Avatar of barkmeat2
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    1. barkmeat2 9 yrs ago


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William studied and scrutinized the parchment in front of him, and quite a sum of gold was a tempting reward for a job he was already pretty much doing. That said, would he be even paid the sum at all? As a "knight" of the realm he is kinda required to do all that "protect the realm and risk his life in the name of the people." Well whatever, if it means money and getting away from guard duty, then by all means throw your life away for the king. Maybe he can ask for 1500 upfront, and the other half be delivered to his mum at his unfortunate but woefully inevitable death.

He was stationed at Evershot when he came across the pamphlet, and now here he was traveling along a sunny and dusty road to the capital.

Shoulda "requisitioned" a horse. F**k my feet are killing me, and this goddamn sun!

Nonetheless he kept a steady marching pace, still going over the pamphlet as well as other traveling documents.

Writ of Enlistment, Writ of Citizenship, Writ of Land Ownership, writ of my sweaty a**. The nobles really love their bureaucracy. Its a wonder how any illiterate sods can get by all these years (Hearts out to ya' mum).

William was absolutely having a whale of a time, when he heard a dwarven tune so commonly sang in many a tavern and traveling caravans. He trailed the dwarf from some respectable distance away and attempted to hum along, but ended up butchering the lower notes. As the dwarf took notice to his presence, he gave a lazy smile and wave.

"Good day, sir dwarf. Don't mind me, just trying to get my mind off the throbbing pain in my feet."

@barkmeat2excuse me, I noticed one thing, that I just barely noticed, in your other section you have a quote that I find rather inappropriate. Could you please censor it or remove it?


Can i still apply for this? Or naw.

@Silen Syanka
Is this still accepting?

also@Silen Syanka, would you consider changing the font color of your CS, dark blue on black was quite a formidable challenge
Manny had been waiting for a response when a voice echoed from the shadows. Manny wasn't coward, but he may or may not have jumped a bit. After composing himself, he turned to see a young savage.

"Almighty! Don't sneak up on a man like that; you redskins my like that creepy shadowy malarkey, but we civilized folk appreciate our hearts in our chest rather than on our mouths."

He looked the boy over: small frame, long hair, clean face, a far-cry from the head-scalping brutes portrayed in the plays back east.

"That said, I suppose you're right, the dullards running this establishment clearly have no sense of propriety, keeping a client waiting in the dark and all." He shook the savage's hand, not entirely waiting to be received.

"Mr. Polly, a pleasure to meet you. How about you tell me more about this fine establishment and town in reparation for that that slight scare you gave me. Hell, I'll even offer you a drink." He flashed a devilish smile.

The morning seemed strained at first but as others trickled into the kitchen the mood began to lighten up. Leo and James had already departed for the basement to prepare the game meats when Maks finally noticed Mason standing silently by the sink. A nice and quiet fellow, a bit on the drear side, but an honest to goodness fellow nonetheless. Maks was one of the more recent arrivals to the pack, proceeding even many of the younger wolves, he just having immigrated to Canada just a few weeks prior. It was tough going at first, barely knowing the language, but Damien and his pack had been kind, and got him adjusted. That said Mason alone took quite a few days worth of goading and pestering through broken English to even illicit a token response.

"Friend Mason, how are you goings on? Sleep of good?" Just then Maks' stomach rumbled despite -or maybe because of- the vodka bottle he had been nursing since James had departed for the basement. "God, I am of hungry, breakfast could not come fast enough, no?" He found himself laughing again. As his hunger grew and self-control eroded he started to rummage through the refrigerator. Of course there was very little, as the pack relied on caught game, which more often than not, led to Maks without any handy food. Fortunately he managed to root out some week old tripe?, and while raw it was only slightly off making a nice light snack while he waited for breakfast to be served.
He started to bite into it, not as "moist" as he wanted, but it was chewy and went down easily enough. "And you friend Mason, would you like some?" He sloppily offered through a full mouth.

As he lazily chewed through the tripe he looked on through the kitchen windows and to his delight saw Damien returning with the rest of the pack. He caught their eyes and gave a fantastic wave.

Heading to Florida for the week (Woo graduation trips), I'll probably post on my phone on the way there, so around 8-9 Texas time

Edit: nvm, looks like I'm designated to do the morning drive, so I'll post around 4-5 this afternoon?
By the way, just post characters in OOC first, Sorry I didn't state it earlier, but I need to read through the CS's first before making them permanent.

But other than that you're are accepted BalrogRaptor
@BalrogRaptor: I am assuming you control the gates to the underworld, and not the underworld itself?

Good point, we don't want to take the all domains for ourselves. BalrogRaptor may act as the judge and shepard of the dead and living, while another god manages the actual souls themselves.

Just throwing things out here, I just want to put this up for discussion.
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