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If I could colab from my phone I would hahah but. I can’t access RPG at work lol

Afghan Taliban and Mujahadeen had access to old T-55 tanks at the beginning of our conflict. They were self taught, same with all the ZSU AAA guns and all the other heavy equipment around the area.

The US has since destroyed all of it. But yes you are right but equipment depots would be hit, but remote supply posts away from the front would be intact.

All it takes is one person to fuck around with something long enough to get an idea for it. He tells peopl, they screw around with it. Before you know it, you have a tank crew!


Well any stored equipment wouldn’t just be left out in the rain, it would most likely be sealed in storage, or somewhere safe from elements. ( beside the point)

You don’t exactly need to be an expert to use a tank, anyone and hop in a figure it out. ( how do you think they do it in Afghanistan?) chances are, there is someone that knows how to do most everything you can think of. I can’t believe that everyone would be completely ignorant.

This is also post apocyltia, you shouldn’t be manufacturing anything. Nukes are big and destroy cities, burn out electronics. Industry is target priority one during war. If anyone has any industry left, it’s either makeshift or very well hidden. That being said, you will be canibalizing parts from destroyed equipment.

People would get better at scavenging and fixing equipment in a post apocalyptic world, since there is no other choice. Even if a destroyed one is sitting around, someone will see it and wonder “ how does this work”

Not as much as you think, apart from these things being built to be resistant to the elements. Yes the finer points of gun stabilizers and infrared sights might need re-calibration or repair. The tank will still move, shoot and be a tank though.

Clean and flush the engine, sand off rust and put fuel in it. Unless it literally sat in a bog for four centuries....it’ll work

For comparison, the majority of the aircraft and ships that militaries from around the world use are at least 30-40 years old

The battleship your using ( unless it’s brand new) would be a refit if either a British battleship circa 1945 or American also circa 1945 buy modernised to 1990s tech
I mean, the east would be tank land, flat, open terrain. I can see someone scavving russian and German tanks. Like Leopard 2a4/5s or some T-80s/90s. Unless you were virtually untouched by the bombs I don’t see how people can progress past what was there.

IMHO- I think your tech should depend on where you are and what was there before you. For example, if you take the Pacific, you should expect to find a lot of ships that could be repaired and canabilized for parts. Likewise for your land powers ( Germany, France) I would expect to find main battle tanks.

In terms of retaining information, yes some would be lost but a good majority of it could still be found and retained. In the nuclear reactor example, you might not be producing nuclear scientists but you will have people who know how and a reactor works enough to use one.
@Strange Rodent

You are close....realllllly close. We should be talking, trading, feasting........ or fighting. We can do that too, I’d prefer to have a peaceful border though.
(Double post because.......reasons)

Mediterranean Sea
36°08'02.9"N 15°10'31.0"E
30NM North of Malta, 35NM South of Sicly

Commander Luke Sousse " Lucky"

Floréal-class frigates served the French navy well during the war. Their relatively light weight and powerful propulsion system makes them the fastest vessel on the water over 20,000 tons. Originally designed for surveillance, the Byzantion Maritime Patrol or BMP for short, used them in the same role. Long range patrol, reconnaissance, interdiction and rescue was the domain of the Floreal Class.

At 27, Commander Sousse was a bit young to be commanding a frigate. Usually reserved for captain just making their rank, frigates usually lead to larger ship commands. "BZ-141 The Abyssinia" Or Abyss for short was Lucky's third ship since joining the Maritime Patrol. Long range patrol was one of the least desirable jobs for frigate captains, being one of the youngest in the group he was almost guaranteed a spot.

Why do people not like long range patrols you ask? The BMP has 12 light frigates designed for long range patrols, these are split into two groups of six. One group patrols the water to the west of Sicily and the other patrols the waters to the east. Each group has to patrol 2500 nautical miles of water in a constant fashion for two weeks until their relief is dispatched. Which means, long periods of time looking at lots and lots of water, getting chased/attacked by pirates and baking in the hot summer sun.

