Avatar of AliceInRedHeels
  • Last Seen: 8 yrs ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 152 (0.04 / day)
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    1. AliceInRedHeels 9 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

9 yrs ago
Current Being done with school is nicee, I just wanna sleep all the time. Hah..
9 yrs ago
9 yrs ago
Yay work. I'll hopefully get everyone replied to after my last exams tomorrow~~~^^
9 yrs ago
4 more days, then I'm free from school. Only exams left.
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9 yrs ago
Why do I hafta work when I just wanna sleep?
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Hello Call me Alice. Hmmm generic info go!! I'm currently 21 give it a few months and I'm sure that'll change, I'm balancing being a full-time student with working four nights a week. So not always able to reply straight away, honestly most of my replies are more then likely going to be type on my mobile at work, hahh.. Besides that I like to think I'm friendly and easy to approach, I'm flexible in what and who I role play, I'm not picky. If it seems fun I'm in. Umm I guess that's it for now. So talk to me, I don't bite much. ~ Alice

Most Recent Posts

Hmmm should I add utility skills to Aria as wepl?
<Snipped quote by AliceInRedHeels>

It's a...viable strategy and one I did not see coming

Jasper won't fall for any siren song though

Hehe, yes I'm afraid someone of the memory lost and gain have started messing with the poor girl's mind. She she's harmless, if you don't catch her alone when she's hungry.

Just keep the childish cannibal feed is all~
In Lantern 9 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Yays!!^^ Gots a post in before the Mokley post^^

Soooo... like how is err'body today?! It's cold and windy here but sooooo lovin on the sunshine today. Die winter DIES!! ;D

Haha it was nice here as well, and yayy post ^^

Hmm wonder how long I can go without the flower girl talking. I bet someone won't care much for her silence eventually.

I'm picking out quotes now, and damn you guys gave me a lot to work with! Total plot-changing stuff. Excellent. ;)

At your service, boss. ^^

Hey, girl's gotta eat~~

@AliceInRedHeels @OneEyedChurro Loved the posts, guys! And Alice, i'm counting the puddle monster encounter as a kill :)

Glad you like it, and do so. (:
In the depths of the brackish water soft golden strands of hair splayed out around the pale woman. The crackling of fire echoed from the muddy shore, her dress, pack, and ax shimmered in the shadowed light. The dark cave around her gave little ground to the flourishing flames, the scent of cooking meat clinging slightly to the air. A ripple in the water as the girl shifted to stay afloat, a gentle movement in stark contrast to the harshness of her prison. Her skin glistened softly as ribbons of red gently trickled down into the water, a small laceration decorated her side. A gift from a crazed man, adorned in ancient armor, screeching something about someone having stolen her; whoever her was Shimmer didn't have the faintest of clues. It had been a few hours since the blonde hair girl had seen anything with a living soul, twice in one day made her uneasy, the beast in the shadows were really enough for her to know she wasn't alone. Clear blue eyes started up at the ever stagnant sky, the hints of cloud and ever bearing sun, the memories of the days event pushing to the front of her mind, reminders of how much she had changed in such few months. Changed from what she couldn't recall.


The hollow thunk of the ax digging into the skeleton's head echoed through the ever winding corridor, a disgruntled sigh escaping the strange girl's lip as yet again it proved a fruitless scavenge. The hunger clawing its way up through her stomach was a distracting concern that had been building for weeks. A shattering crack broke the stiffing silence as the corpse's skull cracked into tiny little pieces, the light shimmering on the dust of it, it seems it couldn't hold the force of the flat of the blade brought sharply down across its surface. A soft giggle followed the echo as the girl coaxed the shimmering dust to swirl in small circles between her hands, the soft glow of the ring hanging loosely on her neck mimicking their sheen. ”Pretty things don't last here..” She chided the dust softly, a self-decrepit smile toying at the corners of her lip, a slight hollow look, eyes hazed as she wandered off into the flashing images of memory, a hand reaching up to toy with the ring softly. It wasn't the first time in the past few months that the girl would loose herself to her own thoughts. As fortunate as she was to be left alone by the beast below, there was always the nagging doubt that one day she'd meet him. The one that stalked her shadow made himself known often, not all ending in death, no this one had a desire to play with his food it seems. The shiver at the thought of her constant watcher drew Shimmer from her thoughts as she looked around spinning slightly as she tried to see every corner, a harrowed look taking over her serene and calm look.

