Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Tsar Gatto
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Tsar Gatto African or European?

Member Seen 21 days ago

Teres listened to each of them in turn, nodding with what they said and processing the information. Erik's response interested her, as he stated that he too was here for what he felt was an invalid reason - though he didn't go as far as to say quite why. The fact slipped her by as she stared at Michael and Danny for a brief moment, digesting what both he and the 'puppet' had said. Eyeless men. "Woah" said Teres flatly in response to him. She was loss at what else to say, obviously Michael was here for a valid reason. She was grateful when Maddy spoke next and took the attention of the group. So she had OCD and too felt like she shouldn't be here, locked away in this specialist care facility.

After a few moments of silence broken only by the sounds of eating passed before Teres said "Well at the very least we can make the time here as easy and pain free as possible for each other right?" It was half a question and half a statement, she smiled as she looked at each of them in turn, her gaze lingering on Erik for a moment longer than the rest of them before she turned her attention back to her meal as she hastily finished the last few morsels. She wondered briefly what the evening after the rest of their lesson would be like. She'd read that they were expected to complete chores and exercise in their 'free time' but aside from that she wondered what else exactly there would be to do to keep her sane.

"I'm guessing there isn't too much to do around here in the evenings?" she asked as she put her fork down on her plate and looked up again.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by EurmalEye
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EurmalEye The Jolly

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@Tsar Gatto@Eviledd1984@paragloan

Erik half listened to Michael talk about the eyeless men he saw, not particularly caring what it was that went on his mind. He paid slightly more attention to Maddy as she talked about being diagnosed with OCD. 'That explains why she was cleaning my room a while back... I wonder if I can get her to do it again?' However, he was mostly interested in watching Teres's face as her face changed in response to Michael and Eric's comments, attempting to get a read on how she felt about his fellow housemates. He looked down at his plate and grabbed a few more bites of food before lunch ended. After a moment Teres spoke up again, Eric listened and let out a light chuckle. "That's true I suppose, most of us do what we can to keep the peace and make it bearable. The classes drone on and on, but at least there are a few breaks in between to allow us our sanity. It's going to be quite a change unfortunately in these first few days, especially if you used the internet a lot outside. My advice: find a hobby. I do writing- though I can't say for sure what the others do." Erik paused for a moment and looked over at the nurses surveying them at a distance. He leaned in a little closer to Teres and softly whispered, "There is not a whole lot to do in the evenings around here, but at the very least I know a way to get outside these rooms, if somewhat briefly, after most of the staff leave around 10 PM. Care to join?"

A nurse came around to the table and begin to usher them away back to their classes. Erik complied easily and went back to the dull lectures on subjects he already knew more about than their teacher. It was sometimes hard for Erik to truly comprehend how much less some of the people around him truly were. Still, he was forced to attend the classes, so on a blank piece of notebook paper he began to write out a list of things he might need for this evening if Teres joined him and when that was complete, his schedule for his first day out. It was a schedule he had written out many times before, but it helped him immensely to work on and continue to refine to fill in the dull hours. Boredom was the biggest threat at Ebott House, and it would be easy to succumb to it if his mind was not being properly utilized. Once class was over, he waved his hand to his housemates and said "I am going upstairs to the gym."

Erik walked upstairs to his room and changed quickly into a workout outfit, long sleeved athletic shirts, workout shorts, and high quality sneakers perfect for running. He went across the hall and entered the small gym complete with weights, mats, and exercise machines. Erik wrote out his exercise schedule on a dry erase board in the room and began to run on the treadmill to warm up.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 Narn Liberator

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Micheal didn't say anything further but just nodding his head thinking that talking about the eyeless men made him look even crazier,Danny however was still cheerful as ever trying to cheer up the young man."Don't worry Mickey im sure that someone will belive you..." The puppet now patting his shoulder trying to cheer up him.

