Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BurningCold
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BurningCold Magical Bastard

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Mattias regarded Ashley carefully. If he wanted in on Soldier, now was going to be his best chance for who knew how long. He was silent for a long moment. "...Is there any way I can help out without signing up? I chafe under rules." There was more to it than that, but Mattias didn't exactly feel like explaining that to a complete stranger. "Yo, Sonja we're gonna need to get this guy to a hospital at some point ok?" The werewolf snorted. Why anyone would ever want to be a human is a complete mystery to me...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kurai Assassin
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Kurai Assassin Edgelord

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Ashley sighed when Mattias asked for an Alternative. "Well, we apparently hire mercs in to help do jobs so i dont see why the same shouldnt apply to you." Sonja continued driving down the motorway until she saw a sign that said Weymouth next exit. She took the next exit and in half an hour had arrived at Weymouth. "Alright we got a couple of days before we have to be in Guernsey. Im gonna sort a hotel room out for the next 3 nights then ill contact you on the Radio. get food and other stuff. Kat get Roman to the hospital"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Wraithblade6
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Wraithblade6 Interrogator Chaplain

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

So that was it then. The mission had gone down as a "success." Commander Varomere and his team would return home to the states all in one piece. Soldier certainly by now could confirm that vampires were alive and well in the United Kingdom, and that they were all somehow under the control of this Lord Bedivere as they had suspected. The details of how this one vampire was able to maintain such impeccable control over such a large area while keeping nearly perfect secrecy, would hopefully be revealed in Commander Varomere's report upon his return to the States. The commander himself had been delayed in his return, due to a sudden and unexpected encounter with the class 8 vampire lord, which he miraculously survived. Still, no matter how successful the mission had been, rules had been broken, and without a doubt punitive measures were to be expected upon return to Soldier soil. Mithias wasn't necessarily worried.

It was several days after the club incident, and of course it was broad daylight above the clouds where a small, private jet was carrying Mithias and two pilots back across the Atlantic ocean. Mithias sat in the cabin with the shades drawn and the lights off. The sunlight was annoyingly bright and since there were no other passengers, he took advantage. A laptop glowed beneath his slender fingertips as he typed in mission information.


"Greetings passenger. We hope you are having a pleasant flight. The captain has turned on the seatbelt light and would like you to remain seated at this time. The weather over La Guardia is stormy, and we're expected some choppy air as we begin our descent...."

Mithias answered his phone as it buzzed unexpectedly during the announcement. "Agent Varomere."

"Commander Varomere. This is Shannon at mission control. I have an urgent message from the general in regard to your next mission..."

Mithias blinked. Soldier never wasted any time.

Shannon continued, "Soldier has discovered illegal vampire activity, breach of contract, 3rd degree, in New York City, Manhattan to be specific. You understand this means there's a vampire with..."

"Mind control." Mithias answered, unconsciously furrowing his brow. There weren't a lot of vampires with that power, but it was a bitch to put them down.

"Yes, and enthralling. The focus of the incidents seems to be a nightclub. Your team has already been informed and given their instructions. Everyone has been given a gps tracker. Agent Moreno will be in command until you are released from your debriefing. Welcome back home, commander."

Mithias hung up. This news greatly preoccupied him, more than his organization's shaky international relations, more than Soldier's wavering focus on their founding ideals. The vampire that had turned him long ago had possessed this kind of power, and even though the chances were exceedingly slim, Mithias always wondered in the back of his mind if he would... he was the one vampire Mithias couldn't deal with.

The missions of course never seemed to stop, and despite the satisfaction they gave him, it was far too easy to lose sight of the ultimate goal, which was to uphold justice and protect the innocent, no matter their species. Was Soldier changing into a vampire-hunting organization? Bedivere had warned him intensely to be wary of this, but Mithias had staunchly denied it. Soldier protected both humans and vampires, and he cited their wiping out the Purge as a perfect example. You didn't see any Purge around anymore did you?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kurai Assassin
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Kurai Assassin Edgelord

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

the SOLDIER team lay in wait outside in a black SOLDIER truck similar to that of a SWAT truck. The truck was perfected for their mission, inside it had a locker of weapons, multiple TV screens showing the camera feeds from inside the club, body armour racks and ammo racks. Sonja Night sat behind one of the computer screens watching for a sign of the Vampire they were there to eliminate. According to intelligence the target should have twenty or so armed guards in the club itself, with five well equipped guards escorting him at all times. Sonja had devised a plan and spoken to Katya about it but she had to wait for the target to show up on the monitors for the plan to be set in motion.