The Patrols originate at the resupply depot in Malta, vessels then leave exactly 24 hours after one another, ensuring that there is always a BMP vessel in every patrolled territory at any time. This also ensures a constant stream of information back to headquarters, as ships arrive throughout the week as they return from patrols. The Abyssinia patrolled the western Mediterranean and was currently lingering in the patrol lane, both anchors down. If anyone cared to pay attention, they would ask "why is there a ship just sitting in the patrol lane?" and "Why does this ship not have an IFF radar on?". Luckily for Luke, he knew the staff at the Malta radar station were lazy potheads and were more concerned with who could role the perfect joint than looking at the radar scope. It took one to know one however and Luke was doing just that……trying to buy some pot.

10 gallons of Valencian wine for 10 pounds of fine Roman marijuana, was a fair trade in Luke's opinion, how else was the crew supposed to stay sane for the next week. In a perfect world, Luke wouldn't have to borrow the BMP's frigate to go buy weed from some enterprising Romans. When you patrol the sea for two weeks out of the month and refit for the other two, there isn't much time for growing his own. There are benefits in travel however, Valencian wine was all the rage in the west and Valencia just happened to be on his patrol route. Through his connections, and maybe a little bit of money, Luke had created a small amateur smuggling ring.

" How long have we been here?" Luke asked angrily, turning his head to face the navigator on the bridge.

"30 minutes, they're late….", the Navigator quipped, sounding equally as annoyed. Luke turned his head back around and stood, walking up to the windshield on the bridge. He let out a heavy sigh and brought the pair of binoculars that were hanging around his neck to his face. " This is the first time, they have been late" he said to himself as he scanned the horizon. With the radar off the crew could physically see up to the 15 mile horizon, the man in the crow's nest could see out to 20 miles in any direction. The Romans should be coming from the north and unless they haven't left yet, should be clearly visible. With another heavy and audible sigh Luke dropped the binoculars and let them hang from his neck again.

"Turn on the Radar, I want to find where these guys are" he said in an irritated tone before he heard the whirring sound of the radar scope screen warming up.

" Got em" the radar operator said " Due north, 25 miles….they are stationary?" the woman finished in a questioning tone " They are being shadowed by another vessel, both stationary"

The Mediterranean is never "fully" safe, pirates are a problem, it's the reason why these ships are armed. Pirates this far away from the middle east coast would be odd however, but not completely unheard of.

" Turn to 023 and increase power to full " Luke ordered, walking back to the captains chair. The ground shuddered a bit as the engines turned over and the anchors were locked in place. The ship pivoted north and was soon at full speed, speeding towards the smugglers. After traveling for a few minutes the handheld around his waist crackled to life and the voice of the lookout boomed on the bridge.

" Sir, I see your guys, there's another ship moored to it….." the man said flatly

" What…." Luke said in an annoyed tone, shooting back up from the chair to walk back to the windshield, bringing the binoculars back up to his face.

The smugglers always used a modified 40ft Yacht, it was fitted with hydroplanes for increased stability and an aqua jet propulsion system for speed, nearly 60 knots with calm seas. At full magnification Luke could see the smugglers yacht and what looked like a small unmarked frigate directly next to it. The marijuana or alcohol itself was not a problem and was freely traded in both nations. However, on duty BMP personnel could not partake in such liberties, as it ( and rightfully so) dulls your senses, ruins crew cohesion and so on. The illegal part was the unincorporated and unmarked trade of goods on the sea. Not punishable by anything more than a fine but there is a reason these rules exist. Marked and incorporated traffic is tracked by the BMP and other allied navies. Unmarked traffic is not tracked, and no one knows when they are in trouble, piracy is a problem.

" The ship is classified as a Italian Minerva-class corvette, no IFF reply" the radar operator said calmly
Luke let out an audible 'hmm' before walking out onto the bridge walkway " Pirates, like that….all the way out here. Cant be.." he said to himself before bringing the binoculars back up to his face. The ship was a little over 10 miles away and could be clearly viewed by the binoculars. The Corvette was well maintained and painted, surprising for a vessel of that size outside of a major navy. As he continued to scan the mystery corvette a white flash along the deck caught his eye, followed by the unmistakable shape of a torpedo flying into the water.