"Oh hi do you wanna go to the library to read some books with me?" Danny asked Teres wanting to see if they could hang out,Or well he hoped they could hang out and thought that his eyeless man comment might have freaked her out.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by paragloan
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Maddy sighed when nothing much was said about her reason for being here. At least they were not going to mess with her about her issues. For the first time in a long time she was not being judged for acting odd. In fact, it seemed that most of the others here had issues that were as bad if not worse than hers. She found herself smiling and finished eating happily. After classes were over and such Maddy went to do her chores first. She knew that she still had to do her exercise but she needed something relaxing first. Cleaning had always been something she enjoyed and she had been pleased when she had gotten the chore of dusting and straightening the house. She worked her way happily from one room to another, making sure that things were tidy and in order. Once she had finished the first floor she went upstairs and started on the bathrooms and any room that had the door open. She knew that technically she wasn't supposed to be in the others rooms but if they had left the door open then she figured that was consent enough for her to go inside and make the place look better. It didn't take more than and hour to finish and then she knew she had to go and get the exercising out of the way. She changed clothes first and then slowly trudged to the gym. She hated getting sweaty and feeling all gross. It was the worst part of her day. She did the bare minimum necessary and then went to take a shower. She had her visit with the Dr Gill right before dinner and she had a bit of time left before then.

I really hate Dr Gill. He is such a prick. He always talks down to me and gives me these looks like I am just a little kid that needs to get over herself and quit faking. He just doesn't understand that I can't just change at the drop of a hat. I need real help dammit. Plus he sometimes looks at me like he wants to do weird things to me. Fucking creepy pedophile wannabe. Yuck.

She lay down on her bed for a few minutes before turning over and getting her journal out. She needed to write out her thoughts and clear her head. There was so much that on her mind right now that even the distraction she had gotten from cleaning was wearing off. She was just glad that her journal was private. The kids had been assured that none of the staff would read their private journals without permission and it would be a cold day in hell before she let anyone else read hers. Forty-five minutes later she finished writing and saw that it was time for her visit.

When she knocked on the door, Dr. Gill had told her to come in. The next half hour were spent in awkward conversation with him asking her about her meds and how she was feeling and such. She tried to be just open enough to get him off her case but not too open since she didn't trust this fucker for a hot minute. Finally her time was up and she eagerly left the room. She went to the common room and sat down on the couch. She decided that until it was time for dinner she would just watch tv and relax. They only were allowed to watch certain things but at least it was some noise. Maybe one of the others would come by soon and she would have someone to talk to. She did get lonely and talking to them was better than being alone all the time.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Tsar Gatto
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Tsar Gatto African or European?

Member Seen 21 days ago

She glanced hopefully at each of them as they spoke, hoping they would present something exciting or at the very least interesting to do. Erik suggested taking up a hobby before whispering to her that there would be an opportunity to briefly escape the rooms of Ebott House when the majority of the staff were leaving. Her eyes twinkled briefly with the thought, her mind turning back to her previous disastrous attempt to sneak outside for some ‘fresh air’. She smiled and nodded, thinking that it probably would be best to have at least someone else with her in case anything odd happened again.

As they were each finishing up with the meal Micheal and his puppet approached her before asking if she wanted to join them in the library. She hesitated if only for a brief moment before she decided that there would definitely be worse ways to spend her time, after all Micheal had shared with them his reason for being here, and even though it was very strange she felt that to hold it against him would be very unkind.

“Sure Micheal” she said smiling at him as they made their way back to the class. Fortunately the rest of the lesson passed swiftly despite the dull and droning nature of the subjects. It seemed their teacher was consistent in his monotone and quite uncaring method of teaching. The others remained quite throughout the lesson and it had already become apparent to her that there would be no speaking out of turn and no tolerance for any silly business. As they finished each of them seemed to fall into what she assumed was their routine fairly quickly. With a quick wave Erik excused himself to go to the gym whilst Maddie headed off, soon after reappearing with a box of cleaning products and dusters. She seemed very focused on the task at hand and unscrupulously cleansed each area she moved through with such precision and efficiency that Teres felt sure that her own standards of cleaning might need to be stepped up somewhat if she wanted to avoid irritating her.

Finding Micheal in the common room was easy enough, the room itself had several chairs and a large sofa as well as a pair of large bookcases lined with all kinds of literature. She idly browsed through several of the books examining the names printed on their spines with a vague interest. Her pretty much constant headache still plagued her and made it difficult to focus on the prospect of reading without further causing her irritation.

