Avatar of Ariosk
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    1. Ariosk 9 yrs ago


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8 yrs ago
Current I have a love-hate relationship with Tupperware.
8 yrs ago
Just because you [i]can[/i] eat waffles for every meal doesn't mean you [i]should[/i]
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8 yrs ago
Life is like a box of chocolates...halfway through you realize how much you hate yourself.
9 yrs ago
I'm doing my best, but expecting the worst.
9 yrs ago
College is like looking both ways before crossing a street and then getting hit by an airplane.


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So like I did with Bri, but less extreme XD

Thanks Ari.

Basically! xD
Anytime, Cara ^-^
<Snipped quote by The Rectifier>

XD okay.
Why the change? I havent been reading, sorry @.@ life is happening.

Original person who controlled Rai was giving us issues IRL and then being super passive aggressive on the RP. SO Rectifier took over Rai, but changed he to a she just to add another female Archon.
“Oh, I see,” Maya remarked while raising a skeptical eyebrow, “My apologies, Fuma –I didn’t realize.”

A little young to be the leader, don’t you think? thought Maya as she rubbed the back of her neck.

You were on the throne at the age of seven. Andromeda pointed out.

And look how well that turned out. Maya scoffed.

Suppressed guilt gnawed at her gut as she remembered the nation she left behind. Millions of people –her people –were abandoned to the whims of a power-thirsty oligarchy while she sought justice and adventure in galaxies far away. She reminded herself that she had no other choice, that her destiny was to be an Archon, but maybe that was just a bittersweet concoction of lies to help her sleep at night.

Turning away from her pensive thoughts, Maya plastered a smile and chimed, “I have quite the favor to ask of you, Fuma. You see, I’m looking for someone of cosmic importance; however, their identity and appearance are unbeknownst to me.”

Crossing her arms, she peered down her nose at the flame-haired boy, piercing behind the mask with her ethereal gaze. In a solemn hushed tone, she repeated to Fuma what Marcus conveyed to her when they first met, “I can tell you that this person will be someone who does not belong here; it will be someone who has great difficulty fitting in. The individual I seek might be in a high position of power, or alternatively, they might be a commonplace nobody with no status. Vague, I know,” she admitted, “However, out of all of these things, the most concrete characteristic is that at least one of their parents was killed during their childhood."

Maya paused. Emotional scabs threatened to give way as she remembered the violent slaughtering of her parents. She could clearly recall their bodies slumped over each other in their dark bedroom. Flashes of lightning silhouetted their motionless forms. A pool of sticky crimson crept across the marble floor. Exhaling slowly, she scanned the faces of strangers around her in the hangar, wondering who shared the same misfortunes.

“Alas, I digress. Your assistance would be most appreciated, yet hindrance will be met with forceful persistence considering that failure on my part is not an option,” she bluntly concluded with a shrug.
<Snipped quote by The Rectifier>

We don't have to call her Caitlyn now, do we?


Haaa Cara I adore you XD
Maya frantically clasped her arms around Calvin’s waist to keep from flying off the back as the motorcycle revved to life and lurched forward, spinning a spray of gravel into the air behind it. Her stomach twisted in knots as they raced across the rugged terrain. She wasn’t particularly fond of trusting a stranger to drive her, especially when they were zipping along at an unsettling speed. She felt as though one slight bump in the road might send her crashing into the darkness. She clenched her eyes shut to block out the dust and wind. Over the loud engines, the Water Archon picked up bits and pieces of conversation –something about navigational plan and flipping-a-bitch. I better not be the bitch they’re flipping…whatever that means.

After what felt like days, the bikes finally slowed as they approached and entered a large hanger. The harsh glow of artificial light greeted the scout troupe. White light bled into the black abyss outside and quickly dissipated into the shadows. With some help from Calvin, Maya eagerly hopped off the motorcycle. Her legs wobbled slightly beneath her as blood circulation returned to her lower extremities. Maya quickly resumed her regal demeanor with head held high and shoulders pushed back. She tugged at her jacket, straightening it out in a formal fashion and then brushed her fingers through her wind-whipped hair in attempt to loosen the tangles. She brushed dirt off of her leggings while gazing around the vast building, checking for any impending threats. People meandered about, but she could not immediately pick out a man in charge, or at least, that was until a masked teenage boy with unnaturally bright orange hair waltzed right up to her.

"Welcome to the Circus, miss. I'm Fuma. Who might you be?" inquired the lad. Even though Maya couldn’t see through the black and white mask, she sensed that the boy was smiling. His appearance left her momentarily speechless. For once, someone else’s hair outmatched hers in ridiculousness.