" Shit…" he got out before flying through the door of the bridge. " Launch starboard decoys and distractions, turn to port, make for flank speed!" he yelled, initially stunning the crew before they jumped into action. The hissing sound of compressed air being expelled could be heard on the bridge as the decoys and sonar distractions launched, being followed by a quick lurch to the left. The Abyss was now moving perpendicular to the mystery corvette and the torpedo could now be clearly seen just below the water, it was taking the bait.

' That was easy' Luke thought before he heard the high pitched whine of a high velocity shell passing close over the ship. " Shit…" he said again realizing what the corvette's captain was trying to do. The torpedo was probably a dud, just a distraction for us to give him a bigger target for the gun. 10 miles was pushing the range of the 76mm gun and the shells were flew erratically as they reached this range.
The Corvette was moored onto the smugglers yacht and could not be safely fired upon. The corvette could fire over the yacht with ease but firing back would be a problem. Their problem was amplified by the fact that the closer they got, the more accurate the fire would get.

" Ready an Exocet…." Luke said in an annoyed tone between the shrieks of high velocity rounds. " All ahead flank" he added as the ship sped up to full speed. Exocet missiles were the premier French anti-ship missile during the war. Capable of supersonic travel in its terminal phase, it could be programmed to attack in sea skimming or vertical attack mode. It utilizes a semi armor piercing high explosive delay to blow holes through its target instead of on it. Although not designed to minimize collateral damage, it will work perfectly in this situation.
Why wasn't he happy to shoot an Exocet then? Luke, being the captain of the ship would be responsible for every round that left his ship. Every shot required and explanation, read paperwork, and missiles required a lot of…..paperwork. Ammunition and missiles are checked out during the re-arm so you couldn't lie about how much ammo you left with.

" Bay one ready" the intercom screamed as the missile indication light flashed green.

" Program bay one to go supersonic after launch and attack vertically, standard delay" Luke quipped before the weapons technician began typing away.

" Ready to fire…" the weapons technician said coolly

" Fire…." Luke ordered, shortly before the thunderous sound of a rocket could be heard firing. The missile fired from the vertical launcher on the bow, shooting straight up into the air before beginning its shallow curve towards the corvette. This all happened within plain view of the pirate corvette which immediately started to take counter measures, much to the surprise of the crew. Almost immediately after launch two, interceptor missiles were launched from the pirate corvette and began flying towards the Exocet.
The Excocet was starting its dive as the first interceptor was getting into range. Although oringally designed in the 80s, the French poured a lot of money in keeping the Exocet modern. Random evasive maneuvering during the terminal phase was the industry standard amongst anti-ship missiles at the time. The active radar guidance of the Exocet picked up the missile and quickly calculated the closest escape vector. The missile made a hard turn to the left before making an equally as jarring turn back down towards the pirate vessel. The Exocet audibly broke the sound barrier and sped past the second interceptor missile before slamming into the deck of the pirate corvette.

A jet of water shot up from the corvette like a geyser before the deck exploded upwards. Thick black smoke poured from the single smoke stack as a quick burst of flame exploded out of the bridge windows. The ship began sinking almost immediately, as it listed heavily to its port side.
" Lets get in there" Luke said excitedly as he felt the shake below him. He could see the romans beginning to cut the sinking corvette loose as they fought off the survivors who tried to swim to their boat.

By the time the Abyss got to the smugglers yacht, only the conning tower of the pirate vessel was visible above the waves. The water was a maroon mixture of blood and oil, with crates floating to the surface every so often. Luke walked down off the bridge and on to the quarterdeck of the Abyss.

" Ave…" the romans yelled up to the captain and crew now gathering on the starboard side of the ship.

" Ave…." Luke responded…." So…..you got my stuff….." he said with a sly smirk, prompting chuckles from both sides.
Collab between:@NecroKnightand@Apollo26

30°26'44.3"N 32°21'17.2"E
Suez Canal

Out of the entire Byzantion Maritime Patrol, only two captains were tasked with patrolling the Suez. It was a remote posting, nothing lived in the stretch of desert between Port Said and the Gulf of Suez. The coastline was littered with the burnt out factories and the oil wells of the middle east, either destroyed by raiders or the war.