Over the next few hours she tried to talk with Micheal as much as she could, asking about his past and trying to get as much of a general impression of him that she could. It soon dawned on her that more than anything he just seemed happy to be talking with someone. She in turn shared with him her experience of being alienated by all of the people she thought were her friends before she had been sent here, telling him mostly everything that had happened, how she had argued with her doctors and parents about her diagnoses and how she didn’t think that she had anything wrong with her. She left out only the strange feelings and the recent blackout that had assailed her, putting these down to by-products of the medication.

Soon thereafter Maddy also entered the room, sitting on the large couch before turning on the old looking television that was in the corner of the room she tried to include her in their conversation. Teres soon was distracted watching the images on the TV, generally it felt less straining than reading with her mind still throbbing as she started to let her thoughts wander as a feeling of fatigue continued to sweep over her.

Amongst other topics she wondered about her medication further, and she decided that perhaps tomorrow she would see if she could avoid taking the pills that were presented to her in the morning – after all she didn’t need them and to feel better would be more than worth any possible repercussions of being caught – or so she hoped.

As time continued to pass she instinctively went to check the time on her phone just to be reminded once more that she was without it. Instead she turned her gaze to the old looking clock that hung on one of the walls and saw that their dinner was rapidly approaching. She had yet to be given any tasks to do as her chores, and assumed that she would be at dinner- not feeling quite right If she managed to escape choirs whilst her housemates did all of the work in her place. Though she didn’t look forward to the prospect of having to clean followed by exercises, and again wondered if she would be able to avoid doing this without any serious repercussions. Her mind also wandered to Erik and the possible brief escape he had suggested. She was definitely on board with the idea of sneaking out and already felt herself counting down the hours until then.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 Narn Liberator

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

@Tsar Gatto

“Mhm blackouts? Im guessing the causes those are caused by not taking the meds…I mean I don’t trust these doctor’s either because I think they are trying to do something creepy to us…” Michael said letting Danny put down the children’s book called “Cat In The Hat” on his lap, “Well I know that the doctors are working with the eyeless men…they tell me that If I do not behave and take my meds that the eyeless men will come suck my eyes out of my sockets…” Michael said now sounding more scared of what would happen.

Danny was patting the young man’s shoulder trying to calm him down while Michael was listening to her, ‘Well you have Erik and Maddy as your friends…I mean I probably don’t count as a friend” Michael felt like he was rambling now and shouldn’t be talking about himself so much. “Well Mike had many imaginary friends as a kid most of them were nice but one of them well wasn’t” Danny said now in a calm tone of voice mentioning of the eyeless men who use to have eyes and was much friendlier then he was before.

“And you probably know of why else Mikey is here and it’s because he slit both his wrist open with a razor blade and is only alive now because his father found him, Their was this one imaginary friend that was…” Danny was going to say something but Michael covered his mouth before he could finish his sentence.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by paragloan
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Maddy was sitting there watching the tv and heard the other two in the room talking. When she had first come inside she had not noticed them but now they were all she could see, She listened as Micheal, or Danny, told about some of his issues and why he was here and she felt sad. The boy obviously had not been happy for a long time and his problems were far worse than hers in her opinion. At least she could talk to others about needing a puppet to express herself. It is true that she still had problems with speaking to others sometimes but for the most part she did ok she thought. She couldn't imagine going through so much that she tried to kill herself. And to see people that were not there; it was just so tragic. She resolved to be nicer to him and not be as dismissive of him as she had been in the past. He needed all the friends he could get and being nicer would not hurt her. She had already felt bad for being so rude to everyone earlier so she would extend this new niceness to the others as well. Maybe if she did then she would make some friends.

She chatted with them off and on for a while and was pleased that she managed to contribute to the conversation and not have on of her ocd fits. It was the first time that she had been able to just relax with some people without something distracting her and making her lose it. It could have been the fact that she had already cleaned and straightened the place beforehand that helped. When things were neat and tidy she was less likely to get upset from something being crooked or dirty. Plus, the two people she was talking to actually finished their sentences, which was nice. She might not care about all they said in the long run but being able to at least listen and contribute on occasion was a nice change.

