Avatar of ArkmageddonCat
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  • Posts: 1311 (0.39 / day)
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    1. ArkmageddonCat 9 yrs ago
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Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Current Okay, let's give it a goo
3 yrs ago
I want to write, but don't ever seem to have the drive anymore. Every time I come back to this place and pop in to see how things are going, I want to come back. But I just can't seem to stick around.
1 like
4 yrs ago
At this point I think it’s safe to say I hate college, since I’m in my graduating semester with 6 classes, but I’m also pretty anxious about whatever will happen once I’m finally done.
5 yrs ago
That last month of the semester hit me real hard, but so begins the recovery process. I just want to chill out for a bit without having to think about another academic paper...
5 yrs ago
Haha yeet all you fams listen up; smash that futhamuckin like button and hit them haters in their pig-ass faces with a DEEP DISH DABBERONI PIZZAAAAA


It's been 4 years so I may as well put something in here, right?

I tend to enjoy worlds verging on the bleaker side of things, not really sure why. I like 'em gritty and somewhat grounded, with a reasonable amount of realism (fun takes priority though, ofc). I guess I just like having a sense that defeat is right around the corner, though overwhelming odds are always best saved for those wonderful moments when everyone feels like a total badass regardless of victory or defeat.

I've really wanted to find an RP set in the worlds of Red Dead, Hunt: Showdown, For Honor, the Metro series, and a few others I can't remember at the moment. Any time I look I come up empty-handed, but I'd still like to find one.

Most Recent Posts

Banned because that was just plain confusing for me to read.
Yeah, I'm not sure what to do there. I have one idea, but it's not really ready and would probably muck up your plans if he does end up returning. But I guess that's his fault, isn't it?

Well... not actually his fault, cause shit happens irl, of course. But, well... you know what I mean.
Banned for reading my mind.

Seriously, I was gonna post that but noooo...
@FistOfZeus Alright my dude, I understand. I hope all goes well with whatever you gotta do, cause RL can be a bitch.
@Nerdude Well, I believe I previously mentioned he stopped caring to know other people's names cause most of them ended up dying. Or perhaps just some of the people he got particularly close to? I don't know if I specified or hinted at it anymore tbh.

I will say I intended for that phrase to have a different connotation, though I won't say whether you're right or wrong.
Banned for perceived sarcasm.
Dharrec was approached once more by the woman from the hall, who promptly apologized and greeted him. Had his helmet not been on she might've easily been able to see the look in his eyes as he held back a sigh. He hated this part - meeting people... but he cared even less for being rude.

"Don't worry about it, the name's Dharrec Albannes." He replied, glancing towards the others. He doubted that she would be glad to be out here for too much longer. But, with as many members as this expedition had, he hoped that they would be enough to keep everyone alive.

The group had only been walking a short while, the guards atop the walls of Cartelom still watching as they left. A thought crossed Dharrec's mind; that woman's name... something about it seemed familiar. Perhaps he'd overheard it before, as she had likely been in Cartelom for longer than the two or so months that he had been living there.

Some of the other members had started chatting quietly by now, though Dharrec did not particularly care to listen. Maybe he should, maybe he ought to strike up a conversation with the woman... what did she say her name was again? Eveline, right? Maybe this time would be different...
@IAmKnight Totally understand, good luck with that and I hope you at least get some time to relax.


@Ocelot79 Alright, you got it.


@Nerdude Yeah I'll probably do a shorter one this time.

EDIT: As a heads up, I've got a final essay plus another short write-up to write for a summer class so my post will have to wait until I'm finished with that.
Alright, so, I think I'm going to delay my next post to allow @Ocelot79 and @YeetMeister some time to write theirs (if they plan on making any). I want to make sure nobody gets/feels left out or left behind if I can help it.

The Cartelom crew has been moving forward with little interaction between our characters aside from just recently, and I increased the pace for those of us in that group to reach a point where we could interact. I understand this might have the consequence of feeling rushed or jarring, so I want to take a moment to make sure we're all following along together.

I also know there's not much going on in Tarne at the moment, but it's for that exact reason (and Yeet's work schedule) that I want to make sure that he doesn't feel left out. The same goes for you too, pugbutter, but so far you seem to be doing alright. I also realize that Yeet hasn't been on in a few days so I won't stall the RP if he doesn't seem to be coming back.

Of course, if either of you two don't think you have the time to put up a post then I understand, and if you give the go-ahead then I'll work on getting my next post up in the meantime.


@IAmKnight Also, apologies for the delay in checking up on you, but are you still interested? You can still join in at any time if you'd like, as this is semi-sandbox, so if you need more time then you can take it.

I just remembered to check and saw that you said you'd remind yourself, and as it's been quite some time now I was just curious.
Banned for not expecting the Spanish Inquisition.
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