Meanwhile, Katya stood near the trucks back loading area, where a white board stood with blueprints of the building taped to it. Katya began the briefing quickly incase they had to move out soon. "Ok, intel suggests a high value target is inside the club, however we cannot act until we have visual confirmation..." Katya had to include the part about visual confirmation due to the incident at Du Lac. When they had been debriefed she was told that she had to follow protocol otherwise she would be demoted back down to corporal. "...When we get the confirmation, Agents Radcliffe and Williams will enter through the front door of the club and control the civilians inside. Meanwhile Agents Night and Petrovik will make there way to secure the exits. Myself and with kind volunteering effort of Mattias, will attempt to secure the HVT. Lethal force is allowed on armed targets, the HVT must be secured uninjured. Any Questions?"

During the speech Ashley stayed silent in the back of the truck slowly scratching the name Kate into the back of her helmet.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by The Grey Dust
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The Grey Dust The / Grey

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

A memories before sunrise.

"Do you seriously believe that Solider is the Noble Organization you sought them to be? They are no different than us, they seek to maintain the illusion of peace by controlling that which they should not. They seek to oppress vampires, for the sake of humans, and have begun hunting us down like dogs." His voice clear, and unwavering. Flashes of the oak tree, before which they sat, in the presence of Merlin. "Already now the dogs which you have trained, now drag you along by their leashes, forcing you to go where you do not wish." A tall goblet being lifted to his lips. "Pray tell me brother that you shall let them go."

Du Lac was left behind, destroyed by Solider though certainly Bedivere had made a lasting impression in their minds. For they would know now who protects the realm from their sniffing hounds. From its ruins, the confused vampires looked to Bedivere as he simply indulged himself in idle conversation with Mithias. As if meeting an old friend, muttering something about having to meet under these terms and destroying more bars just to meet. In strange stares and awkward glances, a peanut gallery which hade rubber necks. This was hardly a place to talk of plans they had for the world. And so they left the shamble of Du Lac, as Bedivere opted to commandeer a vehicle for their travel. Well two vehicles, given that the first vehicle he had smashed the window of had no adequate cup holders for the blood-brandy he intended on drinking. Planning a vehicle in advance was not done simply because it would make it all seem premeditated. Easier it was to enjoy the nightlife and do the things to make two old vampires feel young again.

Yet, they had not quite leveled with each other. For Mithias clung on to humanity, and Bedivere was already to throw them to the blood farms. And so was Merlin called to serve as their arbitrary arboreal arbiter. Although anyone sane enough to realize that Bedivere was talking to a tree, despite how large it was or old it was, would probably call the vampire lord mad. Though perhaps not to his face. Yet it seemed like however the conversation went, they were still at odds, despite their nights together in the British Isles. Thus it came with a close, with Mithias leaving, and Bedivere staying within the sacred halls.

If he had to go, to return back to that accursed faction of upstart humans and vampire slaves, then so let it be.

"Good evening, MI6. Tell James to watch Mithias Varomere. He shall be returning by morning. Keep him alive of course, he is of, special interest to me. I trust he will accept this task, and achieve much more than this by stirring the pot with SOLIDER as he sees fit. He has access to all the funds he requires, per usual, and do give him a nice suit to represent Britannia alongside his papers." The orders were given, and the memory faded away in the darkness of his slumber.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Wraithblade6
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Wraithblade6 Interrogator Chaplain

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Each step sounded heavy with the weight of a broken heart as Mithias stepped down off the British plane. Soldier was there to meet him outside the airport with a car. Sharply, his appearance struck them, the gleam of a silver colored suit and vest in the easy afternoon light, a white shirt and charcoal tie under a pale chin and muted pink lips, and a small sparkling broach in the shape of a swan on his left. A white hand with polished claws brought up a pair of Ray-Bans over his eyes, robbing the anticipated glimpse of their beauty from sight. Long black hair hung freely behind him, tamed by its own weight.

