Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Major Ursa
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Major Ursa Springy Ferret

Member Seen 15 days ago

Then my girl has a lot less time for herself before she goes into retirement.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Hello Child I the Goddess have reviewed this RP and am presently drifting through my creative department and whipping the writer Bunnies into action but they complain that without the proof readers and the concept department's help that their task may take longer. Not to worry though for I am even now dispatching my enforcer Chimps to whip things up to speed under the direction of Fling Doo

The One And Only Goddess Of Chaos (accept no substitutes) and Benevolent Dictator

Rumiko the First
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ontos
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Ontos なんですか。

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

People still sign off their posts? I thought that's what the signature is for?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WitchChild


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

XDDD Great, Rumiko
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Ontos That is because unlike my lovely and most desirably insane self you are only a poor male and I a Goddess with style an class

Child I do love a good return to those things that remind me of the days when I thought D & D was the only game worth playing

Goddess of Lovely Carnivorous Bunnies
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WitchChild


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

That just put a large dumb smile on my face XD
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WitchChild


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Working on Vampirism.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by StoneDogg1
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Alright- I do apologize for the appearance- I'll change it up tonight? And as for the Wyvern, I figured since he lived for so long, he had tons of time to train one.
But his name is an adopted one from his time with the dwarves. I'll totally grab a new picture though- sorry about that man. Is there anything else I should do? Like, would his people even WEAR heavy armor? You said they like exotic weapons, so I could swap his heavy chain mail with something different , like animal hides or tribal garb? They seem like Indians almost- so should I go back over my sheet?
I appreciate the constructive criticism though, thanks!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WitchChild


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Outfit is all up for grabs so don't worry too much about that. When it comes to things that you wear, you can choose what you want. Regularily, Rath'Kar wear cloth or something very light but I have no problem with him wearing actual plates. You don't have to have every characteristic of an entire race of people. Some will stand out from the rest at some point.

Though about the wyvern. It's not just time, it's the effort itself. Like there is a reason why wolves aren't common pets as they are difficult to train in general. Not impossible but very hard. THink how hard it would be trying to train a large reptile that is five times your weight, can fly and can tear you limb from limb within a few seconds.

I did however hint that it wasn't impossible and that there were a few that have broken Wyverns to be steeds.

I'll make a very rare exception for this because you give a good reason why he has the Wyvern and the fact that he is so old he would have enough training and time to be able to break a Wyvern into loyalty.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ontos
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Ontos なんですか。

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

@Rumiko Income does not affect class, my dear. You are nouveau riche. I am the old guard!

Signed, Ontos the 'Just woke up 15 minutes ago and is cranky as fuck!'
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Hmm... Gunna leave this here when I finish making a CS...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ontos
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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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NO! Your mortal drugs will not keep stave me off! My only weakness... Is the battery life of my cellphone...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Major Ursa
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Major Ursa Springy Ferret

Member Seen 15 days ago

Lucius Cypher said
Hmm... Gunna leave this here when I finish making a CS...

I remember you!
*dives into Lucius Cypher's luxurious, long locks of golden hair*
:3 <( <3 )
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: 万沙僧云. (10,000 Drifting Clouds) Kwan Shā sēng Yún

Gender: Female

Age: 26

Race: Human


Gear & Possessions:
鬼剑 (Ghost Sword) Guǐ Jiàn

白鹤梳 (White Crane Comb) Báihè Shū

在龙舞束带 (Girdle of the Dancing Dragon) Zài lóng wǔ shù dài
48 - Throwing needles which are held in her girdle (Belt) which she can use to paralyze foes if she can land at least 10 to 16 in precise locations
Herbal medicine pouches for making curitives held at the small of her back and her sides under the girdle

Skills & Abilities :A 气
(Chi) Mistress Kwan is foremost a healer but her ability to focus her Qi is also used in her sword art Guǐ Jiàn (Ghost Sword) which is a soft sword art that's movements are swift and deceptively difficult to predict. Her art unarmed is similar to Akido or judo using her foe's size and power against them. She uses the same ability to focus her Qi to heal the injured and the sick whom she is not allowed to discriminate against even if they are a foe
Physically her Qi focus gives Kawn the ability to run or swim for miles; to survive on almost no food or water for days or perhaps even weeks and endure intense pain.
Navigation and Astrology
Cooking, Mending (Clothing, Boots and other personal articles), (Bamboo flute), (zither) and singing

