Avatar of Americore
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    1. Americore 8 yrs ago


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I'm a meat popsicle.

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Xander plopped down, arms falling behind the couch, "I was born ready you wild and crazy kids." This was the life I tell ya. Locked behind prison bars at all times, now sitting next to the few people in this asylum that kept him sane. Xander truly felt comfortable for the first time in a while. His brain was just focused on the movie, nothing could shake him right now. To get lost in a story was the way to go now a days.

He thought about the random songs he would sing to help him remember the good times. Sitting at the mess hall while deployed for one. Sometimes days would be so bland that the only thing you could talk about was the other person's meal. That was enough though. Just to keep it as fresh as you could. Learning random instruments with friends, sounding awful, but having a "jam" session of sorts. The little things is what made the person, as it were.

Not just that though, but the company you kept. What Xander brought to the table, or what he had hoped, was relief of sorts from the mundane. Relief from your mind at times. All he cared about was the insanity that was building up within most of us. Hell maybe even some of the staff started to get bitten by the fever. He tossed a couple of sweat treats in his mouth as he would gaze back at the door every now and again. He would be damned if someone would come in and ruin this much needed relaxation time for the group. He would be good and damned if someone did that.
Sounds like a plan
Fair enough brotha, gonna keep flowing after this of course.

@Caits @Synthesis

Hope it works for you, I will have patty on scene to discuss stuff with you while I had Jethro run up to see Nir with the sample. If the both of you would prefer Jeth staying to deal with the situation, since it isn't a "NPC" of sorts haha, I will gladly adjust to the situation
@Synthesis @Caits

A whirlwind of emotion stormed within Jethro. 'Reggie you asshole! You knew the safety briefing! We all did...I was just as excited as you for this new discovery.' he reached down and yanked the necklace from his neck as quickly as possible. The back had been eaten away by the "acid" like substance that took his life. However, he wasn't going to let his friends keep sake get lost in the medical ward. Engraved on the pendant, just an inch in diameter, read:

'To the Skies, we will ride'

Reggie used to talk about it quite often. A memory flashed before him as he fell on his ass next to his dearly departed friend.

Reggie walked up to Jethro in his room and slapped him on the back, "Guess what I just found?!" he exclaimed as he sat and spun around in Jethro's computer chair. "You finally find those Elvis records I have been asking about? I swear if you do then I will finally get back the record player witch hunt!" With a bit of a laugh he shook his head, "Even better." Tossing the pendant at Jethro. He caught it and saw the engraving on the front, "To the Skies, we will ride? Something off a Johnny Cash song? I mean, I love Mr. Cash but not to knowledgeable of his famous quotes." Tossing it back to Reggie who caught it with a frown. "You better get your day ears into gear you country bumpkin! Cash had nothing to do with this, even though I wish he had haha." His eye's began to get lost in the pendant. "This belonged to my grandfather. A gift from my grandmother while he was in the Army. To let him know that no matter where he road that at the end, we would ride to sky together. In one big bike club of heavenly light."

The memory faded as he felt his mobile chime. Jethro looked down to see Nir's response and with one quick swipe of his face he jumped to his feet. Patty had done a good job of preemptively getting the other farmers back to work. Some wondered back, others were in tears, but many were consoling them. Putting a hand on her shoulder Jethro said, "Help me out Patty, we have to cordon off this area with the lights Nir likes and what not." She nodded then looked over to another field hand, "Marty, wait here and make sure the body gets attended too. There should be someone from medical coming down to handle Reggie, ya hear?" Marty nodded and with a final pat on the shoulder of one of those brought to tears headed over to Reggie.

Once all of the equipment had been brought together they began marking the "Tomatoes" as hazardous. Jethro strung up the lights as Patty continued to mark down the row. Looking over her shoulder she remarked to him, "What a damn fool, that bastard. I swear I wish I knew why he did this." Jethro let another tear fall down his face once the remark left her lips. We all knew deep down why he did it. The sheer, child like excitement of seeing something grow here that resembled home took the best of him. Jethro then took it upon himself to get his rock throwing revenge from earlier. Winging Patty's right arm he replied, "Probably to avoid having to hear you and me have a 'singing' duet again."

