Avatar of Aewin


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2 yrs ago
Secured myself two interviews next week and waiting on the outcome of a third, feeling good today ๐Ÿ’•
4 yrs ago
I think there are far more important things to worry about than people calling their characters "muses".
5 yrs ago
Imagine how sad your life must be to flex on some nerds online.
6 yrs ago
nuke the status bar
7 yrs ago
I passed my exams!


a e w i n
also known as the weirdo that fangirls a lot
โ€ข annie โ€ข 26 โ€ข united kingdom โ€ข


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a collab between @Spooner & @Aewin


Pressing the button calling the elevator to his floor, Frankie caught the eye of his own reflection. His perfectly planned messy hair didnโ€™t quite look right, so as he stood there fiddling with it he almost missed the โ€˜dingโ€™ announcing the arrival of his metal chariot. He let out a deep sigh when the doors finally started to close. But suddenly a faint voice could be heard shouting out โ€œHold the doors please!โ€. The redhead shot his arm out to make the doors slowly open again.

As the doors opened, Yasmin realized too late that the person inside was none other than the one person she was not yet ready to meet. "Ah, thank you.โ€ She ducked into the elevator, social etiquette making it too late for her to change her mind. Anyway, whether now or later, eventually theyโ€™d have to meet, right?

Frankieโ€™s eyes widened in shock, what were the odds? He opened his mouth to say something, but the only sound that left him was a weird throat noise so he quickly closed it again shuffling closer to his sides wall trying to create some space between them.

Yasmin and Frankie stood in the elevator, a lot closer than expected in the cramped metal space despite standing on their sides of the elevator. For the first time in her life, the chatty woman had no words to quell the silence between them.

How funny, when only two months ago she couldnโ€™t stop talking.


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A deep sigh of relief escaped Franklin as he entered the warmth of the cocktail bar coming in from the spring shower going on outside. Instantly his glasses fogged up as he blindly made his way towards the bar. He made sure that he was securely sitting on the bar stool before he took the fogged glasses to clean them.

โ€œHi there! What can I get you sweetie?โ€ a voice called out

The redhead jerked his face upward almost as he had heard a ghost.
โ€œOh shi- You scared me!โ€
he blurted out. The bartender; a young perky blonde smiled โ€œDo I really look that terrible?โ€ Frankieโ€™s eyes widened โ€œNo, no.. Uh.. no Iโ€ฆโ€ he stuttered helplessly pointing towards the glasses in his hands he was frantically wiping with a napkin.

She raised a manicured eyebrow at him โ€œHoneyโ€ฆ Iโ€™m surrounded by mirrors, I know what I look like. Can I get you anything to drink?โ€ she smiled again, winking at him this time.

Frankie let out a chuckle shaking his head โ€œWell in that caseโ€ฆ a vodka Russian?โ€ She nodded and got to work. As the focus got turned away from him he took the opportunity to check his phone. The reason he was even at this bar on a Wednesday was because his old school friend Yasmin had asked to meet her tonight, apparently something had happened and she needed to talk. They had connected recently since they both worked in fashion so Yas had hired him recently to help out with a recent collection shoot and they found out they lived kind of close to each other. According to the latest text from Yas she was 5 minutes away. So Franklinโ€™s eyes were aimed at the door so as not to miss her.

There was no need for Frankie to be looking at the door, because not long after his arrival came Yasmin, announcing her arrival with a quick call of his name by the door. She shuffled over to him, careful not to trip on her heels to meet him by the bar.

"Frankie! You're an absolute life saver, you are." Yasmin sighed, reaching over to give him a one armed hug as she placed her clutch on the bar top. Only once she was settled she turned to the bartender, giving the young blond the brightest smile she could muster before ordering herself a screwdriver.

"It was driving me mad, staying home tonight. So what if it's raining? A little rain shouldn't stop anybody." Words spewed out of her mouth like a waterfall, as though she could barely control herself as she made it through her checklist of small talk. It was only when the bartender slid over Yasmin's drink did she realize the word vomit.

With a sigh and a sheepish smile sent Frankie's way, Yasmin started speaking once again. "I'm sorry, Frankie. I should be asking how you're doing. How are you doing?"

Frankie, who had not gotten a word in since Yasmin had sat down just nodded along sipping his drink through the metal straw, so when the sudden question came from Yas he sputtered and dribbled some vodka Russian down his chin. โ€œOhโ€ฆ you knowโ€ฆ Stressed. Youโ€™ve worked with Anna.โ€ he smiled as he dabbed himself with another napkin.

