Avatar of ariplotter
  • Last Seen: 8 yrs ago
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  • Posts: 139 (0.04 / day)
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    1. ariplotter 9 yrs ago


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8 yrs ago
Why is working at 4am a thing? It should not be a thing...
8 yrs ago
Thank you, Mario, but your princess is in another castle ._.
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8 yrs ago
Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down, never gonna run around and desert you. Never gonna make you cry, never gonna say goodbye, never gonna tell a lie and hurt you. But I'll Rickroll you!
8 yrs ago
I bake when I'm bored... Hence the tupperware container full of 75 cookies sitting on my counter.
8 yrs ago
Nothing like the rush of adrenaline after performing on stage... the aforementioned adrenaline which keeps you up for another 5 hours past your bedtime ._.


Hello! I'm a 20 year old professional ballerina and aspiring writer. I will be attending college next fall, for a musical theatre degree, and I want to explore myself as a writer while I still have a lot of free time to write. I have been RPing since I was 13, when I started with a Harry Potter story, and I've been writing fanfiction and original work since not long after that. I consider myself to be a high casual/advanced RPer... once I start writing, it's hard for me to stop! I had an account on here many eons ago, but I lost it and decided to start anew. My fandoms include HP, Supernatural, Sherlock, Doctor Who, Firefly, Merlin, Chronicles of Narnia, LOTR, SAO, Fruits Basket, Ouran High School Host Club, Pokemon, Marvel, DC, and countless others. I also am highly interested in anything that involves medieval time periods, magical creatures and fairies, or time travel.

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Bump! Updated OP.
@AbysmalDemon I misspelled your username in my post, so the @ mention didn't work. Posting a mention to ya here instead x)
Sienna Rodriguez
Location: Great Hall

@Potter @McHaggis @AbysmalDemon @Nightfury Kat

“Dally. His name’s Dally,” Sienna said, in answer to Tessa’s question. She smiled, listening thoughtfully as Tessa told her and Morgan about her piercings and tattoo. Sienna glanced over to Dally, remembering why she’d chosen that name. When she was little, and tried to stretch out the time it took for her to be sent to bed, her mother would always swing her into the air and remind her not to dilly; to which Sienna always sassily replied, “That wasn’t a dilly. That was a dally!” It would turn into a huge tickle fight, and resulted in Sienna’s mother reading three more stories before Sienna finally fell asleep.

The compartment fell quiet as they passed the ruins of the old Hogwarts. Ice crackled at the windowpanes, and Sienna glanced first at Tessa, who was comforting her owl and herself, and then at Morgan, whose pale face seemed almost ghostly in the dim lighting caused by what lurked outside: Dementors.

Those dark creatures affected Sienna, as they affected anyone, but they weren’t as terrifying to her as they were to some people. Dementors made you relive your worst moments and brought on a wave of your most hopeless emotions; but Sienna had felt that way for so long that it hardly seemed very different. More intense, maybe. Probably the worst thing about being near them was that their presence made her very aware of the Dark Mark on her thigh. But she forced herself to look out of the window, where she could make out the faint shapes of the ruined castle down below, in the mist.

The sky brightened again, and the cold sense of despair lifted from the train. They arrived at Hogwarts, and were finally inside after a flurry of unpacking and moving luggage and students.

Sienna bid her goodbyes to Tessa and Morgan, who both headed over to the Slytherin table. It seemed like Tessa was trying extra hard to be friendly, and Sienna realized she probably didn’t have many people she could call friends amid the House that had many students who thought muggle-borns shouldn’t be allowed to attend Hogwarts. Maybe she would try harder to reach out to Tessa. Morgan seemed nice, too—he had spoken to her without even a trace of fear or distaste. Sienna resolved to talk to more fellow students of other Houses instead of just tolerating them or being aware of their presence. It was her last time here, after all; and she should make this year a good one.

Sienna clapped energetically for the new Ravenclaw first years, and politely applauded for the new students of other Houses. While Professor Alistair gave his welcome speech, she glanced around the table, trying to spot Cal. A few first years had tentatively taken seats near her, looking with wide eyes at her nose ring, but the spot right next to her was open; and she would appreciate some familiar company to talk to during dinner.

She was momentarily distracted from her search when Professor Alistair introduced Professor Scorpius Malfoy III. Cal sat next to her, and then when the dinner feast appeared on the tables, Sienna reached for the soup and salad bowls.

Sienna caught a flash of silvery white and black fur over at the Gryffindor table. The corner of her mouth tilted upwards as she noticed the sleek cat that was seated comfortably at his master’s feet, feasting on a piece of chicken handed down to him. Sienna’s gaze traveled upwards to the boy who was sitting there, and her small smile faded. Wayne made her uneasy—he was the type of guy who was very handsome, and knew it, and enjoyed finding ways to charm his way out of trouble that he had gotten himself into in the first place. She knew he was the champion of the Gryffindor dueling club, and always had a carefree smile on his face. Sienna found it easy to stay away from him, since they weren’t in the same year or House; but his cat quite intrigued her.

She realized Wayne might notice if she kept staring at him and his cat, so she started eating, wondering if Dally was settling in all right over in the Owlery. Sienna kept her eyes mostly on her plate, and also looked at Callum from time to time, smiling at his antics.
Glad things are cleared up :) The chart helps a lot. Working on my Great Hall post.
Maybe the new building was renovated for this year to be extra-great? Lol I was a little unclear too. Just gonna go with it, I suppose.
Lyn accepted Aidan's hand, almost knocking her chair over awkwardly as she stood. She viewed this pretense of a relationship as a new challenge. Give her a pack of bandits or assailants on horseback, and she knew immediately how to analyze the situation and play to her strengths. But romance? Even with a false one, she was quite lost as to how she should act.

Not to mention that the prince made her so bloody nervous, and she had no idea why. Even just touching his hand was giving her an uncomfortable swooping sensation in her stomach. And having each other for dessert? She shuddered to think of what that meant. At the same time, she felt a hint of curiosity at the prospect of getting closer to the prince.

She shook those thoughts out of her head. As soon as possible, Lyn let go of Aidan's hand to push the door open, and busied herself with preparing the horse and wagon. She was suddenly very aware of every movement she made, and could feel Aidan's eyes on her.
@Dirty Pretty Lies ah cool! I'm half Puerto Rican, so most of my characters usually have some Latin heritage x) maybe Demi could start out disliking Sienna because she's fairly close with Cal, being in the same house and whatnot. But once Demi realizes that Cal and Sienna have more of a sibling relationship, they become fast friends. How does that sound to you?
<Snipped quote by ariplotter>

Well, I'm still waiting for @Dirty Pretty Lies to post before I can get mine up.

Also, I figure that they can be good friends since Cal is basically againts all prejudice and he cooperates well with muggles.

Oh that's right. I suppose I'm waiting for @Potter; I forgot that Sienna asked Tessa a question xD yep, Cal and Sienna seem to make a good friendship match.
@AbysmalDemon I figure we can sit next to each other at the Ravenclaw table :) if you have a post in the works, I'll wait till you put it up before I write mine; or if not, I can just get started on one, myself.
@AbysmalDemon sounds good! Maybe Cal can be one of the few people Sienna already feels comfortable talking to.
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