“Hello Fuma,” she greeted slowly, making more eye contact with Fuma’s hair than eyes (or eye holes for that matter), “My name is Qiada Maya Lavandula, but please, just call me Maya. So, uh, could you please direct me to whoever is in charge around here?”
As the man in charge looked her over, Maya smirked when she realized that he chalked her up to nothing more than a nonthreatening female. In reality, she could violently rip every molecule of water from their bodies before they could pull a trigger, turning them into fleshy human prunes. They weren’t worth the headache though. Plus, Maya had a strict do not attack unless provoked policy in regards to strangers. Nevertheless, the thought amused her.

No more towns? Huh. This planet sounds like a post-apocalyptic nightmare. On the bright side, if the population is diminished, it should be easy to find the Archon.

With night approaching, the air began to bite with more ferocity, sinking through to the bone. A man approached Maya cautiously as if she was a skittish deer. She raised an eyebrow and boldly walked past him, calling out, “Which bike is yours? If you would be so kind, I would like to get a move on before I freeze my tits off.”

Before hopping onto the back of the motorcycle, she glanced into the darkness to search for Paul. Part of her wanted to run and embrace him, but she was wary of blowing his cover. They had a mission to complete, and she needed him to act as back up just in case things took a turn for the worse. He was either going to have to hitch a ride himself or go for a run. Hopefully he had worn a jacket.
Maya stood poised and patient as the leader of the group contacted his commanding officer. Having lost sensation in her fingertips, she lowered her hands slowly to her sides, hoping not to spark a shower of bullets. Minutes ticked by awkwardly while the man reported the details of their expedition. Tilting her head inquisitively, she carefully examined each scout in attempt to discern if any of them exhibited telltale signs of Archon lineage. Marcus was capable of reaching out with his mind in order to scan others’ thoughts, but Maya hadn’t quite perfected the skill. Instead, she relied on her acute perception to pick up on behavioral cues. None of them men before her fit the bill.

Her back stiffened; Maya was suddenly very aware of someone else in their presence, hiding in the shadows. The leader was still engrossed in conversing on the radio, and none of the others appeared to be aware that they were being watched. As the wind switched directions, she eased as she detected a familiar scent -like burning leaves mixed with leather and a sweet touch of rum. It was Paul hiding out of sight.

Sneaky bastard. He should still be in sick bay. What, did he think I couldn’t handle this mission on my own?

Well, you’re currently surrounded by men with guns…

They haven’t shot me yet.


At that moment, the leader of the pack turned back around to Maya, taking his hat off apologetically. "Please forgive me,” he announced, “We don't take any chances around here. What happened to you, miss? You look worn, and you appear to be alone. It's too dangerous out here for that kind of behavior."

Dangerous? I wonder what has been going on on this planet…

Putting on a smile and her polite business voice, Maya replied, “No worries at all. It is completely understandable, especially in times like these. As odd as it may sound, I am actually trying to find someone of great importance to me. If it’s not too much trouble, could I possibly catch a ride with you to the nearest town or city?” She made sure that the last sentence sounded extra pitiful, pouting her lips for effect.
Maybe, just maybe, if I sit here quietly, they will go away. Maya thought dubiously to herself. She mentally mapped out her options, quickly weighing the pros, cons, and likelihood of survival. Running would be futile. Fighting presented too many risks. Surrendering held the most potential of getting her to civilization and closer to the Archon.

Must you overthink everything? You’ve spent most of your life as a royal official. You know how to charm and lie to get what you want.

I prefer to think of it as tactfully-embellished negotiating. Most politicians and ambassadors typically weren’t pointing weapons at me, however.

"Reveal yourself,” a voice called out, “We've surrounded you. Please don't make this hard, any commotion will alert the Enemy to our position. We all live, or none of us do."

Maya nervously caressed her trident, deciding whether she should bare it defensively or retract its blades into the compact cylinder. Choosing the latter, she slid her weapon into a sheath slung around her back. Slowly, she emerged from behind the rock with her arms lifted above her head. The headlights from the motorcycles washed over her, illuminating her silvery hair. She squinted, trying to discern the faces of the shadowy silhouettes around her.

Maya cleared her throat. “Hello, gentlemen,” she greeted cordially while eyeing the myriad of guns focused on her, “No worries, I’m not wanting to cause any trouble. If you would be so kind as to lower your weapons, that would be much appreciated.”
<Snipped quote by Ariosk>

Glad to hear you liked it, been reading a lot of mixed reviews. How far along did it go story wise?

I believe it went right up to Eren's first transformation and fight scene (which was glorious).
If you feel that you can handle both, go for it.

How was the movie btw?

Friggin amazing OwO
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