Avatar of Andreyich


Recent Statuses

14 days ago
Current I'm married. Paypal $200 and I will give dating advice.
20 days ago
I like lurking through status bar drama AFTER its happened and been cleaned up by mods so I am left to wonder what fascinating context I am lacking
2 mos ago
visiting some people for a little while so will not be super active for a week or so
3 mos ago
the ad spam isn't that much of a problem in terms of covering content. but its a hurtful reminder that the many algorithms that decide what ads to serve think I am the kind of person to gamble
3 mos ago
do it just don't spam


If you enjoy my posts then consider pressing here to see my 1x1 interest check. Now listen to the tale of a man far from home longing to see its greens again.

About me:
Where do I begin. I'm from Belarus, and fairly proud of it. I've been RPing about a decade starting mostly with chat stuff and some LARPs/reenactments, doing the stuff of this site for maybe half a decade now. I'm a former serviceman, and while I was conscripted I make sure to stay in related circles. As a day job I'm a programmer letting me usually work from home even when we don't have coronavirus forcing us to do so and thus I got a lot of time for RP.

Most Recent Posts

I'm in middle of nowhere Eastern Europe using a shady Internet pirate's VPN to make it look like I'm in Cuba or Australia ( ip) and I have like, two bytes per second. Can't do shit.
Unless you're willing to wait a week I'm out. Unbelievably sorry for delaying everyone's fun ;_;
"Gotcha bastards." he said as with the squeeze of the trigger the enemies fell. He made a mental note to ask the Terran with the accent about it later. He had trouble believing that some people actually still had reverence for the wonders of Earth and kept up their language but who knew? If anything, at least there would be a story behind it. He sidled along past the gate turning off his suit's flashlight and slung his clunky C-141AC on his back. He pulled out his Ronin pistol from it's holster and his shank soon found it's way into his other hand. "Right, boss." Richard said. "Not a sound." he added, giggling as he would soon have the opportunity for a little revanchist sadism.

He turned his attention to the professional aspect of what was to be done, and again went along looking left and right for some sign of some bastard to end. Everyone has their own mission.
Tis fine bro
Damn dude, I can see you're life's full. Just so long as you check in every so often to say "NOT DEAD" I'll understand.

Dude I think lonely was redundant :P

@AndromedaiIt's okay, just glad you didn't forget :D
Thank ye, thank ye and to the Emperor praise be.
don't disappear on us, this is the first Starcraft RP I have ever had and I don't want it to die ;_;
I'm not dipping, just waiting for "muh moment"
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