I wonder what the deal is with the new girl, Teres. She seems like a normal person unlike all of us who have issues. Could she be right about being misdiagnosed? Or have we just not seen her other personality yet? I don't really understand the whole multiple personality deal to begin with. I have enough problems just being me. I can't even imagine if i had more than two people inside my head. I couldn't stand it. But then again would I even know if I did? Maybe I should look up that disorder so that I can understand just what she has. Then I would know what to look for.

She smiled at Micheal when he hushed Danny and tried not to laugh. It was kind of cute in a way. She glanced at the tv and saw that t had some ridiculous old sitcom on it and sighed. The things they were allowed to watch here was truly pathetic. It was almost not worth having a tv at all but it was better than nothing she suppose. It would not be long until dinner time now and she was starting to get hungry.

"It is almost time for dinner. Do you want to head in there now? Also, I can show you the chore board, Teres. It is in the dining room too. I bet they have added you to it already. They usually do after you have been here a few hours." Maddy smiled as she got to her feet. For the first time today she actually felt like things were going ok.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by EurmalEye
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EurmalEye The Jolly

Member Seen 4 mos ago

@Tsar Gatto@paragloan@Eviledd1984

Things were not going okay. Erik scowled as the readout on the treadmill told him that he had run a full ten seconds slower than his average time on the machine than normal. He looked around the room, making sure that there were no other occupants on the inside and quickly erased the measure from the machine. At least no one was around to see this. The clock near the water fountain let him know that about an hour had passed since he had started working out. The water, at the bare minimum of expected quality for any residence in his opinion, was cold. He slurped it down greedily, always careful to ensure that he was always hydrated and in perfect health. His body was, as people said, a temple after all. He moved back over to his room and for the second time today grabbed his bathroom kit. It had been long enough since this morning that the hot water was running again in the shower though after Erik was done with it, little remained. He tossed on a new outfit: high quality denim jeans and a long sleeved olive shirt that brought out the color of his eyes. The sleeves on the olive shirt were somewhat larger than normal and these pants had the largest pockets of any he owned. It was a good thing for he would need the storage space, and he silently complimented himself for his own cleverness.

He looked around his room and found that at some point Maddie had gone through and cleaned it again. He ran a finger along the top of his desk and found it to be spotless. 'I see Maddie had come back around again. This is an excellent start to her apology.' The letter from his mother still remained atop his desk where he had neatly placed it, most likely the reason it had not been carefully dealt with in the cleaning. In any case it was about time for dinner, so Erik headed downstairs to ensure the chore board was correct. It was part of the rules that everyone was given chores to do after their classes and simply put the majority of the activities were simply beneath him. He always made sure that he switched his chores for somewhat less menial ones if the board was incorrect. Tonight he had been assigned to set and clear the table, one of the few activities that Erik did not particularly mind. He possessed a sense of style and decorum that could not be found by the staff here at Ebott House. While others may simply toss napkins and placemats haphazardly, Erik took time to make the table arrangements look almost more appetizing than the food. With a few more quick folds, he finished the stately napkin arrangements like one would find at a 5 star restaurant exactly as his mother had taught him.

While clearing the table would not usually be nearly so spectacular, tonight it would work to his advantage for his rendezvous with Teres. With a final thought he grabbed one of the small flowers one of the nurses tended to on the mantel place by the window and pulled it out of the pot. Quickly stripping it of its leaves and the majority of its stem, he pulled a pen out of his pocket and wrote on the inside of the petals. 10. Window at the end of the hall. Wear something warm. He placed the flower message in the arranged napkin on the right hand side of his intended seat so that the flower would fall out once the napkin was moved.

He looked around the room and at himself in the mirror searching for any potential flaws, but no doubt due to his highly polished skill, could find none. The nurses began to bring in dinner in covered platters on stainless steel carts whose wheels squeaked from time to time, in that strange pace that made the squeaks almost unpredictable. Erik had learned to ignore it, and sat down at the table waiting for Teres to arrive so he could rise and offer her the seat. He called out down the hall, "Dinner!"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Tsar Gatto
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Tsar Gatto African or European?