The "Neptune Scourge" a repaired and modified Spanish Meteoro class frigate, was one of the two ships that patrolled the narrow canal. The Meteoro class was orginally designed as a patrol boat, making it easily suited for patrolling the narrow and relatively shallow canal. With a displacement of nearly 2400 tonnes, the Neptune scourge had the power of a light frigate.

Armament was its only problem, originally built with a 76mm main gun and multiple 20mm guns. The Scourge was retrofitted with two reloadable Exocet anti ship launchers, giving it the bare minimum for ship defense. The Lack of proper CWIS systems also worked to the detriment of the Neptune scourge as it had no way to defend itself from modern anti ship missiles. These problems were far from the minds of the crew. Who would possibly travel though the Suez? Beyond the Gulf of Aden is the Indian ocean, with weeks of travel in any direction. The desert around the Suez in near uninhabitable and undesirable. Everyone from the head of the navy down to raw recruits knew that traveling through the Suez was a waste of time and fuel without a purpose.

Luca Braza, the captain of the Neptune Scourge eyed their sister ship in the binoculars as they sailed back towards the Mediterranean. The warning he received from the other captain still echoed in his head, challenging that age old belief about the Suez canal, ' Be alert, radar contact at the mouth of the Gulf of Suez'.

The ship that was coming through was nothing that either of the men of Byzantion might except in their wildest dreams to ever sail the seas. Although it did sail, under the flag of Britannia. Namely the ship in question was a battleship - similar to its counterpart of World War One, it had enough firepower to devastate any city it turned its cannons towards.

Though far from being a hostile power, this ship in question had been mostly scouting through the coastal regions of Africa and had planned on swinging through the Suez on its way back to Britannia. Namely, as things were going - Britannia wanted to know, how many others had survived the nuclear annihilation four centuries later. The weakness of the older British Isles - was its misguided desire of being both rulers and dis-united from the world around it.

The Britannia of this era, practiced a bit of both - they still wanted to remain away, yet also have a more open hand in dealing with others. As such, a battleship would both demonstrate the power of Britannia to any wayward enemy and also any potential ally - that Britannia was a force to reckon with. Plus they weren't traveling alone as it was.

Currently, they were slowly moving through the Canal - keeping their equipment pinging for anything in the water. One could never be too careful here, since nobody could know how many mines or dead ships might have been sunk at the bottom of the Canal. The last thing they wanted was to join them, as such their powerful sonar was constantly blaring across the sea-floor and being a head-ache to their companions below.

Their sister ship was nearly five hours behind them at this point and the sun was just starting to touch the horizon, giving the terrain a slight red hue. Luca had his radar on passive mode, relying more on visual spotting than on the radar array. Being a patrol craft this makes sense, anything that could be out there would attack from the coast and countless patrols have proved that time and time again.

The radar operator wasnt even looking at the radar screen and allowed the mystery ship to creep within 25 miles of the Neptune Scourge. The unmistakable ping of a sonar blast was the first indication that something was there, waking everyone up from the stupor of another routine patrol.

"uhhh....sonar contact bearing......170," the radar operator barely got out before another ping could be heard. " bearing 165, distance........23 miles!" he finished with an alarmed tone. The man quickly switched screens to the close range radar array and tuned the radar out to the 20 mile limit. The room went silent as the first pulse registered on the screen, everyone saw the size of the radar contact coming the opposite way.

The sound of another sonar ping broke the silence on the bridge as alarms were immediately activated, waking up the night crews and brought everyone to battle-stations. The two Exocet missile launchers were loaded and the 76mm gun had its 8 round magazine full and ready to fire.

" Radar contact classified as......a battleship?" the radar operator said in a questioning tone. " Unknown class and origin, something not from around here thats for sure..." he finished

The captain and crew knew that they should be the only people out here. Seeing a battleship coming down the Suez was either a cause for alarm or hope. The BMP could not field anything that in the Suez and the closest battleships were at least two or three days away.If this ship was hostile, it could blow them away and be in the Mediterranean in a day and a half.

