Avatar of Balthazar007


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Current New beginnings mean an end to old starts, and that is never a bad thing.
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Finger Nails or Toe Nails???
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This is my second profile on here, and I have been Play-By-Post RPing for about nine years now. I do my best to see every RP to the end or at least let my character come to his/her own dramatic conclusion when I feel like signing off. Just like novel writing in real life, I tend to find myself on long hiatuses. Since writing is a great way to work out your brain, I try stay engaged as much as possible.

My favorite genres include futuristic worlds, mysteries, and super powers. Any mixture of these three elements will peek my interest.

Most Recent Posts

Tempum City (K7), Early Morning

... Ultimately, he pushed his thoughts aside and decided to go about his business.
"I wish to deposit my currency." He said, still holding the coins in his hand. "I currently possess 15 golden coins."

The bank teller's eyes lit up at the sight of the golden coins presented before him, and not figuratively. His eyes literally lit up, with a light blue, artificial color. It was only for an instant, but it was unmistakable.

Then his smile faded just a tad, regretfully informing Mougin that... "There aren't enough coins on these disks to start an account. Also, do you have an ID with you? My sensors don't seem to detect one anywhere on your person. You will need a valid ID to open an account."

The "man" waited patiently for Mougin's response.

Tempum City (K7), Early Morning

...It was early in the morning in Tempum city, but it seemed that the festivities from the previous day had yet to conclude, judging by the amount of drunken revellers that still prowled the streets. The bank was mercifully empty, so hopefully he would be able to finish his task quickly. The minotaur sauntered into the bank with sure steps.

At the far side of the empty room, the only sign of sentient life stood in the form of a well dressed, dark haired, pale skinned man. He looked unassuming yet inviting at the same time.

As the doors slid shut behind Mougin, the man waved. "Hello sir!" His cheerful voice carried well, across the room, with little to no effort. "How may I help you today?"

The bank teller's gaze never faltered, as Mougin made his way across the pristinely kept room. In fact, the man barely blinked, and when he did, it wasn't quite... normal. And his smile...

@Spin The Wheel, apologies for the late reply. It was a busy weekend.

To expedite the process, here are the things the officer is after by approaching Mougin alone.

1. He wants to introduce himself (Officer Charles), and in doing so, learn Mougin's name.
2. He wants to apologize for the city and it's inhabitants, and in doing so, learn where Mougin's from.
3. He wants to ask where Mougin plans to rest for the night, and in doing so, tell him about the free hotels offered by the CSC.
4. Finally, he wants to give Mougin his extention number, which he can use at any public telephone to reach him directly. He predicts that Mougin will run into more trouble, and while he remains in this city, Officer Charles will help (if he's available).
Tempum City (K7), Late Afternoon

..."Your skills as a lure are adequate," He whispered in his rumbling voice, "But your friend requires more finesse."
He did not stay to see their reacton, turning and walking away. His presence parted the crowd as he left the scene.

The snake girl accepted her knife with glaring eyes, but she didn't say a word. She and her friends hadn't gained anything from all their efforts, but they hadn't lost anything either. Nobody was arrested, or anything... They would, however, remember this large behemoth that bested them this day. His luck would run out eventually.

As Mougin walked out of what little remained of the crowd, the officer walked at a brisk pace to catch up. He took one more hard glance at the two beast-folk teenagers as he passed them. They smirked and turned in the other direction.

"Excuse me, sir." The officer said, coming up on Mougin's right side. "May I ask you a few questions?"

@Balthazar007 This might sound random, but do you have any thoughts on getting more people in this? I'm alright going back and forth like this but I feel like you'd be happier with more players. You could always just make interest check if you want to recruit.

I'm actually enjoying this focused 1v1. It wasn't what I originally planned, but it's working for me. I have a lot going on IRL, all good things, but a lot nonetheless. I'm open to people wanting to jump in, but I'm not feeling any pressure to actively recruit.

So, as long as you're good with it, I'm fine with the back and forth. 👍
Tempum City (K7), Late Afternoon

... It held justice in its tyrannical grasp, and when it did, it was a time of logic. There was no room for anger here, not while the colossus loomed over him. And so, the minotaur supressed his irritation, leaving room for his curiosity to breathe once more.
"What does it mean to... 'press a charge'?" He said to the police officer.

The crowd continued to disperse as the officer spoke with Mougin and the two teenagers, either due to lack of interest or feeling uncomfortable around a police officer. This particular police officer was well known and particularly feared for his strict nature.

