Avatar of ACHTUNG
  • Last Seen: 1 yr ago
  • Old Guild Username: -ACHTUNG-
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 422 (0.11 / day)
  • VMs: 1
  • Username history
    1. ACHTUNG 10 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

7 yrs ago
I broke my left ankle... Now I'm disabled...
7 yrs ago
Restarting that GuP thing from 10 months ago...
8 yrs ago
Found myself liking the experience of drinking a garden...
1 like
8 yrs ago
Making and world building a Girls und Panzer roleplay...
8 yrs ago
Got over building things and now am tearin em down...


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Most Recent Posts

Haruna, Kirishima

Haruna examines the black box for a few moments before coming up with an idea of where to store it...

"Kirishima, stop bothering that man and come over here..."

She said as she waves over Kirishima over as the latter complies with a curious expression...


She hummed...

"Would you mind keeping this?"

Haruna asked as she hands over the black box to her sister ship...

"Alright... So any particular choice of portal to enter?"

Agreed Kirishima as she stuffs the box into her coat pocket...

"I would go for the third one... Curiosity about seemingly anti-gravitic landmasses..."

"Well what are we waiting for then!?

"Just one thing..."

As Haruna says that a glowing flow of nanomaterials from her person pools up beside her before forming a miniature child sized version of her in a dress with accompanying slight decrease in her height...

"Mr. Entertainer, We will leave this little one in your care to provide instant and direct communications with you"

Haruna followed with a bow before joining her sister at the portal...

"Well here it goes~"

Kirishima exclaims as the both of them step into the portal, both pre-emptively putting more calculating power in their klein fields and sensors just in case...


Haruna, Kirishima

Haruna smiles at that...

"It would be prudent to accept this since even though the statistical chance that our reality would be duly affected by a conflict perpetrated by a finite amount of individuals given the possibly infinite amount of other realities that exist is conceptually nil... I'd have peace of mind as humans call it, that what we will do might keep Makie safe..."

"That... and we get to see new places... See new things and meet more people..."

Kirishima displays her excitement about this prospect with a wide grin on her face, a fact she's thankful for since she has spent way too long as Youtarou...

"Speaking of which... Hey Suzaku-san... What's a Nightmare Frame?"

And she displays a trait becoming more and more prevalent with those of the Fog which has mental models... Curiosity...

"As for lingering questions, you would note that there is two missing, and that is... How and When... How are we going to be of help to you and when are we expected to provide said help?"

Haruna adds...



"Nice to meet you Himura-san"

Risa greets as she gives the girl a warm smile...

"If there's one thing those magazines wont tell you about, probably... Is that I enjoy companionship, even if you are the silent sort... Kind of a side effect of my circumstances really..."

She takes a sip of water...

"That said there should be something you feel comfortable talking to others about... Maybe something about the medium you actually express yourself, If I'd hazard a guess, I think you're a painter..."

"Hmm... Ya know what Ris, I'd actually like to see how a painter's abilities manifest, maybe what they'd draw or paint on some magical sketchpad would become tangibly real or something like that..."

At first Risa entertained the thought but then dismissed it...

"Just so you do become a magical girl, I'd hope you don't get the ability the runt there described, I don't to see in the news headlines "Magical girl seriously injured in the middle of painting her weaponry into existence"... And on that note, I guess talking about Magical girls should be fine as well since you do seem to have at least an interest in them and I am one..."

Risa comments as she brings her focus back on Shizuri

Deployed: 1

Still Lisa this time...


Be more gentle next time...

Haruna, Kirishima

"For a person to have access to the infrastructure necessary to transport matter across different planes if reality and yet not have the most basic of intelligence gathering abilities is statistically improbable. In the case that is indeed true then this is my sister ship Kirishima and I am Haruna, any more than that would take too much time to relay such information through speech."

"Continuing... if your rogue agents are indeed your most elite and very likely have access to the same equipment you already posses and pose a threat to our home reality... What course of thinking leads you to believe that individuals such as him and us would be a problem for them to deal with"

Haruna moves to mention the new arrival giving him a quick nod...

"Furthermore if they have access to equipment that presumably could send unsavory things to our home reality, what would prevent them from just throwing us out into some random space out in the vastness of the cosmos? If you would recall you were able to send us here without us knowing and without anything physically being anywhere reasonably close to us..."

"Of note however is that as we are now, Kirishima and I are nowhere near our maximum capabilities."

And then something out of the norm from Haruna, she smirks... then adds...

"Well you did ask to be questioned... Now please... Entertain us..."

This actually earned her a questioning look from her sister...


I suppose your very descriptively titled RP is on hold now?
Just hit me that we've managed to pair up socially awkward and/or shy girls with those who aren't...
Surely this concentration of magical girls per unit volume of the city is not normal...
Write of simple little things, Put it into slice of life gear...


Haruna, Kirishima

"You feel it to right?"

"Yes, our distance from the rest of the joint tactical network is of a void value..."

"Meaning wherever we are, it's not on Earth..."

Such conversation happened within the direct quantum communication link between the two Fog mental models and within an infinitesimally small amount of time...

"Well I'll let you do questioning then, If I did it, we'd probably antagonize them"

"Good suggestion..."

"Standard set of questions then Mr. Entertainer... Why, What, Who, and Where... That is... Why us? What for? by Who? and Where to?"

Haruna replied in her usual stoic tone...

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