As the battleship kept on moving forward, the battleship of Britannia picked up that they were also being signaled, as such the captain of the vessel also ordered his men into battle-stations. Compared to the BMP - the Britannian vessel, was much more organized...and had a lot more weaponry to fire back, should the opposition prove hostile.

Soon enough, the communication equipment on board the Neptune Scourge would start working - namely broadcasted on an open frequency. Although, four centuries of non-contact with their fellow human beings, left things...mostly in gibberish.

That was until, several other words started to be spoken - something that hadn't changed much in the years of naval development. "KILO. TANGO..." came the voice. Or in old International Code of Signals it was a basic 'I wish to communicate with you' yet also 'Keep clear of me'.

Well, at least they hadn't fired upon them - which the battleship could have accomplished. As of the current moment, the vessel kept on moving although it seemed to be on high-alert as well, as its naval cannons started moving back and worth - indicating that it was in a search-pattern for any active hostiles.

It took a minute to process what Luca just heard. Kilo. Tango? What was that supposed to mean? He stared out at the horizon for a moment before the answer hit him.

" They want to talk!" he said aloud in an excited tone, prompting laughs from the bridge crew. He started to hope that maybe they can all get out of this with their lives. The radio in the bridge crackled to life again, this time the voice of the lookout could be heard. " I see the Vessel, due south maybe 15 miles away, I dont recognize the flag its flying."

" All Stop and coast, then drop the anchor" Luca said calmly " and send them return message saying Kilo Tango as well", he said before wallking out to the walkway of the bridge. The Brittanian battleship could just barely be seen on the horizon with the naked eye. He waited what felt like ages as the Neptune scourge drifted closer towards the battleship, coming within 10 miles before dropping the anchor. The immense size of the battleship could be seen from even 10 miles away, its conning tower clearly visible on the horizon by the naked eye.

" Alright.....Now what...." Luca said with a heavy sigh before picking up the Walkway intercom Handset, dialing the crows nest. " Flash the "All is Well", flag signal. Tell me if they respond"

More of the vessel came into view, the closer it got - although it did appear to keep a respectful distance from them and not be on a collision course at the current moment. Namely soon enough the flag soon became visible - looking a bit familiar to the old flag utilized by the former Governor of Gibraltar.

Although if Gibraltar had such a large ship, then half of their nation would know about that. Rather enough, it likely belonged to somebody whom owned Gibraltar once - namely an old nation known as the United Kingdom. While their flag looked different, it had the same made and coloration from a distance.

As it happened, soon enough - a yellow flag was waved at them. Namely a signal for 'My vessel is "healthy" and I request free pratique'. Or in this case it could be translated to 'I am not a danger, requesting location of nearest port'. Perhaps they were traders similar to the BMP.

"They returned the gesture.....and want to know the location of the nearest port?" the look-out finished with a question.

" Well, im sure the command at Port Said would love to see something like this". Luca said aloud before walking back through the bridge door and up to the sea chart. It would take 2 days for them to get back at normal speed, just enough time to get the larger ships of the BMP to the canal entrance. If this was a trap he could at least mitagate the risk by having some of the biggest ships in the fleet there.

Luca let out a long sigh before keying the intercom for the crows nest again " Flash an affirmative flag and then tell them to follow us" he finished flatly, looking up to meet the confused faces of the bridge crew.

" My ship, my decision" he quipped with a quick smile " What choice do we have" Luca finished with a chuckle. " Turn the ship around and fire and illumination flare off the stern, then make for Port Said at normal speed".

The crew snapped into action and the Neptune Scourge quickly turned around. The Sun was about halfway below the horizon and the sand was now painted in an amber hue. The thud of an illumination flare could be heard before the area was suddenly bathed in blueish white light, the signal for " follow me".

As they were getting underway, a single coded message was sent over the long range radio. In the direction of Port Said at the mouth of the Mediterranean.

"Battleship class vessel encountered,Unknown nationality, non hostile, leading vessel back to Port Said after request of shelter, request fleet mobilization at Port Said inlet"


You are guaranteed to get attention if you travel through the Suez.
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