Avatar of BeautifulSnow
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: KittenGirl
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 2341 (0.62 / day)
  • VMs: 6
  • Username history
    1. BeautifulSnow 10 yrs ago
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Recent Statuses

3 yrs ago
Current Never expected this to be still here! O.o My profile I mean haha... This is fun! How is everyone?
6 yrs ago
I am so sorry for leaving without saying something guys... Had a lot on my plate in RL.. But I am sort of back ^^ (I'll at least try to check in more often )
7 yrs ago
9th September is my birthday so if I don't reply really fast is cause I am busy with planning all the things I have to for my party.... Yay for birthdays >.> <.< NOT!!!
7 yrs ago
9 yrs ago
Meow? Hi there! I am here just to say that the upcoming weeks/months I work during the week mostly til 7 pm. So I will most of the time during the week only chat and in the weekend reply on my RP's.


Hi! And Welcome on my page! I am BeautifulSnow, you can say Snow. I am a Female born on 09/09/1993 and I live in The Netherlands.

I am in love with colors and fashion and music and the rainbow. And oh well.. I also admire the ' color ' Black :) A lot in my closet is black and I just love it for being so easy to combine.

My RP skills:

As told before, I live in the Netherlands which would be handy for you to know during our RP for time differences. I am above the 21 years ( birth date at the top of my profile, do the math ;) ) and so I would really like to have my RP partners be at least 20 years old or older. I prefer / only play Female's. And I am interested in [almost] everything that has to do with Fantasy. [ Elves, Dragons, Fairy's, Magic, Witches, Wizards, Vampire's, Werewolves and so on]. Apart of that, I also like things like: Slice of Life, High School, Romance, Modern, Medie-val, Historical, Western.

I give 1 to 2 paragraphs and sometimes even more, it kinda depends on how much you gave me.. I hate one-liners because that sure is a killer for the RP if you ask me.

I must give a heads up: I do tend to put a lot of detail in outfits, actually searching pictures and adding them in the post.. You do NOT have to do that too, if you don't like it

Like every snowflake that falls, Unique & Beautiful

Most Recent Posts

Meg saw the raised eyebrow and chuckled. ''Believe me.. one or two dogs are okay with barking, but this are two rows with five kennels on each side... So that's ten dogs barking and whining for attention'' she said and then leaded the way to the door and before she opened it to the first part of the kennel, she put in her own ear plugs. Of course she had felt the eyes of the other female on her, but she decided to not say anything about because she didn't know exactly what Mariana thought.

The black haired female then nodded and walked trough the door, even through the ear plugs they could still hear a lot of barking but it was a lot less than without the ear plugs. Once they had entered the kennels, Meg started to walk down the hall of the first kennels and then opened a door. Mariana would see a lot of different dogs in the kennels, each barking and wagging tails in the hope to get some attention. ''Their turn is later today! They all have gone trough the medical tests past week, so after feed and clean time, we will choose a dog and see how he reacts on us when we are alone with that one!!'' Meg shouted over the dog barking and waited for the other female to get to the more quiet part of the shelter.
Kellie looked at him with a little smile and a slight surprised look, he asked her what flowers she liked? No one ever asked her that before, mostly because she worked as a florist people thought she didn't have a favorite. She thought about the answer for a moment. ''Well.. I like peonies the most'' she said and nodded a bit. ''Yeah.. Peonies are the most beautiful'' she said and smiled a bit. ''Eh, what I wondered, how late do you wanna pick me up? Or do you just wanna meet somewhere? Cause, tomorrow my mother works at the store because I am going to the flower market and run some other errands for the shop'' she said. The blonde female looked at him, and smiled some, she finished her coffee and then took another bite of the pie.
Megana shook the officer his hand and then let him leave. She then looked at Mariana and smiled. ''First, I am gonna give you a set of ear plugs cause you will need those in the first part of the shelter, and then I'll give you a tour.. And after that, we are gonna do the grocery shopping'' she said with a smile and got up from her chair and walked to a little cabinet and opened it. ''Here, try these'' she said and held up a pair of ear plugs. It were standard ear plugs you also got at concerts.

''It might sounds weird but dogs can make really hard sounds, also, if we go trough that door.. Don't give the dogs attention before we went trough the second door.. The first ten are on trial and we need to check them on character and such before we can start training them'' Megana said with a smile and walked over and gave Mariana a pair of ear plugs.
When Ash walked in, Daisy had already pushed on a secret bell that would ring in the back alone to tell the other workers there was trouble. Megana, working fast as always, was done half way when she heard the bell. ''Lucky, desk now'' she said quickly and the dog would run towards the front of the shelter as fast he could. Megana followed the dog but Lucky was quicker, opening the door that leaded towards the front when Ash just had finished handling with the male.