Mithias moved slowly for the sake of the humans around him. Not everyone was comfortable in the presence of what was their one natural predator. Deny it as they did with their conscious minds, the fear and prejudice could rise up easily at the sight of such grace and speed, and that was only a hint of a vampire's power. But even more slowly did he seem to move with the burdens of choice and responsibility on his mind. Leaving Bedivere had been difficult.

Why then did he? He thought as he handed over the laptop to one of the agents, a young man with reddish colored hair who seemed shy. It was the call of duty and honor that kept him away, forcing him back to the Americas, to recover his own order of knights that he was so proud to have initiated. Mithias deliberated the value of his sacrifice, the loss of time spent where his heart now slumbered deep underwater in favor of continued servitude in the eternal battle between good and evil, hunger and survival, extinction or genocide. He alone it seemed was the true Zion of balance, and it seemed the world would crumble if not for his efforts. Even his noble Soldier seemed ready to destroy itself, falling to basic human corruption and lust for total control. Mithias was determined to take it back, to provide the example needed to lead the world, a vampire hero. If this were even possible, he knew he was the only one who could do it.

As he got into the car provided for him and shut the door, Mithias realized the disarming surrender of his lover to his wishes was painfully condemning. Only he in the entire world had seen the softer side of the ice-cold, iron-fisted steward of Camelot, and he hated to abandon him, his brother, darkness incarnate. Like a dagger placed by a righteous hand, the pain stabbed directly into his heart, pulsing a sweet torment as a reminder, bleeding him until he returned to his proper place. Mithias clicked his belt and shifted into drive and the wheels began turning. He would show Bedivere that it was all worth it. The two may have their different methods, but their goals were very alike. They would work together to hold onto this world.

Moments later, the black sedan exploded into flames, flipping over from the force of the blast and rolling onto its back. The sound shocked everyone. Metal was torn apart, smoke obscured most of the debris as local authorities rushed over. No one else had been around. There was only 1 casualty.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Shoe Thief
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Shoe Thief The Real Shoe Thief

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Deon Erickson

New York City. It's said that if you can make it here you can make it anywhere. The way Deon sees it, if the people who made it here don't make it, then no one else really stands a chance no do they? But that was not Deon's reason for entering the large city tonight. Tonight, he was preparing some connections that could help him start tipping dominoes.

The 6'6" former warlord entered a club know simply as Night Angel. Wearing his trench coat and combat boots, he has a look like he'd be ready for anything. Tonight though, he only needed to be ready for one thing. Mister Jones. Deon would rarely give any credit to humans, but he had to admit, the Empire that this one had built was impressive. Specially for such a young age. But the connections he held would same Erickson a lot of effort. So he could keep working on other matters.

Something Erickson noticed relatively fast was the smell. He could smell the verity of humans, vampires, wolves. It seemed like everyone was here. This helped Deon believe that this mortal could be of assistance. Though he would have preferred to meet in any place other then a night club. He hated staying in populated areas. And he didn't like clubs in general. He would pick a local bar any day if he ever decided to go out. Which he rarely did other then for work.

Arriving outside Mister Jones's office. Maybe it was a suite behind that door. Either way, this is where he was going to meet him. Deon walked up to one of the security guards outside the doors. "I'd prefer not to start things, but I am on a time table here. If you could tell your boss that Deon Erickson is outside waiting for him, that would be great." The guard simply shrugged him off and asked him to leave the area. "Okay you!" He pointed to another guard as he placed his hand on the first one. The moment his hand made contact the first guard fell over in a panic. He lay there on the floor traumatized by the images planted into his head. "If you could tell your boss Deon Erickson is waiting outside for him, that would be great." He said in his calm tone again. The security guard nodded and went to fetch his boss.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Catchphrase
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Catchphrase Pun Master General

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Jones smiled as he watched the camera feeds. He saw Erickson enter from the club, make his way to his own door and incapacitate one of his guards with a mere touch. He was impressed, that Erickson could do that so easily, but also that he would willingly enter his club. From what Jones had heard, he hated public places.

But that was no longer of any consequence. He was here now, and he wanted a chat. And what's worse, he dragged SOLDIER here along with him. He had ni choice, he had to get Erickson out of his club, and the only way to do that was through the underground sewers beneath the club.

