Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Mr_pink
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Mr_pink Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Double
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Double Hard-Boiled

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Name: Ishmael
Nickname/Alias: Leviathan, at least that's what the nice people call him. Everyone else usually defaults to Monster or Freak or some variant thereof.
Age: He honestly doesn't know. No one ever told him when he was born or even when his birthday is. His best guess is that he may still be in his twenties, though even that is a rough estimate at best.
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Lawful/Chaotic Bias? C
Good/Evil Bias? G
Mutant/Human Bias? N

Appearance: What most see when they see Ishmael is a young man who keeps himself wrapped up in a trench coat, hat-and-scarf combination or some kind of hood, doing everything he can to stay covered up even in warm weather. Underneath all that is what most would describe as a some kind of a humanoid sea monster. With skin covered in scales of blue and green, fin-like extensions in place of what would normally be hair, sizable gills at the base of his neck and along the sides of where his ribs are, and membrane webbing between and his fingers and toes, Ishmael looks like he walked off the set of the Creature From the Black Lagoon. When he speaks his voice contains a gravelly, monstrous tone that he cannot hide or change, though he has at times managed to pass it off as the voice of a chain-smoker while on the phone. Even his eyes are inhuman, instead being dark and beady and obviously designed more for seeing underwater. If that weren't enough, he can grow to the size of a body-builder, his torso becoming much more puffed out and his arms and legs much more beefy. If he weren't a monster before, he certainly is at that point.

Personality: Ishmael is practically the embodiment of the strong, silent type. He hates talking, and when he does he keeps it short and to the point. If he is provoked into a more prominent speaking role, it's likely because someone angered him enough into making him explode into telling them off, with the unfortunate side effect of becoming much more frightening than he ever intends to. Because showing his feelings tends to make him look like more of a scary monster, Ishmael has adopted the practice of keeping those feelings bottled up, letting them out only when he knows he's alone or the people he's with know him better than to be frightened, though mostly it's the former scenario.

At times Ishmael comes across like he just hates everyone in general, though that could just be the nature of his mutation doing that. People who meet him, but don't get to know him, often swear up and down that just because Ishmael himself feels miserable that that means everyone else has to be miserable along with him. They are wrong, of course, as anyone who spends a significant amount of time around him will quickly realize. Unfortunately, his frightening appearance does him no favors when it comes to making friends, which essentially means that, as far as the rest of the world is concerned, Ishmael is just a bitter monster full of hate and contempt for those around him. No matter how far from the truth that sentiment actually is.

Back story: Unsure of when he was born, or even of his parentage, Ishmael was essentially the property of a circus for as long as he could remember. The Ocean Terror, or so the signs claimed he was. He was basically a sideshow freak. Though unlike all the others in the circus, who at least still looked human and could go out and interact with them normally, Ishmael was of course too scary to ever be let out of his confinement. Either he was in a cage of some kind, or kept in an aquarium tank. Either way, he was never allowed to go out, or even to speak to people. Behind the scenes, the ringmaster was quite the cruel man who demanded that his rules be followed or that there would be hell to pay. He liked targeting Ishmael with his abuse in particular, perhaps because he simply hated mutants, no one was ever really sure. But he barely fed Ishmael, believing that the hungrier he was, the more frightening he could be toward the audiences and costumers. After all, a ravenous monster was far easier to sell than a kind one. If he wasn't treating Ishmael with malnourishment, the ringmaster was subjecting Ishmael to other tortures, mainly to see just what kind of punishment the monster could and couldn't take, so that he could be advertised as "indestructible" and be able to prove it with performances.

