Avatar of Anaeia
  • Last Seen: 6 yrs ago
  • Joined: 7 yrs ago
  • Posts: 17 (0.01 / day)
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    1. Anaeia 7 yrs ago


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6 yrs ago
Current Looking for RP partner! roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
6 yrs ago
Looking for a rp partner! roleplayerguild.com/topics
6 yrs ago
1 x 1 Looking for a partner! roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
7 yrs ago
Looking for a rp partner! roleplayerguild.com/topics/…


Roleplayer for about 10 years.
Primarily animal, targeting wolves.
Secondary are medieval/modern fantasy.
Literate to semi-literate. Can do paragraphs with enough muse.
Primarily play female roles and prefer partner to be male for certain prompts.
Shy to interacting with new people.
Small time artist, both digital and traditional.
Creeps from phone for simple things like answering messages.

Most Recent Posts

This has been updated. Search continues.

Name: Rido
Age: Young Adult
Race: Unknown
Height: 6'5"
He growled at her, and had she not be under such circumstances it might have actually brought a laugh outta her. A flinch was brought by his stomp, blinking away the bits of snow he brought up in the opposite way of the whipping blizzard. Another series of gurgled snarls would be pushed up, tail flicking upwards as the fur along her nape tried to stand on end. This wasn't right though. He wasn't attacking when he should of, why just try to 'scare' her off?

A sound similar to an explosion went off behind the wolf, causing her to flinch with eyes going wide at the man. Head whipped around, followed by the rest of her body just in time to see a tree from behind begin to fall towards the two. A groan raising above the winds and ever fast in its descent. "There you are, pup!" Bellowed a strong voice from beside the stranger. A tall figure stood, mismatched eyes full of glee, lips twisted in a sickly smile.

She had to push onward despite the cold and pain coursing through this body, growling to herself for the idiocy of allowing this to happen. Giving a brief shake of her head and nearly losing that precious footing, managing to smash right through a thin late growing twig of a tree. Quickly she jolted back onto the course with a heavy breath, wincing through the snow that stung blue eyes. But there was something else and the wolf would try stopping, paws digging into the blanket of snow to an attempt to slow down when a mass of black had appeared before her.

But rather than move like slow motion, it was all sudden. One moment the wolf was running, and the next she was nearly running right into a figure. Stopping just three or four feet in front of him, looking up, ears flicking forward and chest heaving. Who the hell was this? Another? Without wasting further time she peeled those inky black lips back in a nasty snarl, a gurgle slipping through from a string of blood hanging out the side of the mouth.

(I apologise if he wasn't directing that at the wolf)
Discord maybe? I'm #5123 if we have questions for each other. :3
Nice! Feel free to message me when you have a chance and we could work something out!
Yep! @Rusalka

I will be playing the thing attacking her also.

Name: Maryanne Hull
Age: Around late teens. 18
Race: Shifter
Height: 5'0"
A high pitched yelp would slice through the air, but the blowing wind would nearly muffle it out. Snow being tossed without a care as a blizzard had blown in strong to the point where just a couple yards was difficult to see through. Just moments later a fence would go crashing to the ground, a large brown wolf collapsing and sending a wave of snow into the air. But it didn't stop there, gasping for air it struggled to stand back up, wincing in pain at a wound across the shoulder. Blood had splattered the sea of white, spreading in a nasty manner. She couldn't stop though, quickly it looked over its shoulder and pushed onward. Grunting as she tried to pick up speed again, running from something.

Minor info. Abandoned town, wolf is larger than average (so some kind of shifter), being chased, blizzard is happening, female.
Going to try something different here. Below will be like my 'starter' post and we shall work round that. All I ask is for a possible male role around the same age (18ish), with some yummy romance (I'm a sucker for it, just don't force it) along the way based off how things run. I somewhat have a plan behind this but I do find some fun in creating things along the way, adds a little spice to something plane. Might be best if your character is not a simple human, this 'world' is heavy with dangerous people just like a naruto universe.
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