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Interactions: Yasashi Hanabi (@Fading Memory)
Combat Actions: Standing By; Akeeta uses Dig

"Oh! I'm sorry; I never got the chance to introduce myself," Shaakira realized, turning to face Lady Hanabi again, "Shaakira el-Akbari. Nice to meet you."

Shaakira extended a hand towards Lady Hanabi, but before a handshake could be made, the wail of a stricken Tauros filled the air. Lady Hanabi had then immediately bolted south, but not before urging Shaakira to get inside where she'd be safe. Shaakira wondered what was going on, and wanted to follow Lady Hanabi so that she could find out. But she knew her priorities.

"C'mon Akeeta. Let's get this inside first before we do anything," she instructed the Parasect.


With the wagon of perfumes safely inside the market area of Saffron Village, Shaakira quickly gathered handful of perfumes to stock herself with: a few bottles of her famous Life Dew perfumes, some of the more standard variety and a mix of different ones that may or may not have been selling all that much, before flipping the sign she out front to say her shop was closed, and rushing out to catch up with Akeeta, who'd evidently gone on ahead to find the source of distress. Sure enough, as they both got past the south gate, they found it.

It looked as though the guards were fending off an Alpha Persian, and more than a few citizens and their Pokemon were giving what aid they could. What worried Shaakira was the sheer number of people that were fighting the Persian at once. Sure, an Alpha Pokemon could take a punch or two, but even they had their limits as far as withstanding a barrage of attacks went.

Still, Shaakira's concerns weren't worth bringing up while the Alpha Persian was rampaging like this. She'd be better off offering what services she could for the time being, and staying back from combat all the while.

"Is everyone OK?" Shaakira asked around, although she was looking specifically for the Tauros whose voice she heard earlier.

Meanwhile, Akeeta started to dig a tunnel underground. It knew it had to get close in order to fight the Alpha Persian effectively, and it knew it had to close the distance that it needed to safely. It kept tunneling its way towards the Persian, ready to strike at a moment's notice.

Interactions: Yasashi Hanabi (@Fading Memory)

Suddenly, hooves could be heard clopping towards the west gate, and in response to this, both the guards had changed their tunes completely. Shaakira could only guess that someone important was coming this way. Perhaps the Shogun himself? Or perhaps his right-hand man, or lady if that was the gender they had. In any case, now that she wasn't under so much pressure, Shaakira took the chance to calm herself down. She'd likely needed to not be so nervous when this Shogun/right-hand man or lady arrived at the scene.

"Just perfumes, ma'am?" the first guard asked for clarification.

"Yes, that's right," Shaakira replied, opting not to question the sudden change of tone.

"Apologies, but Shogun's orders," the guard stated, "Every cart searched for contraband, you understand."

But Shaakira still didn't understand; the subconscious shaking of her head made that perfectly clear. This was the guard that just accused her of trying to smuggle in something dangerous and harmful. And Shaakira was supposed to ignore that in its entirety, just because he may have had to answer to the person who was on their way here? And furthermore, was that search really necessary? Why could they not just trust a simple merchant who meant no harm to anyone? Was it honestly too much to ask of these guards?


Sure enough, what seemed to be the Shogun's right-hand lady arrived. After a brief exchange between her and both the guards, who reported what had transpired to her (bias included), the lady approached Shaakira.

"Your companion. It is protective of you, it seems," the lady noted, "I can understand that, I'm quite protective of Ajairu here myself- though he is hardly my own champion. You should cherish a Pokemon willing to protect you and your possessions like that. I apologize for any disturbance you faced, if you will please permit this man to finish the search, I would gladly escort you into the town myself. I am the Lady Hanabi, Lord under the Shogun. Times of war stress us all, and we should always do our best to handle ourselves with civility and politeness."

"Uh, please, there's no need for you to apologize," Shaakira assured Lady Hanabi, "If either of us should have to apologize, it should be me. Had I realized it'd acted so hastily sooner, then..."

