Avatar of Bell
  • Last Seen: 1 yr ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 355 (0.09 / day)
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    1. Bell 10 yrs ago
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4 yrs ago
Current And so when you have one player who plays both of the characters, that means they are dictating and creating their own character growth rather than it being dependent on someone else's writing.
4 yrs ago
I think the failing of most Fate RPs is that they have each person play both a master and servant. The problem with this is that the bonds between the servant and their master are the deepest growth.
4 yrs ago
Little busy with Christmas and whatnot over the next couple days. And driving. A lot of driving.
1 like
4 yrs ago
I'm sorry to people who had put effort into the RP I was starting a few months ago. My father passed away unexpectedly on the 1st of July, at the age of 56. So I haven't really been on here much.
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8 yrs ago
I don't care what anyone says, I'm having the most fun with FFXV that I've had with a game since Metal Gear 5.


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Tomorrow was apparently 'in a couple days'. Time has been flying since I moved.

It took a few moments for Ahri to really notice anyone else was around her. She was listening closely to the city, listening to the strange sounds it made. She had been many places that quite literally hummed with magic. But this place was, something else. Almost as if the opposite was happening... it was like she could hear the lack of magic, or, perhaps as if what magic there was, was being drained from the air around her. It felt like the very stone the city was made up of sapped magic around them.

When she did finally snap back to reality, she noticed someone was speaking to her. A welcoming party? A party of just one though. "I see, I was told as much. Most were hesitant to trust such an invitation, considering Damacia's reputation. I mean your city no offense when I say I will be relieved when I am on my way, and its walls are far behind me. I do not feel comfortable with the way some look at me. As if I am prey for a hunter to slay."

She cleared her throat, crossing her hands in front of herself. "I am from Ionia, although, I do not call any of its settlements my home. I have come, as you seem to already be aware, for the summons of the Guild."

It was then that the wooden double doors of the Guild's Headquarters burst open, and a... very tiny man stood there. He could almost be mistaken for a Yordle with his tiny stature, and he wore goggles and all kinds of gadgets. A Human Yordle from Piltover? That was the best description of him.

"Welcome, welcome, one and all! Ah, let's see how many of you are there." He adjusted his goggles and looked around at the most present people, assuming they were the ones who had answered the summons of the guild. "Six of you it seems yes? Well then, you're all right on time, or perhaps am I a bit late. We shall see, we shall see. Come come, in you all go! We have much to discuss!" He waved the gathering group into the Guild, walking in himself.

The inside of the Headquarters was much what one would expect. There was a front 'reception' area where Quests seemed to be turned in and handed out, but the small man lead the group past this, and into what seemed like a dining hall. Past that even further though, they finally came through another doorway, leading into what seemed to be his office, as he pulled himself up onto a seat behind the desk. "Come come, pile yourselves in, bit of a squeeze perhaps, this won't take long." Didn't he just say they had 'much to discuss'?
Alright I'll post tomorrow and we'll continue on with the people who are actually taking part. Dropping people who haven't said anything.
Alright, bit of a delay past the Holidays BUT let's figure out who is and is not here.

@twannyman@Shovel@Stern Algorithm@Skwint@Lightning@KatKook

No word from Swint and Lightning as far as posts or if they are out or, whatever really.
Traveling for me. Have a 14 hour drive today, and I should be good to get back to being more active... In my phone for now so, will answer things when I get back.
@KatKook@Moonlit Ghost

Both fine by me. At this rate all we're missing is Evelynn and the whole band will be together. Literally.

Since it's pretty much Christmas I expect things will be a little slow for the next few days, myself included. I have 36 hours of driving to do in total :D

Well one of you call dibs and let's go :P
Well, people get posting. Not going to get anywhere if everyone is waiting on everyone else to post.
Alrighty. And everyone is free to post as they please. We can do a post order if things get too chaotic, but for now it's just, post as you are able.
@Lightning Play whatever you want lol. We don't need an even number of genders or anything. Besides, Pyke isn't a guy. He's a zombie.
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