Avatar of Archangel89


Recent Statuses

9 yrs ago
Alright status update: I have started a new job and am currently in the process of getting used to said job. To all the games I'm currently in I will starting work on responses this weekend
9 yrs ago
Due to a misplacement of my laptop I will unlikely be able to post until Friday or there abouts. My apologies for those waiting on me.


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Most Recent Posts

Sorry about the wait, I'm doing this all from my phone and daddy duty comes first as well. Also if any one knows where to find a good pic of an old monk-esque love looking dude I'm all ears..this pic search is killing me
No problem [@HolySoldier] Im in the process of finding an appropriate face claim
Oh that was my plan [@HolySoldier] the fact that I found the Roshi picture was purely coincidental lol

I have an idea for a force master if your still looking [@HolySoldier]
Cool I just wanted to run it by everyone just to make 100% sure
Hello all, I've still been here lurking and wanted to ask those involved with Cap and SHIELD if they had any issues with me throwing in a submission for Nick Fury (Jr, or otherwise?)

Howdy all, I've been lurking a bit and I'm debating on playing a Nick Fury (Jr. Or otherwise) and I was wondering what your opinions were?
True and that's what's keeping me from just jumping in, I'm not sure if I can commit to regular posting but I'm debating it

Hey everyone one I've been lurking for a little bit and I'm still trying to figure out if I can join (if you'd have me) but I have an idea to play Aladdin from Magi
[@HolySolider] would there be room for a Nautilus or Gragas?
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