Avatar of AimeChambers
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  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1465 (0.49 / day)
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    1. AimeChambers 8 yrs ago
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7 yrs ago
And by answering 1x1's today I mean tomorrow because I'm sleeping the day away.
7 yrs ago
Gonna try my best to answer 1x1's today!
7 yrs ago
7 yrs ago
Finally got around to finishing the new season of BBC Sherlock. Oh Bollocks!
7 yrs ago
When all you crave is ramen... but you've already eaten it for your last two meals!


Hi there! I am Aime (aw-EEE-meh) and I'm an addict to collabs and OC creation! I have a forum called 'My Personal Unfinished Business' if you wanna check it out. I'm currently doing some danganronpa rps while slowly working on rebooting my own rp 'Folly of a Felicitous Prince', check it out! It's like, 3:00 AM right now, so I might just be a litttttttle bit tired happy-go-lucky... but that's fine! Um... I suppose I should put some stuff about me right? Here ya go!

-I've been a roleplayer for over 8 years, but I do take hiatuses sometimes. If I haven't come on in a while, nag me about it! I'm trying to be good and not do like 60 rps at once.
-My characters usually have traumatic and dark backstories so don't be alarmed!
-I typically start my replies out freakishly long no matter who I'm roleplaying with. Afterwards, I match mine with how long my partner's replies are.
-I love adding a little bit of humor even if it's dark, but before doing anything too spontaneous, I promise to run it by you in OOC first.
-P.S. I love fluff! And yaoi! All the gay every day!

Most Recent Posts

I'll have Galeran and the maids reply after the crown prince, I'm planning on starting with Galeran scolding them.

EDIT: Yesterday is the new today! ...Got to get the map scanned today!
I will be posting for the king later today/tonight. I have to catch up on missing assignments in school and talk to my manager at work.

@Ryougu Hoping to see you soon buddy!
@Tsar Gatto

Yeah, basically she's holding off whether to take action until the two warriors get back, but plans to do something and not just stand by.

And then Ice will finally wake up!
It's already been a few days, as long as there's a good amount of posts (a minimum of 2) in between, you can keep going.
It had happened again. That was what the whispers called through the large courtyard called the yadi. Everyone was speaking with somber tones about another raid, a-and how fire had enveloped the village. The damn thugs had gone back into that scum kingdom to sell off their spoils and nothing had been heard of from them since. Fela and Leita had been sent out to assess the situation and while Nendir's legs ached to take off and ride along with them, the man knew he wouldn't be any use. All that was left was the wreckage, no lives to be heard of were saved, everything burned to ashes. If anything, all the trip would bring the poor man would be pain and he could fall into one of his old terror episodes... Which Nendir was determined not to let happen ever again.

Nendir had stayed in the shadows or up in the trees as he continued to listen, trying to gather his thoughts and emotions. The Queen needed to do something- anything and it would have to be soon. And, by Nature, he would be included in it too. Nendir was going to hit something and alert everyone of his strange position before long, so he sat down on the branch he had been balancing on and knocked the back of his head against the great tree's torso. What he needed to do was appear stable and ready or they wouldn't let him anywhere near the border. It was only for his mission that Nendir had been determined to become a bodyguard for the ambassadors of Lutaires and he would make sure to protect anyone who was in his charge even though his mission came first.

For now, Nendir had to make some interaction to stop whollowing by himself. He jumped from branch to branch until he reached the ground, moving out of the bushes and almost giving some of the nobles a heart attack. That smile- The one he had on his face almost at all times throughout his time in the palace appeared on his face as he gave a little happy wave and let out a small laugh. He weaved through the crowd of people, hearing the sounds of the Faylinn, the princess, and one of his charges, but choosing instead to go find his favorite pass time. His comrade in every sense of the word, his fellow bodyguard Caden.