โ€œMore importantly, what did you want to talk about? Another campaign coming up you need help with?โ€ he asked, giving his drink another try.

Yasmin was silent for a moment, something that was quite uncharacteristic for her. She was playing with her fingers, her drink, the lock of her clutch, anything that she could reach in order to distract herself. The discomfort was obvious in the expression on her face. "You remember Liam, right?" She started. Not long after the two had reunited, Yasmin had invited Frankie to meet her and Layla for a little dinner party to catch up at Yasmin's place. "We broke up. Last month."

She stirred her drink with the little plastic spoon distractedly as she continued. "It's kinda why I dropped off the face of the planet recently. I've just finished moving into my new place." Finally she was able to look at Frankie, another apologetic look on her face. "Again, I'm sorry for ghosting you after the Spring collection shoot, I should've given you a heads-up. I know you're a busy guy..."

The man sat in silence for a moment after Yas broke the news โ€œWellโ€ฆโ€ he began, shifting a little in his seat โ€œThatโ€™s too badโ€ฆ he seemed like a nice enough dude.โ€ Frankie offered. To be completely honest he didnโ€™t really feel like he had such a huge stake in this situation since the redhead had really only met Liam that one time. โ€œUh.. you ok then?โ€ he berated himself internally, obviously she wasnโ€™t ok since she just explained she had dropped off the earth because of it โ€œI mean, was it you knowโ€ฆ mutual?โ€ he asked not really knowing where to go with this.

Yasmin was unable to stop the smile from appearing on her face at Frankie's awkward fumbling. It was charming in its own way. Though Yasmin wasn't the closest with Frankie growing up, she knew enough of him through mutual friends at the time to know that some things never changed. "Yeah, it was. But-!" Yas inhaled sharply, before comically blowing the air out of her mouth and continuing, "Now that we're here, no more moping. Work stuff can wait till tomorrow, for now we enjoy the night and catch up?" She raised her drink in Frankie's direction, hoping the switch in topic would ease the poor redhead some more.

Obviously she didnโ€™t want to talk about it and Frankie had no interest in prying so he just shrugged it off and called the bartender over to order them another round. As the drinks arrived he rested his head on his fist looking at the friend sitting in front of him. โ€œSo you going back home for this reunion thing?โ€ he asked as he slowly raised his drink to his mouth while taking a sip. โ€œI donโ€™t know if I want toโ€ฆโ€ he thought about the people back home that had made his teen years hell, why would he want to go back and see them? โ€œThen again Lili would kill me if I didnโ€™t go.โ€ he mused.

"You don't want to go?" There was a pout to Yasmin's voice that sounded strangely like a wounded puppy. "But look at you! You look HOT, fire, every synonym in between! Who wouldn't wanna show off a glow up this great?" She stopped her barrage of compliments to take a less-than-graceful chug of her drink, "Everyone's almost in their thirties now, surely the assholes that tormented you have grown up just as you did. It'll be nice to see old friends, see where life has taken people. Plus... wouldn't it be nice to show off a little?"

Frankie was taken aback by Yas's outburst, obviously he knew that he had changed for the better since highschool. He had worked really hard to look the way he did and heโ€™d be lying if a small part of him didnโ€™t want to crash into that reunion and scream โ€˜LOOK AT ME KNOW YOU FUCKERS!โ€™. But he just sighed โ€œThanks Yasโ€ฆ No I donโ€™t knowโ€ Frankie straightened up fixing the shirt he had flung over his a little too tight t-shirt. โ€œSo youโ€™re definitely going then?โ€ he asked, finishing up his drink.

Yasmin's eyes naturally drifted, her attention drawn by the shirt before she forcefully pulled her eyes up to look at Frankie's face. Her cheeks reddened slightly, but she hid the warmth by downing the last of her drink as though she was suddenly parched. "Hell yeah, I miss hanging with my loves, Vann and Max. God, the three of us together again? Do you really want to miss out on that trainwreck?" She teased him.

He let out a chuckle โ€œI guess youโ€™ll have to walk me through that trainwreckโ€ฆ you seem to have forgotten that I spent most of my days at kings out back by the dumpstersโ€ฆ mostly trying to get out of themโ€ he shot her a huge smile. โ€œLu can tell you how many times she had to pick old fries out of my hair.โ€ he laughed fondly at the memories now that he had processed the situation after years of therapy.

โ€œSo anywayโ€ฆ whatโ€™ve you been up toโ€ฆ you know besides, gettingโ€ฆ dumped?โ€ the burly man blurted out. Internally he was scolding himself, outwardly he rearranged his face into a composed expression of interest.

