Avatar of BlackRose
  • Last Seen: 5 yrs ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 55 (0.02 / day)
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    1. BlackRose 9 yrs ago


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9 yrs ago
Anime Rulez!


<AD Space>
lol, i dunno i'll fill this in some time i guess... :p

Oh! Btw! I'm mildly dyslexic hope that's not a prob... ;)
-> I have sexdaily, I mean Dyslexia!, Fcuk!.
-> 2 dyslexics run into a bank and shout: "Air in the hands! Mother Stickers! This is a fuck up!".
-> A dyslexic walked over to the bar to pick up sexy girl & said: "Grab a goat, you've pulled!".

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@Narcotic Dollie No worries! :) & Yea not high-paying ones (Max win is like £50) but arcades I've been to have slot machines, unless that's specifically not the case of the arcade in this rp?.
Having recovered from the mornings events Ayane had gotten herself back up out of her bed and had just been sitting on her couch playing her guitar along with whatever songs came on the radio. After a while she'd stopped playing, sighing as she lent back remembering everything and daydreaming the different scenarios of what she should of or could of done in her head before reconciling with herself that it was over and done with.

"Bored..." moaned Ayane as she looked at the masses of books she's already read at least twice over, "guess i could go see if there's a new fashion mag is out..." she hung her head at her own comment "...need money", she put her guitar down and started rummaging around the room for any money she might of left laying around "come on... just some change they ain't that expensive" after nearly knocking everything off the table in the center of her room she found a little loose change from some previous shopping venture "Sweetness!" almost singing the word as she said it. Still dressed from earlier Ayane slipped back into her shoes and headed back-out locking her door behind her as she did so, "Well my luck cant get any worse today... i hope..." briefly fearing she just jinxed herself before choosing to ignore it, Ayane continued on wandering towards Shine Junction stopping at every clothing store window along the way admiring the displays "Man that would be so awesome to own... oooh! that ones cute too!" each time she got excited about the cloths however she noticed the price ranges which promptly brought her back down to earth at each store window.

Ayane slowly made her way along the street due to her wishful window shopping when she ended up passing the arcade which had many people coming and going "too busy, bet it's totally crowded inside" she stopped to check the little change she had then looked along the street to the small shop where she was heading, when she heard a slot-machine in the arcade burst into music immediately grabbing her attention someone had won a crap ton of cash from it as they yelled "jackpot!". Ayane looked at the store in the distance then at the change in her hand again "i did say my day can't get any worse..." despite the groups of people Ayane wandered in and took a seat at one of the machines not near any of the other players, & practically threw all her change into the machine before hitting the spin button to her supprise the machine spat out five times what she had "awesome!" she paused for a moment not moving from the machine & noticing the arcade had gotten a little quieter as groups of people had wandered off elsewhere, which made her feel a little more relaxed "i guess a few more goes couldn't hurt" Ayane smiled to herself as she put more coins into the machine & kept trying her luck, completely forgetting where she was originally going or why.
@MyCatGinger @Oz @Stern Algorithm

Thanks all!, & yea i will get Ayane out of her apartment & hopefully meeting people :)

Just got abruptly busy yesterday with meetings & xmas stuff... will post later today!
Still here ;)

Sorry, was a lil-unmotivated on monday, & been busy with xmas stuff & work meetings... which i have got one last important work meeting tomorrow morning in 7hrs... then i'm good! so will work on my post tomorrow afternoon & Friday. ^^

i like this rp too much to leave. :p
Hello! again Clock! ^^
Ayane found herself staring at a discolored ceiling as sunlight tried to pierce through the closed blinds over the apartments only window, she lay there motionless snug in her blanket, those blissful few moments before her brain caught up and she remembered everything causing her to sigh dejectedly. She turned her head slightly to get a glimpse at the bedside alarm clock before she went back to looking at the ceiling "haven't been up this early since i moved here...". Ayane continued to just lay there deciding whether to get up or not for the better part of ten minuets, after acknowledging she wasn't just going to fall back asleep again Ayane reluctantly got out of her bed, she stood there wearing a baggy t-shirt & boxers her attention fixed on the small table next to her bed on which sat several books, a cheep basic lamp, and her alarm clock.

"Not again..." Ayane looked around the floor then knelt down to check under her bed, with no success she started lifting her blankets & pillows off her bed throwing it all onto the floor "oh man..." Ayane walked out of the small room into an equally small room which was the main part of the apartment and began searching around everywhere for what must have been 20 minuets before she eventually gave up. After unsuccessfully digging through her apartment Ayane walked over to her Hi-fi turning it on just so there was some noise in the deafeningly silent room before she headed into the practically empty bathroom grabbing her toothbrush then squeezing some off-brand toothpaste onto it before she proceeded to brush her teeth as she stared into the mirror stopping when she noticed, mumbling to her reflection "Idiot..." Ayane had finally found what she had been looking for, realizing she must have fallen asleep wearing them again, after removing her glasses that had been sitting on-top of her head and placing them on the small shelf under the mirror as she resumed brushing & rinsing really annoyed at herself.