Member Seen 21 days ago

Teres face slid into a more serious expression as Michael spoke about his attempted suicide, the topic made her slightly uncomfortable but she knew it mustn’t be easy for him to talk about it either. Lost for what else to say she simply reached over and put her hand on his arm and she said in a more serious tone “Well if you ever feel like doing that again… don’t. Come talk to me or someone else” she hesitated briefly before adding “I’d like to think you are my friend Michael, and you too Danny, so if that friend comes back tell me and I will sort him out for you”.

She smiled trying to make light of the situation, but she had to admit she was a little thankful when Maddy spoke and her attention was drawn elsewhere.

Teres nodded at her offer to show her the chore board, it was something she wasn’t looking forwards to but knew she would have to get used to. It wasn’t that she was lazy after all, it was just that she slightly resented that it was yet another thing expected of her that she apparently had no control over. Standing and putting the book that had been open on her lap back into the shelf, turning to Michael she asked with another smile “coming?” before she made her way through the house with Maddy to the dining room.

As they approached she heard Erik’s voice ring down the corridor as he called "Dinner!".

Emerging into the dining room her eyes went to the table, everything laid out in such a way that she paused and couldn’t help but express a sound of half wonder half impressed. Was it always so fancy at dinner she wondered? As she did Erik stood and gestured to the seat beside him and she grinned as she looked at him, seeing again that he looked… well she thought he looked pretty damn good. She felt a very brief flush as she realised that maybe she was starting to like him, but quickly averted her gaze and blurted out “Thanksabuncherik” stumbling over her words just a little. She wanted to sit down beside him immediately but reluctantly followed Maddy to the board. Glancing through their names she saw that it had been Erik who had laid out the table for dinner and she found herself hoping it was to impress her, because if it was, it was working. Looking at her own name beside Michaels she saw that the pair of them had been given the task of doing and drying the dishes after dinner and she suppressed a little groan at the thought of the task (though she certainly didn’t mind that she was doing it with him). Turning back to the table she swiftly sat where Erik had motioned for her to, for the first time feeling like she might be able to stomach a meal as the feeling of sickness and fatigue had slightly abated through the evening. ‘Definitely the meds’ she thought to herself, again vowing to avoid them tomorrow.

She took a moment to appreciate the layout of the tables and the napkins again, before reaching for hers to place it on her lap. She smiled again as a flower dropped into her lap and she shot a meaningful glance at Erik to show her appreciation, though she kept it concealed as she saw the message written along the petals and gave him a quick nod to show she’d definitely be there.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 Narn Liberator

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

"Okay we are coming..." Danny said happily walking beside Maddy to the dinning room, Micheal was happy to hear that he had another friend in the home besides Danny of course. Although their was a scary thought in his head of Danny becoming jealous of Maddy and their relationship that Danny might kill her or anyone else that are becoming friend's with Micheal.

"Nah im just thinking stupid thoughts...." Micheal thought happily sitting down beside Maddy,"That is what you think" A dark voice spoke in his mind sending chills down his spine, He didn't speak while eating keeping a eye on Danny who was not eating but staring at Micheal which he never did before.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by paragloan
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Maddy smiled as she showed Teres the chore board. She was happy that she seemed to be making a better impression on her this time. She knew that her first impression had not been the best and that while they had spoken for a bit in the common room, they stil had along way to go before they could be considered friends. She hoped that eventually that would be case and they would be friends. She looked at Teres and saw that she was sneaking looks at Eric again.

Looks like someone might have a crush on Eric. That is good. I hope that things work out for them. I mean it never woul have worked between me and him anyways. he is just too, well too, well too much. He seems to have even higher expectations about people than I do. We would have driven each other nuts within days. Plus it does not help that I look like a teenage boy up top. I don't havr half the figure of either Teres or Sarah. I wonder if they will ever grow? Being flat sucks.

She walked over to the table and sat down next to Micheal. She turned to the boy and said, " Hi. How are you? Um, I would like to talk to you for a bit. Tell me something about yourself that no one else knows. I want to get to know you better and if you do then I will too. In fact, I will go first. I have never been kissed by a boy. You see most guys do not see me as anything but a little sister. With the way I look younger than I am and the being not chesty as well... It just gets old you know. I tend to get weird around guys and either get reeally quiet or blabber on and on like I am now. I think I am going to shut up now and hope that you still want to talk to me after I just humiliated myself this way."