Hugging her arms as if to keep her tattered dress from falling off, the chill of the cave piercing through her once more, yet this place held no wind. No wind, and a chilling cold. Another thing to add to the never-ending list of things wrong with this place. A way to past the time, if you will. Her slender fingers pulled at the small bag on her wrist, the last of her provisions, a small handful of berries and little meat at that. Grimacing slightly as her stomach growled in protest at the offered meal, Shimmer continued to walk down her intended path, there was a bright light at the end of the tunnel but it never seemed to come any closer. Perhaps that was its intent, to make you walk for eternity contemplating each step you took and if you truly ever went anywhere here or in the little bit of life you scrambled to hold on to. Pondering these thoughts the small woman meticulously ate one berry at a time, trying to extend the use of her rations; the tattered shoes on her feet torn and tied to her, though parts of them still glitter with the color of silver and showed signs of once holding a heel, long broken off still clattered against the harsh stone path.

Stone, all of it was stone, only thing that seemed well was the abundant pools of water though not all were free of life. It was a game of chance, she had soon learned remembering her first time dying.

'She had been suffocating on the dust and dry roots she had torn up from the beds of mushrooms. The soft sparkle of the dull depths, too naive she was as she greedily drank from it, held more then just dirt and grime. A dark shimmer rippled through the deep water, a warning she ignored for the feel of sweet release for her harsh throat. A second ripple and the dark creature lunged eliciting a screech from the blonde, short lived and quickly silenced as larger razor teeth sunk into her flesh, her arm to be precise as it pulled. She toppled gracefully into the pool floating briefly before being drug down and down into the water depth the coils of the creature wrapping around her as she struggled briefly for breath. Bubbles of air dancing their way back up to the surface, how it shimmered from below, the lights on the water so much clearer from underneath. Then she awoke in a rock circle missing nothing more but another memory of him. Whoever he was.'

So lost in her thoughts, Shimmer forgot to watch where she stepped and presently found herself sprawled out against the cold coarse floor, her ax clattering a few feet to the left of her. Gasping slightly she let out the slightest whimper as she continued to lay there trying to breath through the growing pain in her side. Seems her folly would cost her at the least a bruised rib, though the feeling of uneasiness coursing through her sent her crawling for her weapons the pain in her side spreading and screaming like a white hot iron hitting water. Hissing as her hand curled around her ax she curled up around it, for a time she had forgotten just how fragile she really was, leave it to this place to cruelly remind her of her own fragility. Pressing her free hand against the offending rib she cringed at the heat radiating off it, a soft press sent her into a fresh round of whimpering as the pain slowly started to ebb into nausea. She wasn't sure how long she had lain there, an hour, a day, she had the hardest time keeping track of the day's passings.

By the time the pain receded enough for her to move, the slender woman had drifted off slight to sleep. The echoes of a forest surrounded her, as she smelt flowers, a pleasant smile finding its way to her face, the feeling's of excitement bubbling through her. A shadow was with her, she could never see his face but she knew him, or at least she believed she knew him, that she had to know him. The ring, her ring, glittered as he placed it on her hand, the soft whispers of love fell on deaf ears as a ragging scream shattered her escaped reality. The scream startled the girl into a sitting position, looking around her frantically once more. ”What was that...” She whispered softly crawling to the edge of the path, peering over the rock tops to see a man attacking another woman, she was rather plump as if she had just joined this hell. But he looked ancient as if he had wandered these paths longer then the girl had been alive for, or at least how long she had thought she lived. The strange woman let another small whimper while the man attacked her screeching about the woman having stole someone. The woman looked as confused as Shimmer did watching the scene below; she held up her hands as if to wards of the mans sword, as if her hands would stop the rusted blade on its intended path.

