Avatar of Ashifili
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    1. Ashifili 9 yrs ago
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I will remember this.

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Be sure to tell me whether or not you want true RNG in this, so I can figure out how much I'm investing into the dice system.
The age of Heroes is over!
If you seek salvation, pull it down into your own hands!
If you seek freedom, carve it out with your own sword!
And if you seek vengeance, then take it!
The age of Heroes is over!
Everything is permitted!

Grim Odyssey

Fragments of the Zeroth Box

They call it the Zeroth Box. The Heroic Trials. The Divine Prison. The Monster’s Coffin. An artifact made several centuries ago, it acts as a gate to another world, from which monsters are made. Those who succumb to the forces of evil are reborn as the very monsters they fight. Those who surpass these tribulations though ascend to a new form of humanity. Bearing the Mark of Heroes, they gain power beyond imagination, and rule over their own kind as Hero-Kings, their might unquestioned.

But then, one day, the Zeroth Box was destroyed, and legions of monsters poured out. The Mark of Heroes disappeared, as a white-haired man, wreathed in corruption, declared the end of the age.

The Hero-Kings fell, their countries torn asunder by waves of monsters.

The Fragments of the Zeroth Box fell all over the continent, becoming masses of madness that distorted the laws of nature itself, monster nests that churned out more and more beasts.

Despite this, though, humanity persevered. They hid in the shadows, did everything to survive, until eventually, a party of four descended into the first Fragment, purging the evil that laid within. They were named the Descendants of Heroes. They called themselves ‘adventurers’.

Decades passed, and the survivors of the human race built themselves a city. Though much of the world is still infested by monsters, the city-state of Hexxenacht stands tall as a bastion of safety, knowledge, and progress. Outside those grand walls, adventurers, fool-hardy, brave, and quite possibly insane, set up their own shanty-towns, fighting monsters in the savage wilds and searching for the Fragments of the Zeroth Box, slowly gaining more ground.

Seventy-seven winters have gone by after the Shattering, and the Prisoner is waking up once more.

Tons of monsters.
Humans have one city.
Magic for humans is weak.
Alchemy is basically magical item creation.
Adventurers go outside the city to kill monsters.
No laws outside city, so scumbags galore.
Gods and Spirits can give you magical shit, but the former is a dick, and the latter is super rare (and also a dick).
Your characters will be adventurers , and there will, indeed, be a plot that will change depending on the decisions your characters make.
Might be using a homebrew dice system, if people are up for it. You can either choose a sadistic GM or a sadistic dice.

Expectations and Clarifications
This RP is a mixture of Grimgar and Etrian Odyssey. Monsters are unfairly strong, and people will die. Character death, thus, will be a possibility. My expectation of anyone who's interested is that they are able to write a character that can feel pain and can feel fear. You will definitely get fucked up, so if you're a sadist, welcome aboard.

I expect two to three paragraph posts and the ability to stay dedicated for at least three months. This is also what I expect out of myself, so if I slip up, feel free to shout abuse into my face and set me to 'Block' or 'Ignore' or 'Blacklist' or whatever.

This is also an anime/manga-esque RP based off things that are more shounen than seinen. So feel free to not be serious the whole time. Probably better for your character's psyche if they de-stress at a bar or whatever, eh?

Feel free to add new things to the world, as long as you go through it with me first.

Your characters will not start off as powerful. Also, customized classes are totally fine with me.
Instead of back-breaking pain, what Ja got instead was Nein’s noodle arms cushioning his twenty foot fall. Blinking at the young man’s words, the raven-haired boy tilted his head to the side and blandly replied, “I don’t know. You tell me.” If it was bird shit though, it’d probably disappear after a short while. While Sword Fart Online was realistic, it wasn’t THAT realistic, right? Same with how brutal injuries disappear after a few seconds, or how water particle effects weren’t quite as natural as they were in real life.

Before Jaeger could fully appreciate the cradle that was Nein’s slim, yet unreasonably strong arms, a distant ‘kyaa’ brought his attention upwards again. Most likely caused by his own unceremonious fall, another angel descended from the heavens, the radiant morning sun and open skies turning her flaxen hair into a saintly veil. With meteoric force, her firm ass smashed into his midsection, a powerful blow that knocked him from Nein’s embrace into the grassy plain.

The raven-haired youth let out a gasp of pain, the air knocked out of him, before he managed a weak smile at his adorable little sister. “G-good morning, dearest sister,” he said, “Are you hurt at all?”
Swan Song of the Valkyries - One time. Empowers next attack or ability used with the might of the Valkyries. HP drops to 0 after usage.

Thor's Wrath - One time. Nine bolts of lightning strikes the earth randomly in a fifty meter radius around you.

Hel's Hunger - One time. Party loses 10% of their max HP, forming the Spear of the Damned. This Spear's attack value scales off HP consumed and strikes down the strongest monster that is aggro'd onto the party members, debuffing all physical stats.

Blood Blade - Melee two-handed single-edged weapon. After killing ten monsters, user gains the Soulseeker buff, increasing Perception and Luck against humanoid monsters. Buff is refreshed for every kill, and lasts 30 seconds.

Remnants of Gungnir - Special ammunition for bows. Has 100% accuracy and 100% crit chance. Ignores physical defense and instantly kills mob monsters at below 20% Max HP.

Argonaut - Single handed sword with subpar stats. Instills the full-stat buff of 'Heroic Desire' when fighting against elite mobs or boss monsters that are five levels above the user.

Winds of Harvest - Staff. By lowering effectiveness of skills by 20%, single target support spells can be used as a small AOE centered around the first target instead.
Sorry about that. XD
A raven-haired angel, having fallen out of heaven’s graces, descended upon the pitiful world. His countenance was one of elegance and generousity; his eyelashes as long as a girl’s. Silky strands of midnight caressed his face, and the branches of bondage refused to free him. A natural crucifixion, for a being too sinfully beautiful to remain within the Garden of Eden, and yet, too divinely irresistible to remain unfettered in this unhallowed landscape.

Truly, an extreme punishment for a nerd who just tried to get as much gaming time in before the server maintenance booted his tight, cute ass out.

Opening his eyes to blue skies and grassy plains, Jaeger felt an odd stickiness upon his head. It was lukewarm and viscous, and as he moved to touch it, the branches rustled below. He paused, looked around properly, and sighed. He definitely didn’t remember being here, nor did he remember feeling so…weak. With a total of one month’s time playing in Sword Fart Online, Jaeger was accustom to being a badass warrior, superhumanly strong and fast, but now? He almost felt like a normal human! What was go-

His Inventory was empty.

All the equipment that his beloved Schwertleite passed down to him…gone. All the crafting materials that he hoarded because he had no idea what to do with them…gone. Even that one leg of virtual turkey he was saving for tomorrow…gone!

Then what about…

He turned around violently, the branches rattling beneath him. Night blue eyes frantically flickered about, searching for the rest of his party, before, finally, they melted. Ah, whether in reality or in virtual reality, Schwertleite’s sleeping face was so cute~


And just like that, the fallen angel fell from another type of heaven, plummeting twenty feet onto the less desireable blond German player: Nein.
Aight, time to pull all my religious motifs out of the ass now.

EDIT: If the fall kills him, that'll be sad.
@Pair of Hearts
To confirm some things...

Our characters would have played SFO for a reasonable amount of time, right? How long would that have been?

Did the German trio literally fall from the sky? Or did they wake up to find themselves where they are?

Are they all wearing generic peasant rags?
>brb carrying tree in it

A tree counts as a single item, right?
Can I roll to instinctively dodge? :3
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