Furious by the accusation, Akeeta slashed at thin air, bringing its claws towards its claws towards itself each time. Just from the snatching motions it'd been making, Shaakira could tell what it was trying to convey, but still...

"Not everyone's a burglar, Akeeta. Well, I hope not, at least..." Shaakira bent down to make proper eye contact with the smaller Parasect, "The point is, humans are much more complicated creatures than you guys are, and in truth, more than a handful of us are actually well-intentioned. I get that you need to make a rapid decision sometimes, and you have good instincts; I should know, you saved me more times than I'd care to count. But this is one of those situations where you need to take your time."

Akeeta glowered a little, but it looked as though it came to a silent understanding.

Meanwhile, the guards had taken the opportunity to search Shaakira's caravan. They did prioritize speed with this next attempt, but it still had an acceptable level of thoroughness to it. With that, the guard that'd originally halted Shaakira reported to Lady Hanabi, the second one bowing alongside him.

"She's clear to enter, Lady Hanabi," the first guard reported, his long bow still in conduct, "Please, forgive any transgressions we may have made."

Having left the Viridian Settlement behind a long while ago, Shaakira el-Akbari could see Saffron Village along the horizon. This was supposedly where the so-called "real money" was; judging by the rumors that she heard along the way, fellow merchants had had a lot of success, especially niche merchants such as Shaakira was aspiring to be. Soon, Shaakira herself would be among them. Her excitement was building just from the thought of it alone. She couldn't wait to get there.

Shaakira's recently evolved Akeeta, however, couldn't wait for the go-ahead to rest up. It had been forcing itself to pull an encumbered wagon with it for miles now, and was beginning to lose its strength as the day wore on. Shaakira's smile vanished momentarily as she looked back, and she saw how the poor Parasect was fearing with towing the caravan along.

"I'm sorry, Akeeta; I guess I overdid it after all..." Shaakira realized, "We're almost there though, just a little more to go."

Akeeta was not amused but, supposing there was nothing for it, it kept going.


Eventually, the two of them had made it to the west gate. There were two guards there, sternly watching over it. Shaakira thought nothing of it at first, but as she and Akeeta got closer to the gate itself...

"Hold it!" the first guard held his palm out in front of Shaakira, "We need to search your caravan before you enter."

Shaakira obliged for the moment, and took the time to relinquish Akeeta of its harness while the guard signaled for his partner to go around the back and take a look inside. Akeeta was skeptical of this second guard; he was sure taking his time back there and Akeeta didn't like it. It raised its claws and rushed to try and fend this guard off but, seeing that the first one had gripped his Pokeball and was about to throw it, Shaakira clambered her way in front of Akeeta to protect it from whatever was about to go down.

"Wait, NO!! Please, don't hurt it," Shaakira pleaded with the guard, "It's only trying to protect my wares."

"From what? A mandatory search?" the guard queried in a grizzly tone; he'd since returned the Pokeball to his belt, but he folded his arms as his brow furrowed, and looked down on Shaakira, "Seems to me like you have something to hide back there..."

"Wha-? N-no, I..." Shaakira's nerves were now starting to waver, "There's only perfumes back there. I assure you, th-that's all I have."

"You realize how easy it is to slip a bottle of poison or the like in among one's supplies?"

"Why would I...? I couldn't possibly... L-look, I don't want to hurt anyone; I just... I-I..."

"Ugh, good grief..."

The guard shook his head in disappointment. It was obvious, to him anyway, that Shaakira was yet another foreign traveler who didn't understand the way things worked in Saffron Village. And to some extent, he'd be right. She didn't understand what was going on, nor did she understand why this was happening to her, of all people. Supposing he'd best get this over with, the guard moved off to one side and looked over toward the back of the caravan that was in the middle of being searched.

"Well? Anything suspicious?" he asked his partner.
Posting here so that (most of) the rest of you guys know who I am. Reth and I had been discussing possibilities for a merchant that I'd like to play as yesterday, and I'd like to get started on making said merchant today.