Yasmin let out a snort at Frankieโ€™s โ€˜delicateโ€™ way of putting things. โ€œI guess being dumped wasnโ€™t the most exciting thing thatโ€™s happened so far. Iโ€™m thinking of expanding Yaswim. I donโ€™t want to be stuck doing the same things over and over again, so I was thinking about going into loungewear. The comfy off-duty model look is all the rage online.โ€

The move from swimwear to other avenues scared her. Her choice to start with swimwear was personal, something she was still passionate about. Her loyal customers loved the philosophy behind Yaswim, but would they accept the expansion? The initial concepts were looking promising but could she be certain? Yasmin turned to Frankie, โ€œHey, I have the first samples of some of the new designs yet to come out. Would you like to come over and see? Give your thoughts and such?โ€ Yasmin asked.

Nodding his head Frankie slurped down the last of his drink โ€œOh sure, letโ€™s do it!โ€ he flagged down the bartender one last time making a check sign in the air. After paying their bill he jumped of his stool, putting on his bomber jacket. โ€œYou want to head out?โ€

Yasmin nodded as well, pulling on her jacket before leading Frankie out the doors. Yasmin's new apartment was barely a few blocks from the cocktail bar. Despite the rain, Yasmin insisted on doing the few minute run as the Uber was simply unnecessary. "It's not like the rain is that bad." Foolproof logic, she thought.

When they finally did arrive at her place, they were greeted by the excited barks of two fluffy border-collies. Yasmin found herself fighting off an excited cuddle from her grey baby. "Chili, no- I don't want to have to give you a bath." The threat was enough for the dogs to simmer down, but the two lingered close as Yasmin took both her and Frankie's coats.

He thanked her as she walked away with his jacket. Frankie pulled at his shirt that was now wet and uncomfortably sticking to his body. If he was at home he would simply take the shirt and his equally wet chinos off and walk around in his underwear but seeing as he and Yasmine had just re-kindled their friendship he thought he would spare her that sight. Instead focused his sights on the happy dogs jumping at his feet. Kneeling down he enveloped himself in their fur petting and hugging as much as was socially acceptable.

After making drinks for herself and Frankie and offering warm towels and blankets, the two settled on her couch with designs scattered around them. She described her ideas as well as showed them. She even had samples of materials sitting around for them to judge together. If there was one thing Yasmin could appreciate, it was Frankieโ€™s impeccable eye for good fashion. She trusted his judgment, noting down any adjustments needed to make her idea flourish.

Yasmin sighed happily as she felt a weight being lifted from her shoulders. She could never talk about her work like this with Liam. They never seemed to be on the same page. But with Frankie, things were so easy. As the night grew later, Yasmin found herself closing the space between them on the couch, eager to listen to Frankie but the sight was getting harder to ignore.

Her eyes drifted from his face, lingering on his toned arms barely showing through the damp shirt of his. Only recently did Yasmin realize her budding feelings for her new friend. She wasnโ€™t sure if it was a result of the breakup and Frankie just being around at the right time, but for now, it felt right. As she got distracted appreciating Frankie in the dim lights of her apartment, Yasmin leaned closer. Like though she was being pulled on a string, she closed the space between them and finally pressed her lips to his gently.

Frankie's body stiffened when he felt Yasmin put her body on his. If you had asked his teenage self he would have said that he would have wanted nothing more than to be kissing Yasmin. But nowโ€ฆ it just felt wrong. They had been drinking, and Yasmin had just broken up with her boyfriend. He felt like he was taking advantage of the situation so before he got too into the kiss he gently pushed her away.

โ€œUhโ€ฆ Iโ€ he started running a hand through his hair scrambling to stand up. โ€œI shouldโ€ฆ get goingโ€ฆ I thinkโ€ฆโ€ he looked around skittishly. โ€œNot thatโ€ฆ uh.. it's just thatโ€ฆ You knowโ€ he let out a small nervous laugh โ€œVery nice collection Yas, Iโ€™ll find my way out!โ€ he blurted making his way towards the exit grabbing his jacket as he escaped into the night.

Nothing was more sobering than watching Frankie run from her apartment as though heโ€™d touched a diseased rat. He was gone before she could even apologize for kissing him so suddenly. Had her feelings been unreciprocated? That she'd thought there was more to their friendship than there actually was? The weight that left her previously set in again as she realized how badly sheโ€™d fucked up. One mistake and sheโ€™d ruined a friendship sheโ€™d come to cherish. She leaned forward, her head cradled in her hands as she felt herself crumble from the rejection.