He entered the kitchen from a bit away and saw Caden's interaction with the young girl. Obviously, he was feeling troubled about the incident and when Nendir thought about it, ah... he had had an assignment near Ombel. Such a perfect stereotype of self-blame could not escape the bodyguard's vision as he watched the other male work on one vegetable after another. Now if it had been Nendir himself, he would have peeled a few with that same knife, swiped a fruit and hightailed it out of there. But Caden cutting himself like that was just a little too much for the blue haired man himself, he silently moved to sit where his comrade had sat when peeling, picked up the knife and vegetable he had been working on and inspected, skimming off a few unnecessary layers.

"Now that is no way to speak to a child, my friend," He gave a reassuring smile to the small girl and slipped one leg over the other as he continued, "the Queen'll be doing something soon My Lady, we just need to have faith in her." He cocked his head over in the direction of the rest of the peeled veggies, "And you oh handsome and brooding one need to stop blaming yourself or you'll end up cutting a finger off with that blade you take so much pride in."

It hadn't been very long since the two of them had just been finishing up all the work that needed to be done that day. Rajun had mended clothes, rather poorly if it were by someone of high standing's standards, helped Maella bring all the containers back over to the caravan and helped out setting up the large fire out back where their supplies were. But being here, not only was there amazing water that one could drink with no reservation, there was also vegetation to be heard of. Trees, Rajun loved trees, being able to climb a couple branches and take a nap had always been a dream of his. Unfortunately there were surely outlived, while the boy was good at shifting his body into many different positions, he was not very good at understanding how to lay his body out on a branch and not slip off. The boy had tried this maneuver countless times now and each would end with a resounding thud. Rajun didn't actually encounter that much pain, so he didn't let any of his voice out, but he probably did bruise his back a little. Dust covered most of him as well. He couldn't understand what he was doing wrong, so the boy would just keep trying the same thing over and over.

That's when Maella called him over. Rajun got up from the ground he had been inhabiting for the past minute and started walking over. The boy had leaves in his hair and a bit of grass stains on his butt, those were new. It would have to be washed out soon, but then again, the originally white clothes had already taken on a tan or creamy color. His chest was bare as always, but had a few chains that usually were slipped around his neck missing, he had traded them the other day for a new pair of sandals for Maella. Of course, he hadn't said a word as he had given them to her, and in turn, she apparently hadn't used them today, though that might have been because of all the grass on the ground.

Rajun padded over to her and slipped one foot down, a surprised look coming over his usually expressionless, sleepy face. He gave a happy nod before slipping both feet in, having already wrapped his pants up higher as to not get them wet. After taking a second to savor the feeling, he slipped in further so he was standing in the water and gently grabbed onto one of Maella's ankles, working to knead the grass and dirt off her foot. Rajun wasn't a man of many words, so his sudden actions could be rather surprising.



I knit, but only with loom, I haven't graduated to needles yet. About two months ago we had to knit some baby hats for my Health Growth and Development class/home ec and while we were supposed to make two I made 50. It was super fun! So I got some looms for my birthday and started making my own hats. I was trying to do a glove the other day with a weird cross design, but I ended up messing up and gave up, gonna restart today! I made a cat ear hat yesterday~

The map is having some issues with getting it scanned for my friend to continue working on it. Once I get to a different printer things will move along again.


So many cool languages~ For spanish I retook the first class for it two times. Not because I didn't get A's in the classes... but because we need language credits to get a good diploma and taking spanish in junior high didn't give me any credits. So I took one in my 8th grade and one in my 10th grade.

The cool thing about the classes is you learn most of the vocabulary in the first class, then use tenses and the like in the further classes so I can understand a little bit of a whole lot of sentences.
Adhemar had already been notified by his former messenger of what his brother had been doing when the news of the raid was delivered, he had been sparring with the guard...? That lunatic! A King had to worry about policies and civil affairs, how the bloody heavens was his brother supposed to do that when he was at risk of being injured or using too much energy?! It was a great honor to be made Adhemar's proxy regent king and rule over the kingdom, and this wasn't the first time the old timer wished he hadn't given such a man that kind of power. If Adhemar hadn't thought that only royal blood could govern over the land and that Luthier was far too wimpish and young to rule, he would have sent off his lunatic brother to go off on one of his skirmishes again or whatever he usually spent his time doing.

