Avatar of Afina
  • Last Seen: 5 yrs ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1340 (0.41 / day)
  • VMs: 1
  • Username history
    1. Afina 9 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

9 yrs ago
Spotify has a unique sense of humor, let's see how this plays out.
9 yrs ago
Time to decide if I keep writing this story or to stop, only time will tell.
9 yrs ago
Happy All Saints Day
9 yrs ago
Oh so done with today, time to sleep ~passes out on the keyboard~ djeicjdjsididjdk
9 yrs ago
If you knock on my door in costume and are over 15.. I will so give you candy, lol The older tue more I fork over, :p


Now known as @Lady Amalthea

Most Recent Posts

The captain groaned as she looked around.

"Gorram pilot is gone now too?" she screamed before kicking the wall and shaking her head. This was turning out to be one rotten trip, perhaps the Reavers would have been easier to deal with. Turning she noticed one of her crew was sprawled out on the floor, out cold due to the crash.

"Ugh," she muttered as she headed out of the room and into the kitchen area. Filling a big pitcher with water and ice she stormed back. Taking the pitcher she dumped the freezing water on top of the man and stood back.

"Wake up!" she bellowed quickly.
I will be posting come Monday, busy week and busier weekend coming up so have to focus on the rps I am hosting. But a post is coming, lol
"Good! It's on me!" Shela exclaimed as he looked around. She was just about to head into the tavern when a large brute of a man with a wiry bear came crashing out of the doors of the tavern and sprawled out before the group with his face planted firmly into the gravel and dirt. Over a dozen men came rushing out after him and formed a circle around the man, taunting him as he spat the ground out of his mouth.

Slowly from the dark entrance to the tavern the figure of a woman appeared. Long raven hair with streaks of silver falling well past her shoulders tilted her head to the side and peered a the man through her ocean blue eyes. She look long strides in high heeled boots and her face, though older, seemed to hold a beautiful regal youth and life to it.

"One does not place his hands on a lady without her permission," the woman said in a calm and commanding voice. Shela was laughing at the man with his face covered in dirt but as the woman spoke her eyes widened some and she spun around on her thick feet.

"By the day, if it ain't be the queen of the sea! Regalia, I see you still be kicking much an ass," Shela laughed as he wobbled over to the woman. The woman smile and knelt down, hugging Shela tight, carefully avoiding the spikes of the dwarfs armor.

"And by the seas, I see you that you are still as brash as ever my old friend," Regalia said in a kind voice before standing back up straight. "What brings you to these parts?" Regalia asked curious.

"Long story, care for a drink?" Shela asked.

"I would never deny my oldest friend, especially not after the stunt you pulled with that dragon," Regalia chuckled softly before holding up a finger. "If you would excuse me for a moment, I do have some unfinished business to take care of before I join you."

"Not stopping you," Shela laughed as she hefted her pack onto her back. "I be inside," she quipped before toddling off. "Come on folk, let's drink!"
Sorry for not posting, I will one Monday most likely. Getting caught up in some other rps between prepping for a party I have to host on Sunday, so this week has been crazy.
I'll be posting today to wake you up, sorry been a busy week ><
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