It was only a four hour flight.

She could handle that, right?

Yasmin Macar's foot tapped against the cabin floor, impatience written all over her face. Or was it worry? Perhaps it was neither, perhaps she was feeling the effects of her third vodka shot. Only God was to tell.

Her book laid discarded, bought for the flight. Layla pestered her into reading itโ€” a trashy romance novel that was Layla's obsession of the month. Yasmin had found it in the airport booksellers, the typical hunky man with abs like freshly baked buns glossed with the world's silkiest butter standing on the cover of the book. Yasmin attempted the novel, even getting as far as reaching the halfway point. It was only when her eyes skimmed a particular paragraph where she found herself suddenly pulled away from the fantasy.

Sometimes my brain struggled to remember that we were just friends. She'd never dated, never even hinted that she wanted to. She'd never given me a longing glance. Never started at my mouth like she wondered what it tasted like. But my hands, not once, stopped wanting to reach for hers.

It wasn't perfect, but it hit too close to home. Yasmin tossed the novel back into her carry on, hot face first so the abs couldn't tempt her again. She even flagged down the flight attendant, asking for a flat white to wake her up from the pre-hangover headache she felt building behind her eyes.

'Remember why you're going.' Yasmin thought of Vann, of Max and even Luna whom she hadn't even seen for a while. It was going to be a lovely weekend. It had to be, with the whole gang back together. Drinks and laughs with old friends, reminiscing about times long gone. She was going to have fun, and look fucking amazing while at it.

'That's it, keep convincing yourself. Maybe he'll notice.' Thank you, intrusive thought.

The flight landed exactly 26 minutes later. Yasmin watched the clock on her fitness tracker the entire time, lost in nostalgia. The temptation to touch that book never returned afterwards, much to her relief. She tucked the book away as far deep into her carry on she could manage, hoping that that would help the anxiety disappear just the same.

It worked, for a while.

Key West international airport was only a fifteen minute drive from the airport, but with the alcohol in her system, she decided to Uber it instead.

The entire time the New York native stayed glued to her phone, promising Layla that she had landed safely and she was on her way to the hotel. She held off on calling Layla, realising that the poor Uber driver wouldn't appreciate listening to the word vomit seasoned with anxiety from another tipsy woman in his backseat. If she was even given the opportunity, she knew she wouldn't be able to stop.

She learnt that the hard way.

Arriving at the hotel, Yasmin tipped her Uber driver before wandering into the lobby. She checked in with the concierge behind the counter before making her way to her suite, a cute assistant following after her with her luggage in his hands. Not that she was carrying muchโ€” she thought, but Yasmin could see the poor boy huffing from the corner of her eye by the time they arrived at her door. Like her driver, she tipped the lad for his efforts.

Her room looked gorgeous. With its slick and clean design and comforting colour scheme, it no doubt earned its claims of luxury. Yasmin tested her bed, sighing at the softness of the mattress. It almost made her want to kick off her heels and take a nap.

But the coffee in her system said no.

Instead, Yasmin pulled herself away from the bed and back to her luggage where she could start to unpack. Though she still looked good in her blue vest and shorts, comfortable for traveling, it wasn't good enough as a party look. No way.

This would be the first time a lot of her old peers would be seeing her. Most of them remembered Yasmin Macar as the bigger Macar twin with a penchant for causing trouble for attention. She wanted to look good, show off a little for once.

It was for that reason she chose a dress with a romantic neckline. She wore a red ruched dress with fun puffy sleeves to show off her evolved sense of style with some strappy black heels. The heels made her feel wobbly, especially considering she'd already pregamed on the plane, but damn did she feel they make her legs look good. At least if she decided to check out the pool, she was ready.

With her hair slicked back into a half-up, half down look and her makeup touched up, Yasmin took one last look at herself in the mirror. She gave her reflection a wink, allowing a confident smile to brighten her face before she left her room for an evening of only good vibes.

no fair you guys getting to snipe all the ladies while us Europeans sleep ๐Ÿ˜ญ

if the girls are still uncapped, I'll claim Hande Ercel (tentative claim) as a fc otherwise I'll go look at cute guys once I'm actually awake

@Hey Im Jordan @LovelyComplex @Fabricant451

I really didn't expect a candy cane so I was pleasantly surprised to see that pm in my inbox. Thank you to whoever sent it and I wish you warm hugs and a great new years too! โ™ฅ
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