Avatar of Belladonna
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  • Posts: 36 (0.02 / day)
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    1. Belladonna 6 yrs ago


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Luna floats around idly, sweeping back and forth across her area of land, idly shooting arrows of different natures at the ground below. She sighs a little bored as it's clear that there is nothing ahead of her.

"Wwaaaahhhhhh this is so boring..." She says stretching, having put her bow away beforehand, before adding. "Maybe the others have found something interesting?" Turning on the coms and opening them up to a general channel she says openly. "So there's nothing over my way, does anyone have anything interesting their way? It's kinda boring..."

She chuckles internally about how the biology comment Metanoia had made resisting the urge to read out her phone number and tell them to call her. She shakes her head and snaps back to attention.

“Nice to meet you too, as for learning about my breaker form that will have to happen another time, I can show you it in the complete form if we ever get in another fight together.” She says hoping maybe she can work with this cape more in the future.

“As for after fights... uhh it usually takes a little to get out of this for, a down side will explain another time, but after that I just back to whatever I was doing before. I mean we could go get something to eat? I have a spare change of clothes in my bag for emergencies?” She offers, looking out over the town to see if any places stood out too her.

She sighs in relief internal as she the other cape isn't hurt or anything but she knows it won't show in her breaker. Instead, it offers her a sense of forgiveness and acceptance by the other cape and a fighting reason to leave this breaker form.

"I know the one who came up here was named Celia and that they may have been sisters, as they referred to each other as sister." She says a little hazy on any more details but using this all as a distraction from her thoughts of growing stronger.

"You held up pretty well for someone on their first day so well done Metanoia." She looks at the hand cautiously knowing that any second her hand would return to its normal look and not too long after she would revert.

She takes the risk and shakes the other caps hand gently. "I am Abaddon, I can telekinetically move things and I get stronger as the fight goes on." As she mover her hand away, her fingers separate back from the rest of her hands.

"Sorry about that... its a wind-down of sorts from the growing stronger." She says internally worrying that she'd freaked out the other cape.

Claire watches the villain disappear down the hole and cannot see her or her companion on the street.

"I think I should be thanking you, to be honest, it was going to be a tough fight if not for you." She says, awkwardly raising a thumbs up in return, her hands looking normal enough.

She floats down to stand on the roof and take a better look at her ally, while internally fighting herself to try to leave this form.

"Who were they?" She asks before realising that it's the wrong question. "Or more importantly who are you?"

Luna looked at the moth girl confused as she had just said her name. She takes a moment to stop nibbling the moth for a moment to say "I am Luna, Luna Rawl, I am a Neko, Vampire and... more. You, my cute little moth, a very cute and no I will not turn anyone into a vampire for now."She says booping the nose of the moth before jumping off and hopping into her mech.

"What a strange girl, I like her though." She says to her mech before looking over the message. "Uggghhhh can't we have a break, we just crashed landed and I didn't get to meet the other person in their mech..." She whines to herself before hovering off in her own direction.

@Crusader Lord @BCTheEntity @Eviledd1984
Ignore this, don't know how to delete things

Luna lets out an over exasperated sigh, waking to the sound of the drop pod that she had been hiding away in, crashing into something. She shakily stands, giving her fur a quick brush and prune before stretching lazily.

"Why did they have to interrupt my cat nap?" She asks aloud to no one in particular, rubbing her eyes with the back of her hand.

She walks over to her mech looking over it, making sure it isn't damaged or anything.

"I am glad to see you're all safe love!" She says cheerily whilst climbing into her power suit. "Time to go find out where we are!" She says to herself once more while climbing out of the drop pod and seeing a mech, a suit and a... she wasn't sure what the other one was but she looked cute.

Luna walked hovered over to the new people, lowering herself down to the ground and stepping out of the suit. Looking over the girl who I didn't recognise, noticing she looks like a moth.

"Maria, you say?" She asks as she jumps onto the side of the girl named Maria nibbling on her shoulder gently "it's nice to meet you cutie, I'm Luna"

@Eviledd1984@Crusader Lord
I made a character ^-^

As Abaddon floats up to and comes into sight from those atop of the building, she is greeted with a chunk of something hurtling toward her. She watches as the flying chunk of whatever hits her in the chest, not making any attempts to dodge it as she knows her reaction time isn't good enough for that. As it hits it leaves a large dent in her chest and chips of her body fly off as the spikes hit her, before it falls to the ground below. A loud noise catches her attention followed by multiple dull pangs as bullets chip her before ricocheting away, chipping the areas they hit.

She continues to float up till she is a foot above the roof of the building, watching a scene unfold in front of her. The one who threw the object at her attack the other, assuming by the others armour, that she was the one who had made the bone spear and seemed to be helping her. Time to return the favour she thought to herself, watching Celia almost grapple the other cape.

"Excuse me, Celcia?" She calls out in a loud booming voice, purposely misnaming her. "Running from your foe? Then trying to get rid of her by throwing things at her? Who do you think you are?" She asks the girl while contorting her hands and disjoined fingers, picking up two shards of the broken ally's armour.

"You really must learn some manners..." She says, hurling the two shards at the foes arms, trying to give the ally some room to move and recover.

As her hands reform, the fingers appear to be joined to her hand properly. A wide grin spreads across her face as she knows this means that she's growing stronger. A small pulse radiates from her as her master abilities grow stronger as well, to a bypassing civilian it would be like a wave of fear hit them.

"And to you my ally, I must warn you for your sakes, as much as you want to help if this fight draws out too long I may not be able to guarantee your safety around me. I mean you no harm, just a small side effect of my power, I would like to meet you after this fight, so you'd better stay on your toes." She says with a light-hearted tone, hoping that the cape would understand that she truly means them no harm.
As the small piece of metal scratches the back of Lamprey Abaddon's eyes light up as if a small fire were lit inside her, knowing the fire would only grow stronger as the fight continued. She continued hovering upward as Lamprey dashed and jumped at her, Lamprey's hand missed the boot by mere inches and she fell to the ground while Abaddon continued to rise.

"What are you going to do now short stuff?" She calls, continuing to float up, hoping to be able to help the mysterious person on the roof who seems to be helping her.
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