The scent of blood reawakened the blondes hunger, her stomach grumbled at the idea of fresh meat. A strange gleam entered the girl's eye, as she kept closure hefting her ax so her hand gripped loosely around the end of the handle, it was small enough to make for a decent throwing ax. If she could distract the man at the same time he hit the woman, perhaps it wouldn't kill her. If she was quick enough she could take a piece of meat before she died and disappeared. She continued with desperate and hungry eyes creeping closure slowly arching the ax behind her, it mattered little if she hurt him, she need the woman alive. So ample, so plump, so ripe. The thought sent shivers down her spine, fresh food not berries and roots. How long had it been since she had proper meat. The dead owner of her ax. Three months. A dark grin slowly spreading across her face as the madman attacked drawing his sword across the woman in a beautiful arc of blood that followed. Shimmer could appreciate the mans work, as her ax left her hand flying true to its path, a loud clang ringing out as it struck the back of his chest plating.

The warning that perhaps she should have held on to her weapon came too late, the man had a new target, a currently unarmed target, a target on a time limit. ”Now now we can be civil..”' Shimmer said smiling sweetly, scooping up a small handful of dirt before flinging it out towards the man making a lunge for her weapon, barely missing the tip of the handle before his blade found its mark, leaving a bright red stain across her dress. The searing pain drew a whimper from her, but the cut was shallow and superficial, unfortunately it seemed she was destined to destroy the right side of her ribs today. A soft growl echoed from her lips as she grabbed her ax whirling around, but the man was gone running off down the corridor chasing after some fleck in the sky. She shook her head slowly bringing herself up to her feet, each breath ragged and painful as she stumbled over to the girl. ”P-please...h-help me..” The girl whimpered reaching out of with a bloody hand towards the approaching figure, visibly relaxing as she noticed it was another woman.

Shimmer smiled softly petting the woman's hair whispered sweet reassurances, as she slowly counted the seconds. She would have at the most ten seconds, to make her move. Her eyes trailed slowly over the woman's body. Her ample frame, but it was the blood rolling down her outstretched arm that caught the girls attention, nudging her hungry. Taking the woman's hand softly she smiled telling her everything would be okay before casually bringing her ax down on the woman's arm effectively separating it from the rest of her. The look of horror on the woman's face as she disappeared was almost enough to sate the blonde woman's appetite as she looked at her new found food. It would take some cleaning and skinning. She never liked the skin. Or at least she thinks she doesn't like the skin. Dragging the ax slowly against the arm, a quick flick of the wrist separated the hand from the forearm, it had too much bone for her taste. The next flick of the wrist neatly severed the forearm from the upper arm, she would save the larger selection of meat for later as she ripped a section of her dress hem humming as she wrapped the two pieces up neatly placing them in her bad. It wouldn't do well to linger where there was fresh blood, more so when someone of its her own.


The water rippled once more as the girl moved towards the shore, the warm flickering of the flame welcomed and beckoned her as did the smell of cooked meat. Her stomach growled once more in anticipation. The water fell away in waves across her slender frame, there was something alluring about her jutting ribs and the taunt way the skin stretched over her muscles and scars. The red gash on her side ugly and sore, blemishing the strange smoothness of her body, the dirt and grime momentarily washed away from her. A slight reprieve from the decaying world around her gentle pool. The murky waters had adsorbed the offering of red, returning back to its dark colors, as she stepped back onto the shore. Her dress laid splayed out next to the fire, the red washed clean regaining its white color. Wringing her hair out she ran her fingers vainly through her hair trying to untangle the knots and tangles residing in the golden strands; they shone and glimmered in the fire like bright threads of gold. Her movement's were slow and sluggish, her side still making its displeasure with her known as she inched the dress up over her hips hissing slightly as the fabric brushed against the newest wound on her body.

