Avatar of Archangel89


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9 yrs ago
Alright status update: I have started a new job and am currently in the process of getting used to said job. To all the games I'm currently in I will starting work on responses this weekend
9 yrs ago
Due to a misplacement of my laptop I will unlikely be able to post until Friday or there abouts. My apologies for those waiting on me.


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[@HolySoldier], other than adding the current story is there anything that I should add or change? Are the abilities reasonable?
Here's what I have for the time being tell me what you think?

Name: Lóng Wūguī

Alias: Keeper of Many Secrets

Nickname: Maybe later

Age: 68

Region of Origin: East

Hometown: Wan Si Tong

Deity: Meng Zhang, The Dragon of the East

Master:Force Master

Gender: Male

Race: Gon

Height: 5’9”

Weight: 173lbs

Hair: Bald

Eyes: Grey

Skin: A dark blue almost a slate grey

Handedness: Ambidextrous.

Scars: None

Tattoos: Long’s body covered head to toe in ancient writing the only he and the Grandmaster knows and in the center of his chest is the mark of the Great Dragon curling around itself facing outwards.

Basic Description: Long dresses himself in a very plain robes made of decent fabric. He never wears sandals or any type of footwear in order to keep a constant connection to the earth for a flow of ki.

Likes: The smell of old scrolls, silence, order, learning something new.

Dislikes: Loudness, chaos.

Goals: To fill the Great Library of Wan Si Tong with every possible ounce of knowledge. To transcribe all things for an accurate account of life in his age.

Mannerisms: Long is a very quiet and studious person often times preferring the quiet of the Great Library to the hustle and bustle of the outside world. Even when he is out among the masses he is quick to listen and slow to speak contemplating every possible action before ever taking one. Meng Zhang once said that Long was the most promising individual to ever the inherent the Dragons Wisdom, but his disconnection with the world would never let him achieve perfect knowledge.

Psychological Condition: Long is very literal taking everything said as literal fact.

Superstitions: None

Social Pressures/Problems: Long has disconnected from the world and has forgotten how to interact with other people in situations other than in deep study.

Parents: Deceased

Siblings: None

Rivals: Possibly Later

Enemies: None

Weapons: Bo staff and several tonbogiri kept hanging around his waist.

Skills: Linguistics, Diplomacy,


Through long and arduous training Long has access to four unique styles of ki manipulation.

Earth Style:-
Earth Style pulls ki directly from the ground beneath him giving him access to greater durability and increased strength while also allowing him to manipulate the earth and stone

Water Style:-
Water Style draws ki from the water which stays in constant motion, while he gains no direct physical benefits from this style it allows him to sense the flowing ki within every living thing. When no water is present Long is able to draw a small amount from the moisture in the air (provided the environment allows him to do so)

Wind Style:-
Wind Style pulls ki from the very air around Long, allowing him to change and direct the currents of air. This style increases his speed and the cost of defense and on greater concentration allows him flight.

Fire Style:-
Fire Style draws ki from the heat of the flame. While an open source of fire is not always available Long is able to create fire by manifesting his own personal ki into concentrated “dragon flame” (napalm like).

Current Story: This section can detail all that has happened to your character to explain their goals or what they are doing now. This is where your character’s story goes. If they are traveling, why? If they aren’t traveling, then where are they and what are they doing? These stories are what we will be role playing off of. If you are role playing one of the four disciples, then you can describe the school and the grand master's personality whether they be male or female. Because your character is the only young master from that school, you as the writer can know the culture, techniques, etc. surrounding that school. The school is yours just remember who your grand master is.
[@HolySoldier], ik I've actually just found one and right now just working on finishing up the app itself. I'm almost done just getting down to the meat of his abilities atm
Sorry about the wait, I'm doing this all from my phone and daddy duty comes first as well. Also if any one knows where to find a good pic of an old monk-esque love looking dude I'm all ears..this pic search is killing me
No problem [@HolySoldier] Im in the process of finding an appropriate face claim
Oh that was my plan [@HolySoldier] the fact that I found the Roshi picture was purely coincidental lol

I have an idea for a force master if your still looking [@HolySoldier]
Cool I just wanted to run it by everyone just to make 100% sure
Hello all, I've still been here lurking and wanted to ask those involved with Cap and SHIELD if they had any issues with me throwing in a submission for Nick Fury (Jr, or otherwise?)
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