"Well," the officer answered, "It means to officially accuse someone of a crime." He frowned as he glanced between the two teenagers, then back to Mougin. "You'll need to have evidence though, or the charges won't hold up in court. If you can prove these two are lying, pressing charges would be a good idea. If not, it may be a waste of your time."

"We didn't steal anything from this monster!" The girl shouted. "My friend was just being a brute." She punched her companion hard in the shoulder, but it didn't do much. He was still in beast form, while she was still in humanoid form.

"I'm sorry officer." The alligator boy lowered his head apologetically. "I was just trying to challenge him to a fight. It's not against the law if he agrees right?" As he finished his plea, his body began to shrink before their very eyes, as he turned back into his lanky humanoid form.

"I'm sorry sir." The teen said, looking up at Mougin with sad eyes.
Sorry, but I think this RP will not garner much more interest. I myself have lost motivation to post after the holidays. Sorry but I will have to drop ouT; good luck to any other RP endeavours!

I understand. Thanks for letting me know!
Tempum City (K7), Late Afternoon

... While what the thief said was technically true, the lack of context made it rather innaccurate. Was that how they testified in human lands? Should he defend himself in a similar manner? Probably not, since he didn't know how to do so. In the end, he decided to honestly depict what he believed to have happened.
"That individual was attempting to steal my pants. Or, my wealth." He finally said, pointing at the teenage girl.
Truth be told, he still wasn't sure which one it was.

With a lack of fighting or anything too dramatic, and with the arrival of a police officer, the crowd began to disperse. The three human teenagers that helped instigate the scene used this as a chance to escape down a nearby alleyway. Of course, they hoped neither of their friends got arrested or anything, but in the world of crime, it was every person for themself.

"Is that right?" The police officer asked the girl. His eyes darted to Mougin's torn clothes and then back to her.

"No!" She responded instantly.

Then, the alligator-teen spoke out, "She was only trying to protect me." His head was down, apologetically. "I was about to pick a fight with this guy, to see if he was as tough as he looked. She tried to get in the way, to stop me."

"Then he just grabbed me!" She interrupted, pointing to Mougin and stepping toward her friend, to take his side.

The officer took a heavy sigh. By this time most of the crowd was gone. "Well, it doesn't look like anyone was hurt." He rubbed the bridge of his nose pensively. Then he dropped his hand and spoke more crisply. "Does anyone here want to press charges?"
@Spin The Wheel So, the girl is going to make another attempt to escape Mougin's grasp. Mougin is now multitasking and she is trying with all her might this time, so I'm going to up her chances of escaping just a tad, to 72%. I'm going to roll now; anything above a 28 will equal her escape.

Roll: roleplayerguild.com/rolls/24756

So she does escape, and by a fairly decent result compared to the target score. So her pulling back and/or Mougin letting go can be the reason behind her success. As usual, I leave the details up to you. Also, yes, in case you're wondering, the police officer is the NPC I made named Officer Charles.
Tempum City (K7), Late Afternoon

... Coming to a decision, Mougin gently put down the sack of food, before meticulously picking up the five coins from the ground, one after another. He placed the coins in his pocket, before reaching again into the sack and withdrawing another pastry. He should probably have been thinking about the crowd gathering around him some more. He didn't really know what to about them, but as he bit down on yet another cooled down (but crunchy) confectionary, he couldn't help but reflect on one of the finest pieces of wisdom he had ever encountered - it was very difficult to think on an empty stomach.

The crowd was starting to get restless. The scene was confusing. On one hand, this giant beast-man was holding onto a much smaller girl, and there were shouts that he was about to eat her. On the other hand, he was moving slowly and eating pastries.

Realizing this wasn't going as planned, the alligator-teen started to act out of desperation. "I'll save you!" He yelled as he prepared to run toward Mougin. He wasn't optimistic about beating this giant in a fight, but he could get him to let go.

Before the teen could take a second step, there was a short but loud burst of a siren. The noise brought him to a halt, as the crowd of people on one side started to part. The policeman slid to a stop, just inside the circle of the crowd.

"What's going on here?" The officer demanded. He held his black pistol with both hands, but it was pointed at the ground in front of him, instead of at anyone in particular.

Before anyone else had time to speak, the snake-girl tried crying out again, tears starting to run down her cheeks. "He grabbed me! And he won't let go!" She struggled again to get free, putting more effort into her attempt and hoping the situation would have provided a big enough distraction.
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