He buzzed the door open and it swung inwards to reveal Erickson standing right in front of him. "Ah, Mister Erickson. It is an absolute pleasure to meet you finally. I have heard quite a lot about you, but unfortunately we don't have much time to talk. You brought the Feds down on me, and they are waiting to storm the club as I speak." Jones signalled to one of his men. "This man will get you out through my personal exit. Follow him and do what he says. When SOLDIER has left, I will come and retrieve you."

There was a creaking, then a trapdoor opened up by the feet of his assistant and the man went on ahead. "Good luck Mister Erickson, if all goes well we shall have time to talk in length soon."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kurai Assassin
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Kurai Assassin Edgelord

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The image came onto the monitor, Deon Erickson had walked onto the playing field and the intel provided to the SOLDIER squad said nothing about him being there. Sonja was obviously shocked seeing him on the video feed. He was a pretty big deal to anyone at SOLDIER as he had killed many of their troops during the nightwars. Something Katya had witnessed first hand when she was stationed at Kilo Point. "Kat, you aint gonna like this. Guess who just rocked up the the party."

Katya sighed and left the drawing board and made her way over to Sonja and the monitors. when she got there and saw Deon on the screen she had to blink twice to make sure she wasnt seeing things. "That fucker, Im gonna make him pay for every single death that he cause that day. Agents grab your gear. We move now! Nobody kill Deon Erickson he's Mine!" she shouted.

Ashley heard the name Deon Erickson and slammed her helmet down onto the floor of the trucks interior. "Not so fast bitch that fuckers mine. He took the only person away from me i cared about. HE TOOK MY KATE AND ILL KILL THE BASTARD FOR IT!!!"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BurningCold
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BurningCold Magical Bastard

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The Cupid's Kiss was truly an establishment to be reckoned with. Good food, fine drink, skilled dancers, and plenty of backrooms. What wasn't to love? Misty thought all of this to herself, full of bitterness. Her friends has persuaded her to come here for a "girls night out", and then they ditched her the minute some cute guys showed up! What the fuck was she even here for!? She didn't even like girls! Why the hell were her friends here too? She sighed and took another sip from her beer. She was stuck here until her friends came back anyways. Might as well try to get myself drunk, so I'm more trouble to get home when their bitch asses finally show up. She grinned internally at that thought, though her face still wore a scowl.

Misty laughed, bumping into people on the dance floor gleefully. Wait, since when did this place have a dance floor!? This. Is. So. Cool! Just then, she saw the hottest guy ever emerge from behind an "employees only" door. Misty began to stumble off the dance floor, trying to get closer to this gorgeous man. Wait... holy shit! He's the, the uh, owner! Oh my god! This would show those fucking skanks! They're off jumping the bones of some cheap ass small-dicked losers and she's going to fuck the owner of a strip club! He's GOT to be like, really big, right? Finally, she made her way over to that sexy man. "Heyyyy. Youuwannaaaataaaaediiiissooomwerrrrmoarrrrpriiiivate?"

Cupid smiled down at the obviously incapacitated woman. "I'd love to, darling."

It's been a while since he last fed.


"...Myself and with kind volunteering effort of Mattias, will attempt to secure the HVT. Lethal force is allowed on armed targets, the HVT must be secured uninjured. Any Questions?" Mattias looked at Katya with curiosity. "Yeah, I've got two." Drag. "Who's the target, and will I get paid? Other than that, I'm in." It's been a while since I've taken on contract work for an organization, He mused. And working with a team again? Let's hope things play out a bit smoother than last time.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by DiZL ReloadeD
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DiZL ReloadeD unimportant side character #2

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@Kurai Assassin
While Katya briefed the team, Allison was checking her Pistol over and over again. An old habit of hers but hey, better be safe than sorry right?

"When we get the confirmation, Agents Radcliffe and Williams will enter through the front door of the club and control the civilians inside. Meanwhile Agents Night and Petrovik will make there way to secure the exits. Myself and with kind volunteering effort of Mattias, will attempt to secure the HVT. Lethal force is allowed on armed targets, the HVT must be secured uninjured. Any Questions?"

"So I take it we handle it like a classic terrorist situation? Go in, shoot the baddies and escort the civilians out? It's not that I am complaining but evacuating all civilians from the club while making sure you hit the enemy and not one of them won't be easy." she said, still focused at checking her AF-1.

