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    1. Anomaly758 6 yrs ago


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Just another wandering soul. Maybe. Boop.

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Oh, sorry double post. @Sep What do you mean by that? Am I reading this wrong or do you mean that the way they measure time is different or what? I am confused.

1) Care to provide examples of it being a surprise when starships enter via hyperspace? At the moment I don't recall any such event, other than in (ugh) Disney's Rogue One in which the Devastator interrupts the Rebel retreat.

1.1) Let's also consider the extensive electronic warfare deployed by both sides during the battle, though I will use the Battle of Endor as an example. These futuristic ships were limited to accurately targeting at only visual distances. To keep it short, combat ships in Star Wars make heavy use of electronic warfare to hamper their opponent's sensors, while at the same time trying to keep their own at optimal performance in that tug of war. Why else have starfighters and even capital ships fight at such close distances when they could be exchanging volleys from far away?
With that in mind, consider that there are hundreds of sources of sensor jamming coming from all of the ships, from starfighters to star cruisers, present at the battle.

2) It's faster to go down well-traveled roads than rough paths. The analogy is that these routes are known to be safe, and it's much faster to go through them than to calculate a new path entirely

3) I know of only one occasion in which they must plot all possible destinations for a fleeing ship, and that's when the Executor and her fleet were pursuing the Millennium Falcon, also known as the fastest ship in the galaxy.

4) What would be the point of having only one Interdictor Cruiser deployed? What would be the point of making multiple jumps around a solar system and therefore giving your enemy more than enough warnings about your presence? Interdictor Cruisers are expensive assets, for sure, and they weren't deployed in nearly as many numbers as other ships of similar size, but if they were to be deployed, why would such costly assets be used in such an easily avoidable way as to use only a handful in only one area? And of course, it would only make sense for each individual ship to have large coverage with their gravity wells as to stop fleets from retreating from (or entering) the battle.

4.1) It's to be noted that during critical engagements, Interdictors are deployed along the perimeter of the battle (or circumference, 'cause space) to prevent the enemy from retreating. To effectively achieve this, we come to two options, option 1 is that each Interdictor, although few in number, produce immense gravity fields, or option 2, that there are so many Interdictors that the entire area bordering the battlespace is effected by one or more cruisers.
I'm not really good at debate-type stuff, so here you go. http://www.stardestroyer.net/Empire/Tech/Sensors/Sensor2.html

TL:DR - Of course sensor systems in Star Wars have superluminal capabilities, and my two cents on the situation is that if they didn't, why have they invested in the Outbound Project when they aren't even at the level of detecting objects in front of them at FTL speeds? The Outbound Project is their efforts to voyage to another galaxy, by the way...
@Assallya What implies that Star Wars ships lack superluminal capabilities? If they were all dependent on hyperspace routes for FTL travel, then how would one navigate uncharted space when ships regularly voyage into the Unknown Regions for one purpose or another? Unless if either I'm reading something wrong or you mean something else.
If I'm interpreting the campaign properly, a fleet of ships in Homeworld can cross half the galaxy in... I dunno, I wanna say around half a week. But worry not, probably just-as-slow(or fast) ones! Far Jump capable ships are able to bring others with 'em!
Hmm... To ram, or not to ram.
puts on nerd glasses
In the Homeworld 1 campaign, the Kadeshi Mothership was known for ramming and one-shotting vessels up to heavy cruisers in size without taking any damage itself. Good times... Good times.
@Sep No, not until now, but I appreciate it! We need more Homeworld. Always more Homeworld.

also, score! I made the GM laugh!
Starlight Lance

Throughout the fight, the Starlight Lance's Swarmers have focused on serving as screens of protection to the Endeavor's starfighter fleet, while the Ambassador's unarmed Swarmer made a hasty retreat into her home hangar. The Death Gliders proved no match to the Kadeshi Swarmers, each nimble Microvessel throwing their insignificant masses around the battlespace with their oversized engines, positioning themselves in perfect positions to rain high velocity bolts of condensed plasma onto their foes. Whenever they were forced on the defensive, they made annoyingly precise maneuvers to keep themselves above the field of fire of their foe's belly mounted weaponry, using their reaction thrusters to spin around in order to make deadly counter attacks. This is not to say the enemy's deadly weapons did no harm to the Swarm. Assuming they covered one another, a single Death Glider could bait one or two Swarmers, and while the Microvessels attacked the vulnerable target from above, another Glider could strike them both down from the rear.

As Wave One starts to dock to refuel and rearm, Wave Two consisting of 36 Assault Swarmers and 36 more advanced Lance Swarmers. Forming up into one massive cloud of microvessels, they make a significant attack run upon one of the Pyramid Ships attacking the Starlight Lance. With their Plasma Bomb Launchers and Polymerization Guns, they bring about a voluminous barrage of superheated balls of plasma and narrow instantly-hitting beams of white-hot energy intense enough to punch through the hulls of corvette-class strikecraft in only one shot, though en masse doing concerning amounts of punishment to frigate or even capital class starships.

Following through from their first attack run, the mass of attack Swarmers split up in a great starburst pattern, performing evasive maneuvers as they set themselves up individually for more stinging strikes across the Pyramid Ship's hull, while the Starlight Lance herself rotates around to face the both of them with the most armored part of the ship: the front of her bulbous bow, while being careful not to whack the Venator with her tail end.
Huh. The more you know.
I dunno... Just plasma... I would say "superheated" but plasma is already pretty hot, eh?
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