”Perhaps I should rest..”

She mused softly biting down into the crisp meat, the juice from it overflowed and ran down her chin, a quick wipe from the back of her hand saw it gone as she continued to devour the meet. It would be a strangle serene sight to see someone dressed cleaned devouring what looked like a leg of meat in the flickering fire. With each bite her mood lightened, it was a rare treat, something that wasn't simple berries and grubs, her eyes wandered aimlessly around her surroundings taking in the shadows the fire did cast. There in the earth, where those foot prints..perhaps they belonged to the madman from earlier, but what if he found a way out. Though she dreaded the idea of running into the man again, she did owe him for the damage to her side and she did intend to collect should he show himself again. Pleased that she had a plan, something to do besides aimlessly wander the pools Shimmer set to breaking camp. If not the madman perhaps she would find something else out here in this world. Something new.
So I'm free to move it over, Capitan?
The Lock-Heart Guild

Amelia Darrow

Aria Lyasone




You're average happy-go-lucky hot head.

Aria is a treasure hunter by trade, mainly for rare ingots and raw materials, sticking mostly to the 20th floor and higher to find her wares. Occasionally teaming up with berserkers and shield bearers for when she runs across difficult bosses, leaving them to the gold and craved prizes only asking for one item of the loot in return for each kill. She would make more with sharing but the small vial of liquid swinging around her neck would remind her of a promise she made months ago, when the world first shattered.


Two girls laughed as they rain through the plains of flowers, there was no no difference between the two, even for twins the girl's were eerily alike, short cropped silver hair, strange red eyes, their hands gently entwined with the others. The only difference was that one wasn't talking, the other one chattered along as bright and happily as could be. They had only just entered the game, it was her sister's idea really for them to play. It had been years since the woman had seen each other, this was the only way they could see each other. It was what the younger sister had said to convince her sister, back then Aria was surely and muted, her sister was the hot headed one. Always charging ahead. Then the sky open and the man in the robes told them of their fate.


"Lydia.." The treasure hunter murmured toying with the pendant hanging loosely around her neck, she was laying in a field of flowers looking up at the cloudless sky, it had been months since she had thought about her sister, her shadow, the one always watching over her. She was suppose to be the big sister yet she had failed to protect the one thing she held dear.


They had made a promise to clear these floors, these dungeons together, that they would go home, they wouldn't stop and dally like the rest of them. This was no longer a game, the trouble was Lydia had a knack for fighting, the older sister didn't. Honestly she was a bit of a burden, unwilling to pick up a sword but to scared to stop following her sister. So she took up crafting, making potions and small weapons enough to trade and buy her sister better armor and weapons. It was fine this system, the girl's were alive and well, their bond which had grown frail with separation had started to grow stronger through this ordeal.


Sighing softly the woman sat up looking towards the guild building to her left, in passing it looked like a store, not the a guild of treasure seekers like herself, and the most glorious kinds of treasure they did seek indeed. She hadn't been with them from long, a month at the most. There was a flyer, said they were looking for new members, members with skill. Until then she had only traveled with freelancers and those of questionable behavior. It was a living, and they didn't ask questions about the girl, not when she gave them most of the prize. She was a strange one, having the skill to advance to the upper floors, yet she stayed in the 20's as if something was holding here there, like she was waiting for something.