Next she heard Sonja mentioning that there was a special someone attending the party. Katya shouted something about revenge and in the next moment Ashley slammed her helmet down onto the floor of the trucks interior. Allison jumped in between of Katya and Ashley instantly, grabbing both at the neck and pressed them together, resulting in a kiss between said girls.

"This is not the time to fight over who gets to kill whom. The last mission was a complete failure, I don't really care if SOLDIER would disband this squad. I am independant anyway, but I can understand HQ when such little things manage to throw your focus over board." Her words were harsh but they were true and they knew it, SOLDIER wouldn't tolerate another mess.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Kurai Assassin
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Kurai Assassin Edgelord

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The two girls didnt have any control over what just happened but one of them clearly didnt enjoy it. quickly recoiling as soon as she was free'd from Allisons grasp. "Fucking hell Allison, what was that for." she shouted at her, meanwhile Ash was still in shock over what had just happened. "That was fun, we should do it again sometime" she said laughing a little at Katya's reaction.

Seen as the other two girls were too busy, 'involving' themselves in eachother Sonja decided to answer Mattias' questions. "The main target is the owner of the Bar, Mister Jones. None lethal force is required we need to take him in to question. as for the other man, Deon Erickson. Shoot to Kill. trust me if this guy is as bad as what everyone says he is then you dont want to touch him with a fifty foot sterilised barge pole held by somebody else. He will try to kill you, so youve gotta put an end to him first. got it? as for Payment, we have food and shelter to offer you and I reckon the big wigs up top will throw in some benjamin franklins for you"

@DiZL ReloadeD@BurningCold
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BurningCold
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BurningCold Magical Bastard

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"What, exactly, are Mister Jones' crimes? I'm all for justice and protecting the innocent, but what have either of these people actually done?" Mattias had been doing his best to ignore the forced mouth on mouth contact that just went on, as that sort of thing had never really been his forte. "Also, why are they sending in just us to deal with this mission, seeing as how your group's last foray into nightclubs ended in disaster. You may have gained a werewolf but you're down down a vampire." The whole thing really did seem strange to Mattias. Is this how Soldier handled all of it's operations? And if so, why not send in a fresh group and not one already weary? Did the organization have it out against these individuals for some reason? Or was Soldier so understaffed that this set of operatives was the only one available? Neither prospect was entirely appeasing.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Shoe Thief
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Shoe Thief The Real Shoe Thief

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Deon Erickson

Deon was soon met by Mr. Jones. He greeted him very formally. And the fact that Jones knew who he was confirmed he knew things that many mortals didn't. Generally the only people that knew him were apart the vampire community, people he has turned, people he has threatened to kill, and people he has killed. Though the dead ones don't talk. Though he soon mentioned about him bringing the feds on him. he responded with a laugh. "My, you can't believe I am the one who brought them here? I've been out of commission for about ten years now." He patted the well dressed mortal on the shoulder. "If the fed is here, they are here for you or someone with connections to you. And until just now, I was not on that list." He let go as the secrete tunnel was revealed. Mr. Jones wanted him out fast, and with reason. Deon was well known for causing troubles that many didn't want to be apart of. That and killing some government agents in someone's business is a poor first impression.

Jones's assistant went down into a trap door that smelled rot, decay, and poor foundation work. Deon followed the assistant for a bit, but before submerging himself into the tunnel he stopped and faced Mr. Jones. "I may be what caused the Feds to decide to enter the place. But I wasn't the one that brought them here. So be ready for anything. I still need to chat before mortality catches up with you." Deon Erickson continued down the tunnel, though instead of following the assistant once they were further down he split off. He never liked being close to people. Mortals especially.

Once outside Erickson could still smell the foul stench of the city. The only reasons Deon tolerates the city are easy pickings, easy connections, and easy moral crushers. But when he came upon the surface Deon spotted something that he wasn't expecting. Soldier. It was easy to tell it was them. A watch van was parked outside the club, it could have been FBI, but with the amount of bodies inside of it there had to be a raiding party inside of it. Groups like the local police or FBI generally use marked vans.

