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    1. ADayOfHeroism 7 yrs ago


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@ADayOfHeroism "Libertist" instead of Captain America please....It keeps things consistent so that everyone isn't confused..

Fixed it. I. . . Probably should thoroughly read up on the details. My apologies for the slip up.
Transition from Queens, New York to Avengers Tower

"The audacity of those ungrateful simpletons. . ."began the beginning a long-winded ranting session as the individual made her way to her destination via swinging from one web to another.
"For two years I've leant my aid to them whenever they called. When they needed me, I was there. Now, I'm being treated like some accident-prone rookie who couldn't differentiate their posterior from their own head? The n e r v e. . ." Though on the surface of the stagnant blank-stare of her mask, Paris wore quite a scowl. The way the pitch of her voice dropped with distaste could've made it a dead give away, nonetheless. She felt entitled to be seen as an equal & superior amongst the team of Avengers. She had it all. Cunning, intellect, speed, power, skill, and good judgement.

Sure, she may have taken a life or two, but one was a psychopathic serial killer, and the other was under the process of going through with his death sentence. . . She merely helped in making certain it all went accordingly.
She may have also beat a dozen or two of criminals to an inch of their lives, but she knew enough restraint. They didn't die, but definitely required a long visit at a hospital.

There was also that one time the Avengers had suspicions of her possibly being a. . . {Skrull, I believe the Libertist said?} beings capable of assuming the appearance of anyone.
They demanded to run a test on her. She refused. Then they fought. {I remember hearing a strange, ominous voice.. Then taking the Libertist's shield to the face. Whose voice was that, anyways?}

As she traveled down memory lab within her subconscious, she maneuvered through the city. It was like second nature, she didn't need to put forth much focus to it. A routine well drilled into her mind, which had brought her within range to see the tower.
"Hmph." upon seeing that large "A" built into the upper level of the building, she was reminded of her disdain for her so called "team". Still, she kept on her merry way toward the agreed meeting place. Left, right -- she fired two more lines of web at two buildings adjacent of one another before shooting the third & final at the Avengers Tower logo for a powerful tug. Properly managing the trajectory of her body, her efforts led to her descending from about ten feet in the air, and down over the helipad-region of the roof. She landed into a crouched position, a hand clasping upon the solid surface.

She rised and made her way over to join the ever-growing crowd of vigilantes. For now, she would heed what they had to say. Maybe.. Just maybe this would turn out to be bigger than she expected.

•Name: Paris Parker
•Original/Canon: Reimagined Canon (Original)
•Alias: (Superior) Spider-Woman, Founder of Parker Industries
•Age: 21
•Gender: Female
•Sexuality: Changes like the seasons.

•Skills & Powers:
*Super Strength ~ Possessing the capability of lifting up to 17 tons.

*Wall climbing ~ Ability to easily stick to nearly any surface much like an actual spider.

*Spider-senses ~ A sixth sense that forewarns of incoming danger.

*Inhuman durability ~ Being able to withstand an unusual amount of physical punishment a normal individual wouldn't come close to living through

*High Intellect ~ Possessing a genius-level mind. Well versed in software & machine engineering, human DNA, and antidote development.

*Inhuman agility & flexibility ~ Superb level of nimbleness & acrobatics.

•Bio: { Born & raised in Queens, New York. After the death of her father, she was adopted by one of his most trusted researchers: Dr. Octavius, who later mysteriously died & left all of his inheritance to Paris.

Her father was a scientist who worked (perhaps unknowingly) for a shady organization. Dr.Otto Octavius was one of his colleagues. It is believed that Paris Parker's father made an astounding, yet terrifying discover while conducting research on a project he was assigned to. Not long after, he was assasinated. Perhaps for being reluctant to share his findings, though it's only speculation. The media introduced it as a random and unfortunate crime of murder & robbery. The briefcase containing his files had been looted from his person after being attacked out in the streets.

Dr. Octavius adopted her at the age of nine and raised her up till his death by an explosion -- another case of assasination. Or "an unforeseen malfunction" in his lab, according to the higher uppers.

Before her adoptive father's demise, Paris had been bitten by a genetically mutated spider and granted powers at the age of 16. It offered an opportunity to experience something different. She eventually crafted a suit and adopted a code-name, that being Spider-Woman. At first, it was merely for an occasional thrill to escape her bland ever-day life, but it became more consistent. It became a sense of duty to prevent heinous crimes. She gained several years of experience in crime fighting as time went on.

Around the time she turned 20 and graduated from college, Octavius met his end. She inherited his & her father's combined wealth, as well as his belongings. She was angry upon hearing the terrible news, but not blinded by rage. She used her new resources to improve her suit & tactics. She deemed the city far too unsafe and corrupt, thus it needed a firm hand to cleanse it.

In a year's worth of time, she obtained a multi-billion dollar company and private land off shore she named "Spider Island".

Better equipped & far more aggressive; she denounced her old ways & name. She was now Superior Spider-Woman. }

•Other: Web Shooters — a device she designed and built into the spider suit's gloves herself, which fires short bursts or lines of potent, artificial webbing.
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