She put her hands on the table and meshed her hands together. She sighed softly. She hated when she got like this. She either went full throttle or didn't intereact at all. Ir something set her off and she went nuts about stuid shit. It made her want to bang her head on the table. Why could she not control herself better. Wasn't the point of being here to help her out? So far it didn't seem like anything was working. Maybe she should just forget about it all and quit talking the new meds. Either that or talk to Dr. Gill, as repulsive as the thought was, about it. She snuck a look at Micheal under her lashes and hoped that she hadn't run him off from being her friend before it even happened.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 Narn Liberator

Member Seen 4 hrs ago


"Umm...im doing okay...How are you today?" The teen said a bit shyly while eating his food with the hand that did not have Danny on it,"Well that is a bit private..but i guess i can tell you something about me..i have had 62 imaginary friends.." Micheal said looking up at her for a moment before going back to staring back at his food.

Danny meanwhile was now staring at both Maddy and Teres while someone was whispering in his head that he was going to kill everyone of his friends.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by EurmalEye
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EurmalEye The Jolly

Member Seen 4 mos ago

@Eviledd1984@paragloan@Tsar Gatto

Erik glanced around the room watching Teres, Michael, and Maddie eating at his finely decorated table feeling like a king surveying his subjects. He was filled with intense pride that he had managed to single-handedly improve the quality of the room for all involved including himself of course. Best of all, it seemed that Teres seemed to have been fascinated by his craftsmanship and delighted by his flower note. He watched from the corner of his eye as she smiled at the flower in her lap and gave him a quick nod of affirmation. Truly the food did taste better that evening more than any he could remember here. However, as he ate his meal, he noticed for the first time today that neither Sarah nor Calla were at the table with them. In fact, he could not recall having seen Calla since breakfast during his initial piece of showmanship. He would have to wait and see what had become of her tomorrow. Occasionaly residents of Ebott House were pulled out and moved to another location without the rest of the residents ever being informed that it had occurred. He had heard talk from the nurses that it was to relieve any potential stress for some more of the more serious residents about an upcoming shift in their environment. As he eavesdropped on Michael admitting that he actually had 62 imaginary friends, he considered that the staff of Ebott House may not have been wrong about this particular issue. Calla was likely to have been transferred to a more specialized home that could better treat whatever it was that her issue had been about food, Erik found it difficult to recall the specifics of her diagnosis. As far as he was concerned anyway, she had already served her purpose for him.

He ate slowly enjoying the food enhanced by his good mood, not speaking too much. There would be time for that later tonight. When the others were finished with their meals, he waited till the others went to go about their chores before he started to grab some of the more mobile, tastier options they had had during dinner. Select pieces of fruit such as strawberries and blackberries were easy to conceal with the same napkin trick he had used earlier. It was fortunate that he had been given this chore slot as it gave him ample opportunity to work without interference. When he was finished he cleared the table bringing in the plates and utensils into the kitchen where Michael and Teres had been assigned to work. He gave Teres a smile as he came in, flashing his charming smile filled with perfect white teeth. He turned to Michael ad gave him a manly nod so long as Teres was in the room and said, "Keep up the good work, you tw-three." Eric had forgotten the annoyance Michael had given him earlier that same day in the wake of his growing fortunes. After the table was clear, he went over to the vending machine and grabbed a variety of snacks of the dessert variety.

As the final bag of small Oreos came down with a small thunk against the metal of bottom opening, Erik felt a concern worm its way through his mind. What if he had done too much on the first day and somehow came off as too much. It had been a while since he had gone on a romantic evening, definitely not in his time spent here. Did he still remember the right questions and lines to use to inspire his rightfully deserved adoration? Was that even something he wanted to use with Teres? There was something in her bearing that separated her from anyone else he had ever met. An ineffable sense of something that seemed to surround her, enhancing her already considerable beauty. In a sense then, a perfect match for him. Therefore it made sense that his usual charm techniques would not work. Erik paused in the hallway. He had been pacing back and forth while trying to puzzle out what the best approach might be. That was... strange, he had dated heavily in high school, but he had never been nervous before. For the others, he considered their results a forgone conclusion. He moved over to his room and deposited his supplies in a desk drawer till the appointed time. He kept his door open and sat at his desk now writing in his journal easily seen by any glancing at his room.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Tsar Gatto
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Tsar Gatto African or European?