That brother of his needed some kind of discipline, but Adhemar was in no shape to give it out. Being confined to the four corners of his probable deathbed, his words just weren't taken as seriously or threatening anymore and it wrecked at Adhemar's pride and dignity. Lots of healers had come to examine the poor King, only to have either all have a different kind of diagnosis, or just not understand what was ailing him at all. And because of this strange sense of fatigue and coughing up blood, Adhemar had given up sitting at the throne all day, much to his dislike. The man was given secondhand news on the kingdom at large and he had no one to make sure his sons stayed in line... except for Adrian. If the ludicrously large man hadn't had so many uses, Adhemar may have sent his brother off to join their sister years ago. But perhaps he would have come back anyway when the witch died.

There was a crisis at hand, as always. Adhemar had heard plenty of cases about how thugs originating from his kingdom would plunder and pillage the border villages of Lutaires. At first, the King had, for good reason, expected their Queen to retaliate with war, but all was very quiet. One could only assume the outlandish country was too weak to start some kind of conflict with the great Kingdom of Hiertania and Adhemar continued to not press the issue of apprehending the thugs, letting them run wild and seeing how the outlandish creatures would react. It was kind of fun to imagine the Queen weeping and shuddering from the loss of life and supplies, but also shuddering in fear of invoking. His. Wrath.

But Tiadani thugs coming into Lutaires from Hiertania would just not do. It was obvious that the men thought they could pass off as Hiertanians and try not to get into conflict with Lutaires while still keeping a neutral relationship with them. This quite angered the King as he made servants prop him up so he could lean against a towering pile of pillows to look better than he really was. Actually having to lay flat and entertain guests was far too humiliating to him. Adhemar expected his bothersome brother to come in at any minute and after their true reason for discussion, he could somehow work the conversation around to getting him to stop with his fighting tomfoolery.

The loud sound of wood and metal cracking itself against stone pierced through the room and Adhemar started to shudder with rage. Also, the look in his brother's eyes made the King itch to call upon his best assassins to torture and kill his own closest blood relation.

"After our main discussion, I will be calling on Galeran to see a change in schedule as a form of discipline, you are not to disobey our conclusion," Adhemar spoke between clench teeth that sounded awful in how they grinded together. He straightened his slouch before going into a fit of coughs, one of the maids in the room went to help him before Adhemar finally caught his breath. "I wish to speak to you about the recent pillage and slaughter of a Lutairian village. While the thugs that were to blame for this incident appeared to move and look like Hiertanians, my men reported that they were Tiandani in origin. What is your take on the matter?"

@Sarcelle Renard

AAAAAANDD you could write the whole thing, then see someone has posted and have to rewrite it all over again because you took too long~


For english to be your third language is amazing! I'm still on my second language (Japanese) and the best thing I can write is, "I went to Sapporro to buy some souvenirs. The souvenirs were really tasty!"

I guess we could have the country names that way, but I'll mess up like a hundred times before I get it right, I liked the idea of the Tiadan people being called Tiadani though.
EDIT: The hiertanians and the Tiadani don't look that different at all, the only reason the Lutairians looks so different is because of their heritage.


It takes so much more time when you write it out first twib.


So I think the people of lutaires seeing that kind of magic would think it's a sin against nature and be horrified. Tiadan is kinda more chill with that kind of stuff, not as bad as Hiertania, but still pretty fearful of it.
EDIT: Your post has a few pronouns off the main thing that stood out was that Alecto got it wrong. Anatole said to get ready for Luthier to become king, but luthier is the crown prince, Rowan is the second prince.
Now that I've finished knitting for the day, it's time for some writing and posting!
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