Deon had a few thoughts for how the next few moments could play out. His favorite was him walking up to the van like an old western cowboy, dropping his trench coat revealing his sawed off M14s, and lighting up the van forcing who ever survived the initial blasts to come out into the open. The survivors he would pick off using his blade primarily, if need be his magnum for well he was too occupied, and for the hell of it leaving one alive to send a message. But he didn't do any of that. Instead, he left the sights of the van before he could be spotted and waiting for when the time was right. Because tonight was not the end of humanity. As far as the mortals were concerned, they still had plenty of time before they were set as cattle.

Kathryn Miller

Kathryn, still weak but functional worked her way to the edge of the country in hopes to leave the island. With all the activity she didn't want to draw unwanted attention and be stuck in England. Mainland Europe could work if she could get there fast enough. It was almost dawn when she reached the docks, the captain of a large fishing vessel had agreed to take her to the mainland in exchange for funds Kathryn obtained from some of the corpses from the nightclub fight.

Though arriving at the docks she found her ship. What she didn't expect to find was an old man wearing an old and worn combat jacket. He was wearing a gas mask while standing on the ship's dock. In his hand was a .357 revolver, similar to the one she had learned to shoot when she was a kid. In the man's other hand was a blade that screamed death as he let it swing back and forward with the calm breeze. She was scared of this man, not because of his current appearance, but because she knew him. She could never forget the man. "Daddy?" She asked, hoping she was wrong. The man didn't respond. But she could hear his heart beat change pace as she spoke. She could hear his breathing intensify as he tightened the grip of his weapons.

Kathryn attempted to speak again. "Daddy don't-" She was cut off by the man's screams. "Don't you dare call me your father after what you did! Don't you fucking dare!" Kathryn was quiet, unsure what to do or say about him now. "You lost that right thirteen years ago. Thirteen years to the date as of three weeks ago." his voice was partially muffled by the gas mask, though he spoke boldly enough that that she would be able to hear him fine even if she was a human. "Daddy, plea-" She was cut off by his screams, and him raising the revolver to her. "What did I just say?! You don't get to call me that anymore! You killed them and now..." He pulled back the hammer, the sights of the revolver locked onto Kathryn. "I am going to kill you." He pulled the trigger, sending the anti-material bullet towards her head.

If Kathryn had been at full strength she could have dodged the bullet the second he pulled the trigger. Hanks reflexes were slower then the last time the two had met face to face. But she wasn't. When the bullet fired she ducked the bullet missing her by a sliver. She scrambled to her feet as Hank fired another bullet, giving chase to his former daughter.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kurai Assassin
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Kurai Assassin Edgelord

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Sonja decided to explain the situation alittle more to Mattias. He probably had never heard of either of them due to him being outside of SOLDIER."Mr Jones is a ruthless crime lord. He sells just about everything illegal but most importantly information. We heard hes been giving information to Vampires. Not just any Vampires, but ones that want to break the Blood Compact. As for Deon Erickson. He's well renowned in SOLDIER for being a killer. During the Nightwars he slaughtered many of our top agents. From what Katya has told me, She and Allison are the only survivors from the Original task force. He killed a general aswell. Hes on our top 10 kill list. so if you see him. Put that sick fuck down"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BurningCold
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BurningCold Magical Bastard

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Mattias nodded. These were the kinds of people he was interested in taking down. "Alright the-" The werewolf began to sniff at the air fervently, before stopping just as quickly. "Your Deon has left the building, I think. It would be wise to go after him now, if you want to take him out." It was hard to pick out what he believed was Deon's scent next to that club, which was full of all sorts of smells. "Really though. We need to act quickly before this mission ends up being a bust. We can handle some mortal crime lord and a blood sucker." He had no idea if they could handle some mortal crime lord and a blood sucker.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kurai Assassin
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Kurai Assassin Edgelord

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Sonja nodded and grabbed her M60 of the rack on the wall. "AGENTS, THE CLOCK IS TICKING. LETS MOVEOUT". Katya and Ashley both suddenly forgot what had just happened and put it aside in favour of their mission. The door at the back of the truck swung open the three women jumped out, armed to the teeth.

Sonja made her way to the back entrance with Roman, while Ashley and Katya went to the front entrance and waited for their squad mates so they could breach and take both Mr Jones and Deon by surprise. That was the plan anyways.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by The Grey Dust
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The Grey Dust The / Grey

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Back into the field of light.
Blow back the world of darkness.
And return to us once more.