Member Seen 21 days ago

Dinner and the rest of the evening seemed to move past quickly, Maddy and Michael were talking to each other and Erik seemed content to eat his meal and watch over things. She took the opportunity to further admire the flower from Erik and also to eat her food slowly. She was the last to finish but not excessively so, her and Michael then clearing the table and taking the dishes through into the kitchen before washing and drying them. As she was putting them away she took the opportunity to nose around the kitchen and cupboards, curiosity getting the better of her as she admired the Victorian style mouldings and décor. At one point Erik came into the kitchen and flashed her his charming smile, which she returned again feeling her cheeks flush a little. He too nodded at Michael and commented "Keep up the good work, you tw-three.", which again made her smile. She was happy that they were getting on, not that she knew what the environment in the house had been like before but she did seem to get the impression there had definitely been tension bubbling under the surface.

As she was putting the last of the plates away she again felt an odd sensation similar to those of yesterday gripping at her as her vision began to swim, though it soon disappeared she felt an urge to throw the plate and break it – but again it faded as quickly as it came and she managed to resist the urge as she steadied herself against the counter before stacking it neatly with the others. She had made sure to clean and tidy everything to the best of her abilities, keeping Maddy in mind and not wanting to upset her.

Wondering how to spend the rest of the evening she admitted to herself that it was probably best to follow the rules and put in her 30 minutes exercise, plus too it would give her an excuse to shower and make sure she looked as good as possible for her evening. Making her way back up to the room she shared with Maddy and Sarah she took a brief moment to make sure the smell from earlier in the day had definitely disappeared before she quickly set about changing out of her clothes from the day and into a pair of sports shorts and a rather garishly coloured tank top. Feeling slightly self-conscious now she made her way quickly back through the top floor of the house into what was considered their gym. She spent the next 30 minutes doing a series of light exercises on one of the thin mats that had been stacked against one wall, nothing too strenuous or taxing but a routine she had occasionally done at home. Low impact and of course designed to make sure that all the ‘important’ areas of her body were as toned and slim as possible. After only half of the routine she had to admit she felt thoroughly exhausted, and made a mental note to keep up with it over the next three months. If at least one good thing would come of her time here it would be that maybe she’d be a little fitter.

Once her 30 minutes was up she wasted little time in heading to the shower to again repeat her usual routine to ensure that she was presentable and clean – though she did spend quite a bit more time obsessing over her appearance than she usually did. When she was done she moved back into her room to put the ‘finishing touches’ to her appearance, and wait for their ‘bed-time’ followed by ‘lights out’ at 10 when she would be able to meet Erik. Suddenly it dawned on her that she would have to explain what she was doing to both Maddy and Sarah, though then again she hadn’t seen Sarah since earlier that day and she started to wonder where she could be.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 Narn Liberator

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@Tsar Gatto

Micheal along with Danny were washing the dishes happily but he was still concern about how Danny was acting lately,"Did i piss you off?" The young man asked the hand puppet who shook it's head."No im not angry at you...just disappointed..." The hand puppet said before going back to helping the girls with cleaning the dishes.

While this worried him he cleaned the dishes without another word speaking to Danny or the girls, while they did this Danny once in a while would stare at either Maddy or Teres while muttering something that only Micheal could hear. After they finished up washing the dishes and headed off to bed heading back to his room letting Danny read him a bed time story called "Green Eggs And Ham". After that they both feel asleep.

But after what seemed like half a hour or a hour Micheal woke up standing up form his bed and getting out of his bed and walking around the room,Noticeably without Danny on his hand. Without Danny on his hand Micheal was now heading towards the door opening the door and walking out and towards the vending machine.