Unsurprisingly, Mehetabel just had to have the worst amount of luck. She already found two Imperials together with no way to hide from either of them and, unbeknownst to her for the moment, there would be a third that could spot her should she attempt to engage either of them. This called for a new plan of attack... which meant she'd have to try and retreat...


...except before she could take a step anywhere, the glorified idiot-in-charge decided on a whim to shoot a guy; the one thing that was never meant to happen in a stealth operation. Then the other guy died before Mehetabel could possibly react. The third soldier that was there had presumably been dealt with as well, just to rub salt into her wounds.

"Oh, I just love it when a plan gets pissed all over! Makes my day just so much brighter!" her words rich with bitter irony, Mehetabel ripped a rifle off from one of the nearby corpses, before frisking that corpse for any additional bullets and stuffing the ones she found in one pocket, "I'm taking these."

Quite literally running on fumes, Mehetabel trudged down the pathway to the nearby dugout. Evidently, one of her supposed allies had seemingly thought to explore that same dugout, so the hope of ditching everyone wasn't in the cards for her. But she could expect a distinct trio of possibilities as to what could be waiting at the end of the dugout:

A.) An NCO. Probably with another grunt or two patrolling the route to be on the safe side. This would be the perfect scenario; she could kill the grunt(s) to let off some steam, and then cut off one head to possibly scare the NCO into surrendering and coming quietly. A perfect plan for a bloodthirsty psychopath like Mehetabel to execute, if said bloodthirsty psychopath didn't say so herself.

B.) A trap. That wouldn't be surprising considering this was a trench full of dirty Imps she was dealing with, but in all technicality, it was worth concern nonetheless. Still, it could be worse. After all, the machine gun was specifically designed with crowd control in mind. As such, Mehetabel wouldn't be trapped with the dirty Imps; they'd be trapped with her.

C.) A dead end. No doubt the worst possible outcome of the three, as that meant all that exploration would be a waste of time; time that the raiding party no longer had. There would also be no doubt that Mehetabel would be even more furious than she already was.

She took but a single moment to ensure no-one would come up from behind her before pressing forward, machine gun raised and trigger finger at the ready for whatever lay ahead of her at the end. There was only one way to find out after all...

Interactions: Victoria White (@Smike)
Before The Mission

"Yeah, I bet," Mehetabel glowered over the thought of it. What Victoria had said was so true; there were way too many NCOs wanting to raise through the ranks, as if this was supposed to be a mere corporate ladder. They already had Cpt. Middleton as the man in charge of leading the platoon; wasn't the kissing of his ass enough for them? That's what angered Mehetabel most about chain of command.

She looked down at her pint, and sculled down the rest of it. She didn't know why she ordered it to begin with; after all, it was never gonna ease the burden that was her rising anger. But then again, it was a consistent action she undertook every time she finished her training for the day or was summoned for the briefing of a mission. It was clockwork at this point.

"Well, thanks for giving me my drink back anyway," Mehetabel tossed the glass back Vicotria's way as she said this, "I might see you when the mission actually gets off the ground..."

With that, Mehetabel went back to base. She had a loadout to revise, and just enough time to do exactly that and nothing else.


Mehetabel already announced to the others that she was gonna take her Typhoon Mk II machine gun, and she had every intention to stick with that ultimate decision. But this time she affixed a strap to the aforementioned gun and pulled said strap over her shoulder. This way, the machine gun would be on her back, but still positioned in a way that it was easy to reach if she needed it. But it would stay there for as much of the mission's time as she could afford it to stay there, ideally only being used for emergencies.

She then closely examined the other gun she'd chosen to be issued to her; a Levnette Pistol. Mehetabel hated handguns; she was never comfortable with them, and she'd much rather have a rifle, a shotgun and or any other two-handed firearm. But this was supposedly the best gun of the worst type. She'd have to get used to the feeling of it eventually, that she knew more than anything. But not this time. This was a stealth mission, and any firearm shot by any soldier was more than loud enough to give away that soldier's position; it didn't matter what that firearm was, exactly. As such, Mehetabel might as well have stuck with the firearm she could count on to actually get her out of a jam if things ever went south. She tossed the pistol aside, and looked through her bag.

