: 8
Temper: 6
Patients: 5

Relationship Information: 

Family: Unknown
Best Friend: Eruka Frog, Maka Albarn
Friends: Soul Eater Evans, Tsubaki, Angela,
Neutral: Asura, Spirit, Mifune, Black Star (He annoys her)
Enemies: Medusa, Arachnae, and anyone else threatening the DWMA.
Love Interest: Spirit or Asura
Background Information:  Not much is known about her, other than the fact that she is a witch. She always participated in the rituals with the great witch, until the day Medusa started threatening the DWMA. She had a very bad feeling about her from the very start, and decided to rebel once she noticed that Eruka was being manipulated by Medusa and saw how she was threatening to kill her if she didn't do what she said. She had tried her best to get Eruka away from Medusa as best as she can. She still goes to check up on Eruka every once in a while. She then decided to go towards the DWMA and offer assistance to Lord Death after the kishin Asura was revived.