His appearance would seem difference, His hair was tied in a ponytail is now untied and loose liking like a wild man. His face smiling with confidence.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by paragloan
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

After dinner Maddy went back to her room and wrote in her journal for a while. She had gotten behind on it and needed to catch up. She wanted to make sure that she recorded everything that had happened to her so far while she was here. It might not mean anything to anyone else, and she doubted that she would ever even let anyone read it, but for her it was a way to keep sane. Her parents had shipped her off and basically abandoned her. The few friends that she did have were probably glad to see her and her eccentric ways gone. If she let herself dwell on all the bad things she would end up getting depressed. However, sometimes she could not help it and this journal was a way to get rid of those thoughts before they took root.

Sometimes I worry myself. I think that most horrible things and sometimes even think about doing them. Only my routine and my journal keeps me sane. Well, enough about that. I wonder where Teres is at? Shouldn't she be in our room by now. It is almost time for light out after all. I hope that she gets here before then. The staff will punish her if she is late. She will have to do extra chores or even worse, speak to Dr Gill. I would not wish that on anyone.

She leaned back against the desk chair and yawned. It was getting late and she was tired. She slowly closed the journal cover and stashed it back in its hiding spot. Before she went to sleep though, she wanted a drink. She rooted in her desk drawer for some change and got up to go down the hall to the vending machines. When she was almost there she saw Micheal, but something about him was different. His hair was loose and he seemed more at ease and manly. "Hi. I just needed a drink before bed. Could you not sleep either?"

She smiled at him and then saw that his friend, Danny was missing from his hand. For some reason this made her nervous and she shuffled her feet. She walked even closer and put her money in the vending machine. She pushed the button and got her drink and then turned around to wait for Micheal's reply.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 Narn Liberator

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"Ah...i just woke up...a ten year sleep..." Micheal said softly with more confidence in his voice then before,Looking around before going back to staring at the candy machine suddenly whistling loudly. Soon enough a large man wearing a suit walked behind him, Something noticeable abut this man that he had a bald head but that he had no ears and no eye sockets.

Black holes for his eyes and also long arms fazing though the metal of the vending machine pulling out a handful of candy, The eyeless man nodded to Micheal and then turned to Maddy smiling widely showing off it's bright yellow shape teeth.

"Oh...do you want some?" The young man said with a soft smile on his face, Opening up his shirt a bit to show off his chest that had some scars form his past."Do not worry..he is harmless..." Micheal said looking over to the eyeless man wanting him to not attack Maddy just yet.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by paragloan
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Maddy shook her head in reply to his question of wanting any candy. Then looked around when he said that he was harmless. She did not see anyone else besides the two of them. Plus just what had he meant about waking from a 10 year sleep? What had scarred his chest like that too? She started to rock back and forth on her heels nervously. She had thought that Micheal was someone that was safe to be around but for some reason right now he almost scared her.

"Um, who did you mean when you said he is harmless? I don't see anyone else here? And just waking from a ten year sleep? What do you mean?" she stammered. She was still wary but her curiosity had gotten the better of her and she just had to ask.

Taking a sip of her drink, she stared at Michael. Maybe there was more to him than she had originally thought. She just hoped he wasn't dangerous or something after all.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 Narn Liberator

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"Oh yes he is very harmless unless i give him the order of course to attack..." Danny said now taking one of the candy bar's form the creature's hand unwrapping it and munching on it softly in his mouth,"Oh and about that...i have been asleep for a long time because he was keeping me form being awake for so long" Danny said smiling at her.

Turning around to face her throwing the empty wrapper on the floor,"I don't think Micheal would like me around...usually i cause trouble when i am out and about.." He said now smiling wider.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by paragloan
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

"Um, ok then. So you are not Micheal? Just who are you then?"

She moved so that her back was against the wall and she had plenty of space to run if need be. She was not sure just what was going on here but so far her curiosity was in control. The whole thing with his friend though was odd. She still did not see anyone and the way he was acting was just not right. Having not had any previous interactions with people with mental issues before getting to this place she had no clue what was going on here.

She took another sip and tried not to fidget at his disturbing smile. She was getting more and more nervous as she stood there. Maybe She should just go back to her room after all. But for some reason she could not seem to make her feet take her in that direction. She had always been too inquisitive for her own good. It was another of her little quirks that had ended up with her being sent here. She did not know when to leave well enough alone.
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