Personality: Kwan is a very respectful young woman who carries herself with a dignity that leads some to cast rumors that she might be nobility or royalty from the Daigotsu Empire.
Intelligent she tries never to cause others to feel as if she in any way sees herself as superior to them simply because her education is more intensive than theirs.
She respects her elders no mater what their caste rank or race.
None can say they have even heard her raise her voice in anger or even excitement. And while she seems to show little interest in romance she doesn't come across as a cold fish. She enjoys a good joke but prefers jokes that at times are so subtle that only she perceives them.

History: Kwan's father traveled with the great caravans of the Daigotsu Empire and as he often said expanded his clan's knowledge of the world beyond any before him. His Eldest son thought it best that he stay within the Empires borders and protect his Clan's art by fathering many sons as his father had sired only himself and three daughters.
Kwan's Eldest Sister 美丽花红河 (Beautiful Flower of the Red River) Měilì Huā Hónghé became the first courtesan of the 12th Prince of the Daigotsu
Her Middle sister 晨光荣耀 (Dawn Glory)Chénguāng Róngyào married a healer of the 北高峰 (North Summit) Běi Gāofēng school and has six children
万沙僧云. (10,000 Drifting Clouds) Kwan Shā sēng Yún was a late child born to her father's concubine when he was 62 and became the treasure of his old age and pampered by the old man and raised on stories of his many adventures of his youth.
She was sent to school and no expense spared her education almost as if she were a last son. When not attending school Kwan was taught the Clan's arts and deep secrets. When she graduated school at 16 she underwent the Clan test of Qi focus and surpassed that seen for seven generation of any woman of her blood line and because of this the Elders revealed to her the secrets of the Ghost Sword and when she again passed the Master's test in that art was awarded the Ghost Sword, the White Crane's Comb and the Girdle of the Dancing Dragon and her Clan Name changed to 鬼舞者 (The Ghost Dancer) Guǐwǔ Zhě a name not worn in six centuries in her Clan.
A Mistress of the Art Kwan may do as she wishes and is treated as an Equal among men in her Blood line. She enjoys a freedom few women of the Daigotsu know and may travel without male escort or permission.
Knowing this Kwan chose on her Father's death to take up his travels and perhaps this time bring back in her graying years the secrets of the end of the world and there by complete the map of her world.

Other : Kwan will not don armor of any sort as it would interfere with the flow of her Qi and connection with the living world around her
She can never mary as it would mean that she giving up her sword and break an oath to the same sword. (In effect she is already married to her sword)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 2 mos ago

• Name: Vera "Azure Knight" Riovas
• Gender: Female
• Age: 29
• Race: Hakedians
• Appearance:

Rarely does Vera ever take off her armor, even on such occasions where she needs to sleep or change attire. Outside of her armor, she her skin is a dark blue, and her hair is a pitch black and kept short. Her eyes are a solid black, but when she dons her armor the magic that surges through her causes them to glow blue. Her tail has been cut down to a stub, though she keeps her pointed ears.
• Gear & Possessions:
Aether Armor - A suit of enchanted armor said to ward off and protect the wearer from Aether Wraiths. It doesn't, but it is very useful as conventional armor. It's of steel quality and well made, and the enchantment on it allows for self repair; after some time, it will gradually repair itself. However, it's fitted for one person only (Vera), and adjusting it is difficult due to it's regenerative properties: any changes done to it will only cause the armor to return to it's original form.