When she was done Ayane stood staring at herself in the mirror before trying to motivate herself again "Right, new day, new start!", She left and went back into her bedroom to grab a pair of jeans & socks before returning to the main room and standing there just looking it over, the masses of piled books against one wall, the litter covered low-laying table that sat in the center of the room, the small stuffed book-shelf's with the Hi-fi on top sitting against the opposite wall, next to the small wooden television stand where a crappy old tv (which she's convinced was made when technicolor first came out) sat next to a Ps2 & scattered piles of games for it. The wall next to the bathroom door sat a worn out old couch (which despite its appearance is surprisingly comfortable) where her guitar sat leaning against the couch. Ayane then turned her attention to the adjoining & bare kitchen where an old empty fridge & a heavily worn cooker barely clung to life, and dreary looking empty cupboards hung above a horrifically scarred & stained tabletop.

The sight of the kitchen drove Ayane further into depression when it clicked, she needed to go shopping as there was nothing at all left in the kitchen aside from a near empty ketchup bottle next to salt & pepper shakers in the cupboards, and a decaying half-pepper next to an old takeout box (which she cant remember buying or how long it's been there) in the fridge. "Guess i have a little cash left that mom sent..." Ayane threw on her hoodie & sneakers as she headed out of the door, returning a minute later having remembered to lock the door.

A short while later...

After an uneventful walk to a near by atm (where she found she had less money than expected, thus barely taking anything from it) and then to the local supermarket, Ayane wandered around trying to find anything on deal or has had its price reduced with little success collecting a small pack of eggs, a reduced off-brand pack of bacon, a liter of milk that was on offer & several onions all of which were all relatively cheep. Ayane then wandered towards the isle with all the beer & spirits where she excitedly spotted the last pack of a popular beer brand on special offer, however just before she walked over to pick it up several younger teens? apparently from a local school raced from an adjoining isle and grabbed it "Who-ho! lucky find! i thought we'd end up buying that horrific cheep lager again!" his friend acknowledging it "Yea sweet find dude!" as they vanished deeper into the store.

Ayane Stood there a short distance from the now empty shelf, sighing & mumbling under her breath "of course... should of known better... I'm not that lucky..." Eventually she shuffled towards the cheep beer the teens had mentioned to grab a pack, as she started to head towards the checkout she noticed bottles of lemonade on sale, again talking to herself as she took a bottle "Sweet! i could make shandy's!". Her slightly energized mood was immediately drained however when she got near the checkout as a long Que had formed which she reluctantly joined her anxiety & discomfort skyrocketing as more people also lined up behind her, Ayane tried to remain calm and before she knew it due to her near panic she was in front of the cashier who started sorting & bagging all of Ayanes shopping, and then taking the cash Ayane handed over "Hey!, miss your a little short!" Ayane looked in surprise at the cashier sure she had added everything up in her head right "I, uh, i..." Ayane routed around frantically in her pockets trying to find any money but she got embarrassed and started panicking as the people behind her started moaning & complaining.

"I, I'm sorry! i don't.. i cant find.." Ayane could feel her eyes starting to water as the comments from the line behind her grew louder, when the cashier took the bottle of lemonade & the pack of bacon from the bag and scanned them again removing their prices from the total "there!, sorted ok miss?" the cashier was trying to be kind to Ayane but she was in to much of a state to notice having completely missed the comments he had made to the people moaning in the Que to shut-up & leave her alone. Ayane grabbed the shopping bag & bowed "I'm s-sorry!" and raced out of the store away from the small crowed behind her at the checkout this time failing to hear the cashier yell that she had change left over from the adjusted total.

At the speed Ayane was going on the verge of tears from the humiliation she felt, it wasn't long before she arrived back at her flat having almost smashed her own door down before remembering to unlock it again. Ayane kicked off her shoes on the way in, dropped her carrier bag near the table in the main room and practically dived back into her bed face down, a brief second later Ayane burst into tears because nothing was going her way today... as after driving into bed she remembered all her bedding & pillows where laying on the floor & not comforting her with their softness & warmth which she had wanted "New day my ass!, it's only morning & already its like every other crappy day I've had...". Ayane managed to stand back up out of bed rolled herself up in her blanket then ungraciously fell over like a log back onto her bed, amidst her quiet sobbing she could hear music from her Hi-fi playing in the background, Ayane had managed to stop crying and sighed to herself again "i left the radio on..." just fed-up with everything so far Ayane just lay there listening to the music trying not to think of anything...

@BlackRose Hey there Black Rose, haven't we spoke before in the chatroom? I thought everyone in there was sick of my 'world of dating?'

Either way your CS is approved, welcome to Shine City its Saturday Morning (10-11ish) In the RP.

Hey! & ty!, also i haven't really used the chatroom, it was likely BlackRose24 i think she's on there sometimes. :)
Hey!, could i join the rp?.

Aww no fair!, i had a post practically all done was just waiting on 1 reply in pm's b4 i could post it as it related to something i was gonna do in actions. :'(

Monday night could of easily been a last chance deadline too!, leaving rest of week for next round of posts...

All that writing & pm's wasted...
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