Saffra Quest 301DM

Azure Strand. The poorest of Ebonfort's cities, it has been remarked by many that only the calm, deep waters of the port give the fishermen of Azure Strand anything to offer the rest of the region. The only crafts practiced in abundance here, other than crime and fishing of course, are sailing and shipbuilding.

Near the beginning of Jedayen, an aging local merchant by the name of Bertram Pegas Cavendish III commissioned a trading vessel to be built in the city's name. With the intention of sending her southward to the Auric Desert and the marvelous city of Krerik on her maiden voyage, he dubbed her the Azure Rising. The square-rigged ship's hold would be filled with goods to trade with the mysterious desert people. In exchange for hand-crafted wooden goods out of Green Falls, grains and potatoes from Ruby Banks, and iron bars from Stone Crest, half of the cities in Ebonfort have contributed directly to this mission. As the date of her departure approached, nearly everyone in the region had either heard of the ship or seen the notices tacked up on tavern walls urging merchants, guards, and sailors to join the expedition. Since the Death of Magic and the disappearance of mages, braving the storms and the monsters of the deep had become less and less favourable.

Tempted by the promise of silks and spices, perfumes and amber jewelry, desert delicacies and date wine, more than one merchant has sent a representative to either help fund or participate in the journey.

In spite of the unrest plaguing Azure Strand, the building of the Azure Rising proved to be a bright spot on the horizon. As more merchants added their names to the charter the support provided work for the people, and the gorgeous vessel, when it was finished, was something the people of Azure Strand could speak about with pride. An accomplishment that none of the other cities could say they'd done better. Given that the mission was not funded or policed by the Ebon Knights, those with a history of either skirting or breaking the law could potentially find a place on the crew.

The wooden skeleton of the ship grew into a fine rich galleon and was rolled from the dry docks into the harbour where she was dressed in fresh rigging and blue sails, the long black Ebonfort pennant fluttering at the top of her mizzenmast. Her figurehead, the front half of a pegasus with wings lifted in flight, made her look ready to brave the dangers of the sea. By Saffra 15th she was ready to set sail, for better or worse.

OOC Info

This is a Quest that will likely span several months IRL and IC. Characters involved will be considered time-locked, which means they can not participate in any new events until the quest is finished. The only other way to RP them during this time is to play events that happened before the start of the quest, or side-RPs directly related to the quest itself (which is encouraged!)

Quests are a great way for your characters to enjoy big adventure and even bigger rewards, usually far more than what they can earn in non-quest RPs. There are also risks, up to and including the possible death of your character (though this is rare).

Please note that replies for quests are required no more than 7 days after the last GM post. There is no posting order and you can post as many times as you wish before the next GM post. I encourage you to take advantage of the time to let your character use their skills. The sooner all participants have posted, the sooner I will move forward.

If you want to bring your character along but feel that they may need a tailored introduction to this quest, please contact me privately so we can work something out. As it stands, you can assume that your character has heard about the building of the ship somehow and that it is setting sail for distant lands.