This went on for quite a few years, mostly until Ishmael's late teens. On one particular day, Ishmael finally snapped. He was sick of his treatment and sick of the ringmaster getting away with all his abuses. With his anger, his body grew larger until he was able to break out of his chains and cage. He lashed out against the ringmaster, killing him. Still coming to terms with what he'd done, Ishmael ran. He ran away from the circus, simply fighting off everyone who tried to capture or restrain him. Thankfully, they were setup on a pier that day and Ishmael escaped to the sea. He's tried to keep himself hidden since then, only going out into public while hiding his appearance under heavy costume and usually running away again as soon anyone discovers him. Since he was never given a name, and the only bit of culture he was exposed to at the circus was listening to one of the clowns read Moby-Dick, he gave himself the name Ishmael. Of course, the media often referred to him as Leviathan, choosing to compare him to sea monsters from mythology. He's tried helping people, doing the whole hero thing, but it almost always blows up in his face somehow, so nowadays he just sticks to keeping to himself.

Ability: Ishmael is probably one of the few mutants in the world who actually physically mutated. He is essentially an amphibious humanoid fish person. Not only can he breathe in the water, but he can also withstand the immense pressure of swimming down to the ocean floor. He's tough, even outside the water, where his scaly skin is tough enough to be like armor, and Ishmael himself is strong enough to tear open a car and rip out the engine parts. The tips of his fingers and toes can rip and tear as if they were claws, and he appears to have some degree of a healing factor, as what few injuries that can be inflicted upon him are often healed right up within hours. His last ability, often tied directly to his anger and rage, is when he grows in size, essentially "hulking out" and temporarily becoming even stronger and tougher than he was previously. This can be a curse as much as a blessing, though, since hulking out like this often involves going into a blind rage that he can't always control. Being amphibious, Ishmael can't stay out of water for more than a couple of days at most before needing to submerge himself again to re-hydrate. Speaking of which, Ishmael can also be weakened by dehydration, especially when subjected to extreme heat. Extreme cold can also slow him down, this is all likely due to his amphibian nature.

Equipment: None

Other Notes: None
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Another


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Rioghnach MacKenzie
Nickname/Alias: “Lightning” McKenzie
Age: 22
Alignment Bias: Mutant, Chaotic, Good

Appearance: Relatively tall at 5 ft 9, MacKenzie has waist length, mildly wavy platinum blonde hair and typical pale Scotsman’s skin. Her eyes are a stormy grey, but they flash blue for a split second before activating her powers. Favourite clothes include denim jackets, biker gloves, ripped jeans, tank tops and boots with those cute little heels and metal studs.

Electrifying, Charged with Energy and Sparky. (I’m sorry, that was terrible. I couldn’t resist). Nearly almost always the loudest person in the room, Riognach isn’t quite the type of person to always think before she speaks. Neither is she the type of person to deploy tact in basic daily conversation. Neither will her bold personality shy away from standing up for what she believes in.

Back story:
Rioghnach MacKenzie was Scottish born and bred, so she always had the streak of the warrior in her. It seemed to be her absolute duty “protect” the female kids on the playground by pre-emptively attacking the boys, and break up every fight she saw – regardless of who started it. In truth, she was probably inspired a little by the Suffragettes of the golden days, and her time spent in an all-girls secondary school only strengthened her belief that women should be seen for the queens they really are. Sometime during her adult years, and dropping out of a Gender Studies university degree, MacKenzie turned her energy from pure radical feminism to the pro mutant cause, and moved to the US where the movement seemed to be gathering the most traction.

Electricity control. That is, MacKenzie can generate enough electricity in her body to moderately shock a man – causing pain and muscle tightness, but not knocking him unconscious. If she has been “charged” with electricity beforehand, e.g MacKenzie has come into contact with a live wire, then she can store enough electric potential to kill.

Strength of her voltage can be amplified by metal objects also. MacKenzie wears studded gloves and shoes for the extra “oompf” factor, if she ever finds herself in a tight spot.

MacKenzie can travel at lightning speeds through a medium, as long as it can hold a voltage. For example, travelling from one end of a metal fence to another almost instantaneously.

Equipment: A rusty, lightweight iron trident that MacKenzie found in a bootsale some time ago. But hey, it does the job. The points aren’t very pointy, and the blade itself is effectively dull, but anything sharper and MacKenzie would need a legal weapons permit to own it. However, the trident looks menacing enough for most purposes, especially when it’s arcing with her electricity.
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