Patty stopped dead in her tracks as she turned back to him, "Caloway, how can you make jokes at a time like this?" Without missing a beat he said, "I understand that time will pass on this here planet. During that time, Reggie will no longer be apart of that with us. However, we can't sit here and let our lives fall to the wayside. We have to remember him as he was. We have to help his spirit live on in the new world. Help all of us remember the hardworking son of a bitch that he really was. Big emphasis on the bitch part."

It was as though a small pinch of hope spread across Patty's face. "Well if that is the case," she flipped Jethro the bird, "Your singing was what really brought our future music career down ya monotone prick!" They shared a decent laugh at this point. Memories would flow through there minds for days after of them together with Reggie. Today though, they had to make sure the medical personnel got all the help they needed with Reggie. "Patty I have to run and get this sample to Nir, you mind holding down the fort here until I get back?"

As she curled her lips into a frown, "First of all, you ain't my boss Jethro. Secondly, I will do it," she continued down the line, "But because I want to, not because you told me too." He smiled, snagged a "tomato", bagged and tagged it, and headed off. He ran by his shed first to grab his bongos and pipe. Well at least I have one thing to look forward to today. A good smoke, with a good dude. Slinging his bongos across his back, he placed his pitchfork back on the wall and touched the pendant. "Ride smooth brother, may the roads to heaven be clear and true."

Jethro would always have a problem walking through the science district. A bunch of, very intelligent, scientists roamed these halls. How could a dirty, vest wearing, farmer feel out of place? Well in a lot of ways. Thankfully, he reached Nir's office quick fast and in a hurry so only a few people could shoot him confused glances. "Hey buddy, got you your sample."


Was that Charming texan comment targeted at me? If so I really appreciate the compliment, if not then I will shut my mouth haha

It was an idea from @Synthesis haha. Part of our opening posts, was just pleasantly surprised it could be included with another's opening post. @Caits

I am gonna wait for @Synthesis to post his before I reply back to your char coming out. Unless you want to push forward and come out I can mingle with your character on the scene haha
"Jethro! You better get your lazy ass in gear boy. I can hear those damn bongos from over here. Get out of that shed and get to moving soil for the new crops to take hold." With a jolt of energy he jumped up from his seat, tripped over a few tools as he came bumbling out of the shed. "Reggie, I am so sorry man I just had this last part to get down. You see it was a solo of sorts, well, I mean, I am playing by myself so it is always a solo..." as Jethro tried to string an excuse together Reggie cut him off, "I don't care if you are playing for the Queen of Bongotopia you hear me! We need to finish this plot up by the end of the day or it is mine and your asses, ya hear?"

With a enthusiastic thumbs up he put his bongos down in front of the shed. Picking up his families pitchfork he walked down to the far end of the plot. This plot of land had been put off for a few days because it would seem some of the other farmer's pieces of land had begun to sprout Ghost Leaf. Naturally this took precedence over new lands being made. I mean, who would have thought we could find a new form of nicotine on this foreign soil? The thought would make Jethro excited because he could test in his pipe later with some of the other Farm hands. Once the leaf had been cleared safe of course. Lord knows that Jethro Caloway wouldn't be stupid enough to try something so foreign before it had been cleared officially. Or maybe it had been cleared already? His lackadaisical attitude really could take the best of him at times. If they had already cleared it safe he could have been smoking for days now.

Upon reaching the end of the plot he started putting his Lunos to work. Pressing down hills was mostly his duty while attempting to make this soil more fertile for the ghost leaf to at least grow. The biologists up higher then him had been studying how the earthly seeds had been reacting to the soil to see if it was even possible to grow here. Hell, in the plot over from his they had started attempting to grow tomatoes. The thought made his mouth water. "If I could get my hands on one of them ripe maters right now. Dog gon, I would be a happy camper I tell you what." as this dream escaped his accent ridden lips he gazed over at his father's pitchfork.