Azure Light - An Enchanted Sword. On it's on, it's a large two-handed weapon of superb craftsmanship. It's made of a unique steel using iron found in the swamps of Kazul. While the metal that it's made from itself had no magic qualities aside from being good steel, it has also been enchanted: When it glows blue, the blade is capable of blocking or deflecting magical projectiles that other objects wouldn't be able to. It also serves as a form of illumination in the dark.
• Skills & Abilities:
Vera is a moderately decent sword fighter, mainly attributing to experience rather any any formal education. She also has an understanding and ability to preform magic, but rarely does so. Vera main attribute is her own agility, even in the Aether Armor. She is quick on her feet and is capable of feats of acrobatics that will catch anyone off guard, especially if they had expected her to be a more static fighter because of her heavy-looking armor. Vera's endurance and willpower is also quite hefty, allowing her to face off against the likes of dangerous monsters and magical beasts and defeating them in a battle of attrition.
• Personality:
Vera fancies herself a hero. What type of hero will vary: often she see's herself as a knight in shining armor, but far too often is she aware that her own idealism is just nativity. Still she would fight "For the Greater Good" despite all that would say otherwise. Some would call her mad. She says that she has faith in the path she's chosen. Either interpretation could be used depending on if you're her friend or foe. At least she would be willing to help those she can come across, usually in the form of charity. She doesn't offer much, but she gives what she can spare. Vera prefers if she could help using the Azure Light however: she finds thrills in combat and loves the feeling of taking a person's life or having her own blood spilled.
• History: Vera was born in a secluded order of Hakedians. Their mission: To undo the mistaken that cursed them. They lived in a hidden village in the swamps of Kazul, protected by the thick fog and the rumors of vile monsters hidden within. Though their village consist of a little over 500 Hakedians, only ten or so where capable of magic. Vera was the first and only child of one of the ten mages, one whom was her father. He, along with the other mages, worked to undo the curse that had created them, and to do that they had created ways to combat the Aether. "Anti-Magic" as some would call it. Though the village had a small number of mages, those capable of fighting was given Enchanted armaments to do so. Vera's father and the other mages were powerful enchanters, and dedicated most of their time creating arms and armors to combat the constant Aether Wraiths in hopes to find a way to reverse their curse.

But as time went on, the village began to lose sight of their original goal. It stopped being "Reversing the curse" and more along the lines of "Destroy all magic". It came to it's climax after the village had grown to the size of a large town, with a little over two-thousand magically armed and armored warriors. The leader of the warriors, known as the The Knight Exemplar, deemed that the only way for the Hakedians to ever recover from their mistaken was to eliminate all those capable of magic, and that over time they too will return to normal so long as they kept in faith with their god (Which existed only in the minds of those who believed in it). This lead to the deaths of all those capable of magic in the town, including Vera's own father. But she did not mourn: for she believed that the path she was on was a righteous one, and that her father needed to die for the good of all Hakedians. It was Vera herself that executed him.

But life had a way of paying back. Everyone in the village thought that magic was something akin to a skill; it takes time to practice it, but everyone can if they tried. So they cracked down on those who would attempt to practice it, justifying it with their extreme ideals. But one day during one such raids, Vera had discovered her own abilities in magic. It was unintended, but she had managed to preform a spell, tearing a rift within herself to complete it. But this brought the attention of the Aether Wraiths, who were all too eager to take over her body. The attack did not last long, as her allies knew how to deal with such a thing, but when she recovered it came to light that she was a mage, just like the ones they've all been working to eliminate. Filled with confusion and a bit of madness, Vera fled before she could get captured, never to return to her home town ever again.

Overtime, after being haunted by nightmares brought about from the Aether Wraiths and from stewing in her own madness, she took on the mantle of the "Azure Knight", righting wrongs and saving others whether they wanted her to or not. She acted as a champion of the people, to be a physical representation of what she thought and still thinks that her occupation is like.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ontos
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Ontos なんですか。

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

I realised how weak my character is as compared to others.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Major Ursa
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Major Ursa Springy Ferret

Member Seen 15 days ago

Long CS always makes me feel underpowered...
Influx of female characters make me want to make a male character...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I finished Kwan

Dam I thought I was done and as all is so quiet and my Rp isn't even getting nibbles I needed to do something to amuse my Muse
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ontos
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Ontos なんですか。

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Well, I still think the sausages and the eggs are still balanced out. Relatively.

Unless someone is hiding something.
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