It was here that she found her trusty hatchet. She could swing it. She could throw it. And most importantly, she could make a dirty Imp bleed with it. It was perfect. A shame, then, that Mehetabel didn't have a second one. She might have to see if she could liberate a second melee weapon from someone; preferably one that she could also throw. Hell, Mehetabel was even willing to accept a second of Michael's shovels if he had one to spare. She took a few seconds to ponder over the acquisition of a second melee weapon, but figured she'd cross that bridge when she came to it and kept searching the bag and her pockets. Perhaps there were some auxiliary items that could benefit her in some way, should she bring them along with her. Two of such items had inspired her.

The first was the box of matches that she offered up during the game of cards. Mehetabel had no medical expertise, and her mindset was far off from the correct one to learn about such treatment. But she did hear of a theory that one could extract the gunpowder of one bullet, pour it over any wound a soldier had suffered in the line of fire and set it aflame in order to cauterize said wound, and those matches reminded her of that exact theory. The Imperial soldiers that her team was supposed to keep alive would be the perfect guinea pigs for a practical application now that she thought of it, and even if it proved unable to hold water as a viable medical procedure, she'd use it as a torture strategy instead.

The second was an empty water canteen. If she could wash away any blood stains from any injuries she was more than likely to inflict, Mehetabel might just be able to eliminate her presence there, which would be ideal for a stealth mission such as this. She was originally thinking she could just splash some water over said blood stains, but if it looked like blood and flowed across the soil like blood...

That inkling of doubt alone was enough for Mehetabel to reconsider. She brewed some hot coffee and poured it in a flask, opting to take that instead of the canteen that originally inspired her thought process. A different colored liquid was more likely to disguise the blood stains successfully, especially if it also had a different smell to it.

Satisfied with her revised loadout, Mehetabel set out to join her squad-mates in No Man's Land.

During The Mission

This was it. Mehetabel's first official mission since she transferred platoons. An entire array of new faces. And yet somehow almost the exact same assortment of personalities that were all jumbled together. Allies that were weary of her. An NCO that was trying too hard to reign her in. A lot she had to prove to everyone around her. Those feelings felt as though they were a mere day apart.

Suddenly, Mehetabel started to receive a hangover. This caused her to immediately regret sculling that pint earlier, and be thankful that she brewed some hot coffee earlier and that the flask that contained it was able to keep it warm. She unscrewed the flask's cap so she could take a sip, and then screwed it back on and put it away again, hoping to all hell that single sip of coffee would be enough to relieve the hangover. There was no telling how much she needed to reserve for what she brought it for in the first place.

Cpt. Middleton said a few words to the team that Mehetabel was half-listening to. Mehetabel had a feeling that very little would be said that couldn't have been said during the briefing itself; perhaps most of it already was. But she figured she should give him some attention at least, divided as it would be. He seemed to have a 'don't-fuck-with-me' vibe to him after all.

No doubt the sergeant would want to address the group next. Mehetabel could've stuck around and, if he said anything that contradicted Cpt. Middleton's words, reminded him that Middleton outranked him in a quippy, sarcastic manner. But she had too much to prove to everyone to fool around like that, and risk getting worked up over some trivial bullshit. First, she had to prove that she could take this mission seriously. She also had to prove that she could approach it intelligently and resourcefully, and not just foolishly cast herself off to die. And to prove that she was more than capable of getting results, even if she'd prove herself to be a loose cannon. But most importantly of all, Mehetabel had to prove to everyone out here that her bloodlust was a necessary evil in the battlefield.

And so, without the slightest fraction of a second's delay, Mehetabel went into the trenches ahead of everyone else. She felt better off working this whole mission alone, and she'd be damned if she were to let any one of the others get in her way.
Just waiting for the mission to get underway, but otherwise chilling.
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