'Well pop, you and ma would be proud huh? First of the Caloway's to help shape foreign soil for any sort of flora that wanted to grow. Maybe, we can even get our hands on local wildlife and use them as livestock? Oh these hills out here surely have endless possibilities. However, I will leave that for the big brains up stairs to figure out what to do next' the thought faded away as he took a break for a second. Out of no where a rock, of sorts, hit Jethro in the arm. "What did I tell you about day dreaming Mister?" a sarcastic female voice came from behind him. Jethro spun around and threw his hand down, ready to draw his imaginary revolver at any point the little lady made a wrong step. "Any closer young lady and I will be forced to draw, and I know that you know that I know I am the best here shot this side of the northern fields!" Without missing a beat Miss Patty slowly reached behind her back and pulled out the fiercest of the imaginary weapons, the imaginary gatling gun!

As she began spinning the wheel of justice on the side of that weapon Jethro dived to the side shouting ,"Bang, Bang" as he hit the ground. She stopped real quick, putting her hands on her hips, "Jethro Caloway, you know that this gatling gun could have torn through you quick as a whip! What are you doing diving down?" As he laid there he had a moment of thought cross his face, eyes then shot back to her, went wide and the greatest dramatic death began to occur. "Patty, you...you done got me...Death's door is a opening...and I am ever fleeting from this new world...come closer....Patty." As he reached out Patty responded, "I am not coming over there Caloway." Jethro's eyes squinted toward her, "Patty Phillips if you don't come over here now and accept my final words I swear to god I'll..." she cut him off, "You'll do what?"

Jethro was about to respond when, once again, a rock came sailing for his head. As though it was an act of defense, Jethro saw the rock last minute and raised the ground in front of his face to block it. "Damnit, what is with Rocks today? Look what you made me do Reggie! Now I have to flatten this piece of soil again. Damn it all." Reggie and Patty both shared a nice laugh at this, "You need to come over here and check this out! The both of ya, get on over here!" As Patty headed off, Jethro took the time to flatten the earth back down and headed over in a hurry.

The spot of interest was in the Tomato fields. They actually had tomatoes growing! What a sight to be had. All of the separate Field Hands, Farmers and the lot made their way over. "The fruits of our labor have finally shown their form!" Reggie announced as random cheers happened from each of the workers. Some of them began to feel the texture of the outside. Just like back home! Dog gon, I cannot wait for them to test these puppies out! Surely I will have me a tomato sandwich by the end of the day, freshly grown, damn, tomato sandwich. Jethro thought to himself as he smiled at Patty

However, something was amiss. Reggie went ahead and picked one of them and began messing with it in his hands. Jethro looked over at him at first, shaking his head, but a sound had caught his ear. His eyes peered to the sound in question. That tomato seemed to have been nicked somehow and...is that acid?!? The ground beneath the tomato, sure as hell, was sizzling away. Without missing a beat he whipped around but it was to late. Reggie had taken a foolish bite of Eden's apple. Sin was not the consequence of this bite, but certain terror was to be had by the on lookers. Reggie, grabbing for his throat as his jaw began to burn away from the inside out. It took mere moment for his jawline to be something of a distant memory and his throat along with it. A loud thud happened as his body hit the ground.

An eerie silence was had right then. What do I do?! What do I do?! Reggie is dead, REGGIE IS DEAD!! Screaming in his head as he began to fumble in his pants. Ripping out his cellphone he found @Synthesis Nir's number and started typing away about the Tomatoes to him. "For god's sake someone call medical immediately! We need to get Reggie's body out of here! For the love of god, No one touch the damn Tomato's!" Patty roared as she began to take charge of the situation.

Jethro Typed: Nir, we have had an incident. One of our fellow Farmer's, Reggie, ate a tomato without the proper testing happening to it first. I am very sad to say this, I mean I really don't know what to say honestly except, Reggie is now no longer with us. Please respond back with what you need from us. Please respond ASAP

With a bit of a laugh he replied, "Unless you can provide me with the living breath John Hancock, which would be imressive on a number of levels, a signature will suffice." Luke noticed him taking a peak around, Felix must not get to this area much, curiosity seems to be at an all time high. "Sounds important bud, appreciate what you do for the station." replying to his earlier statement as he helped stack the boxes to make them easier to carry.

That is when Luke noticed the he was by himself, "Hey, I just hit my lunch break, do you need help with these boxes? Or is someone coming in a bit to help you out with getting these suckers where they belong?" This was just a natural reflex for himself. It would also let him explore more parts of EDEN that he had potentially not seen before. "Also, I have not met Diana yet, I hope she treats you right."
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