Lydia had spent days and days trying to teach her older sister the ways of the sword, there was a rumor going around that no one had been able to kill the boss on the 25th floor. She would need her sister capable of defending herself at the least. If they were to pass, then she would need her full attention on this beast. The dagger glittered in her hand, gold inlay shimmering in the hilt. A drop from the last floor's boss. The rest she had given to those who had risked helping her, others who helped keep her sister safe. The chime of metal hitting the floor drew her out of her day dreams. Seemed her sister had gotten fed up with her training, sweat gleaming on the older woman's skin. A displeased look flickering across her face, as her sister laughed picking up the thin blade. She had had it formed into a rapier, a quick and light weapon for the small built woman, it would give her speed and agility in sacrifice for power, a necessary risk.


The young woman sighed looking down at the blade by her side, running a hand across the small dagger tucked into her belt. She had little left now, so she wandered, waiting on the 27th floor, waiting for the respawn. The world boss would be due in another two hours. A chance to get revenge for her sister, one last request before she sold her sword and skills over to the Lock-Heart Guild. As the hour chimed, the maroon eyed woman shifted pulling her hood back up setting off towards the materializing door pulling out a small crystal, teal in color. A slight shift of her hand and the box began to talk, the light tinkering of someone's laughter filled the air.


The boss tore them about, killing many of the ones who had tried to help them get passed this floor, wiping them all out until only the girl's remained. One barely standing, a long gash down her side as she leaned against her sword, the other sister laying knocked out on the ground her dagger flung out slightly to the side. An earlier blow from the metal based creature, enough to send the older sister into a panic, prompting her to attack. Both her and the boss were on their last legs, and it was a flip of the coin which would come out ahead. When the younger sister awoke she found both her sisters necklace and sword laying in the grass beside her. A crystal glowing slightly near them.


"If you are listening to this, then I am dead. I'm sorry. It seems I wasn't good at this at all, silly me." A short decrepit pearl of laughter broken by a terrible cough. "Live little sister, live and get home. Someone has to take care of mother. She'll be worried sick by now." Another laugh followed by a hacking cough. "I love you, remember that and remember me, and live. You hear me. Live."

A click and the recording stopped again, the young women holding it was panting leaning on her sword as the boss fell, a sense of revelation and peace washing through her. It had been 3 months since she had taken up her sisters name and mantle. Now she could feel some peace for her sister's soul. A slight squeeze of the pendant, and the dispersion of the loot to the rest of the party. She only kept the Cor before walking out into the next floor. "Finally.." she whispered softly before activating the teleport crystal, it seemed she had only one left, returning back to the guild home. It was time for a new start.

Hekate's Kiss
Long Sword (+3)

Athena's Whisper
Shadow Dagger (+5)

Nyx's Shadow
Crafted from Dusk Lizard Hide.

  • 132,476 Cor
  • Scavenger Toad Meat
  • Tremble Shortcake
  • Healing Potion x3
  • Temporarily Status Immunity Potion x2
  • Teleport Crystal
  • Healing Crystal
  • Message Record Crystal
  • Vendor's Carpet
  • Hand Mirror
  • Mortar and Pestle
  • Empty Potion Bottles
  • Various Low Grade Ingots
  • Metalworking Beginner's Kit

Weapon/Shield Skills:
  • One Handed
  • Long Blade
  • Dagger

Crafting Skills:
  • Metal Working
  • Hunting
  • Medicine Mixing
  • Gathering

Utility Skills
  • Equipment Appraisal
  • Trap Dismantling
  • Searching

Attribute Skills:
  • -Strength-[5/10]
  • -Speed-[7/10]
  • -Intelligence-[7/10]
  • -Endurance-[5/10]
  • -Will-[5/10]
  • -Charisma-[6/10]
I assumed that. ^^

Aria isn't much of a treasure hunter per say, she doesn't keep much of what she earns from drops, often choices resources and things she can craft with to sell. If that makes sense?

@Aliceinredheels You just went HAM on your bio here :P I like it!

Hehe, I try~ Glad you like it ^^


Hmmm, ah right~

Was thinking maybe the Lock-Heart Guild? Hadn't really decided yet, honestly.
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