A laptop quickly discarded, thrown away as the explosion called him back. Running to the debris, Agent Quinn had rushed towards the scene as if a field agent himself. Years behind a desk kept him busy, although his own bashful nature kept him from effectively working the field. Something his superiors always said he hadn't the balls for. Truth be told, he enjoyed his work behind the scenes, despite the regimental training of field officers he subject himself to anyways. Knowing how to handle a field operation did help in assisting those on the ground with layouts and ops as he knew what they would want to hear. That being said, this was the first time he was thrust into such a situation. And his heart was racing.

Scrap Metal, shattered glass, and searing flames. Smoke filled his lungs, wafting though the burning fuel as the lights of local police and sirens began to whirl. Only two local officers were there, accessing the situation, at which a quick flash of his credentials let him in between the two confused law enforcement agents. This was SOLIDER vehicle, transporting a vampire SOLIDER agent, and since he was the closest agent on the ground, Agent Quinn had jurisdiction to check the body. Coughing through the smoke, and bending down to crawl through the shattered window to check on the agent he just saw moments ago before he stepped into the exploding vessel.

"Agent Varomere?" His voice calling out like a hand in the shadows which gripped Mithias' consciousness. Hands undoing the buckle, carefully cradling his neck to check for whiplash damage, before dragging out the vampire lord's body from the overturned sedan. Injuries were apparent, but certainly nothing a vampire could heal from in time, yet Agent Quinn was far more concerned for the survivability of Mithias as to have his assigned field officer die returning from assignment? Well that would certainly be a terrible report to have to write, especially Mithias. Yet blood was everywhere, the blood on his hands as he pulled Mithias through. He could not risk it, and whatever the case, it had to be done. Tearing apart the shirt, and beginning the compressions. They still bled right? Their hearts still needed to work? Even vampires had to breathe right? "Please don't die on me sir... Please..."

And yet in the rush of it all, with adrenaline stronger than thoughts it had happened. An innocent moment where blood was consumed. Agent Quinn was now under the spell, marked to be enthralled by Mithias, slowly every so slowly as the blood ate away at his will. With each pump, he felt himself dying a little, and with each exchange he lived again. The Red-headed desk agent was now Mithias' personal assistant, even beyond the roles they played in Solider. A vassal to the master, one who had dropped everything to run back to him and make sure he was alive, and by doing so sealed his own fate.

Who was it that rigged the sedan to explode? No chance that MI6 would have done so fast, and certainly Solider would have checked the vehicle for safety... The laptop was still there, on the floor where Agent Quinn had set it. And should he desire to find out who set the explosion, all he had to do was look into Mithias' files. Of which were now restricted.

Awaken Mithias.
Your blood mixed into his.
Your new child attempts to bring you back to life.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Catchphrase
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Catchphrase Pun Master General

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Mister Jones was watching his clubs cameras, watching to see how SOLDIER would breach his club. He picked up his phone and contacted a man he had on the outside of the club.

"It's me. SOLDIER may have a hound with them. Need you to divert them somehow should they run after our guest."

He then hung up and gave a signal to the DJ. After the DJ got the signal, he changed songs and started up the fog machines. It was a message to all inportant people in the club as well as regulars. Cops were coming. Hide your shit. It would also act to hinder the SOLDIER agents entering. His guards also had orders not to draw their weapons when the agents enter and to surrender. They had permits for their guns and were licensed security guards so they should have no problems. And his lawyers were very good at their jobs.

Now, all there was to do was wait. At least that was what he thought, till his phone rang. "Speak. What? Is he alive? No, don't try and finish the job, you may fuck it up. You'll get your blood money don't worry. Just tell me the name of the agent who arrived and what he does. Call me back when Mithias is checked in to the hospital."

Can never get good help these days.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by DiZL ReloadeD
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DiZL ReloadeD unimportant side character #2

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Although a bit irritated at first both Katya and Ashley stopped arguing. The two of them and Sonja grabbed their gear, got off the truck and in position. Allison being one of the last ones to get off moved over to the weapon rack and grabbed her Mossberg shotgun while holstering her AF-1. I need to aim carefully and get up close before I shoot someone with my shotgun or I might hit more than I'd like to. She jumped off the truck as well and moved to the front door.
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