Megana followed quickly after Lucky. ''Okay, Lucky down... Looks like it is dealt with already'' she said and first looked at Daisy, when she nodded she turned to the two males. ''Ash Collins I asume?'' she asked the male that was holding the man. ''Please release the male, I think he will cooperate now..'' she said and gave him a friendly smile. ''I'm Megana, this is Daisy.. Please could you follow me?'' she asked. ''Daisy, Lucky stays with you, he knows how to open the doors so he can come get me when it's needed'' she said and then turned to the dog. ''Lucky, Protect Daisy'' she said and Lucky right away went to sit right next to the desk and was clearly not going to move again until said differently.
Megana looked at the female and sure had felt her eyes rest on her own body. She sat down and looked at the other female with a soft smile. ''Hehe, well believe me.. I never left even though I intended to just stay for a month and find a other job in the mean time'' she said and winked at the female. Meg was never one for judging people based on 'records', she was a forgiving person ( Some would say too forgiving ) and had a lot of patience ( also too much too a lot of people ).

The parol officer finally had everything together and laid them on the table. ''At first it will be for two weeks, a trial you could say... After that we of course hope that she served very well and you don't want to let go of her'' he said with a smile. ''If you would sign here and here..'' he said and Meg did do this. She smiled friendly and handed the papers over to Mariana so she could sign them too
Kellie was just about to take another sip but for a moment her cup stopped moving towards her lips mid air. She looked surprised at the male in front of her, she kinda only had accepted this because, he looked good and seemed friendly but this wasn't something she expected. She swallowed and placed her cup down on the table when she noticed it must be looking really weird that it was just hanging there.

She looked at the male in front of her and when she saw his struggle, she couldn't help it but to think how cute he actually looked now. ''I eh, I would really like to go to the movies with you'' she said and a blush had slightly appeared on the blond female's face. She looked at him. ''How about tomorrow? You still need to bring some flowers away I believe and eh, I have my shop that needs to be closed'' she said and now finally took the sip of her drink she had wanted to take.
Kellie listened to what this, quite attractive man was saying and she smiled. ''Sounds like you are quite the workaholic'' she said and chuckled a bit. She understood the workaholic-type of people more than most people thought. After all, she was one herself too. ''I didn't mean that the wrong way by the way... I am a workaholic too'' she said and took another sip of her drink.

''As for dating, I did date before.. It's just, no one until now really understood the fact that having your own business is hard work'' she said, she had been staring at her drink just now and now looked back up with her brown eyes and gave Ray a warm smile. ''I am sure you will find someone you would like to date, and if you do, then come by because I always have plenty of roses'' Kellie said and stirred her drink a bit more. Make a move then Kel.. Come on, you know you like this guy.. she thought to herself but somehow the normal so confident women, now wasn't so confident at all
Megana quickly worked the two separate machines to get coffee and tea and smiled while she waited for the water to boil. "Lets see, How long will you stay here again?" She asked, actually directly towards Mariana as she was not going to talk with the officier as if the female wasn't sitting with them. She saw how the officer in the mean time was getting the forms ready which they both had to sign.

When the water boiled, Meg quickly poured some in a mug and placed in on the table, as she bended over she actually couldn't help it that a bit of her cleavage was showing but the female stood straight quite quickly again. "Several tea bags and sugar are inside that wooden box" she said to Mariana and then poured the coffee and grabbed her own, now almost cold coffee and sat down.
Megana and Lucky quickly made it to the shelter. Megana opened the door and smiled when she saw Daisy sit on the front desk. ''Desk duty?'' Megana asked as she unleashed Lucky, who then jumped on the little couch they had placed in the entrance hall of the Shelter. Daisy smiled. ''Yes, my doctor told me to ease on it..'' the six month's pregnant female said and both females laughed. ''Anything interesting going on?'' Megana asked as she leaned against the desk. She was early since she actually started at 10 o clock. ''Yeah, we have a new volunteer for a month or so.. Depends if he is going to do a good job'' Daisy said and handed Megana the file. Megana smiled and took it over. ''Oooh, reading to do while getting us some coffee'' she said and started to walk towards the cafeteria. ''Tea for me please!'' Daisy said and Meg put her thumb's up in the air while opening the file.

While getting coffee for herself and tea for her co-worker, Megana readed the file about Ash Collins. She looked at the picture and put sugar in her coffee. When Lucky suddenly barked behind her, she looked up and smiled. ''I know boy.. Sorry'' she said, she looked at the clock and saw she had to get starting. She quickly grabbed the file, the coffee and the tea and walked back to the entrance. ''He isn't here yet?'' she asked and Daisy shook her head. ''Okay, beep me up when he is'' Megana said with a smile and gave Daisy the file and the tea and then walked to where the animals were. Before entering, she put in earplugs and then walked into the quarantine part where the dogs were that were just new, she headed to the small kitchen, put her coffee down there and grabbed the big food container and did her walk around the place with the dog food first.
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