Avatar of aeuternus
  • Last Seen: 8 yrs ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 134 (0.05 / day)
  • VMs: 1
  • Username history
    1. aeuternus 8 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

8 yrs ago
Current It's so nice that people are advertising their kitchenware and universities, brings a tear to my eye (':
8 yrs ago
dear lawnmower: you've been outside for 5 hours. we have one little patch of grass outside our house. please go away. sincerely, me.
8 yrs ago
when you realise you've been reading someones username wrong the entire time ><, i'm blind as hell
8 yrs ago
Who needs a healthy functioning relationship when you can hog all the covers to yourself instead :3c.
8 yrs ago
Officially no longer a college student :3c. Got my computer science qualifications today, hello freedom ;u;


I'm aeut. I'm a young adult with no life who loves cute things too much.

Name - Unscramble RIKIA.
Age - Confidential.

Favourite Color - Pink
Favourite Food - Tofu
Favourite Sport - No

I have a twin sister who's also on the site.
I tend to roleplay in Casual, but I will do high free.
I graduated from college with a degree in computer science.
I have an unhealthy obsession with pixel art.
I'm engaged to the cheesiest guy to ever exist.
In my spare time I drink coffee and draw a lot.
I'm obsessed with taking selfies.
But no, I'm not going to post one on here.
I like to have inside jokes with people.
I like to write anything from short stories to novels.
But of course they never get published anywhere except fanfic sites.
I mostly dabble in fantasy original stories and any and all fanfiction.
So long as I like the thing you will most likely find fanfic I write.
I update my bio way too much.

Most Recent Posts

Ooh, Interested.

That first image reminded me of big hero 6 oopsidaisy
My shitty wifi went out for like, the entire day, so I couldn't move things forward like I'd hoped ;;. It's back now so I'll get to work on typing up a post 8D
@Termott Same tbh, Luna is so foemjfoewjtijtwloj SQUISH but omg those dating sims.. Or like one of those games where Luna is the mc that everyone picked on but suddenly :OOOO Prophecy!!!! Then everyone protects the squishy bab

I don't usually use that emote lol someone kick me
I'm still here. Just have nothing to post. It has been rather quiet as of late.
@BlueAjah Glad to see you're still with us 8D. Ugh, overwatch, my fiance got that a few days ago and some dude recorded him playing because apparently he did "really well" and it ended up on youtube. Now he won't stop bragging e^e.
@Zardoric Whilst I do like the endgame idea, I never intended for this to properly have an 'endgame' (unless it survives long enough to see the school year end which is unlikely lol). If you can't post within the next 15 hours or so then you'll probably have to be late to the party, that's around the time I plan on moving things along.

@Major Ursa Or a camping trip in the slender forest 8D

@Buddha Will do. I think most people are in the same boat, but I just wanna give anyone who's finishing something the time to do so :3c.
@Buddha Pfft. I do really like that idea though, I wonder if it could work...
@Buddha Why has my precious bby gotta die ;;. I love my chars like theyre my children.
@Buddha you know, I actually kinda like that lmao. Like all the teachers and the rest of the students are like.. idk, NPCs? Hallucinations? Yeah, I really like that idea. Aside from the dying part.
@Buddha I don't know whether to be amused or very concerned...
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